A Child's Garden School Weekly News

ACGS Weekly News
A Child's Garden School Weekly News
Issue: # 3
Dear Parents;
A Child's Garden
535 West Roses Road
San Gabriel, CA
4th Picnic & Ice
Cream Social:
5 p.m.
7th & 10th
Free Hearing
Screening from
Hear Center
13th Teacher
In-Service Day: NO
14th & 15th
Picture Days
15th at 7:00 pm
Parenting Night
Dr. Charmayne
Ross PT, DSc.
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It is Autumn! Does it feel like Autumn?
October is practically here. It will be a busy
October 4th, this Saturday will be our annual
Ice Cream Social. ACGS will be providing ice
cream and toppings for this event, courtesy of
the Thompson Family. Please bring a blanket,
dinner and your family for a family picnic in
the Secret Garden at 5 pm.
In October 7th and 10th The Hear Center will
be providing free hearing screening here at
school. Don't forget to fill out a permission
slip. The two year olds are excluded from this
screening. You should have received one in your
child's cubbie.
October 13th is our teacher in-service day.
The school will be closed.
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ACGS Weekly News
16th Kindergarten
information Night
at 7:00 pm.
18 Pumpkin Patch
11am - 3:00pm
23 Movie Night
5:30 p.m. - 7:00
23-24 School
Spirit Days: Wear
ACGS T-Shirt
2014- 2015 Faculty
Room Tiny Twos
Sierra Cardona
Guillemina Alvarez
Priscilla Banh
Room 1
Lucero San Lucas
Cynthia Cordon
Hayley Murphy
Room 2
Arlene Valdez
Sarah Smith
Room 101
Lisa Hernandez
Crystal Loi
Room 102
Chadia Saade
Kristin Yoshima
Room 103
Monica Tsushima
Yolanda Allen
Surround Care
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October 14th and 15th will be Picture Day. You
should have received an order form in your
child's cubbie.
Oct. 15 at 7:00 pm -Dr. Charmayne Ross
PT,DSc. will speak about Sensory Processing
issues in young children. Please RSVP at the
office by mail or phone.
achildsgardenschool@gmail.com or
October 16th Kindergarten Readiness
Information Night at 7:00 pm. Join us for an
evening discussion with a panel of local public
and private school kindergarten teachers. They
will discuss what skills are needed/expected
from your child in Kindergarten. There will be
time for questions and answers. Please RSVP at
the office by mail or phone.
achildsgardenschool@gmail.com or
October 16th and 17th We will be having the
San Gabriel Fire department coming at 9:30 am
to show our students how to respond in case of
an emergency.
October 18th is our annual Harvest Festival
(Pumpkin Patch). Pre-sale tickets are available
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ACGS Weekly News
Lucero San Lucas
Monica Tsushima
Nick Moran
Lisa Woo
at the office for $15. $20 at the door on the
day of the event.
Yard Coordinator
Nick Moran
October 23rd and 24th School Spirit Days,
wear your ACGS t-shirts.
Event Coordinator
Langley Lam
Program Director
Frank Caloca
Site Director
Evie Escatiola
Please, continue to read to your child on a daily
basis. My favorite books for this week are, "Is
your Mama a Llama?" and "If You Give a Mouse
a Cookie"
If you have any questions or concerns please
feel free to talk to me.
Frank Caloca M.A. Ed.
"Let them be little, cause they are only that
way for a while"
Billy Dean
Parenting Classes
We have reserved Allen Hall for The third Wednesday of
every month from 7 pm to 8 p.m. in order to offer a
parenting class. We will have guest speakers on different
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ACGS Weekly News
Oct. 15 -­‐Dr. Charmayne Ross PT,DSc. will speak about
Sensory Processing issues in young children.
Nov. 19 -­‐ Colleen Murray, Nutritionist will talk about
Nutrition and young children.
No class in December due to holiday schedules
Jan. 21 -­‐ Molly Lihani, L.C.S.W. will speak on Positive
Discipline strategies.
Feb. 18th -­‐ Jasmine Delgado, -­‐ CertiPied Gentle Sleep Coach,
will discuss sleep solutions for young children.
Upcoming Events
Picnic & Ice Cream Social: 5 p.m.
Teacher In-Service Day: NO SCHOOL
14-15 Picture Days
7th & 10thFree Hearing Screening from Hear Center
Oct. 15 -Dr. Charmayne Ross PT,DSc. will speak about Sensory
Processing issues in young children.
16th Kindergarten Readiness information Night at 7:00 pm.
16th & 17th San Gabriel Fire Department.
Pumpkin Patch
Movie Night 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
23-24 School Spirit Days: Wear ACGS T-Shirt
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ACGS Weekly News
7th & 10th
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ACGS Weekly News
Free Hearing Screening from
Hear Center in Pasadena
13th Teacher In-Service Day:
We give the traditional school holiday of
Columbus Day off to students. Teachers
will be using this day as an In-Service
Day to update their skills for use in their
own classrooms.
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ACGS Weekly News
Picture Days
Your child's picture will be taken on these days as part of
their class and individually. We are using lifetouch
Photography and expect some lovely photos of your child.
October 16th and 17th
San Gabriel Fire Department Visit
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ACGS Weekly News
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Church of Our Saviour | 535 West Roses Rd | San Gabriel | CA | 91775
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