HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 113 S. Jefferson Street, PO Box 87, Minneota, MN 56264-0087 Telephone: 507-872-6446—Fax: 507-872-5215 Pastor Bruce: Cell: 507-828-5522; Home: 507-734-5401 Secretary’s Cell Phone: 507-530-5666 Secretary’s Email: hopelutheran87@gmail.com Hope Lutheran Church seeks to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, to proclaim the Gospel to others, and to strive for unity in Christ. 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT—DECEMBER 21, 2014 MINISTERS: The People of Hope Lutheran MISSIONARY: Dr. Elisabeth Johnson ACOLYTES: Adam Myhre & Josh Myhre PASTOR: Bruce Drackley ORGANIST: Nona Gottskalkson “A Christmas to Believe In” *Denotes stand as you are comfortable. Prelude Music Performed by: Tyler Gronke, Marylynn Krou, Isis Krou, & Autumn Dovre Ringing of the Bell Lighting of the Advent Candle *Hymn #45 “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” LBW Welcome & Announcements *Prayer of the Day Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come. With your abundant grace and might, free us from the sin that would obstruct your mercy, that willingly we may bear your redeeming love to all the world, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Part One “All Night, All Day” “Mary, Did You Know” 6th & 7th Grade Jubilation Choir Part Two Offering Bell Choir Hymn #41 Hymn #65 “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” “Silent Night” LBW LBW Part Three “The First Noel” “Happy Birthday” “Away in a Manger” “Three Wise Men” *Hymn #70 PreK, K, & 1st Grade PreK, K, & 1st Grade 2nd & 3rd Grade 4th & 5th Grade “Go Tell It On The Mountain” Cast: Narrator #1 Narrator #2 Mary Joseph Angel Elizabeth Zechariah Head Shepherd King Herod Baby Jesus Wise Man Angels Shepherds Soldiers Advisors Townspeople TV BROADCAST OF WORSHIP SERVICES—LOCAL CABLE CHANNEL 3 Sunday - 6:30 pm Tuesday - 2:00 pm Thursday - 4:00 pm LBW Matt Myhre Matt Knutson Meghan Travis Brent Citterman Rachel Knutson Ivy Mahan-Deitte Troy Skaar Brendan Reiss Austin Thompson Layla Opdahl Blake Reiss, Alex Saltzer, & Jackson Jeremiason Preschool, Kindergarten, & 1st Grade 2nd & 3rd Grade 4th & 5th Grade 5th Grade 6th & 7th Grade We would like to thank the following people for helping out with the Christmas Program. It takes a lot for everything to come together and we are very grateful! Loralee Miller, Rita Dovre, Chris Pesch, Nona Gottskalkson, Todd Sonnenburg, St. Edwards School, Pastor Bruce Drackley, Jubilation Choir, Bree Anderson, Erin Josephson, & the Glow Classroom Teachers Merry Christmas! Website—The website is www.hopeminneota.org Helpers Needed: Helpers are needed on Wednesdays for GLOW suppers. Please call Barb Knutson at 872-5058 or 828-9117. Supper set up is from 4:005:30, supper serving and clean-up is from 5:30-6:45. GLOW/YOH Schedule: December 24th—No GLOW, Christmas Eve! Service at 5:00 pm December 31st—No GLOW, New Years Eve! January 7th—GLOW/Confirmation, Supper at 5:30 pm, Teen Power at 6:10 Funeral Service for Betty Josephson—At the time of this printing, the services for Betty had not yet been finalized. UPCOMING EVENTS 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 4:00-8:00 PM 7:00 PM Today, Sunday, December 21st GLOW Christmas Program Congregational Meeting Lunch Visitation for Donny Belaen at Church Prayer Service at Church Monday, December 22nd 1:00 PM Donny Belaen’s Visitation at School 2:00 PM Funeral at School followed by Lunch Wednesday, December 24th 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Worship with Holy Communion Emily Hennen, Jessica Gronke, Paula Dovre, & Tegan Gillund Thursday, December 25th 10:00 AM Christmas Worship with Holy Communion IN OUR PRAYERS: Harlan Esping, Alison Ufkin, Darlyne Larson, Lynn YostSandro; Melanie Haggard, Mary Ufkin, Fran Downing, Chuck Norland (Michelle Williams Father), Paul Myrvik, Paula Rhymer, The Family of Donny Belaen, and The Family of Betty Josephson. Sunday, December 28th 9:00 AM Praise Band Worship 10:00 AM Coffee and Fellowship 10:00 AM Meeting of the Council & Chairpersons HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Bio of our Interim Pastor—Bruce Drackley CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Bruce was born and raised in Tracy, MN. He graduated from Tracy High School and attended Augustana College in Sioux Falls, where he graduated with majors in Elementary Ed and Deaf Ed. He taught and coached at the Wisconsin School for the Deaf for 14 years. During which time he married Virginia, a graduate of Okabena High School and is a self employed beautician. Also while in Wisconsin their son Michael was born. JUNE 29, 2014 Returning to Minnesota in the late 1970’s, they bought an acreage in the Balaton area where “Ginny’s Beauty Shop” is located. Bruce spent many years teaching in Russell, Lynd, Slayton and Fulda and was employed by the SWWC Education Cooperative for 15 plus years as a consultant/teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Michael graduated from Balaton High School and Northwestern College in St. Paul with a degree in Youth Ministry. He and his wife, Lisa, are Missionary’s at Camp Forest Springs near Rib Lake, Wisconsin. They have adopted their daughter Jadyn who is 20 months old and the delight of “Papa” and “Grandma’s” world. The past 11 plus years Bruce has served as Pastor of Grace First Parish in Russell. He loves teaching and preaching about the Bible and loves interaction with families and especially their kids. His interests are many, fishing, ranching, his horses, garden, watching TV (westerns and sports) and of course spending time with Ginny, Michael, Lisa and Jadyn. He prays that during his interim placement he can bring stability, learning, healing and patience to the congregation of Hope Lutheran as they seek a new leader. He thanks Hope Lutheran and God for this opportunity to serve. 51 Hope Lutheran members were present. President Scott Josephson called the meeting to order. The purpose of the congregational meeting is to vote on changing Hope Lutheran Church’s Annual Meeting to a Sunday morning following regular worship service rather than on Wednesday night and approval of the proposed changes to the Hope Lutheran Cemetery By-Laws. A motion was made by Wayne Skaar to change the Annual Meeting to the 4th Sunday in January, following regular morning worship service, seconded by Barb Okrina. Voting was done by paper ballot. 48 – Yes votes and 3 – No votes. Motion passed. A motion was made by Lynn Okrina to approve the proposed changes to the Hope Lutheran Cemetery By-Laws as printed, seconded by Pete Van Vooren. Gene Fodness, as a member of the Cemetery Board, suggested changes they would like to have made. 1) Page 7, #5. All interments will be required to use a vault. 2) Page 8, #4. Monuments shall be placed on the walk ways west end of the lot with inscription facing the driveway. 3) Page 8, #6. The last sentence should read: Movable decorative planters are allowed. Lynn Okrina amended his motion to include the 3 changes, Pete Van Vooren seconded with the 3 changes. Voting was done by paper ballot. 48 – Yes votes and 3 – No votes. Motion passed. A motion was made by Deb Belaen to adjourn meeting, seconded by Gene Fodness. Motion passed. Respectfully Submitted, Lois VanDePutte (Please turn over for the Constitution wording.) ARTICLE X THE CONGREGATIONAL MEETING 1. The power and authority of this congregation shall be exercised through the congregational meeting, called and held in conformity with civil laws and the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of this congregation. 2. The annual congregational meeting shall be held on the fourth Wednesday of January. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given as provided by the Bylaws. 3. The congregation shall also hold such special meetings as may be called by the congregation, or the pastor, or the president, or the church council, or the synod bishop, or by petition of at least 10% of the individual voting members. All meetings provided for in this paragraph shall be called by announcement at a public service at least ten days in advance or by written notice to the voting members at least five days in advance. 4. No special meeting of the congregation may be held without properly notifying the pastor, in view of his position as a member of the congregation and an advisor in all congregational affairs. No business other than that stated as the purpose of the meeting shall be acted upon at such special meetings. 5. When necessary to complete the business of the meeting, a congregational meeting may by majority vote recess to reconvene at a specified time and place. A congregational meeting may also decide to recess to reconvene upon call, but the time and place of such reconvened meeting must then be announced at no less than one public service in advance or by written notice to the voting members mailed not less than three days in advance. Purposed change to # 2 above: 2. The annual congregational meeting shall be held on the fourth Sunday of January, following regular morning worship service. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given as provided by the Bylaws. Please use the enclosed ballot to cast your vote.
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