J A NU A R Y 2 0 1 5 Annual Report INSIDE THIS ISSUE: List of Current Chairs Nominees for 2015 Boards Meeting Minutes 2015 Annual Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes, cont Statistical Report Pastoral Acts Opening Devotions (see inside front cover of annual report) Call to Order Members use Microphone to allow all to hear 2014 Baptisms President’s Report Pastor’s Report Approval of the 2015 Annual Meeting Agenda Approval of the minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting Pastors’ Report cont. Youth Ministry Board Treasurer’s Report Reports: 2015 Budget President Report Endowment Fund WELCA President Pastor Dan and Pastor Laura Overbo Treasurer 2014 Report Education Board Hospitality Board Properties Board Social Concerns Board Stewardship Board WELCA Finances Old Business: None WELCA WELCA, continued New Business: Vote for 2015 Board Nominees Presentation and Approval of the 2015 Budget Mission Action Preschool Preschool Finances Closing: Lord’s Prayer and singing of the table prayer Cemetery Assoc. Endowment Fund Bishop’s Letter Lutheran Outdoors Synod Budget A NNUAL R EPORT Annual Report First Lutheran Church Volga, South Dakota January 1, 2014—December 31, 2014 Daniel Overbo and Laura Overbo, Pastors Congregational Officers President Erik Schlimmer Vice President Keith King Secretary Wendi Peterson Treasurer Julie King Board of Worship/Hospitality . . . . . . Alicia Burmeister Board of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Larson Board of Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Todd Vander Wal Board of Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . Deanna Wilson Board of Social Concerns . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Heylens Board of Youth Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . Matt & Kerri Wagner President of WELCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dorothy Weisser Nominees for Church Boards President: Keith King Vice President: Judd Guthmiller Secretary: Wendi Peterson Treasurer: Julie King Board of Education Amanda Larson-Chair Kristen Coon Karen Barsness Ashley Collins Jaclyn Guthmiller Amber Hemmestad Board of Hospitality/Worship Brittney Meyer-Chair Tammy Karlstad Ann Howell Lyndsey Heylens Katie Severson Board of Properties Todd Vander Wal-Chair Eric Barsness Wayne Smedsrud Mike Collins Eric Benson Cheryl Granum Amy Chirstopherson Board of Social Concerns Kathy Heylens-Chair Betty Knutsen Kim Dahl Kayleen Bleeker Kendra Deibert Andrea Warne Board of Stewardship Barb Hillestad-Chair Reed Schade Linda Lemme Brianne Bolstad Chris & Stephanie Sandmeier Amy Forbes Board of Youth Ministry Matt & Kerri Wagner-Chair Kim & Tom Jacobson Tina & Glenn Sheets Christianne Beringer Endowment Fund Eric Bothun-Chair Bob Orcutt Auditing Committee Ellen Young Colleen Knutson Synod Assembly Delegates Cemetery Board Craig Leite-Chair Wayne Smedsrud Danny Nelson Paul Nelson Dianna Stegge Vibrant Faith Team Amy Schlimmer Colleen Knutson Rod Hageman Melanie Hageman Cheryl Granum Karen Larson Jaclyn Guthmiller A NNUAL R EPORT Annual Meeting Minutes—January 29, 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes January 26, 2014 Devotions Pastor Dan Overbo led the congregation in the devotions printed on the inside cover of the annual report. Meeting President Erik Schlimmer called the meeting to order at 10:28 a.m. He indicated that there will be a report from the Cemetery Board and asked if there were any other additions needed for the agenda. No other additions were made. Teresa Seefeldt motioned to approve the 2014 Annual Meeting Agenda. Eric Bothun seconded the motion. Motion carried. Wayne Smedsrud motioned to approve the 2013 Annual Meeting minutes. Larry Ust seconded the motion. Motion carried. Reports President’s Report President Schlimmer invited everyone to review the Annual report. He thanked the congregation for the opportunity to serve as president. An additional thank you was extended to Pastors Dan and Laura for their support, the Council and board members that take time out of their busy schedules to attend meetings, and funeral workers for their time volunteered. He noted that there is a list of funerals in the Annual Report and added Lela Vostad to the list. Endowment Fund Eric Bothun referred to the Endowment Fund Report printed in the Annual Report. He noted that the Endowment fund increased by approximately $8,000 this year from the ELCA Endowment fund investments, and reviewed balances and distributions printed in the report. Cemetery Board Craig Leite had the ushers pass out reports for the congregation to review. He noted that the current balance will provide maintenance for 2.2 more years. He indicated that they would like to begin an endowment fund for the cemetery for continued maintenance. A slide was shown of the financials and noted that the weather has an impact on maintenance costs. He extended a thank you to all of the volunteers that helped with spring cleanup at the cemetery, the volunteer fire department for burning the fence line, and Spencer Hanson and his family for their great job of mowing. Reference was made to the Gift Acceptance Agreement. Mr. Leite requested that the congregation consider donating to the endowment fund to allow for perpetual care for eternity for the Berg and FLC cemeteries. He asked if there were any questions. Jim Shade noted that this is a very important task, applauded the board’s efforts, and asked if they have a goal in mind. Mr. Leite indicated that with their projection of interest income they have a goal of a fund balance of $250,000. He asked if there were any additional questions, of which there were none. He thanked the congregation for their time and prayerful consideration of this giving opportunity. WELCA Ellen Young indicated that she had nothing to add to the WELCA report as printed. Pastors Report Pastor Dan extended a thank you for previously approving a sabbatical for him and Pastor Laura. He referenced their report on page 6 of the Annual Report and noted that we are blessed with a Bishop that emphasizes the sabbatical to every congregation in our Synod. The first focus of the sabbatical time is to renew themselves spiritually and physically and strengthening their connection with their children. The second focus will be further development of group building activities for church groups. He shared his experience with a training class he attended 2 years ago on team building and his plans to work with experts in developing a resource for team building activities for all churches. He noted that Jim LaDoux and Vibrant Faith are very excited about the plans for developing the team building program. Pastor Dan asked that he be contacted if anyone has questions about their sabbatical. Pastor Dan announced that Pastor Herb Woundedhead, campus pastor at SDSU, and friend of the pastors will be filling in while they are on sabbatical. He noted that if they are in the state, they will return to perform weddings and funerals. Pastor Laura thanked the congregation for almost 7 years at FLC and the encouragement of being open to trying new things. She gave credit to FLC for the daily excitement of trying fun ways to connect faith to every day life and trying new things for worship that aren’t done in other congregations. She thanked the congregation for their faithfulness and for being the hands and feet of Christ as they go out into the world. She referenced the Preschool report on page 17 and noted she is the liaison between FLC and the preschool program. She has had the wonderful privilege of working with Twila who will be retiring at the end of the school year. She expressed that FLC has a great facility and wants to continue the preschool program. A committee will be formed to continue to be the liaison and to evaluate the program and needs of the community. They will call on the Personnel Committee to hire a new preschool teacher. She invited the congregation to share their ideas and questions with her. Treasurer’s Report President Schlimmer referred the congregation to the Treasurer’s report as printed in the Annual Report on page 8. There were no questions or concerns regarding the treasurer’s report. Old Business None New Business Vote for 2014 Board Nominees President Schlimmer referenced the Board Nominees listed on page 2 of the Annual Report and the slide on the screen that noted new members in red after the report was printed. He noted that there is still an opening for Synod Assembly delegates and asked that if anyone is interested, they should talk to him or Pastor Dan. A ballot vote for approval of 2014 Board Nominees passed unanimously. Presentation and Approval of the 2014 Budget President Schlimmer referred to the slide on the screen and noted that the changes are minimal. He commented that the pastor’s salary is based on Synod guidelines. The other salaries increased 3%, with the exception of the secretary, which is slightly higher, due to increased responsibilities. He noted that the health insurance rate was reduced due to the insurer’s plan and the pastor’s young ages. The Synod, Nation and World Ministry budget reflects the need for increased funding for Nicaragua missions and a 9% tithe of total budget. President Schlimmer indicated that we are working our way back to tithing 10% for these missions. He noted that the current per giving unit is slightly less than what is needed for the proposed budget and asked that the congregation consider a slight increase in their giving. There were no questions regarding the proposed budget. A ballot vote for approval of the 2014 Proposed Budget passed unanimously. Closing Marty Strasburg motioned to adjourn the meeting. Deanna Wilson seconded, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer. Wendi Peterson, Secretary A NNUAL R EPORT 2012 Statistical Report Active Membership: Baptized 1281 Confirmed 939 Family Units 368 2013 Active Membership: 2014 Baptized 1304 Confirmed 953 Family Units 386 Average Weekly Attendance by Year: 2013– 225* 2014-229* *many weeks no attendance recorded Pastoral Acts Baptisms: 23 Lucius Viktor Alan Vostad, Harrison ScottDoescher, Avery Marie Sandmeier, Gabriel Henry Hanson, Logan Adrianna Hanson, Xander Joe Sheets, Hudson Joseph Janssen, Hope Marie Janssen, Adalyn Joy Howell, Korbin Logan Barse, Grady Matthews Loen, Hayden Harris Steen, Leia Marie King, Kyler Steven Hemmestad, Connor Mark Howell, Grady Jon Langstraat, Gwen Kristine Otteson, Abigail Jo Santema, Madison Rae Bohnet, Zadie Elizabeth Hanson, James Steven Hanson, Avalyn Marie Meyer, Andi Grace Sundberg, Confirmed: 14 Kaitlyn Dawn Bassett, Nathan Douglas Christensen, Natalie Marie Gunderson, Sydney JoAnn Gunderson, Alyssa Janine Haaland, Cade Wayne Koerlin, Chloe Janiece Larsen, Silas Gene Larsen, Steven Dale Riedel, Hannah Lee Osterberg, Andi May Seibel, Nick Charles Strasburg, Brooklin Kae Vander Wal, Tayton Jarvis Vincent Weddings: 4 Danielle Jean (Rinehart) & Caleb Paul Svartoien, Samantha Jo (Holderby) & Lane Gregory Docter, Shawna (Rewer) & Adam Pack, Brandi (Stewart) & John Mutziger Funerals: 9 Kathryn Anne Fjeld Jones, Edgar B. Gunderson, Kenneth L. Liebsch, , Dale Eugene Nelson, Nancy Jean Lee, Helen Ann Peterson, Gordon Wallace Hillestad, Bonnie Knutson, George Curtis Magestad New Members: 18 Transfer Out: 16 President’s Report to the Congregation President Report Thank you for allowing me the privilege of serving you, First Lutheran, as president over the last two years. It was a learning and enjoyable experience for me. The Pastors, Staff Members, Planning Council, and Board members are responsible for the success of our congregation. They are the faces that represent all of the loving, kind, and caring members of our congregation. We all owe them a debt of gratitude for all of their cooperation, hard work, and service. 2014 was a year of "new" here at First Lutheran. We started the year with many new board and council members who have done a fantastic job. Their dedication is amazing to watch. We also saw new carpet installed in the fellowship area and a new, more welcoming window to the secretaries office. I think that everyone can agree that these improvements look great. The most exciting new step for our church was the sabbatical that we provided for the Pastors. It was a very generous gift, given by you, the congregation, to allow the Pastors some time of rest and renewal. That experience has allowed them the ability to serve us better. It was honestly a gift that we gave back to ourselves. The last new item for the year is a challenge, from me to you, to help us live out our goal of "inviting, connecting, and growing." Invite people. Take a chance. Many people are looking for a spiritual home, and just need an invitation to join us. Connect with someone new. Say "hello." Introduce yourself. Make people feel welcomed the way that you want to feel welcomed. I know for a fact that we have members here, some of them close friends, because someone struck up a conversation with them after church. Growing. This will come naturally if you follow the first two steps. In fact, it will be unavoidable. We will all grow stronger and closer together. Thank you for all of your prayers and support these last two years. It has been an honor. In Christ, Erik Schlimmer, President Pastors’ Report Dear Disciples of Christ, Thank you for supporting the mission and ministry of First Lutheran. Through your active participation and generosity, you are saying YES to our mission: It’s about Life: Inviting, Connecting and Growing. First Lutheran with over 1,000 members is a church that is constantly in mission. We, the members of this church are the hands and feet of God: When we offer 25 Milestones and Family Sunday School Classes Have over 180 Sunday School Children ages 3 years through 12th grade Enjoy time with two Youth Groups who meet each month and have attended some fun events and gone on a few trips Offer 13 Families Thanksgiving Meals Help 17 Families Celebrate Christmas Are blessed with a vibrant group of board members and council members Sabbatical that provided a time of renewal personally, professionally and spiritually A NNUAL R EPORT Pastors’ Report, continued These things don’t just happen. They take hard work, volunteer hours, attendance and financial support. These hands-on, local ministries are examples of the work that you carry out that impact many of our sisters and brothers in Christ. The offering gifts you share with First Lutheran make vital ministry and mission possible. This money provides salary for pastors and staff, supplies for ministry and worship, and relationships that enable us to carry out God’s work in this community and throughout the world: So that a new missionary can be installed in Nicaragua Ministry is supported in Cameroon A generator is installed at a hospital in Cameroon providing life-saving electricity during frequent power outages. New X Ray machine for hospital in Gara Boli, Cameroon As we reflect on 2014, we remember the abundance God has so freely shared with us. We are so grateful to have had time with family during sabbatical and look forward to continuing to use the group building games and Bible studies at events in the coming year. “And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything; you may share abundantly in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). There’s always more than enough good work to be done- people to feed, milestones to teach, and lives to be transformed. And God has entrusted this work to our hands- our human hands. What a gift, and what an opportunity! Board of Youth Ministry As Co-Chairpersons of the Youth Board for the first time, Kerri and I learned how challenging and rewarding it is to be involved with the youth of FLC. As the board considered what we wanted to accomplish during our tenure the consensus was growing the faith of our youth. We felt that in all the activities we participated in, our goal was to help the youth understand how it relates to God, and how we can tie it to our walk with God on a daily basis. Whether it was serving others, fellowship with peers, Sunday School, worship, and even the struggles of everyday life, we strived to build an understanding that God has a plan for us and in all things give thanks to God. Our first opportunity to work towards this goal was our Easter Breakfast. We were very blessed to have remarkable participation and attendance. We followed with our second of three major commitments of congregational and community service with the Old Timer’s Day event. Again we had great success. From set up, serving, and tear down our youth did a great job working together exemplifying the outstanding character of the young people in our congregation. The third and final event of the summer was the Golf Tournament. This is always a fun event where members of the congregation have a great opportunity to not only support our youth but fellowship with them as well. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful day and all involved enjoyed themselves greatly. Needless to say it was the hard work of our board and that of the youth, not to mention the unbelievable support of our congregation and community that made all these events possible. However it was only by the grace of God that made them successful. From the beginning it was apparent that our youth were eager to participate and we wanted to do our best to capitalize on that interest and work towards our goal of growing faith. We began discussing different opportunities that we could do just that. We are currently working on a trip sending our middle school and high school youth with the intent of serving others less fortunate, time to fellowship, and , of course, growing their faith! I will admit when we were asked to serve on the youth board both Kerri and I were a little anxious. Inexperienced, we were unsure how we were going to perform and did not want to let the kids down. Fortunately we have an unbelievable group of people serving on the board with us that truly make it happen. In addition, our church is so blessed to have two pastors like Dan and Laura that feel so passionate about our youth and do a tremendous job guiding not only them but the board as well. Looking back on the year I realize how fortunate we are to be members of FLC. I am thankful for the opportunity to have been part of the youth board and watch the work God is doing in their lives. In addition, I am most thankful that it has helped me to remember that growing a person’s faith never ends. It has reminded me that He is still working on me, on us all. We look forward to the coming year, continuing our walk with God together. –Matt Wagner 2014 Treasurer's Report MMDA 1/1/2014 Beginning Balance Income: Local Needs Maintenance Keep Kids Camping Memorials Kitchen Feeding the Flock Music Special Projects Interest $42,370.87 $1,492.00 $14,875.51 $1,495.00 $4,793.20 $565.00 $1,925.00 $195.00 $1,288.00 $48.34 Total Income Expenses: Local Needs $964.30 Maintenance $17,127.21 Keeps Kids Camping Memorial Kitchen Feeding the Flock Special Projects $1,830.90 $2,453.10 $893.00 $1,844.63 $1,007.00 Sabbatical Congregation Giving Turkey Dinner, Congregation Giving Congregation Giving, Memorials Cookbook sales, Memorials, Cong. Giving Parishioner giving Defibrillator, T-shirts $26,677.05 Meals for local families, Gift cards Carpet, Drinking fountain, Roll up window in office, Balcony work, Back entry heater Camper scholarships, Flashlight key chains Paraments Refrigerator Defibrillator Pastors accrued continuing ed money used for sabbatical that was received and grant from synod $10,521.24 -$36,641.38 Total Expenses $32,406.54 12/31/2014 Ending Balance Checking 1/1/2014 Beginning Balance Income: Offerings/Donations Preschool, Weddings -$2,695.21 $263,251.76 $3,305.00 Total Income Expenses: Church Expenses $51,671.60 Staff Expenses $170,165.09 Ministry/Board Expenses $25,630.17 Benevolences $17,166.50 $1,400.00 Weddings Total Expenses 12/31/2014 Ending Balance $266,556.76 -$266,033.36 -$2,171.81 43,711 1,000 32,783 18,600 1,500 3,502 4,850 7,977 1,500 1,125 2,000 1,500 3,839 3,000 3,890 2,849 16,815 11,894 1,000 750 3,000 2,250 2,400 Local Staff Ministry Full Time Pastor Salary Supply Pastor Three Quarters Time Pastor Salary Church Secretary Nursery Staff Sunday Worship Coordinator Organists/Musicians/Pianists Salary Custodians Salary Full Time Pastor Housing Equity 3/4 Time Pastor Housing Equity Full Time Pastor Continuing Ed 3/4 Time Pastor Continuing Ed Treasurer Social Security and Taxes FT Pastor Social Security 3/4 Pastor Social Security FT Pastor Major Medical/Pension 3/4 Pastor Major Medical/Pension FT Pastor Unreimbursed Medical 3/4 Pastor Unreimbursed Medical FT Pastor Auto Expenses 3/4 Pastor Auto Expenses Church Secretary Insurance 171,735 51,700 Subtotal Subtotal 20,000 4,500 9,000 13,000 4,500 700 Church Home Expenses Church Utilities Parsonage Utilities Insurance Church Operating Supplies and Services Worship Supplies Adult Education 2014 Adopted Budget 175,871 45,499 1,000 34,124 19,158 1,250 3,607 4,850 8,216 1,500 1,125 2,000 1,500 3,954 2,673 4,049 2,966 16,000 13,000 1,000 750 3,000 2,250 2,400 53,150 20,000 4,500 9,700 13,250 5,000 700 175,871 $186,655 $73,290 $259,945 $1,171 $98 Ministry of Our Congregation* Board of Worship Board of Hospitality Board of Education Board of Youth Ministry Board of Social Concerns Board of Stewardship Board of Properties 53,150 Milestone Ministry Conferences Lutheran Scholarship fund 45,499 Subtotal 1,000 Synod, Nation and World Ministry* 34,124 19,158 Locally Determined 1,250 Answer the Call 3,607 SD Synod, National ELCA 4,850 Pine Ridge Mission 8,216 Lutheran Campus Ministry 1,500 Prison Ministry 1,125 Lutherans Outdoors 2,000 Lutheran Social Services 1,500 Nicaragua 3,954 2,673 Subtotal 4,049 2,966 16,000 Grand Total 13,000 1,000 Yearly cost / giving unit 750 Monthly cost / giving unit 3,000 2,250 Giving Units 2,400 20,000 4,500 9,700 13,250 5,000 700 2015 2015 Proposed Adopted Budget Budget Regular Offerings= Direct Deposits= Total 2014 Income= Offering per giving unit per year= Offering per giving unit per month= 170,165 43,711 1,950 32,783 18,600 646 3,502 5,500 7,977 1,500 750 1,964 1,113 3,839 2,595 3,890 2,849 14,626 11,665 1,000 750 3,526 3,029 2,400 51,672 19,753 3,519 11,166 12,330 4,459 445 2014 Actual Expenses 2015 Proposed Budget First Lutheran Church, Volga, SD 167 1,250 8,000 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,500 17,167 264,634 1,192 99 500 1,250 15,700 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,000 24,700 272,485 1,244 104 222 0 745 4,927 406 58 532 13,919 4,826 217 0 25,630 1,237 103 274,571 18,500 500 1,000 11,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 250 1,000 5,000 1,000 300 500 13,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 27,050 1,237 103 274,571 18,500 500 1,000 11,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 250 1,000 5,000 1,000 300 500 13,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 27,050 2014 2015 2015 Actual Proposed Adopted Expenses Budget Budget 250 1,000 5,000 300 300 500 12,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 24,350 2014 Adopted Budget Endowment Fund CASH HOLDINGS Face Value Issue Rate $3,798.12 First National (checking) 0.00% $8,538.40 Mission Plus(checking)ELCA Mission Investment Fund 0.40% $12,336.52 SUB-TOTAL CASH INVESTMENT INCOME HOLDINGS Face Value $98,597.96 Issue ELCA Endowment Fund $98,597.96 SUB-TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME EQUITY HOLDINGS Market Value $1,925.28 Issue Units Price IBM Stock 12 $184.03 $1,925.28 SUB-TOTAL: EQUITIES SUMMARY OF ENDOWMENT FUND HOLDINGS $12,336.52 Cash Holdings 10.9% $98,597.96 $1,925.28 Investment Income Holdings Equity Holdings 87.4% 1.7% $112,859.76 TOTAL VALUE OF INVESTMENTS ======== =========== == ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== Summary 12/31/2013 Investment Gifts Distribution 12/31/2014 Capital Fund Mission Outreach Fund Program Endowment Organ/Chimes Fund $19,733.32 $49,760.28 $32,409.44 $403.13 $102,306.17 Income(loss) $2,043.68 $5,153.43 $3,356.48 $0.00 $10,553.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,777.00 $54,913.71 $35,765.92 $403.13 $112,859.76 Board of Education Board of Education But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19:14 Our Sunday school program continues to grow strong and the feedback from parents, members, and students is positive and exciting! The Board of Education has met at least once every month to make sure all aspects of the Sunday school program run smoothly and to support the dedicated Sunday school staff. First Lutheran is very blessed with people willing to volunteer their time and talents teaching and living their faith with the children of our congregation. This year, we have 20 teachers and approximately 180 kids registered between the ages of pre-school and 8th grade. We are busting at the seams. We stay busy and look ahead to our future with our ultimate goal in mind…..helping our students be disciples of God, to be good Samaritans, and to be leaders in our church and community in faith by the choices they make and the kindness they show. Other aspects of the education program include: Creating and distributing a schedule of lessons for both teachers and parents. The Sunday School Bulletin Board in the West Hallway, Facebook and the church website were used to post schedules and announcements. Working in collaboration with the Praise Band to have the students participate in learning new Christian songs and playing the bells. Participation in individual crafts that support Christian learning and outreach with DakotaSun Assisted Living residents. FLC’s Family Sunday school program encourages parents to get involved in their child’s Christian education and is facilitated by Pastors Laura and Dan Overbo. The basis to so much of what we learn in Sunday school are lessons that extend a great amount of thought into how God wants us to be. We learn this through Bible stories, service projects, joyful song, inspirational stories and video clips, crafts and activities, and artistry! We are learning so much and having fun doing it! We are also learning Lifelong Faith Skills such as: Learning to navigate the Bible Personalizing scripture (figuring out how this scripture fits into my life) Dialogue with God (knowing that there are many ways to pray) Curriculum: From January to May 2014, we used a curriculum called Spark. The children worked out of our Bibles every week! Pre-School – 2nd graders utilized the Spark Story Bible while 3rd – 6th grade used the Spark Bible to look up scripture that goes along with the lesson. From August to December, the Board of Education introduced the teachers and preschool through 6 th grade students to a new curriculum called Whirl. The lessons began with students identifying where they are in the church year. Then they watched an animated video with characters who model what it’s like for kids to live out their faith. Students dug deeper into the lesson using either the Whirl Story Bible or Whirl NRSV Bible and creative leaflet activities. Offering: From January to April, our Sunday school kids raised over $200 in offering to make classroom improvements and were rewarded with a Pajama Day in April. From August to December, our children at First Lutheran Church were busy raising their offering money to be able to donate to the Lutheran Malaria Initiative. The money our program helped raise will go toward the purchase of treated mosquito nets, as well as medical and educational resources. We were able to reach our goal of raising $300. Vacation Bible School: Vacation Bible School was held on June 2- 5th for all community children ages 4 years old through 6th grade. The theme this year was SonTreasure Island. At SonTreasure Island, the children played island games, create colorful crafts and enjoyed snacks. But more importantly, they learned how to discover the rich treasure of God’s love through the life of Jesus. More precious than gold, more lasting than diamonds, it is the greatest treasure of all—God’s love! Christmas Program: The Board of Education, along with the Praise Band organized the concert which was titled “Keeping Christ in Christmas”. The goal was to spread Christmas joy and to help remind everyone to "Keep Christ in Christmas” this holiday season! The Christmas Program was held on December 14th at 10:45am at the Sioux Valley middle school gym due to the large attendance. The program was a huge success with 120+ 3 year olds thru 6th graders performing. There were over 400 people in the audience. A huge thank you to Rod Hageman (music director), Rod King (guitar) and Theresa Seefelt (piano) for helping with the concert. We give thanks for the blessings of ministry shared in our Sunday School Program. Respectfully submitted by~ Amanda Larson, Kristin Coon, Jaclyn Guthmiller, Amber Hemmestad, Karen Barsness & Ashley Collins A NNUAL R EPORT Board of Hospitality/Worship This Year the Hospitality Committee worked on an array of projects. We hope you find the changes and additions we made to be even more inviting and welcoming! -addition of “I Spy “Bags for the children to use during services -Fellowship area update, new chairs and tall top tables, ordered/received and assembled. -ordered/received new pens with First Lutheran Volga information on them. -tote bags ordered to be utilized for our visitor bags, and possibly for purchase. -items inside Children’s busy bags have been updated on a regular basis, with new items ordered. -Visitor bags maintained -continue to have new member classes and orientation as needed. -candles prepared for Christmas Eve service -assist in the scheduling and preparation for a new church directory, pictures to be taken in January 2014 The hospitality Committee is always looking for new ideas and inspiration to help First Lutheran feel like your second home! We encourage you to share any thoughts or ideas you may have for us. Thank you! Alicia Burmeister Board of Properties Thanks for generous donations there were many projects completed again this year at First Lutheran. *Replaced windows in the boiler room *Repaired west wall men’s restroom *Adjusted stall doors in both restrooms *Reinforced stairs leading to basement *Installed new window in secretary’s office *Added hand rails leading up to balcony *New carpet installed in entry way and fellowship hall Other miscellaneous items were taken care of as needed throughout the year as well. The properties board thanks the congregation for all their support and looks forward to 2015. Properties Board Eric Benson Mike Collins Eric Barsness Wayne Smedsrud Todd Vander Wal—Chair Board of Social Concerns The Board of Social Concerns The mission of the Board of Social Concerns is to address social concerns and develop programs to help those in need. This mission links with the mission of First Lutheran Church – “We are inviting people to know Jesus Christ, connecting a living faith and growing in ministry”. Programs we were involved in the past year: Prayer shawl and Feeding the Flock meals to local families Coat and mitten “Share the Warmth” for Sioux Valley students Back to School/Backpack project (school supplies) Angel tree setup and gift distribution Responsible for purchase, meal preparation, serving and cleanup for the Harvest Table Coordinated Food Pantry drive at worship services Health products drive/donation for the Domestic Abuse Shelter and families in Volga Provided a meal for construction volunteers for the Brookings Area Habitat for Humanity Program Provided a meal and worshipped with SDSU students at the University Lutheran Center The board would like to thank everyone for your support in our ministry. It is the support and generosity of the church family that allows us to provide these services and resources. In Christ, Kayleen Bleeker Kim Dahl Kendra Deibert Kathy Heylens Betty Knutsen A NNUAL R EPORT Board of Stewardship The Board of Stewardship would like to thank you for your faithful and generous giving throughout this past year. We have so many ways to be good stewards of all God has given to us. We strive toward year round stewardship with Vocational Stewardship in January, Healthier Stewardship in February & March, Environment Stewardship in May, Recreational Stewardship in June & July, Financial Stewardship in August through October and Family Stewardship in November & December. This year Mark & Rosie Wagner donated towards a defibrillator and the Stewardship board facilitated a campaign to raise the remaining funds. We also filled a First Aid Cabinet that was donated by Ron & Barb Hillestad. We distributed seed packets to all members this spring and also helped distribute a tree to each family unit. This fall we hosted a Giving Celebration to thank the congregation for their stewardship throughout the year. We look forward to another great year as we live out our mission IT’S ABOUT LIFE! In Christ, Deanna Wilson Women of the ELCA: Financial Report FIRST LUTHERAN WOMEN OF THE ELCA, JANUARY 1, 2014 – DECEMBER 31, 2015 GENERAL FUND BEGINNING BALANCE 1-1-14 $184.49 Receipts Circle Offering $940.00 ELCA General Meeting offerings 104.00 Serving 40.00 Country Store 1,759.60 Christmas Offering 200.00 Thankoffering 1,194.08 TOTAL RECEIPTS $4,237.68 TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEG. BALANCE $4422.17 DISBURSEMENTS Women of ELCA (60% offerings) 582.60 Medary Conference Gathering offering 150.00 Candy’s Garden (Altar florwers) 63.10 Change for Country Store 100.00 Check Blanks 17.13 Women of ELCA (Synodical Assembly off. 150.00 Virginia Schlimmer (food) 12.17 Pastor Laura (gift) 75.00 Women of ELCA (Thankoffering) 597.08 First Lutheran Church (1/2 Thankoffering)597.00 World Hunger 1,485.50 First Lutheran (Keep Kids Camping) 165.00 The Banquet (Christmas Offering) 200.00 Leader Books 51.05 Post Office (stamps) 19.60 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $4,265.23 BALANCE ON HAND 12-31-14 $ 156.94 SUNSHINE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE 1-1-14 $ 577.73 RECEIPTS Circle Offerings $ 251.76 Memorials (quilters) 165.00 Quilt Sales 166.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 582.76 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEG. BALANCE $1,160.49 DISBURSEMENTS Oklee Quilting Co. (Batting) 95.22 May Speaker 75.00 HyVee (Flower Memorial) 79.60 Medary Conference (LWR Transportation) 50.00 Candy’s Garden (May Meeting) 33.63 TOTAL DIS URSEMENTS $ 333.45 BALANCE ON HAND 12-31-14 $ 827.04 CARING COMMUNITY BEGINNING BALANCE 1-1-14 $ 773.22 RECEIPTS Coffee Fellowship $ 484.19 Funeral Serving 2,050.00 Transfer from Savings 84.63 TOTAL RECEIPTS $2,618.82 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEG. BALANCE $3,392.04 DISBURSEMENTS Jagers Grocery $1,176.35 Coffee Pots (transfer from savings) 84.63 Roaster Liners 37.58 Lutheran Outdoors (donation) 200.00 Lutheran Social Services (donation) 200.00 St. Dysmas of South Dakota (donation) 100.00 Domestic Abuse Center (donation) 100.00 Leaders in Mission Endowment (donation)100.00 Advance Foundation (donation) 100.00 SDSU Lutheran Center (donation) 100.00 Chairs of Hope (donation) 100.00 Flandreau Indian School (donation) 100.00 Augustana Student Center (donation) 100.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $2,498.56 BALANCE ON HAND 12-31-14 $ 893.48 IMPROVEMENT FUND (Savings) BEGINNING BALANCE 1-1-14 $2,141.38 Receipts Memorial $ 25.00 Interest $ 2.04 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 27.04 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEG. BALANCE $2,168.42 DISBURSEMENTS Transfer to Checking $ 84.63 BALANCE ON HAND 12-31-14 $2,083.79 A NNUAL R EPORT Women of the ELCA Women of the W/ELCA Annual Report 2014 The W/ELCA organization offers an opportunity to all the women to become a member. We offer three circle meetings monthly at different times and locations. At these meetings we enjoy a Bible Study, prayer, fellowship and refreshments. There is no joining fee, no dues, and you receive a free gift of the monthly magazine “Gather” for one year when you became an active member. The Executive Board meets when needed and general meetings are held twice a year to handle business. We end the year with a Christmas Festival. Activities we enjoyed this year. *March: We were guests of the Christian Reformed Church in Volga for World Day of Prayer. First Lutheran Church in Volga will host in 2015, on March 7th. *April: Medary Conference Spring Gathering was held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Madison, South Dakota. We were unable to attend, an offering of $150.00 was sent. *May: A general meeting was held honoring our Honorary Members. Dolly Oines lead us in devotions and Marilyn Hesby and Barb Hillestad lead the memorial service for those who had passed away in the past year. Beverly Kleinjan talked about the Giddens and the placement of Bibles. A nominating Committee was chosen, they are Jerri Weinacht, Rosy Wagner, Donna Knutson and Helen Peterson. Ellen Young was elected to represent us at Church Council meetings for this year. * June: W/ELCA Synodical Convention at First Lutheran Church, Brookings, South Dakota. No one was able to attend, and offering of $150.00 was sent. *September: We began this month with our new Bible study “Transforming Life and Faith.” A study on how our faith journeys change by events and people we meet. Pastor Laura introduced the Bible study at our general meeting in September. September 16th the Medary Conference Retreat and new officers training was held in Badger South Dakota, we were asked to bring mixed fruit for luncheon. General meeting was held on September 18th with election of officers. It was voted on to give the funds from the Country Store as follows, 90% to World Hunger and 10% to Keep Kids Camping. It was voted on to give ½ of our Thank Offering to local needs and ½ to support the ministries of the ELCA. *October: Mission Action Kits and quilts were sent Lutheran World Relief. *November: New Officers were installed and the Thankoffering was given at the Sunday Service. The Pastors were given $550.00 to help with Thanksgiving dinners for 13 families. Women of the ELCA, continued *December: The Christmas Festival was held on December the 13th . We enjoyed a program of the continuing story of “The Greatest Story Ever Told” our readers were Gladys Lee, Gerri Weinacht, and Ellen Young. Devotions by Marilyn Hesby and Virginia Schlimmer our pianist. DawnTveito favored us with a beautiful solo “Breath of Heaven.” Our Christmas offering went to the Children of the Banquet. Refreshments were served by Dorcas Circle. *Thanks to all everyone in this organization for your time, talents and fellowship, we are all greatly rewarded. 2015 Officers: President: Dorothy Weisser Vice Pres: we need one Secretary: Gladys Lee Treasurer: JoAnn Orcutt Ass-Treas-Sect: Donavieve Tofte Mission Growth: Ellen Young Asst: Gladys Lee Mission Community: Marilyn Hesby Asst: Barb Hillestad Mission Action: Jerri Weinacht Asst: Joan Trenhaile Shalom ; Dorothy Weisser, President WELCA Mission Action Mission Action Though we are fewer in numbers, we continue to assemble quilts for distribution to Lutheran World Relief. This year we sent off 134- quilts, 8- Personal Care Kits, 8- Baby Care Kits, and 15- School Kits. We are ever mindful of Jesus's command to help those around us. Our talents are not given to us to satisfy our own needs but to also care for those who need assistance. Thank you to all the ladies who are committed to our mission and take part in the assembling and distribution of these items. Quilts, surplus towels, sheets, and pillow cases were distributed to The Abuse Shelter in Brookings as well as towels to the Preschool at First Lutheran in Volga as well as the preschool at First Lutheran in Brookings. Our missions extend into our community because " If you have done it to the least of these, You have done it unto me." Jerri Weinacht, Mission Action A NNUAL R EPORT First Lutheran Preschool During the 2014 fall semester there were 21 children in the Preschool attending two separate classes. These classes included a 3 year old class with 8 children, a 4 year old class with 13 children, and a Junior Kindergarten with 2 children attending. A new teacher brought new ideas, lesson plans, and activities for the children this year and also encouraged parents to be involved in their child’s education. Preschool Task Force members include Chrystal Wozniak, Amy Schlimmer, Laura Overbo, Julie King, Nicole Keating, Janelle Keppen, Karen Larson, Jeff Hallin, and Melisa Zaug. Tuition for the 3 Year old class was $85, 4 year old class was $100, and Junior Kindergarten was $180. We had several fund raising activities including a jewelry fundraiser, Dairy Queen Fundraiser, and the annual Winter Festival (formerly Festival of Trees). We will have several other fundraisers in the spring. We continue to collect Hy-Vee receipts to earn $1000. We would like to thank the First Lutheran Church congregation for its years of support and many donations. Our teacher, Chrystal Wozniak, is in her first year of teaching at First Lutheran Preschool. She graduated in August 2014 from SDSU with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She has enjoyed getting to know the children in the classroom as well as First Lutheran Church staff and members. First Lutheran Preschool: Financial Report First Lutheran Preschool School Year 2013/2014 9/1/2013 Checking balance $1,669.56 Revenue Tuition $12,551.00 Book orders $331.50 Fundraisers $4,197.00 DQ, HyVee, Dean Foods $844.59 Total Revenue $17,924.09 Expenses payroll/payroll taxes $14,060.88 Book orders $410.52 Fundraisers $1,601.34 Rent $900.00 Operating Expenses $1,774.29 Total Expenses -$18,747.03 8/31/2014 Checking balance 10/1/2013 Savings balance interest earned $0.71 9/15/2014 Savings balance $846.62 $1,005.34 $1,006.05 Cemetery Association Balance on hand January 1, 2014 First National Bank Total: $2,124.92 $2,124.92 Receipts: 1/29/2014 Memorial 2/10/2014 Donation 3/19/2014 Memorial 3/28/2014 Memorial 4/1/2014 Memorial 4/25/2014 Lots Sold 5/1/2014 Memorial 6/2/2014 Memorial 6/3/2014 Memorial 6/10/2014 Lots Sold 6/18/2014 Memorial 6/18/2014 Memorial 7/1/2014 Memorial 7/10/2014 Lots Sold 8/1/2014 Memorial 8/15/2014 Memorial 9/2/2014 Memorial 9/19/2014 Memorial 9/19/2014 Lots Sold 10/1/2014 Memorial 11/3/2014 Memorial 11/10/2014 Memorial 12/1/2014 Memorial 12/4/2014 Memorial $60.00 $1,000.00 $45.00 $25.00 $10.00 $600.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $600.00 $70.00 $240.00 $10.00 $300.00 $10.00 $375.00 $10.00 $250.00 $600.00 $10.00 $10.00 $25.00 $10.00 $65.00 Transfers: 9/30/2014 Transfer in from CD BSF 12/30/2014 Transfer out to CD BSF Total: $17,165.15 $10,000.00 $11,515.15 Interest: First National Bank Total: Total Receipts and Transfers: Total Receipts, Transfers and Beginning Balance: Disbursements: City of Volga (lights) Spraying Mowing Hanson Enterprises Insurance - Mortuary Lowes Sign Posts and Hardware Dennis Jorenby Stump Grinding Outlaw Graphics Signs $257.13 $257.13 $11,772.28 $13,897.20 $212.49 $450.00 $9,048.00 $87.00 $165.08 $26.00 $127.20 Total Disbursements: $10,115.77 Year End Balance: $3,781.43 Savings: C.D. First National Bank Dakotaland Federal Credit Union $10,000.00 $1.09 Total Savings: Please keep the cemetery fund in mind when making donation decisions. With our current expenses and funds we have about 1.4 years of operating funds available. $10,001.09
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