February 15, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31-11:1/ Mk 1:40-45 ST. MARY CHURCH 1171 Jefferson St. PO Box 179 Carlyle, IL 62231 :.._~ Fr. George Mauck, Pastor Ellen Knolhoff, DRE Tina Wiegman, Administrative Assistant ' · ~ ~- Scwuunent uJ !BaptMm: ~_..---. -~ ~-~ :::=-::::. :~ <.....------..... Phones: Rectory: 594-2210 / Parish Center: 594-2225 I' · · Relgious Education: 594-2284 ": E-mail: stmaryc@sbcglobal.net ~ www.carlylecatholicchurch.com ~ Fax: 594-4638 ~ I ~: .r---. Mater Dei High School Telephone: 526-7216 Internet: www.rna terdei. b reese.il. us All Saints Academy Telephone: 526-4323 Internet: www.asasaints.com Baptismal classes are offered the second Sunday of each month at llam. Call Thomas & Laura Anderson 304-5278 ~ ~ ::----...------------ ~ ~~ =; .- ... .~-~~~~---_ Schedule of Events ... Liturgy for the fVeek .•• Sat.. 14.. 4:00pm •• Herman & Margaret 8:00am .. Ben Manfucci Nathan Miller Our Parish Family lO:OOam.. Charles Schuchman Sat.. Sun .. Luebbers Sun.. Mon .. Tue .. Wed .. Thu .. Fri .. Sat.. Sun .. 15 .. 15 .. 15 .. 15 .. Paul Hempen-Anniv. Sally Lawler Pauline McDonnell 16 .. 7:30am.. Dave& Mary 17 .. 7:30am.. Kampwerth rv 18 ......................... .Ash Wednesday ~sh Ion.. 7:00am.. Fern Wobbe -~ 9:40am.. Mass at Mater Dei HS Wednesda)' 4:00pm.. Mass at Carlyle Wed .. Healthcare John Montacue 6:45pm .. 7:30am .. Wm. Kueper Jr. Family 19 .. Henry Wilken 20 .. 7:30am .. Ben& Sophie 4:00pm •• 21.. Pingsterhaus-Anniv. of Ben Sat. Ed & Dan Frank Sun .. Mary Henss & Ray & Margaret Rolfingsmeier Our Parish Family 22 .. 8:00am.. Eugene & Loretta I O:OOam.. Timrnermann-Anniv. of Eugene Donald Loepker-Anniv. Earl Luebbers-Anniv. MASS SERVERS ... Feb. 15th to Feb. 21st Sun: Sam Blake Holthaus, Bryce Moyer, Molly Diekemper lOam Josh & Andrew Guthrie, Jackson Hoffmann Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Toni Litzenburg Sat: 4pm Alan& Audrey Schlau, Ian Simonton Feb. 18, Ash Wednesday ... 7am... Paul Kauling, Paul Kueper, Bob Buchheit 6:45pm ... 5th Grade students Feb. 22nd to Feb. 28th Sun; 8amChase, Claire & Carly Kampwerth lOam Alayna Brandmeyer, Sydney Hart, Amalie j Schaefer :Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Paul Kauling I Sat: 4pmHaily & Hayden Leath, Anne Luebbers : If you cannot be there, please find a replacement. Thank I !~L ; ·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·.! Stewardship •••••• 2-1-15: Envelopes: $4998 Loose: $505 Guatemala: $50 Cemetery: $105 Messenger: $325 Easter Flowers: $45 Online bankin~: Weekly-Envelopes: $130 (4) Our weekly budgeted expense for the current 2014-15 fiscal year is $9421. Weekly envelope/loose target is $8462. 14.. 15 .. 15 .. 15 .. 16 .. 16 .. 16 .. 18 .. 18 .. 18 .. 18 .. 18 .. 21.. 22 .. 22 .. 22 .. 22 .. Happy Valentine's Day!! (7am-Noon) Omelet Breakfast at St. John UCC, Breese (8am-12Noon) KC Sausage & Pancake Breakfast..benefit Ministerial Alliance (lOam) Pre-K Faith Formation (10:30am-5pm) Bartelso KC Chicken & Roast Beef Dinner in Bartelso School Cafeteria (llam-4pm) St. Clement of Rome Church, McLeansboro Wurstmarkt. (2pm) St. Augustine, Breese Quilt/Cash Bingo. Fried chicken luncheon llam-lpm Holiday.. church office closed (lpm) St. Anthony's Bunko & Dessert Party in St. Anthony PC, Beckemeyer (7:30pm) RCIA meet at St. Anthony, Beckemeyer Ash Wednesday (9am) Ash Wednesday Breakfast at the Immanuel United Church of Christ (llam-lpm & 4:30-8:30pm) KC Fish Fry (4:30-7pm) Beckemeyer Sons of the Legion Fish Fry at Beckemeyer Legion (6:30-7:45pm) Youth Faith Formation (3-3:45pm) Reconciliation (llam-5pm) Beckemeyer Legion Whole Hog Sausage Wurstmarkt at Beckemeyer Legion Hall (lOam) Pre-K Faith Formation (llam-6pm) All Saints Academy Chicken Dinner at Breese KC Hall fast ( l-4pm) Healthy Heart, Healthy You presentation at Clinton County YMCA in ~~ St. Joseph's Healthplex, Breese IllY~ LENT ··---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-----·-·-·-·-·-·-·i Respect Life Corner~ ; The Fruit of Our Lives-We see the fruit of our lives in our ~ i children. But our vocation to fruitfulness is greater than even i this. ~ Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Everything is called to generate ! new life in others and to proclaim the great hope of our Lord 1 ~ Jesus Christ. Even if we cannot have children, our love is called j ~ to be fruitful in our work and rest, our family life, or adoration ! and mission. All of us, whatever our state in life, are called to ~ spiritual parenthood. Pray that we hear and recognize our own ~calL ··-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·-·-------·-·-·-·-·---·~ !"(;ift'iJ~~-;~;~~-~-~---- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; l Feb. 14th-4pm...Bob & Martha Diekemper ! Feb. 15th-8am... Jerome & Dolores Huth \Feb. 15th-10am... Aaron & Theresa Haag &Family j Feb. 18th-7am ... Rich & Gerri Wellinghoff l Feb. 18th -6:45pm... 5th Grade Students ~Feb. 2lst-4pm ... Nathan & Sara Henss & Family j Feb. 22nd-8am ... Gerry & Debbie Vahlkamp & Family [Feb. 22nd-10am ... Alan & Tonica Fischer &Family . ~ We are in need of gift bearers at the 4pm Mass. If you are able j i to help us out, please give Tina a call 594-2225. ~ i If you cannot be there at the specified time, please call Lin- ~ ~ da McNurlen 594-4613 in sufficient time. Thank you. ~ ...................................................................................................................................; Lltark your calendars ....... .LifeTouch photo sittings Mar. 3-21 schedule online www.carlylecatholicchurch.com If you submit a photo, there is a $10 charge by the company . .......................................................... Reverse Raffle, March 7, 2015--don't forget to return your tickets ......................................................................... Confirmation, April21, 2015 at Germantown, 7pm Happy Birthday to Dolores Hempen who celebrates her 90th Birthday on February 21st! Pleases sign up for the Parish Pictorial Directory! The Lenten season begins this week as we gather on Ash \Vednesday, February 18th, for the 7am & 6:45pm liturgies. (Note other liturgies atM. Dei (9:40am( & CHC (4pm). The Lenten season extends from Ash Wednesday to the Mass of the Lord's Supper, April 9th. Lenten Regulations 1. All who are 14 are bound to abstain rom meat on Ash Wed., all Fridays of Lent & Good Friday. 2. All between 18-50 are bound to fast on Ash Wednesday & Good Friday. 3. On days of fast and abstinence, only one full meatless meal is allowed. Other meatless meals should not add up to more than another full meal. We are to take these rules seriously! Again the three pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. This Lent we will again have a Tuesday evening liturgy at 7pm to afford more folks this opportunity for Prayer. One exception will be March 24th, when I'm scheduled for Reconciliation at Sandoval & Centralia. Stations of the Cross will be on Fridays of Lent at 12:10pm. St. Mary's Lenten Reconciliation Service will be Sunday, March 15th at 3pm. Other Vicariate Services will be listed later in the bulletin. Private Reconciliation is every Saturday (33:45pm). For Almsgiving, a couple of Lenten crosses will be displayed during the Lenten season, which include opportunities to support Matthew 25, the Ministerial Alliance and other causes. Let Lenten spirit rule your heart! EN ---------------------, I Basketball... I (\fV I Feb. 15, 3rd, 4th, 5th at Sparta 1pm/2pm/3pm ~ :Feb. 21, 3rd, 4th, 5th vs Vandalia llam/12pm/1pm 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J ---------------------, I Lenten Fish Frys at Highland KC Hall Ash Wednesday 1 I and all Fridays in Lent including Good Friday. Cost: $10. 1 : All you can eat fried and baked cod fish meaL Introduc- I ...I ing new potato casserole. 1 _____________________ IKCINFO ... : ... BI~GO every Wednesday at 7:30pm ~ ... Ash Wednesday Fish Fry llam-lpm & 4:30-8:30pm j ... Fish & Chicken Fry every Friday 4:30-7pm. Lunch : is served from llam-lpm Monday thru Friday. ~---··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-· Please remember those who have asked for our prayers: Rose Novak, Jennifer Buehler Wallace, Murray . Fauke, Sharon Gustafson, Jace Hughes, Scott Ruehl, Bob Nowak, Luke Woltering, Jeremy Long, Emily Reese, Kris Huckshold, JimMouldon, JoAnn Loepker, Dennis Bach, Sandy Kirksey, Don Carman, Marla Howard, Luke Letica, Kristen Stiles, Richard Self, Barb Varel, Bill Warren, Vinnie Valencia, Leonilda Diekemper, Richard Salmon, David Schmidt, Rick Perry, Darline Johnson, Belinda Beine, Marge Pax, Mary Jane Lampen, Rev. Steve Goodin, Lucille Foster, Lynn Robke Crutcher, Bill Horstmann, Stella Q., Jerry Williams, JoAnn Gray, Fritz Meyer, Marilyn Fitzgerald ~--------------------. I Mater Dei Registration for Incoming Freshmen1 I We look forward to registering members of the Class of 1 12019 on Sat., Feb. 21, from 8:30am- I lam. Families who 1 I are unable to attend this date may contact Mrs. Deb 1 II_____________________ Foote to schedule an appointment JI !~<~""si£rihvoo.iUFii£ .inl~:~E;~.~-·-.-.-.-.- .• j Quilt-Michelle Albers ; Large Afghan-Donna Burklow ; Baby Afghan-Jo Beckemeyer ; Easter Basket-Pat Wesselmann j Valentine Basket-Bonnie Deimeke ; Scentsy Basket-Larry Peppenhorst ; $50 Gas card-Jenna Huels .. -·-·-·-----·-----------·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·' ---------------------19, 20,21 & 1 USEDBOOKFAIR & BAKESALE... Feb. I In, 2015 at the American Legion Hall, Breese. Doors I I open at lOam Thur-Sat and 9am-Sun. Sponsored by St. I :Joseph Hospital Auxiliary, Breese. : ----------------------------------~ :St. wiary's welcomes new parishioner .... : Donna Burklow ~---------------------------------2 I Lenten One-Day Pilgrimage to Shrine of St. Joseph and : the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis the King in St. Louis I March 4, 2015 sponsored by the Shrine of Our Lady of j the Snows, Belleville. Cost $17. For more info, call 618: 394-MARY or www.snows.org/pilgrim. l.·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-----·-··-··-··1 Why we use ASHES The use of ashes is thought to h~ne begun 1vith Pope Gregory the Great in the 6th centurT. In the Old Testament ashes were u~ed a;; a sign of humility and mortality as ,,·ell sorrow and repentance for sin. Recei,ing ashes on the head as a reminder of mortality and a sign of sorro11 for sin was a practice of the church by the 1oth centurY. The ashes are from burnt palm. In some places the a;;hes are put on the forehead in the sign of the cross as a reminder of the anointing with oil in baptism. In other places, ashes are scattered on the top of the head. Why we call it LENT • Lent, from an Old English word for Spring, is knovm as Quadrigesima, or ''forty" in Latin and the Romance languages. 40 days is a Biblical symbol for a special time of preparation. The official day of "farewell" is lvfardi Gras, French for "Fat Tuesday," because all the butter and lard had to be used up before Lent. The Lenten fast and abstinence from meat in most parts of the world is confined to Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent, and now allows for eggs, milk and cheese. Februarv 18 Jeannie Kleber Brigid Nalewajka Wednesday, 7:00AM Ash Wednesday Barb Crouse Mary Ellen Hughes Ed Kleber Deb Meentemeyer Keri Mitchell James Nalewajka August Rose Shirley Etter Skip Etter Art Henken Sylvia Henken. Wednesday, 6:45 PM Judy Doerr Ash Wednesday Michelle Irwin Jean Van Dorn . ·- --~-' --- --· February 21-22 Lector Esther Norrenberns Pat Norrenberns Paula Kampwerth Jan Kauling Darlene Linton Carol Loepker Clare Seiffert John Verstegen Mary Verstegen Dylan Doerr Jean Van Darn Gene Kuhl Pat Kuhl Marian Luebbers Deb Meentemeyer John Rubsam Bridget Winter Ron Zurliene Rita Cox Marlene Hoffmann Paulette Evans Dennis Hempen Geralyn Hodapp Roland Kampwerth Brenda Knolhoff Bonnie Kueper Linda McNurlen Keri Mitchell Susan Winkeler Saturday, 4:00 PM Sunday, 8:00AM Sunday, 10:00 AM Eucharistic Minister ------
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