from Pr. Travis - St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church

A Publication of St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church
2363 West Third Street, Davenport IA 52802
Phone: 563-322-5318 Pastor Travis Fisher: 563-676-8160
March 2015
Volume 48 Issue 3
Pr. Travis
The word Lent comes from the old English word for “spring.” Lent from
is “spring training” for the Christian as we are tutored in repentance,
faith, and holy living. And if you know anything about your Church Administrator and Office
Coordinator and their love for baseball, you know they are counting down the days to opening day! The season
of Lent has been kept as a time for devotion and self-denial that comes forth from a faithful heart that dwells
on God’s Word and draws life and hope from it. Beginning in the 4th century the observance of Lent originally
became connected with a forty day fast prior to Easter. This tradition continues today as some Christians give
up meat during Lent or surrender a vice like chocolate, coffee, television, internet or Facebook. Still others,
eat a meager meal of soup and salad while gathering together every Wednesday during the season for worship.
While a fast of any kind is not necessary, it is certainly a helpful way to discipline the body and the mind upon
the things of God and the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf. Should you decide to fast in some way, it may be
helpful to consider Jesus’ words about fasting in his Sermon on the Mount, “And when you fast, do not look
gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say
to you, they have received their reward” (Matthew 6:16).
The Lenten season began with Ash Wednesday (February 18th) and the imposition of ashes. In the Lutheran
traditon, the purpose of the imposition of the ashes is to call to mind the curse given to Adam by God after the
Fall in Gen 3:19, “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you
were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
The Sundays in Lent focus on the themes of temptation, God’s mercy, the life of a disciple, the refreshment
that God gives to his disciples, and the lordship of Jesus. During Lent, it has become a common part of
Lutheran piety to provide an opportunity for reflective worship during the middle of the week. This year our
midweek Lenten service is Holden Evening Prayer, held after a soup supper. The meal will begin at 6PM in
Luther Hall and the service will begin at 7PM in the sanctuary.
May our Lord richly bless you during this Lenten season while you reflect on God’s great love for you through
the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Journeying with you,
Pr. Travis M. Fisher
Don’t Forget!
March 8, 2015
Sunday School News
As we prepare for the season of Lent, we want to let everyone know of a couple things that are up and coming
for our Sunday School Program. The children will be singing on Sunday, March 22nd for our Spring Program
at the 10am service.
The following Sunday, which is Palm Sunday, we will be keeping the children after Sunday School so they
can process up the aisle with their palm leaves. We will be releasing them immediately following our
procession. Please meet your child back in their Sunday School rooms so they can collect their papers and
finish worship with you.
Volume 45
Page 2
(W)holistic Living....Thoughts from the Parish Nurse
Fall Prevention
Each year one in every three adults, age 65 and older, falls. The risk of falling increases with each
decade of life, but falls are not an inevitable part of aging and do not only happen to the elderly.
Preventable falls can threaten a person’s health and independence. As a result of falls, 20-30% of people who fall
will suffer moderate to severe injuries such as lacerations, hip fractures, hand and wrist fractures (trying to “break
the fall”), and head trauma. Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries in older adults. Most
fractures among older adults are caused by falls, including fractures of the spine, hip, forearm, leg, ankle, pelvis,
upper arm and hand. Many people who fall, even if they don’t suffer a serious injury, develop a fear of falling,
causing them to limit their activities. This, in turn leads to reduced mobility, and loss of physical fitness, and
actually increases the risk of falling.
Key Factors: 1. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become more brittle and more likely to fracture when
pressure is applied. This is caused by hormonal changes of aging, calcium and vitamin D deficiency, and decreased
physical activity. 2. Lack of physical activity results in poor muscle tone, loss of bone mass, poorer balance,
flexibility and strength. 3. Impaired vision due to cataracts or glaucoma, which changes older people’s depth
perception, visual acuity, peripheral vision and susceptibility to glare of lights. These limit their ability to negotiate
their environment safely. 4. Medications that may decrease mental alertness and cause poor balance or dizziness.
5. Environmental hazards cause at least one-third of falls in older adults in their homes, most commonly tripping
over objects on the floor (a loose rug or an electrical cord). Other causes might be poor lighting, lack of grab bars
or unsteady furniture.
Prevention: 1. Eat and drink adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D for bone strength (milk, yogurt, cheese,
fish, green leafy vegetables and almonds). 2. Exercise which strengthens muscles and improves balance and
flexibility. 3. Have regular eye exams to identify and treat eye diseases and provide correct lenses to improve
vision. 4. Keep a list of current medications in your purse or wallet and be aware of common side effects of each
medication. While taking a medication that affects balance consider the use of a cane or walker. 5. Identify
possible environmental hazards and remove them. Examples include: repair cracks in sidewalks and driveways;
install hand rails along steps and stairways; keep walkways clear of clutter and well-lighted; avoid use of throw
rugs; use of night lights, grab bars near the tub and toilet; arrange furniture so you can easily move around it; make
sure chairs and sofas are easy to get in and out of; have a sturdy chair with arms, to sit and dress; and have adequate
light in hallways and stairways.
Have you started the wellness activity, 40 Steps for Lent? There are still handouts available if you didn’t receive
one. This activity benefits your health and also supports the St. Mark Food pantry.
If you have prayerfully considered becoming a lay visitor please talk to PN Bev and she will pair with you with a
homebound member to visit.
In faith, hope and love and on the Lenten journey together, Parish Nurse Bev
Wellness Reminders for March 2015
The gym remains open for walking Monday- Friday 8:00-10:00 am and 1:30-3:30 pm.
Soulfit exercise class meets each Tuesday @ 9:30 am in Luther Hall.
40 Steps for Lent continues through March.
Life Together meets Monday, March 9 @ 11:15 at Heritage Court for lunch and devotions.
The cost for lunch is $5. Let PN Bev know if you would like to attend or need a ride.
x PN Bev’s weekends in March are March 7-8 and March 14-15.
x Healing prayers will be offered at all three services during worship March 14-15.
x UnityPoint Foot Care Clinic meets Monday, March 23, 1-3pm in the bride’s room by
appointment. Cost is $25.
Volume 45
We offer the
Vera Bennett and Emilie Leese
words of love, support and comfort. May they rest
assured in the midst of their challenges and
adjustments that God will sustain them in the loss
of their loved one through faith in our Risen Lord.
Because He lives, we too shall live.
Called Together in Mission
People of the Spirit
Page 3
Hospitalized in February
Robert Garrison
Pauline Jacobs
Carolyn Krebs
Doug Rowley
Orville Stout
Loraine VenHorst
Joyce Wilder
Church Women United
World Day of Prayer
Friday, March 6, 2015 at 1:00pm
St. John Vianney Catholic Church
4097 –18th Street, Bettendorf
(Use North entrance by the church office)
First Lutheran Church
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Saturday, March 14, 2015
We are people of the Spirit! Join members of the
Southeastern Iowa Synod for Called Together in
Mission. This year, CTIM is excited to welcome
Dr. Troy Troftgruben, assistant professor at
Wartburg Theological Seminary as the Keynote
speaker. Troy will engage and inspire conference
participants to action around the topic of what it
means to be people of the Spirit.
Ladies, please join us and meet new friends from
different denominations and enjoy an interesting
and informative program.
World Day of Prayer brings together women of
various races, cultures and traditions on the first
Friday of March each year to observe a common
day of prayer and action.
This year’s program was prepared by the women of
the Bahamas.
Easter Egg Hunt
April 4, 2015
Camp Oakwood at 11:00 am
Lunch will be serviced
St. Mark Blood Drive
In April-Give the Gift of Life and Benefit
our St. Mark Preschool. We have been
asked by the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood
Center to host a blood drive here at St. Mark and if
we collect a minimum of 20 units of blood, the
blood center is offering a grant of $250 to the St.
Mark Preschool. We would like to host this in April
if there is enough interest and want to get an idea of
how many would participate in coming to the church
to donate. There will be a sign-up sheet in the
lounge in March. This would be a great way to support the preschool and the blood center!
Candy donations will be accepted starting
February 22—March 29th. A basket will be set out
in the lounge.
Healthy treats are gladly accepted, such as:
Fruit snacks, Roll-ups, Mini boxes of raisins, trail
mix, etc. If anything is donated in bulk, we will bag
it individually.
Any questions you have may be directed to Kim
Sherrod-Hensler at 563-322-4369.
Our Church Staff
Pr. Travis Fisher
Bev Blake
Ellen Bowlin
Pam Carstens
Mick Carstens
Parish Nurse
Minister of Music/Organist
Dir. of Preschool &
Asst. Dir. of Music
Lisa Willey
Milly Heskett
Paul Regginello
Steve McCalester
Trianna McCalester
Emily Droegmiller
Office Coordinator
Event/Facility Coordinator
Sunday Custodian
Sunday Custodian
Nursery Supervisor
Nursery Attendant
Volume 45
Notes from the Organ Bench
Page 4
by Ellen Bowlin… March 2015
When you read this LIFE, I will have been with Sarah and Ellie for 6 days while Derek is out to sea. My
thanks to Pam and others for taking my place while I was gone.
During the Sundays in Lent, we are using Setting 10, the Chorale service, from our ELW. It lends itself well
to worship in Lent since many of the tunes in it are associated with Lenten hymns. We will silence the Hymn
of Praise and the Zimbelstern during Lent to help us remember Christ’s passion.
During the Wednesdays in Lent, we will have a meal at 6:00PM followed by worship in the sanctuary at
7:00PM. We will be using Holden Evening Prayer which will be led by Jeff and Keri Bass. This is a beautiful
musical setting by Marty Haugen which he originally wrote for the people at Holden Village, a wonderful
mountainous retreat center in the state of Washington. When Bob was associate pastor at Salem, we joined
with members from First Lutheran Church, Moline (about 35 members of Salem and First) and took the train
for 3 days and 2 nights (Amtrak) to Holden Village where we first heard this setting which was used each
Easter Sunday is April 5th this year. We invite those people who like to sing to join the choir for our singing
on this special day. Choir rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 7:30PM following the Lenten meal and
service. Join us on Wednesdays between March 8th and April 1st if you would like to do this.
God’s blessings on your Lenten journey.
A Letter From Emily Martin
The Lenten season up here at Luther Seminary
means many things. First, that the snow might end
someday. Second, it means that the spring semester
is well underway. It also means that students begin
preparing for what comes next. On Monday the
23rd, I begin my round of interviews for internship.
Since internship is only a year long, I’m taking this
opportunity to explore sites outside of the Midwest
with sites in both Arizona and Washington. While I
won’t know where I’m headed until the middle of
April, It’s been a lot of fun reading about these
churches and the communities they’re a part of.
Thank you for your prayers, they mean so much.
“I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering
you in my prayers” (Eph 1.16).
In Peace,
Emily Martin
Bible Study
Searchers, Fridays at 10 AM
The book of Revelation
Theology on Tuesdays at 6:30
March 4th: How to tell the Difference between a
Sinner and Saint
March 10th: How to Identify a “Neighbor” and
What This Means for Lutherans
March 17: How to Tell the Difference between
the Kingdom on the Left and The Kingdom on the
March 24: How to Tell the Difference between a
“Vocation” and a “Vacation”
Jeff Anderson
Jeff Bass
Nancy Beaderstadt
Pr. Travis Fisher
Bob Garman
Don Henderkott
Joyce Hines
Barb Jakubowski
Chip Schumann
Volume 45
Page 5
MOPS News:
MOPS sponsored Hy-Vee DISH night, at West
Kimberly Hy-Vee, is Friday, March 20th. This
event is open to all members, friends and family of
St. Mark.
Menu options: Ultimate Chicken Fingers,
Breakfast Burritos, Cheesy Chicken Bruschetta,
Parmesan Chicken and Slow Cooker Chicken Pot
St. Mark Preschool Open House
Monday, March 2, 6:00PM-7:30PM
Meet our St. Mark Preschool staff
Tour our preschool facility
There is a 3 order minimum, of any of the above
items, the price will vary between $8 to $10, the
price will depend on how many orders we have.
Payment is made the night we make our meals. To
place your orders or if you have any questions
please contact Jennifer Mills at (563)639-4800 or or see her in
between church services.
Children must be 3 years old by September 15, 2015,
potty-trained, and ready for a group experience.
For more information contact Pam Carstens, Director
(563) 326-5060
Preschool Trivia Night is coming Friday, March 6 at
7:00 in Luther Hall. Mark your calendars and gather
your teams of 8. The cost is $10/person. Doors open
at 6:00 and child care will be available for $5.00/
child in the preschool beginning at 6:45 We will be
needing scorers and people to sell tickets and will
also be accepting donations of theme baskets, gifts
certificates and door prizes. Watch for a sign-up
sheet in the lounge or call Pam at 326-5060.
Proceeds will be used to help fund the asbestos
abatement and new flooring project scheduled for the
preschool area in late spring.
B.I.G. Youth Group will be serving the concessions
for the evening. Pizza will be one of the options, and
the Youth will be taking pre-orders for the night.
Choices for a Large 16” Single topping pizza are:
Sausage, Pepperoni, or Cheese. If you pre-order the
cost will be $10 per pizza, or $13 per pizza and
$2.50/slice the night of Trivia. All orders must be
received by Monday, March 2nd. Please place orders
with Amber Sherrod, (309)721-6022
Diaper Drive to benefit CPC
and Winnies Wishes
(Crisis Pregnancy Center of Davenport)
This event will he held the entire month of March
2015. We are asking for unopened packaging of
any size diapers to fill a pack and play. Fred and
Millie Heskett sponsor CPC through our Church
and Janet Martin is our liaison to Churches United.
This will be one of service projects for 2015.
Save the Date:
The St. Mark MOPS will be hosting their 2nd
annual Spring Thank you Tea for the Women of St.
Mark Lutheran Church on Saturday, March 28th, in
the Church Lounge. Watch your bulletins for
further details about the time and sign up. We look
forward to serving YOU!
Volume 45
Greater Achievement Plan (G.A.P)
by Bob Beckman
The Southeastern Iowa Synod of the ELCA
supports financially two of eight ELCA
The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and
Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque,
Iowa ( not to be confused with Wartburg College
in Waverly,Iowa) along with 17 other ELCA
Synods in regions 4 and 5. This article is about
Lutheran School of Theology and I hope to do a
similar piece on Wartburg Seminary.
LSTC was formed on September 4, 1962 by
consolidating four Lutheran Seminaries:
Augustana Theological Seminary, Grand View
Seminary, Chicago Lutheran Seminary, and
Suomi Theological Seminary. Central Theological
Seminary in Fremont, Nebraska and Christ
Seminary-Seminex of St.Louis, Missouri joined
the founding 4 Seminaries before the ELCA came
into existence on January 1, 1988.
As of 2012 there were 290 students, 47% female
53% male in 5 different degree programs: Master
of Arts (2 different programs), Master of
Theology, Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of
Philosophy. It has a faculty of 19 professors most
of whom have world-wide reputations. LSTC is
located in the Hyde Park area of Chicago near the
University of Chicago. It is governed by a board
of 27 people and is presided over by the Reverend
Dr. James Nieman. It's mission is to form
visionary leaders to bear witness to the Good
News of Jesus Christ. It certainly deserves our
prayers and support.
General Fund Summary
Page 6
Last year the Davenport school district identified
25% of students based on their Iowa Assessment
scores. Dr. Tate created the GAP program to help
close this achievement gap. Students that have been
formally identified receive extra services. Each student gets extra small group or one on one tutoring, a
mentor, and weekend family events. Once you are
in the program you stay in the program. Last year
there were 12 students in this group at Hayes elementary. Of these 12 students 10 would not have
qualified this year. This shows the program is
Desiree Gillespie, who is the Family Involvement
Liaison at Hayes and a St. Mark member, approached the Social Ministry committee for help
from our St. Mark community. This year there are
20 new students in the program. They are short on
mentors and are actively looking for more. Being a
mentor does not involve a lot of time. The school is
looking for members of the congregation to consider becoming a mentor and to come at least once a
month and have lunch with your student. You can
eat in the cafeteria with them or more privately in
the family room. You do not have to limit your visit to once a month. You can come eat with your
student weekly or every other week, whatever you
would like! If you would like to become a mentor
or have more questions, Desiree welcomes an email
or phone call. What a wonderful way for us here at
St. Mark to reach out to those in our neighborhood!
Desiree Gillespie
Hayes Elementary
Regular Offerings 2014
Food Pantry Report-Dec.
Jan Expenses $
Budget Amount $ 35,891.67
12/31/14 Balance $ 4,256.51
Jan Income
$ 1,956.45
Amount Ahead $ ( 1,997.66)
Jan Expenses
Jan Income
$ 33,894.01/94.43%
1/31/15 Balance
($ 1,521.06)
$ 4,691.90
Volume 45
The St. Mark Youth Group
will once again host a
breakfast on March 29th,
Palm Sunday morning. Join
us for food and fellowship
between 7:00am and
10:30am in the Meyer
Activity Center. Free will
donations will be accepted
as support for Work Camp.
Easter Baptisms
will be on Saturday
Night, April 4th at the
5:00PM service. This
special time is for both
children and adults
who have not yet been
baptized. Please call
the church office for more information.
Page 7
First Communion
Instruction will be take
place on Saturday, March
28th from 2pm-4PM and Wednesday, April 1st from
5:30PM -7:30PM. This will be for students and
parents who feel that their child is ready to take
communion. The instruction is geared toward
students in 4th thru 6th grades.
Celebration of First Communion will be on
Maundy Thursday, April 2nd during the 7:00 P.M.
service as we come together to celebrate and
remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples
when he gave the commandment to “Do This in
Remembrance of Me”.
Please contact the church at (563) 322.5318 or to register for
participation in our First Communion preparation.
If you would like to honor or remember a loved one during this
Easter season by sponsoring lilies and decorations,
please use this form and include it and $10.00 in an
envelope and bring or mail it to church.
On Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday we will include all the names
of the loved ones in a special insert placed in the bulletin.
Thank you!
Your Name:_____________________________________ Offering Envelope#________________
In memory of:
In honor of:
Given by:
Form and money are due in the office no later than March 23rd
Volume 45
A total of
115 families,
were served
at our food
January 2015.
We received donations from St.
Mark. Ridgecrest, Good
Samaritan, Jewish Federation of
the Quad-Cities, Pine Knoll, the
Salvation Army, Grace United
Methodist, St. Alphonsus and
other Individual donors.
The Friendship Group will
meet at the Machine Shed,
March 3rd. Everyone is
welcome to join us for lunch!
If you would like to come,
please sign up in the lounge
and indicateif you need a ride.
Hope to see you there!
Page 8
The Group
will meet
March 7th
and 21st at
prayer shawls are available to those
in need of God’s hug. See Pella
Fisher or Sue Nelson if you need
one. Thanks to all who help with
our outreach ministries.
God’s Work, Our Hands
-Pella Fisher
Share-a-Meal March 26th at 6PM
Please take time to look over the sign up sheet in the lounge to see
where you can help. Each month we need servers, hot casseroles, vegetables
and desserts. This is a worthwhile ministry that St. Mark is involved in. The
beauty of this is anybody can help, no special skills are needed. Just a warm
and giving heart is all you need. I promise, once you break the ice and take
that first step you will find out how gratifying it really is. The meal site is
located at the Salvation Army Family services building at 5th and Harrison
Streets. Meal starts at 6pm. Please email me at
or call 563-508-6127 for more exciting details!
-God Bless you, Dave Jessen
Three hundred seventy items were donated to FAMILY RESOURCES for the month
of JANUARY. This included lots of sample personal care products, combs,
toothpaste, floss, razors and shave cream. They also received socks, slippers, gloves,
scarves, dish towels, dish soap, household cleaner and table ware.
PREGANCY RESOURCES received 4 items: 2 crib sheets, a mattress pad and a can of formula. Thank you
for all of your donations. Everything is appreciated.
The needs for MARCH are as follows:
FAMILY RESOURCES: pots, pans, dishes, utensils, towels, diaper wipes, baby lotion, powder, shampoo, bed
linens, paper towels, dish soap, laundry detergent, cleaning and personal care items
PREGNANCY RESOURCES: Boy's and Girl's size: 18, 24 Mo., 2T Winter Clothing, Diapers sizes: newborn
& 2-5, Bottles, Pacifiers, Body wash, Lotion
ISAIAH 40:31 "“but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like
eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."
MISSION ACTION: Fred and Milly Heskett
6:30pm Preschool Board
TBD: MOPS Spring Tea
St. Mark LIFE
ST. MARK LIFE (USPS 312-300) is published monthly by St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church,
ELCA, 2363 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa 52802. Annual subscription of $1.00 per year is
included in payment of weekly pledge of members.
Periodicals Postage paid at Davenport, Iowa
POSTMASTER: Send changes to St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church,
2363 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa 52802
Saturday Worship with Holy Communion
5:00 pm
Sunday Worship with Holy Communion
8:00 & 10:00 am
Lenten Schedule
Holy Week Schedule
You are invited Lenten Services
Community Meals.
Wednesday Evenings
February 25 thru March 25
Lenten Meals Served:6pm - 7pm
Lenten Service: 7pm - 7:30pm
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Maundy Thursday Worship 7:00PM
Friday, April 3, 2015
Good Friday Worship
11:00AM & 7:00PM
April 4 , 2015
Saturday Evening Worship - 5:00PM
Special Easter Baptismal Service
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
8:00a.m. Worship
10:00a.m. Worship
There is no Sunday School
on this day.