HJ THIS WEEK AT FAITH! january 25, 2015 Faith Lutheran Church of Castro Valley - ELCA 20080 Redwood Rd. Castro Valley, CA 94546 (510) 582-0818 Next Sunday, February 1st Annual Epiphany Brunch ONE Worship Service at 10:00AM The Service will be in celebration of Epiphany, the end of Jeff Johnson’s Internship AND Lois & Barney Tiller’s 50th Wedding Anniversary. During the Service, there will be a performance of John Rutter’s “The Reluctant Dragon”, a small musical fable that lasts 22 minutes. It’s a funny musical and is somewhat reminiscent of Monty Python and British humor. The Brunch follows the Service. Lent is ... just around the corner It’s hard to believe...but Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18th. During Lent, the tradition at Faith Lutheran is to have a Lenten Soup & Bread Supper each Wednesday. This begins on Ash Wednesday. We need hosts for the suppers who are willing to cook the soup and coordinate the supper. These hosts may be a family, a Board, a church group, a couple of friends almost any combination will work. The dates involved are: February 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25. If you are interested in hosting or helping with one of these dinners, please contact Teresa Raymond at 510) 538-3321 or tmdraymond@gmail.com AND, we can’t forget about the day BEFORE Ash Wednesday Tuesday, February 17th The Youth will again host a Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner on this evening from 6 - 7:30PM in Jensen Hall. The proceeds will go to their trip to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit, Michigan, this summer. Watch for more information but please save the date now! January 25, 2015 Page 2 Weekly Calendar Today 8:00 9:00 Praise Team rehearsal Contemporary Worship Service and Sunday School 10:30 Traditional Worship Service Fellowship Times follow Worship tuesday 9:30 Staff Meeting 12:00 Noon - Deadline for Bulletin & TWAF information & articles 7:00 Board of Stewardship Meeting Something new in the Sanctuary... During the Epiphany Season, our beautiful Baptism Banner is being displayed in the Chancel area near the Choir Loft. This celebrates Baptism and the Baptism of Our Lord which takes place during Epiphany. This Banner is usually hung up high in the Sanctuary with the other Banners. In its’ new temporary home, you can fully take in its’ beauty and meaning. We will feature different banners throughout the church year. These banners were lovingly handmade by our own Gabrielle Burnand. Additionally, in celebration of Epiphany, there is a beautiful Epiphany Banner hung near the Pulpit. This was given to the Church by the Svibergson Family. WEDNESDAY Wonderful Wednesdays 5:30 Sonshine singers 6:00 Light Supper in Jensen Hall 6:30-8:00 Youth Group (includes meal) 7:00 Explorers NO Adult Class this week - please see right-hand column Handbell Choir rehearsal 8:00 Chancel Choir rehearsal Thursday 7:00 Emergency Food Distribution saturday 8:00 Altar Guild/Sanctuary Wednesday Evening Adult Class There will be no class this Wednesday, the 28th. Pastor Wong needs to be in Sacramento at the Synod Office for a meeting on Wednesday. HOWEVER, on the following Wednesday, February 4th, there will be special guest speaker for the class. The Rev. Dr. Diane Bowers from St. James Lutheran in San Leandro, will be here. Since the class is studying Mary, the mother of Jesus, it will be interesting to have a women’s perspective on Mary and her role in Jesus’ life. In our study of Mary we are looking at biblical passages where she is mentioned as Mary or as mother of Jesus. And we’ll see where this takes us, especially in what these biblical texts tell us about Mary. Scout Sunday Staff Meetings... Our Annual Observance of Scout Sunday will be on Sunday, February 8th, at the 9AM Service. Scouts (Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts) and their leaders are encouraged to wear their uniforms to church for this Service. Our Staff Meetings are Tuesdays, at 9:30am. They may last an hour - or they may last 2 hours. If you call during this time, and no one answers the phone, please leave a message and we will call you back. 2015 Offering Envelopes are available in the Narthex. Attendance Last Sunday: Ave. Attendance: 127 127 January 25, 2015 Page 3 Food Pantry NEWS... Altar Flowers are given by ! The Althoff Family in celebration of Sarah’s 13th Birthday on January 30th! 2015 Altar Flower Chart... The sign-up chart for 2015 Altar Flowers is posted in the Narthex and ready for sign-ups! Questions??? please talk to Susan Nelson. The Food Pantry has hired a “Food Pantry Supervisor” – her name is Patricia (Trish) Ferrari. Trish and I met, and she is ready to begin work. Tentatively, Trish is planning to be at the pantry Tuesday – Thursday mornings. She will be taking on a lot of the day to day operations that I have been doing, as well as getting us organized. We have set up a little office space for her in the pantry. Let’s please be respectful of this space and not pile boxes on top of her desk. Here is a brief introduction of Trish: ! Wedding Anniversary: Barney & Lois Tiller 1-30-65 Celebrating Birthdays: Christine McKinnis Shirley Sell Candice Lozano Sarah Althoff New Church Directory... We’re working on it! We had planned to get it out on February 1st, but it is just not going to happen. As soon as we get it done, you’ll all be the first to know! Liturgical Workshop Saturday, February 7th – 10:00AM – Noon in the Sanctuary We'll discuss "why we do what we do," and our Lutheran heritage in a catholic tradition from a theological understanding and a practical standpoint. It is being led by Kyle Schiefelbein, from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. If you plan to attend, please let Jeff Johnson know so we know how many to plan for. My name is Trish Ferrari, I have been a part of the Castro Valley Community since 1985. I have two grown children Tess 22, Jeff 36. During the past four years I have volunteered to bring food, payment for motels, pay utilities and other services to the less fortunate in our community through the St Vincent de Paul Conference at Our Lady of Grace. In doing so, it has made me well aware of the needs of the people of Castro Valley and the outlying communities. When the opportunity presented itself to serve as an administrative assistant for the Faith Lutheran Food Bank I welcomed the call. Although it has only been a couple of weeks since I have begun this position , I would like to say it has been nothing but a privilege and an honor to serve the many volunteers that make this ministry possible. Everyone has welcomed me with open arms and support. I thank you all for this warm welcome. From Mary Wildensten Trish will be preparing the weekly and monthly food pantry reports, helping with inventory, helping get the food pantry files updated, preparing quarterly volunteer schedules, and so many other tasks that have been set aside due to lack of time. The funds to pay Trish will be coming from the Food Pantry. Available on the Narthex Counter “Christ in Our Home” Copies of Christ In Our Home for January, February and March, 2015 are available in the Narthex in both regular and large print. The LUTHERAN Magazine The January Issue is waiting for you on the Narthex Counter. January 25, 2015 Page 4 “Thank You” to our Fellowship Hosts... Pastoral Care If pastoral care is needed, and it is a day when Pastor Wong is not here, please call the Church Office. We have people lined up - starting with Jeff Johnson and other clergy in the area, to give pastoral care when needed. Pastor Wong is usually here Saturday afternoon through Wednesday evening. But, when he is not here, he is just a little over an hour away in Davis. This schedule may vary with church meetings and activities. After 9AM Worship - Gail Myers Following the 10:30 Service - Paul Goode The sign-up chart to host Fellowship Times is in Jensen Hall. There are oodles of openings on the chart for the New Year! Don Reince is the coordinator of the Sunday morning Fellowship Times. You can contact him at: (510) 695-5323 (cell) (510) 727-0733 (home) Attendance Cards,Offering Envelopes... You know those pesky little attendance cards that you are asked (in the front part of the bulletin) to fill out at every service? Well, they do serve a our purpose. This is the only way Faith Lutheran Church (and the ELCA) can really know that you were in fact in church. And, you also need to mark that you received Communion on the card if you received it. And, about Offering Envelopes... we get them for you for a reason. It would be great if they were used! For you to have a contribution of record, you either need to use your offering envelope, get one from the pew rack and write your name on it, or use a check - something that will identify you as the donor. Statement of Income and Net Expenditures for May through December 2014 Undesignated Offerings (General funds) for May thru December Net Expenditures (General Fund) for May thru December Income over (under) net expenditures for May thru December $197,671 ($189,308) -----------($8,363) ----------------------- Report on Bank Accounts for May through December 2014 Cash in Bank 4-30-14 (checking and savings) Cash received May through December Disbursements May through December $138,506 $258,310 ($234,566) -----------Cash in Bank 12-31-14 (checking and savings) $162,250 Restricted Funds as of 12-31-14 ($153,887) -----------Shortage as of 12-31-14 ($8,363) -----------------------(All expenses or May through October have been paid. The amount budgeted to the Synod for May through October is $13,248 and we were able to make a $5,000 payment to them in December.)
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