Active in Faith February 2015 Monthly publication for members and friends of Faith Lutheran Church 4005 Palm Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941-639-6309 Pastor: Rev. Dana Alan Narring, MDiv Mission and Vision Statement: Empowering All People to Know Jesus Christ! And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses…and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” (Mark 9:4,7 ESV) February 14 for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3:19 ESV) February 18 February 16 6:00 services will follow Lenten 5:00 suppers. Feb. 25, March 4, March 11, March 18 and March 25. Worship Services Saturday 5:30 Praise and Worship Service Sunday 9:30 Worship Service Weekly Bible Studies Monday 10:30 AM: Women’s Bible study, “Encouraged in Heart” by Dr. Mary Hilgendorf. W NE ! Wednesday 6:30 PM: World Religion Class starts on February 4 through March 18. (Class will not meet on Ash Wednesday.) To be led by Pastor Narring and Dick Ollek. See page 3 for more information about the study. Thursday – 10:30 to 11:30 AM – Pastor Clyde’s Thursday Bible class 1 Pastor’s message Greetings in Christ! “Be merciful as your Father in heaven is merciful” (Luke 6:36). The word for mercy that Jesus uses here has a more concrete meaning than what we typically associate with mercy. It means more than just being kind. It means to be concerned about your neighbor’s state and well-being. Thus, Jesus taught that we are to care, to be concerned about our neighbor’s state and well-being even as our Father in heaven cares for and is concerned about our state and well-being. How has our Father in heaven cared for our state and well-being? How has He shown His concern for our well-being? How has He showered this mercy upon us? He gave of Himself. He sent His only-begotten Son in human flesh, to become one of us—a man— and to suffer all that we suffer and to endure what we endure—a fallen world full of sinful people, temptation, the attacks of the devil, and death. He took upon Himself what rightfully belongs to us— sin and death—in order that He could give to us what rightfully belongs to Him—righteousness, purity, eternal life, and victory over the temptation of Satan and this fallen world. That is how He cared for our state. That is how He was concerned for our well-being. He entered into our state for the sake of our well-being, died in our place, rose for our justification, and redeemed us to make all things new. He entered our state so that by water and His Word we would be granted entrance into His state as children of our Father in heaven. In other words, He had empathy toward us, which resulted in true sympathy. Jesus, therefore, calls the church to empathy and sympathy for her neighbors. When He says, “Be merciful even as your Father in heaven is merciful,” He asks the church to give of herself, to enter into her neighbors’ state for their well-being. And the church gives of herself the only thing in her that is worth giving. As the Body of Christ, she gives Christ to her neighbors. She gives out the same mercy that she has received. She gives the mercy that the heavenly Father poured out upon her through the sending of His Son. And, she does it through the preaching of the forgiveness of sins in Word and Deed, in Word and Sacrament. For this is how the church lives—in the forgiveness of sins received in the means of grace—and, therefore, this is what the church does. What else can she do? Well, since this is how the church lives and what the church does, this is likewise how Christians live and what Christians do. That is why giving to the church is so important. It ensures that the proclamation of the forgiveness of sins in Word and Deed continues. It ensures that our neighbors’ state and well-being is cared for and attended to. It ensures that our neighbors have access to our heavenly Father’s mercy just as we have received it here in time for all eternity. “Therefore, I say, let us be merciful even as our Father in heaven is merciful.” God bless you, Pastor 2 Wandering Editors’ Note Get your calendar out and write down some important and fun events that are coming up. Also don’t forget your health, so sign up for Life Line screening. Most important are days that will lift you up spiritually, like Bible studies, small groups, and Ash Wednesday which begins the Lenten season. We will see you often in February! Terry and Naomi Weslock Editors World Religions from a Christian perspective This course will consist of six sessions: 1. Islam, 2. Mormonism, 3. Jehovah's Witnesses, 4. Hinduism, 5. Buddhism, and 6. Popular Spirituality. Each session discusses the history of the cult, the basic beliefs, how they differ from Christianity, as well as some of the deceptive ways they are able to twist the Christian religion. In this format, there will be time each week to interact with our presenters, Pastor Narring and Dick Ollek. Handouts and other informative literature will be provided for each session. You'll also be encouraged to share any questions you have pertaining to that week's topic. We will meet in the church sanctuary each Wednesday from 6:30 – 7:45 p.m., beginning February 4th (this class will not meet on Ash Wednesday). A sign-up sheet will be available in the narthex. We look forward to providing this great program for you and your friends! Board of Fellowship Board of Fellowship Apr. 5 Easter Breakfast Other events:by Fellowship Lenten Suppers : Wednesday 5:00 Wednesday 5:00 Feb. 25: Host: Fellowship Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Mar. Feb. 4: 25: Mar. 11 Mar. 4: Mar. 18 Host: LWML Host: Fellowship Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Host: Evangelism and Education Host: LWML Host: SoupsStewardship and Missions Mar. Mar. 25 11 Host Host:Elders Evangelism and Education Mar. 18 Host: Stewardship and Missions Jan. 26: The Blackwood Legacy Gloria Koehler in charge Feb. 14 at 4:30 Spaghetti dinner by Feb. 14 at 4:30 Spaghetti and dinner by Tish PanTish Pannozzo Fellowship nozzo and Fellowship Feb. 22: Cultural Center Theater to Feb. 22: Cultural Center Theater to see “Church see “Church Basement Ladies” See Basement Ladies” Betty Pio for tickets. Apr. 5: Easter Breakfast by Fellowship Other25events:Host: Elders Mar. 3 President’s Message Members and associate members of Faith, as of this writing it appears we made our budget in 2014. We are still waiting for the final numbers from the Reuter Accounting Firm. In 2014 we needed an income from Offerings and Tithes of $6,394 per week, based on a budget of $337,512. This year , 2015, our budget has a slight increase of 1.5% over 2014 totaling $342,577. This year we will need $6588 per week or an increase of $194 per week. These numbers are reported weekly in your service bulletin. We pray God and all our members, will bless us again this year, as He has in the past to make budget. We want to bless all of you for your generous giving. The monthly financial report from Reuter Accounting will be posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. We usually receive this in the fourth week of the following month. I want to announce also that George Buono and his committee will be performing a financial review of the year 2014. He plans to have the review ready for the Spring Voters Meeting. The Board of Elders now have a new Chairman for this year, Ralph Winkler. We have a full slate for the Board of Directors for 2015. Bob Page President Board of Elders We wish to thank those who those who purchased Poinsettias for the Christmas decor. We also appreciate the 18 or so members who came to the church on Saturday to help take down the Christmas trees, other decorations and did a spectacular job cleaning the whole chancel area. We welcome back to the sunshine all of our snowbird members and guests. We're glad to have you add your praises to our Lord and Savior each Sunday, and please join us during the Lenten and Easter season as we remember our Savior's death on the cross to save us all from our sins. Elders Ralph Winkler Head Elder Complete list of your officers. Board of Directors Board of Elders President – Robert Page Vice-President - Robert Hall Head Elder – Ralph Winkler Education – Terry Weslock Evangelism – Rev. Fred and Gloria Koehler Fellowship – Betty Pio and Carolie Brockmiller Missions – Margaret Andrews Stewardship – Carol Meyer Trustees – Steve Meyer Treasurer – Sam Jackson Recording Secretary – Jane Stenberg Head Elder – Ralph Winkler Harvey Sterriker Roger Thalacker Frank Livingston Peter Daut Dick Lehman David Cope Richard Fasnacht Ken Johnson Mike Turkal Victor Gonzalez Gerry Misener Larry Berkel 4 Board of Stewardship We are in the early process of forming a committee to look into reducing or eliminating the mortgage on Zalman Hall. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Carol Meyer 941 916-0050. Please be sure to pick up your 2015 envelopes and also your 2014 year end statements. There is an explanation of why there are two sheets to the year end statements which is next to the box that has those statements in the narthex. As all of you know by now, the Board of Directors voted to start direct deposit for our members and associate members. This keeps you from having to write checks each week/month and when you are gone your offering continues. It also helps cut down on the hours that our counters have to spend counting the money on Monday morning so is a win-win situation for all. It is very easy to sign up on the Faith website and is free to each of us. Many of you have not taken advantage of this and I keep hearing “I just haven’t taken the time to do it”. I would like to encourage each of you to consider doing this sooner rather than later and if you need help, please call me at 941 916-0050 and I will be happy to walk you through the process. Thanks! Carol Meyer Chairperson FLEA MARKET: FEBRUARY 7TH FROM 8AM TO12 NOON HELP is needed to work on the flea market. We will be setting up February 2nd at 9am. A few men would be a great help. The rest of the week we will be pricing your donated treasures from 9 AM to 11AM. This is a church project with monies being used to help needed projects at Faith and other missions. Bake sale items and lunch will be available for purchase. Venders are needed! Last year we made over two thousand Flea dollars. Can we do it again? Market Clean out your closets and bake your goodies, then come with your friends and shop. Consider working on the sale. It is a good way to meet people, Call Beverlee at 941-637-7680 or the church at 941-639-6309 if you have questions. 5 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Serve the Lord with gladness. Psalm 100:2 In January the LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) highlighted LWML’s role in the international mission field. More than $100 million has been given to missions in its 73 years of existence. They have been serving with joy to the glory of God. On January 21 Tina Figliuolo, Director of Charolette County Homeless Coalition, shared the program of helping homeless people. Following the informative talk, Marilyn Bredvick presented her with a check of $750.00…$500.00 of which was raised at the Cookie Walk and $250.00 from Thrivent. Coming Soon! The annual Flea Market will be Saturday, February 7. Start cleaning out closets, kitchen cupboards and garages. Many items are needed. Volunteers will also be needed to set up on February 2-6 and on the Saturday. Ready, Set. Recycle! The 2019 LWML Convention will be in Birmingham, Alabama. To help off-set expenses LWML is promoting a Fundraiser Promotional Program. The LWML is collecting printer cartridges for recycling. Please save your used cartridges and bring them to Faith. There is a bag on the LWML table in the narthex for collecting the printer cartridges. Dates to remember: Feb. 7: Feb. 11: March 14 Mar. 18: Flea Market Meeting (in narthex) Spring Zone Rally at Lakeside Lutheran Church, Venice Meeting April 15: Meeting Sept. 25-27, 2015: District Retreat Fall 2016 Zone Rally: Faith Punta Gorda Please keep Sam Sessa, our adopted seminarian, in your prayers as he studies for the ministry at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Naomi Weslock President 6 Board of Education Tim Mangan Set aside Thursday, February 19 for a special event. Come and hear professional story teller Tim Mangan regale you with tales from our country’s past. He will also entertain you with his harmonica playing and even get you to sing along. We will begin with a pizza lunch followed by Tim’s story telling. Come an hear story telling from the heart. The Purveyor of Questionable Wisdom SENIOR VBS is back for a second year. Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 7. We will again have coffee and refreshments, Bible time, crafts, games, singing and, of course, lunch. Watch for more information in the Sunday bulletin and in the Narthex. Terry Weslock Chairperson Rev. Dr. James Cotter (winter Pastor at Lutheran Church of the Cross) and his wife Donna are taking a group on tour of the Holy Land in April 2015. It is a unique opportunity for a Lutheran pastor to lead a tour. Pastor Cotter has arranged specific stops that will enrich the journey. He has also planned the locations to be “accessible.” There will not be too much walking. Please see the flyer on the Narthex bulletin board or call: 260615-4394. 7 Thank you for all the recycled materials that were collected and donated to East Elementary kindergarten reading night. It was a huge success with many families coming out to learn how to make reading games from recycled materials. Please discontinue bringing in the recycled containers. Thank you so much for your support. Thank you Shelly Cope Muffins for Missions to support Thrive Community Church, a campus ministry at FGCU, raised $328.00 to send to Rev. John Roth. Thank you for all the delicious donated muffins and your generous donations. LWML Richard Jones 2/1 Floyd Matzke 2/11 Suzanna Thompson 2/23 Bruce Frilstad 2/3 Betty Pio 2/14 Kyle Narring 2/25 Darleyne Holt 2/5 Cody Cope 2/15 Bob Trapp 2/26 Diane Zanoni 2/7 Dee Buono 2/19 Mandy Lyn Lewis 2/27 Peggy Kelner 2/8 Marc Banyocu 2/23 Ruth Lee 2/29 Rev. Gene and Joyce Krentz 2/1 (57 yrs.) Merle and Barbara Wilts 2/23 (52 yrs.) Ken and Janet Smallen 2/8 (51 yrs.) Bill and Sandy Holbrook 2/27 (50 yrs.) Rev. Clyde and Virderie Kaminska 2/12 (32 yrs.) 8 A most enjoyable evening of music was presented at Faith on January 26. Gospel music sung by Blackwood Legacy filled our hearts with joy and hope. Our thanks to Leonora Suglio who made the arrangements to have Blackwood Legacy here. Also, thanks to Gloria and her crew for providing coffee and desserts after the concert. Life Line Screening Early detection is key to prevention of strokes, diabetes and heart disease. Health screenings can detect your risk for serious disease. On Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Life Line Screening will be here at Faith. Pre-registration is required. To sign up call 1-800-234-9458. Information forms is available in the narthex. January Ushers and Readers Schedule Date Ushers Reader February 1 Pete and Linda Daut Bill and Beverlee Winslow Beverlee Winslow February 8 February 15 February 18 6PM Ash Wednesday February 22 February 25 6PM Wednesday Dick and Lou Young Ron & Flo Norsell John and Lois Arens Terry & Naomi Weslock Kay Oetting Jackie Saeger Joyce and Hal Jandola Cheryl Kampa and Sam Jackson Bob and Sharon Hall Stan Smith and Carolee Brockmiller Stan Smith Gladys Manley and Margaret Andrews Unless indicated the Saturday ushers are Dick and Sandy Lehman and the reader is Dick Lehman. 9 View weekly announcements and calendar at: The church’s office email address is: Church office hours are 9am-2pm Monday-Friday Deadline for February newsletter is January 22 Please e-mail all announcements, articles and photos to Editor will reserve the right to proofread and edit all articles for the monthly newsletter. 10
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