LIFE A Publication of St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church 2363 West Third Street, Davenport IA 52802 Phone: 563-322-5318 Pastor Travis Fisher: 563-676-8160 Email: November 2014 Volume 47 Issue 11 From Pr. Travis A little over 5 years ago, in October, I was installed as the Pastor of St. Mark. In July, I was called, having served as your interim pastor for a year and two months prior. Over the 6 years we have experienced a number of deaths in our congregation. I always think about the fact that I came to St. Mark from Hospice and nursing home chaplaincy, where I was directly involved with less deaths on a yearly basis than I have experienced on a yearly basis as the pastor of St. Mark. Along with the chaplaincy ministry preformed at St. Mark, I have the opportunity to lead worship, preach and preside, officiate at weddings, baptize, teach confirmation and two bible studies, attend meetings and more meetings, journey with you in service to the community through the food pantry, share-a-meal, preschool, youth ministry, hosting Safer Foundation Impact Program, participating in VBS, and our summer music concert series. But none of the aforementioned is accomplished alone. First, we have a devoted and dedicated staff that supports these ministries day in and day out. Second, we have wonderful volunteers who extend the ministries of this church beyond the limits of our financial constraints. Third, we have generous givers who contribute through tithes and offerings. These tithes and offerings help maintain our church, the programming, and ministries. Lastly, we have members and friends of this church who pray fervently for our church, our ministries, the leadership, and staff. The first Sunday in November is All Saints Sunday when we remember those who have died since last All Saints. This year, I believe we will read the shortest number of names in recent history. This being said, we still mourn the loss of the dead as we celebrate their eternal peace and rest. The next three Sundays we will focus on Stewardship. This is the giving of ourselves to God for all God has entrusted to our care. Many of those who have died in the faith over the last 6 years (and throughout the history of St. Mark) were faithful givers to the church, often foregoing pleasures in life to be able to give back to God in abundance. Some were giving not only in life, but also in death with the willing of estate money or property, life insurance policies, IRA’s or other financial policies. Each gift helps sustain the mission and ministry we share in Christ. Some of these gifts are legacy gifts given to help sustain the church and its mission and ministry for many, many years to come. As you prayerfully consider your pledge this year, and as you meet with your tax preparer, lawyer or financial advisor as you plan for your future, please consider leaving a portion of what God has entrusted to you in life to St. Mark. Consider this quote as you discern: "I have observed 100,000 families over my years of investment counseling. I always saw greater prosperity and happiness among those families who tithed than among those who didn't." Sir John Templeton, chairman of Templeton Funds. Each gift does make a difference in how many people are reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ and his love. I close with his quote, which is very “Lutheran”: “Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege.” — John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960), American industrialist and philanthropist Journeying with you, Pr. Travis Fisher God looks at the heart, not the hand--the giver, not the gift. Volume 47 Page 2 FAMILY RESOURCES and PREGNANCY RESOURCES FAMILY RESOURCES, PREGNANCY RESOURSES and LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF THANK YOU so much for all the help and donations for our LUTERAN WORLD RELIEF PERSONAL CARE KITS. We have a total of 43 kits. These were delivered to Cedar Rapids on OCTOBER 18th. We are very thankful for your generous response to those in need all over the world! One hundred seventy three items were donated to FAMILY RESOURCES for the month of SEPTEMBER. They received clothing, bleach, laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates, laundry detergent, lots of personal care products and miscellaneous items. PREGNANCY RESOURCES received 8 items; baby powder and formula. We thank you again. The needs for NOVEMBER are as follows: FAILY RESOURCES; pots, pans, dishes, utensil, towels, diaper wipes, baby lotion, powder, shampoo, bed linens, paper towels, dish soap, laundry detergent, cleaning and personal care items PREGNANCY RESOURCES; Boys and Girls size 18, 24 Mo., 2T Fall/Winter clothing, diapers sizes newborn & 2-5, towels & Strollers Isaiah 43:1b "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine." MISSION ACTION: Fred and Milly Heskett A total of 552 people were served at our food pantry in September,2014. Items were donated from St. Mark, Grace United Methodist, Grace Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran, Faith United Methodist, Heritage Church, Midwest Food Bank –Peoria Division, Kids Against Hunger, Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild, Good Samaritan, and other generous individuals. Thank you! GIVE THEM A HELPING HAM This Thanksgiving, we want to help our food pantry families by making sure they have some protein along with their potatoes, mac & cheese, canned veggies and fruit, etc. Like we did at Easter, we are collecting the little canned hams in our food pantry to give to these individuals and families. Your generosity will make Thanksgiving-time a little more enjoyable for many folks. Thank you. Wellness Opportunities for November ÍSoulfit exercise class weekly on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM in Luther Hall. ÍUnityPoint at Home Flu Clinic Wednesday, November 5, 10 AM12 Noon in the Lounge. Flu shots are no cost to those enrolled in Medicare Part B or one of the Medicare Advantage plans. Flu Shot is $35 Cash, credit card and checks are accepted as payment. Private insurance coverage will not be filed by UnityPoint staff. ÍHealing Prayers at all three worship services during communion November 8-9. ÍLife Together group will meet at Heritage Court for lunch and devotions on Monday, November 10 @ 11:15 AM. Cost of lunch is $5.00. Please let PN Bev know if you would like to attend or need a ride. ÍUnityPoint at Home Foot Clinic Monday, November 24, 1-3 PM by appt in the Bride’s Room. Page 3 Volume 47 November 2014 - LSI News November is National Adoption Month November is National Adoption Month, a time to celebrate the power of adoption and to raise awareness about children waiting to be adopted into a forever family. Nationally, there are more than 101,000 children waiting to be adopted from the U.S. foster care system. LSI is a partner agency in Iowa KidsNet, the statewide collaboration of agencies that helps find safe homes for foster children. LSI foster care and post-adoption support staff are helping families every day to care for children in the foster care system, whether for a few days or for a lifetime through adoption. Thank you for being a partner in helping Iowa children feel safe, secure and loved during difficult times! LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Learn more at and “Our three special children” With their oldest children grown, Shirley and her husband Ed decided the time was right to fill up their home again. They began taking foster parent classes in Mason City, never imagining they would later adopt three young children. First, Shirley and Ed worked to help those children reunify with their birth mother. When it became clear that children would need an adoptive home, Shirley and Ed stepped up. “When we got into foster care we never imagined we would adopt,” Shirley said. “The birth mother was very appreciative that we would do that for the kids. We talked to our biological kids to see if they were on board with us, and we did a lot of praying.” It’s a story that shows how foster parents not only can help kids, but birth parents, too. The siblings’ birth mother continues to visit them weekly. “This family was truly champions at birth family interaction,” said Josh, an LSI foster care staff. “Adoption was never their intent, but these children touched their lives, and they made great decisions. They did things the right way without ever losing sight of their role in actively working towards permanency for these children.” “I think their mother said it perfectly,” Shirley recalled. “She said, ‘This isn’t the perfect solution, but you will only have that many more people to love you. Shirley and Ed will take good care of you.’ And she is so right. If we can keep working together, they will have a whole tribe of people to love and care for them. The ultimate goal for my whole family is to make a difference in the life of a child, and in this case, the lives of our three special children.” See more stories, past and present, at LSI’s anniversary website: Jeff Anderson Jeff Bass Nancy Beaderstadt Maureen Currier Pr. Travis Fisher 344-7558 505-7525 381-4386 386-5584 676-8160 Bob Garman 332-1199 Steve Hines 391-8986 Barb Jakubowski 381-2030 Robb Kauffman 579-7285 Paul Thorndyke 381-2662 Page 4 Volume 47 Notes from the Organ Bench by Ellen Bowlin…November 2014 On All Saints Sunday, November 2nd, we remember those who have died this past year. When we sing the “Holy, Holy, Holy” on this day and each Sunday, we join in singing with all the saints who have died, saints who are living and saints yet to be born. Another hymn included in our ELW for All Saints’ Sunday is # 425, “Behold a Host Arrayed in White.” As a child, I remember this hymn played on the piano at our home by my missionary uncle who would stay at our house frequently when he was on furlough from his work in Hong Kong. It is a beautiful hymn, both text and tune and presents a glorious vision of heaven. On Thanksgiving Eve at 7 PM, our Joyful Ringers and Singers and Chancel Choir will present special music. More information will be forthcoming about the service. God bless our worship together and keep singing… Baptized October 2014 Hospitalized in October _______________________________________ Caroline June Fisher Born June 16, 2014 Parents: Angela Beth Fisher & Ross James Fisher Ruth Ann Brown Janice Bunge Alice Danielsen Meldon Gugelmeyer Robert Lantau June Strohbehn Joyce Wilder We offer the Family of: Alfred C. Darell words of love, support and comfort. May they rest assured in the midst of their challenges and adjustments that God will sustain them in the loss of their loved one through faith in our Risen Lord. Because He lives, we too shall live. Our Church Staff Pr. Travis Fisher Bev Blake Ellen Bowlin Pam Carstens Mick Carstens Pastor Parish Nurse Minister of Music/Organist Dir. of Preschool & Asst. Dir. of Music Administrator Lisa Willey Milly Heskett Paul Regginello Steve McCalester Trianna McCalester Emilee Droegmiller Office Coordinator Event/ Facility Coordinator Sunday Custodian Sunday Custodian Nursery Supervisor Nursery Attendant Volume 47 Page 5 All Hands On Deck!!! Saturday, November 1st, at 10am in the St. Mark Gym, we will meet to set up tables and prepare food for the All Saints Breakfast. Please bring your food items, drinks and baked goods on Saturday morning. The month of October has been a whirlwind…… Open House and Scholastic Book Fair, Student Assessments and Parent/Teacher Conferences, Field Trips to the Pumpkin Patch, Cookie Dough Fundraiser and Halloween Parties! We will settle things down a bit in November as we focus on family and for all that we have to be Thankful. We will be collecting food for our St. Mark Food Pantry and the children will host a family luncheon in celebration of Thanksgiving. God’s Blessings! Pam Carstens Save the Date: Sunday, December 7th, from 11:30am to 5pm. B.I.G. Youth Group will be hosting a day out for Parents to Christmas Shop. The youth group will be watching children in the Gym for a donation. Volunteers Needed! Our decorating committee is getting ready for the Advent/Christmas season, which will be here in no time. Maureen Currier and Barb Erickson will need extra hands when they start decorating the church grounds in preparation for the birth of our Lord. Watch your bulletins for more information! Sunday, November 2nd, at 7am, we will begin serving the All Saints Breakfast in the St. Mark Gym. -Angi Kauffman MOPS NEWS It's time for the St. Mark MOPS Fall Bazaar and Luncheon! Saturday, November 15th, from 9am to 2pm, in the St. Mark Gym. The Luncheon will be served from 11am to 1pm. Serving: Chicken/Stuffing Casserole, rolls, drink, salad and a dessert. We have 40 Vendors with 42 tables this year. One stop shopping for the entire family! 40 Raffles to choose from. Tickets for the raffle will be 1 ticket for $1.00 or 6 tickets for $5.00. We want to thank you for supporting our Mom's!!! Any questions please see or call Angela Kauffman (563)579-7285. There is a sign up sheet in the Lounge for anyone who would be willing to make either an dessert or salad or help out with the MOPS Bazaar and Luncheon. Any questions please contact Angela Kauffman (563)5797285 Social Ministry Social Ministry Committee will have the annual mitten/hat and socks tree. We will have the “Angel” families from our preschool as well. Watch for the trees in December! Volume 47 Page 6 le age Sa m m u R Reformation Sunday Our Third Grade Bible Recipients Our Confirmands Trunk or Treat Page 7 Volume 47 Library News Just a reminder—To check a book out from the library, date & sign the borrowers card. This card is located just inside the front cover of the book or in some cases, the back cover of the book. File the card by the author’s last name in the file box on top of the counter. For example: author Jan Karon would go behind K for Karon. When returning books, place them in the basket under the counter. Please check your homes for long overdue books. Books should be returned after a month or sooner. The following books are long overdue: Dear God, What Can I Tell You? I Have a Lot of Questions By Annie Fitzgerald New In the Library The Bible Companion by Calamari & DiPasqua Deeper Life by Hobart Freeman The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas by Madeleine L’Engle The Bible in Contemporary Language by Eugene Peterson Orphan Train By Christina Baker Kline A powerful tale of upheaval and resilience, second chances, and unexpected friendship. Prescription for a Healthy Church by Eugene & Jolene Peohlkepartain The Bible: A Reader’s Guid By Henry Wansbrough Daniel in the Lion’s Den by Jane Latourette Maria by Maria VonTrapp Manage your giving online! St. Mark is excited to announce you are now able to manage your giving online! Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. Simply follow these easy steps: x Visit the church website at, x Click on the Give Now button, x Click on the Create Profile button, then x Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. General Fund Summary Finance Sept. Income Corner Sept. Expenses Regular Offerings Year to Date Food Pantry Report $ 33,136.37 Budget Amount $307,500.03 8/31/14 Balance Sept. Income $ 2,975.51 Amount Ahead $ Sept Expenses $ 9/30/14 Balance $ 3,662.94 $ 36,111.88 Received $314,454.41/102.26% 6,954.38 $ 2,832.76 $ 1,748.67 918.49 Page 8 Volume 47 Happy Fall! I Thought it would be good to get some scrappin' done before the holiday rush. If you can find time in your schedule to stop by and catch up on some projects or maybe get ahead on some holiday gifts, our group always has a good time. The date is November 1st. A Main dish will be provided for lunch; bring a side or dessert to share if you'd like, or 'brown bag' it if you prefer. As always, you are welcome to bring a friend and please contact me with any questions, or call the church office, 563-322-5318. -Julie Schumann Just a note...A big thank you goes to Pastor Travis and Parish Nurse Bev for their visits to me in the hospital and Manor Care. They were deeply appreciated. A big thank you to Peace Circle for all your cards, prayers, and caring. It has been a long struggle and still is. In God’s love, Mary Davis ____________________________________ Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Bible Study for November Theology on Tuesdays at 6:30pm in Library Nov. 4th How to Receive Communion Nov. 11th The Steward’s Identity Nov. 18th The Steward’s Purpose Nov. 25th The Steward’s Lifestyle Our rummage sale was a big success. Special thanks to Janet Martin, Rick Martin, Sue Nelson, and Pat Thode for leading this effort. A huge thank you to Rich Ricketts who receives and organizes the treasures in the basement, so that it comes out organized in “departments”. We had more treasures than ever. We are blessed with many material things, God has been good to us. Thanks to all who donated for the sale and worked during the set-up, sale, and clean-up. Special thanks to the IMPACT clients who helped Connie set up the tables. _______________________________ Searcher’s Bible Study on Fridays At 10:00am in the Library Nov. 7th The Steward’s Identity Nov. 14th The Steward’s Purpose Nov. 21st The Steward’s Lifestyle Nov. 28th No bible Study/Thanksgiving Break Trunk or Treat Thank You What a fun time had by all! Thanks for all of those who participated in one form or another with the 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat; especially to the Social Ministry Committee who organized this community outreach event. PERIODICAL St. Mark LIFE ST. MARK LIFE (USPS 312-300) is published monthly by St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church, ELCA, 2363 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa 52802. Annual subscription of $1.00 per year is included in payment of weekly pledge of members. Periodicals Postage paid at Davenport, Iowa POSTMASTER: Send changes to St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2363 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa 52802 St Mark is on Facebook Find us and like us on Facebook St.Mark Lutheran Church, Davenport 1st and 3rd Saturdays 10:00am –11:00am Saturday Worship with Holy Communion: 5:00 pm Sunday Worship with Holy Communion: 8:00am & 10:00am WOW : WORSHIP ON WEDNESDAY Casual, Come As You Are Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Beginners are welcome! Join us for fellowship, sharing and praying! The Friendship Group will meet at the Family Restaurant located on W. Kimberly at 11:30am on November 4th. Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch! If you would like to come, please sign up in the lounge and indicate if you need a ride. Hope to see you there! All Saints Breakfast!! Come let the B.I.G. Youth Group serve you breakfast on Sunday, November 2nd! The youth will be serving from 7am to 10:30am in the St. Mark Gym. Donations are welcome. Thank you so much for helping the 13 kids on their journey to Work Camp 2015.
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