LIFE A Publication of St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church 2363 West Third Street, Davenport IA 52802 Phone: 563-322-5318 Pastor Travis Fisher: 563-676-8160 Email: October 2014 Volume 47 Issue 10 Isaiah 11:2 2 The spirit of the LORD shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. From Pr. Travis As the Spirit moves us, so do transitions… First, Bev Blake has resigned her position at St. John’s, Rock Island and First Lutheran, Moline. In her letter to the congregations she cited family responsibilities (she is a new grandma) as a reason to cut back her working hours. Bev’s last day with them was August 31st. Their loss is our gain, as Bev has agreed, Unity Point has agreed and the council has agreed to increase Bev’s hours at St. Mark from 1.5 days per week to 3 days per week. She will increase her hours after her October vacation. We are blessed to have Bev as she continues as our Parish Nurse, guiding us to grow our minds, body, and soul. Second, Jeff and Keri Bass have resigned their volunteer position as Youth Leaders. In a letter to the council Jeff writes: “Keri and I have been honored to be able to work with the young people of St. Mark, but as volunteers, we are unable to give the necessary time required to make this become a strong and growing part of St. Mark.” We thank them for their leadership to the St. Mark Youth and friends over the years, especially this last year as volunteer youth leaders, who faithfully taught Breakfast Club, took care of permission slips, copies of insurance cards, sign-ups, held and coordinated fundraisers, wrote grants for youth, secured donations and chaperoned youth events including the week long Work Camp. Their work has helped shape many young people to a way of Christian living and service to others. Jeff and Keri will still lead our WOW services; come, join us on Wednesdays at 7PM. Third, we have had some transition in Sunday School. We thank Linda Anderson for being the Sunday School Coordinator and we are thankful that she is still going to lead our Sunday school youth in music and be the coordinator of the Christmas Program. We also thank Barb Dunsworth for her years of dedicated service as a Sunday school teacher. Barb has taught our children the basics of faith in her years of teaching, and we are grateful. Fourth, Julie Good, who was coordinating the Smart Choice Foods Program, has decided that it would be beneficial to collaborate and combine services with St. Albans on Central Park. Please contact them for future orders 563-386-4087. We thank Julie for her dedication and coordination of this ministry and pray that her shoulder pain (there is the possibility of surgery) may be relieved. Fifth, we are thankful for Pam Oosting’s continued recovery and thank her for her years of service as Volunteer Funeral Luncheon Coordinator along with her funeral luncheon crew. We pray for Pam as she continues therapy. I am happy to announce the Linda Wescom has agreed to be the Volunteer Funeral Luncheon Coordinator. We are grateful for her willingness to take on this position. Lastly, our partners in ministry who work with the Safer Foundation have gone through some transitions. There are some new faces on staff and additional participants. We continue to work well together in creating a welcoming and hospitable environment for them and they have been accommodating to us in our use of space. There are a few projects that they will be helping us with this fall. Let us be thankful for this partnership and ministry opportunity. We are a church of the reformation; we continually change as the Spirit moves us in our words and deeds. With each change we see new beginnings, opportunities, and Spirit led volunteers ready to answer God’s call to serve God and God’s people. Journeying with you, Pr. Travis M. Fisher Volume 47 Page 2 FAMILY RESOURCES and PREGNANCY RESOURCES FAMILY RESOURCES received 100 items for the month of AUGUST. They received lots of personal care items, toilet paper, paper towels, clothing and tote bags. PREGNANCY RESOURCES received 232 diapers and a package of wipes, also some sample formula for a total of 241 items. Thank you so much for your donations. They are all greatly appreciated. We are still collecting items for our LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF PERSONAL CARE KITS. The items needed are listed in your SEPTEMBER LIFE. They are also listed on the bulletin board in the lounge. These kits will be delivered to Cedar Rapids on OCTOBER 16. Thank you for any help you can give us for these kits. The needs for OCTOBER are as follows: FAMILY RESOURCES: pots, pans, dishes, utensils, towels, diaper wipes, baby lotion, powder, shampoo, bed linens, paper towels, dish soap, laundry detergent, cleaning and personal care items PREGNANCY RESOURCES: diaper sizes; newborn &2-5, towels & strollers, boys and girls clothing sizes 18 -24 months, and 2T fall/winter clothing Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." MISSION ACTION: Fred and Milly Heskett The St. Mark Lutheran Church food pantry has been chosen as the Charity of the Month for October at Doland Jewelers! “The staff at Doland Jewelers is putting on blue jeans and paying for it. For the privilege of wearing jeans to work on Saturdays, each staff member contributes weekly to our designated Charity of the Month,” says Teresa Pagan, of Doland Jewelers. “In addition, all battery sales on Saturdays are included in the donation.” The St. Mark food pantry also will get a mention in the Doland Jewelers email newsletter. When you shop at Doland Jewelers, 3865 Elmore Ave., Davenport, please thank them for their generosity and support. -Linda Cook A total of 400 people were served at our food pantry in August 2014. Items were donated from St. Mark, Grace United Methodist, Grace Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran, Faith United Methodist, Heritage Church, Midwest Food Bank –Peoria Division, and Good Samaritan. During the month of October the food pantry will collect pasta and sauce for our clients. Thank you! The Friendship Group will meet at Pizza Ranch. at 11:30am on Oct. 7th Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch! If you would like to come, please sign up in the lounge and indicate if you need a ride. Hope to see you there! Share-a-Meal is October 23rd, 6pm Please take time to look over the sign up sheet in the lounge to see where you can help. Each month we need servers, hot casseroles, vegetables and desserts. This is a worthwhile ministry that St. Mark is involved in. The beauty of this is anybody can help, no special skills are needed. Just a warm and giving heart is all you need. I promise, once you break the ice and take that first step you will find out how gratifying it really is. The meal site is located at the Salvation Army Family services building at 5th and Harrison Streets. Meal starts at 6pm. Please email me at or call 563-508-6127 for more exciting details! God Bless you, Dave Jessen Volume 47 Page 3 (W)holistic Living.... Thoughts from the Parish Nurse Animal lovers have always known it. Now health researchers are confirming it: pets are good for your health. Just ten minutes of physical interaction with a beloved pet can lower blood pressure and increase finger temperature- both clear signs of relaxation- according to a number of research studies. One study found significant differences in those taking ACE-inhibitor medication for blood pressure and results of their physiologic reactions to a stress test. Those with pets were about half as reactive to stressors. This demonstrates the health effects of pets in conjunction with medication. Another study showed that children who expressed fear and anxiety prior to their dental visits had significantly less behavioral stress when a therapy dog was present. There was significantly less crying and struggling compared to a group of children who were not exposed to the therapy dog. Several studies on Alzheimer’s patients living in special-care units revealed that residents were less agitated and expressed more socially interactive behaviors when therapy dogs were present. This was especially true in late afternoon or at sundown when agitation tends to escalate. The study of pets and therapy animals has been researched for the past twenty five years. As our population ages and pressures on healthcare spending increase, the healthcare system may find the important and relatively inexpensive role of animals increasingly valuable in maintaining and improving human health. So whether you have a more traditional pet such as a dog or a cat or a bit less traditional one such as a rabbit or a reptile. These four-legged family members are not only serving as our companions, but helping each of us to live a healthier lifestyle. In faith, hope and love, parish nurse Bev Wellness Opportunities for October Bev will be gone the month of October and will return to St. Mark November 3. Soulfit exercise class Tuesdays @ 9:30 in Luther Hall. CROP Walk October 5 No Life Together meeting for October. UnityPoint @ Home Foot Clinic October 27 1-3 PM in the Bride’s Room. Jeff Anderson Jeff Bass Nancy Beaderstadt Maureen Currier Pr. Travis Fisher 344-7558 505-7525 381-4386 386-5584 676-8160 Bob Garman 332-1199 Steve Hines 391-8986 Barb Jakubowski 381-2030 Robb Kauffman 579-7285 Paul Thorndyke 381-2662 Volume 47 Preschool is off and running with a wonderful, energetic group of 3, 4, and 5 year olds and a dedicated preschool staff. Thank you to Angi Kauffman and the MOPS group for hosting a Bake Sale with proceeds to be used for new dress-up clothes for our preschoolers. Upcoming events include Open House and Scholastic Book Fair on Monday, October 6 from 6:007:30. We will also be kicking off our Cookie Dough Fundraiser with proceeds to go toward new flooring in the preschool classrooms and office. Parent-Teacher Conferences are set for October 23 and 24. Quad City Dining Tour Books are available. Proceeds go toward the Hazel Stellrecht Preschool Scholarship Fund. For more information contact me at 326 -5060 or catch me on a Sunday morning. Please remember our little ones, their families, and our staff in your prayers. -Pam Carstens Notes from Sunday School by Amber Sherrod We would like to thank everyone for bringing your children to Rally Day this year. We had a great turn-out and the children had a blast! We would like to thank the following people who helped bring items, run games, and helped to tear down/clean-up afterwards: Sarah and Hannah Garland, Kyle Crews, Reagan Guy, Egan McDermott, Julie and Chip Schumann, Robb Kauffman, Sandy Wexell, Cassandra Burdick, Levi Conklin, Ashley Sherrod, Robert Sherrod, Kim Sherrod-Hensler, and Barb Dunsworth. As we look forward to a new Sunday School year, we have some changes to our program. We would like to wish Barb Dunsworth a happy retirement as she steps down as the 1st and 2nd grade classroom teacher. Barb has done a fantastic job with the kids in our Sunday School program for many years and we would like to thank her for her years of dedication. Stepping in for her classroom will be Levi Conklin and Ashley Sherrod. We would like to welcome them into the fold of the rest of our amazing teachers. We would also like to thank Linda Anderson for her service as the Sunday School Coordinator over the last couple of years. She is stepping down from the position, but will continue on as our Sunday School Music Director. Thank you to Linda for all of your hard work! We are also going to be starting a brand new curriculum that we got to test this past spring called Whirl Lectionary. We are about how much more involved the children will become. It also has a take-home aspect so the parents are involved in the lesson, too! I have been handed the reigns of Sunday School Coordinator and feel very blessed in being in this position. If anyone should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or 309-721-6022. Page 4 Here are a few upcoming dates, events, and deadlines to watch for: ELCA National Youth Gathering, Detroit, MI July 15th thru 19th. Registration with $150 deposit deadline is October 12th. If you have any questions please contact Pr. Travis. Work Camp registration and $50 deposit deadline is October 12th. Work Camp will be in Garnett, KS July 5th thru July 11th. If you have any questions please contact Pr. Travis Sunday, October 5th is the Crop Walk. This is a great family activity. Sunday, October 26th we will once again be providing snacks for the Trick or Trunk. Saturday, October 18th is the tentative date set for the Corn Maze. Save the date: The B.I.G. youth group will host a breakfast on All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1st. Please watch the church bulletin and November Newsletter for further details. MOPS NEWS October Meetings are the 6th and 20th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. On October 20th, Cpl. Hank Jacobson, from the Davenport Police Department, will give a lecture on the topic of Stranger Danger. We want to welcome and thank, Brenda Sehmann as a new Mentor Mom and Beverly Blake who is our Parish nurse and our Staff connection this year. Their support and love will be such a blessing to all of us. The St. Mark MOPS Fall Bazaar and Luncheon will be held on Saturday, November 15th from 9am to 2pm, with the luncheon being served from 11am to 1pm. Tickets are available from any MOPS Mom or Mentor Mom. Tickets will once again be $5.00 in advance and $6.00 at the door. Mom's Night Out for all Mom's of St. Mark Lutheran Church will be meeting on Friday, October 17th at 6pm, in Luther Hall. We will have 2 demo classes from QC Simply Fit of Blue Grass. Please wear comfy clothes, bring water bottles and a healthy snack to share. Any questions please contact Angela Kauffman at (563)579-7285 or at Volume 47 Notes from the Organ Bench Page 5 by Ellen Bowlin… October 2014 At this writing, all of our bell and vocal choirs are up and running. The Chancel Choir which meets on Wednesday evening at 7:00PM welcomes anyone who likes to sing to “try it out.” Also, anyone who attends the 8:00 service is welcome to come to the sanctuary at 7:20 the first Sunday of the month to rehearse a song with what we have called the “Family Choir”( referring to the St. Mark “family”) and then sing at that service. Reformation Sunday is the highlighted festival in the month of October. Its “signature” hymn is “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”. Martin Luther wrote this hymn in the late 1520’S and regarded it as a “hymn of comfort” rather than a militant battle cry that many have come to regard it. Luther based it on Psalm 46 and used a rhythmic version of the tune (ELW #503) to give the text the flexible comfort that Luther and his colleagues perceived. We have been accustomed to singing the isometric version (ELW #504) which has a more even rhythm and came into being 2 centuries after the Reformation. When we sing this hymn on October 26th, we will hear the choir sing the rhythmic version on one of the stanzas. We also celebrate with Dalton Carstens and Hunter Bell on their upcoming confirmation on Reformation Sunday at the 10:00 service. Let us praise our Lord and help us to keep singing… Baptized September 2014 Samuel Kenneth Robinson 9/6/2014 Parents are: Jennifer and Jason Robinson Frederick Royce Swihart III 9/21/2014 Parents are: Emily and Frederick Swihart II Hospitalized in September _______________________________________ Elaine Bernauer Wally Kelding Robert Lantau June Strobehn We offer the Families of: Annetta Berger Jacob Nagle words of love, support and comfort. May they rest assured in the midst of their challenges and adjustments that God will sustain them in the loss of their loved one through faith in our Risen Lord. Because He lives, we too shall live. Our Church Staff Pr. Travis Fisher Bev Blake Ellen Bowlin Pam Carstens Mick Carstens Pastor Parish Nurse Minister of Music/Organist Dir. of Preschool & Asst. Dir. of Music Administrator Lisa Willey Milly Heskett Paul Regginello Steve McCalester Trianna McCalester Emilee Droegmiller Office Coordinator Event/Facility Coordinator Sunday Custodian Sunday Custodian Nursery Supervisor Nursery Attendant Volume 47 Page 6 Due to limited space, we are asking folks to wait until October 19th to bring larger items, such as furniture, for the rummage sale. Rummage Sale Week: Sunday - Oct 19th - after the 10:00 service - move all the treasures from the old basement to the Meyer Activity Center - lunch will be provided so please let Rick or Janet Martin, Sue Nelson or Pat Thode know if you can help. Monday - Wednesday - Oct 20-22 - 8:00-4:00 - set up and price. If you'd like to help but are only available in the evenings, let us know so we can have someone here to work along side of you. Thursday - Oct 23rd - the sale begins! Doors open at 8:00 AM and we'll stay open until 7:00 PM for working families. Friday - Oct 24th - the sale continues - 8:00-4:00 Saturday - Oct 25th - Last day to shop! $3 a bag sale. 8:00-noon (or until the last customer leaves) noon-2:00 pack anything left for Salvation Army pick up. We will continue to take your donations through Tuesday Oct 21st. Please consider helping us make this another successful sale. Besides your time, we can always use home-baked goodies for the bake sale table. All the money raised is to support Emily Martin as she continues her journey to become an ELCA Lutheran pastor. Starting in OCT.. The Smart Choice Foods host site at St. Mark will close permanently and we are urging people to go to St. Albans on Central Park. Due to low orders, other issues, health problems and lack of interest for someone else to take over for me, I felt this was the right decision to make. I have enjoyed bringing this awesome and valuable service to the church. It has been a blessing to serve this wonderful community. Remember, this ministry is still active at other host sites. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. -With much love and Regards, Julie Good The following host sites will be available for your food needs. Please contact one of these sites for future orders: New Life Fellowship- Moline, IL 309-757-5711 St. Albans Episcopal - Davenport, IA 563-386-4087 Word of Life Christian Center - Rock Island, IL 309-786-1100 God Family Baptist - Grand Mound, IA 563-593-4787 Christ Episcopal- Clinton, IA 563-242-5740 Social Ministry News The Church Has Left the Building! Trunk or Treat Sunday October 26th, 2pm-4pm East Parking Lot This neighborhood outreach event need lots of folks to decorate trunks and hand out candy to children! It’s fun and easy. We need lots of treats (we had over 200 children last year!). There will be a face painter, the balloon man will be back, there will be games (and maybe even a bounce house), station five firefighters, and our neighborhood police officer will be there for all to see. Come dress in your favorite Halloween costume and help with all the little ghosts and goblins. We need Halloween treats, candy or other small treats like “hippie beads”, spider rings, apples or any other little trinkets or goodies you may think appropriate to donate to this event. Volume 47 Thank You Notes We would like to thank everyone for all their support for the youth of St. Mark. It has been a joy to work with such an amazing group of young people. We would not have been able to do any of this without your generous gifts of time, prayer, and financial support. Thank you to all of those who have supported us and the youth in this ministry. Page 7 Thank you to all who participated in the Gods Work. Our Hands service opportunities. Without many volunteers, a supporting community, and local grocers we would not have been as successful filling our neighborhood pantries with food, sending food globally to nutritionally insecure children and families, and helping to build a home for a family who would otherwise not be able to afford one. We would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers, and visits during my hospital stay and continuing recovery, The St. Mark MOPS would like to thank everyone who purchased and/or donated to our first Bake Sale on Rally Day. We were able to raise $200 for our service project going towards the purchase of new dress up costumes for the St. Mark Preschool. -Char (& Arn, too!) Thode -the MOPS moms Jeff and Keri Bass Manage your giving online! St. Mark is excited to announce you are now able to manage your giving online! Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. Simply follow these easy steps: Visit the church website at, Click on the Give Now button, Click on the Create Profile button, then Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. General Fund Summary Regular Offerings Year to Date Finance August Income $ 39,501.90 Received $279,639.95/102.31% Corner August Expenses $ 36,925.04 $ 2,576.86 Food Pantry Report 7/31/14 Balance $ 2,102.48 Budget Amount $273,333.36 August Income $ 1,170.00 Amount Ahead $ August Expenses $ 8/31/14 Balance $ 2,832.76 6,306.59 440.72 Form 3526 is published in compliance with the United States Postal Service for publishers authorized to claim periodical postage rates. Volume 47 Page 8 2:00pm Trunk or Treat Sunday School children sing at 10:00am Registrations for the 2015 Youth Gathering and 2015 Work Camp are due today. 2014 PERIODICAL St. Mark LIFE ST. MARK LIFE (USPS 312-300) is published monthly by St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church, ELCA, 2363 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa 52802. Annual subscription of $1.00 per year is included in payment of weekly pledge of members. Periodicals Postage paid at Davenport, Iowa POSTMASTER: Send changes to St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2363 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa 52802 St Mark is on Facebook Find us and like us on Facebook St.Mark Lutheran Church, Davenport Saturday Worship with Holy Communion: 5:00 pm Sunday Worship with Holy Communion: 8:00am & 10:00am WOW : WORSHIP ON WEDNESDAY Casual, Come As You Are Wednesdays at 7:00 pm 1st and 3rd Saturdays 10:00am –11:00am in the Lounge Beginners are welcome! Join us for fellowship, sharing and praying! CROP Hunger Walk October 5 Modern Woodman Park Meet at 1:30pm for our picture. Donate or collect money and hand it in to Pella Fisher or bring it to the walk! God’s work. Our hands (and feet!) See you there! Envelopes for donations are in the lounge on the sign up table.
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