November 2nd, 2014 21st Sunday of Pentecost St. James Leitrim 4540 Bank Street at Leitrim Road Tel (613)739-9796 Sunday Services and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (Diocese of Ottawa Website: St. James Web site e-mail: Welcome to Saint James Anglican Church Leitrim Pentecost 21 Holy Eucharist November 2nd, 2014 Book of Alternative Services Opening Hymn #320 “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones” Gathering of the Community p. 185 The Collect p. 389 First reading Joshua 3: 7-17 Sandra p. 195 OT Psalm 107: 17, 33-37 p. 853 Second reading 1 Thessalonians 2: 9-13 Casey p. 203 NT Gradual Hymn #282 “Let Saints on Earth in Concert Sing” Gospel Reading Mathew 23: 1-12 p. 25 NT Sermon Naomi Kabugi The Nicene Creed p. 188 The Prayers of the People Vic p. 330 Confession and Absolution P. 191 The Peace p. 192 Offertory Hymn INSERT “When the Saints Go Marching In” At Saint James, the offering plates are not regularly passed through the congregation. Those wishing to make a donation may do so by leaving it in the offering plate at the rear of the church. Prayer Over the Gifts p. 390 Eucharistic prayer # 2 Phyllis p. 196 The Lord’s Prayer p. 211 The Breaking of the Bread p. 212 The Communion p. 213 Communion Hymn #48 “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” Prayer After Communion p. 390 Blessing Announcements Closing Hymn #278 “Jerusalem the Golden” Dismissal p. 215 May the hope of God surround us, the love of God enfold us the power of God protect us on our way. May the presence of our God watch over us and may God's spirit dwell within us every day. Prayers of the People Today in the World-Wide Anglican Communion we pray for Episcopal Church of Cuba with The Right Reverend Griselda Delgado Del Carpio, Bishop of Cuba and for The Right Reverend Ulises Prendes, Suffragan Bishop of Cuba. In our Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for Holy Trinity, North Gower with the Reverend Jan Staniforth. For the Diocesan Synod which will take place from November 6th to 8th. For children in need of foster care and for the men and women who are foster parents. In our Companion Diocese, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, we pray today for Church of the Redeemer, Amman, Jordan. We pray for those in our community who are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity remembering especially Patrick Staulus, Bev Clark, Nancy Ritchie, William Wade, Beverley MacAllister, Penny Norton, Paul Leafe, Marla Collins, Grace Earle, Thomas Collins, Irene, Mary and Chris Collin, Pauline Allan, Larry McCarthy, Carol Ann Willis, Karen and Tina Dawe, Doreen Jones, Marlene Beemer and Family, Gary, and Marilyn Tyo, Terry and Enid Thompson, Sabrina Houle, Reverend Reid Thompson, Gerard Fauteux, Tina Bowman, Diane Tessier, Judy Harris, Jennifer Fairchild and all those who love them. In our parish prayer cycle we pray for Reverend Naomi Kabugi and her family. Next Sunday, November 9th, 2014 Joshua 24: 1-3(a), 14-25 Psalm 107:17, 33-37 1Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Matthew 25 : 1-13 Mike Alice St. James Calendar of Events – November 2014 Sun Mon 2 H.E. Family 3 Reunion Day - All Craft Club Souls Service 6:45 PM Coffee Hour and White Gifts 9 H.E. 16 H.E. Return Christmas Child Boxes Lunch Club 23 H.E. 10 Bridlewood 10AM Craft Club 6:45 PM 17 Parish Council 7:00 PM 24 Craft Club 6:45 PM Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat 4 5 6 7 8 Spaghetti Supper 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 Getting Ready for Christmas 25 26 27 28 29 Church Officers 2014 - 2015 Priest-in-Charge Organist People’s Warden Rector’s Warden Treasurer Bulletin Inquiries Naomi Kabugi Irene Thomas Glenn Clark Vic Wootton Mike Thomas Sr. Sandra Donatucci 613-986-1160 613-737-7648 613-521-5935 (h) 613-731-7110 x317 (w) 613-822-0310 (h) 613-737-7648 613-739-8574 Servers and Intercessors Schedule Day Pentecost 20 Pentecost 21 Pentecost 22 Pentecost 23 Date October 26 November 2 November 9 November 16 Intercessor Irene Vic Ron Vera Server Terry Phyllis Sylvia Terry Please ask someone to fill in for you, if you are unable to read, pray or serve on your assigned day. Thank you! Announcements and Upcoming Events Coffee Hour Today Coffee hour will be held following the service. Thank you to those who brought donations of lunch items and set up the coffee & tea. Annual Spaghetti Supper - Saturday Nov. 8th Come one. Come all. Bring your friends to this festive Italian evening. Dinner will include not only spaghetti but also garlic bread, Caesar salad and gelato con biscotti! Dinner will be served starting at 5:00 pm. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children under 10 Spaghetti Supper Bake Sale – November 8th This year we are asking parishioners to contribute to a baked goods sale that will be part of the fundraising event. In the past, this has raised almost $400 so it is well worth the effort. Any and all types of baking are welcome. We ask that you please price your baking in advance. St James’ Budget Deficit A review of our finances at Parish Council has revealed an alarming trend. Despite stable attendance and expenses, donations have declined by 13% between 2013 and 2014. At the present time, we have an operating deficit of $3,500. Our operating reserve is now below $0 and money is being borrowed from the Building Fund, which is needed to keep the building in good repair. In order to maintain solvency, donations need to return to 2013 levels and this has to continue into 2015. To address the current deficit will require WEEKLY donations to be increased by $13.00 per family from now until the end of the year or by a one-time additional donation of $115.00. In 2015, weekly donations need to increase by $2.50 per family or $10.00 per month. Can you help? Please consider asking for a weekly offering envelopes or participating in PAR (pre-authorized remittance). All donations are tax deductible. Speak to Glenn concerning donation options. Craft Club now on Monday nights at 6:45 pm Consider learning some new crafting skills in the new year. All are welcome to join and bring a friend too. Please let Brenda Ramsden know a few days in advance if you plan to attend so she can arrange for adequate supplies for everyone. Looking to be baptized in 2014? If your family is wishing to have a child (or adult) baptized the next available dates are: Sunday, November 23rd or Sunday, December 28th To be remembered on this All Souls Day Frank and Elizabeth Lawler For Susan Rennie - Don McCormick For Terry Sunday: David Sunday, Robert, Lois, Alice, John & Wendy Dawe, and Laurie Ansley For Glenn Clark: Fred, Evelyn, Harold & Caroline Clark, Emma, Henry & Lester Haas, Leo Sr, Hilda, & Leo Tyo Jr. For Phyllis Harris: Louis, Annie & George Harris, Max, Eileen, Isaac & Agnes Hunt. For Victor Wootton: Ernie, Charles, Bea, & David Wootton, Chris Tierney and loved ones. For Clara and Ron Stuart: Anne Hawley, Ken & Ethel Stuart, Eleanor & Pete MacKenzie. For Alice Purdy: Bill Purdy. For Maureen & Bob Kemp: Marjorie (Gervin) & Robert McCulla, Elma & George Kemp, Roland Stinson. For Phyllis Smith: Wayne Smith & June Talbot. For Darrell & Sheila Oakley and Jamie Lee Oakley-Koch: Ethel & Wilfred Lavergne and Marie Delauniere For Wendy Taylor: Eric & Evelyn Giles , Fred & Adele Taylor For Irene & Mike Thomas: Shirley, Mavis & Wilfred Penney, Mary & Louis Thomas and grandmothers. For TAD Higginson & Sandra Donatucci: Arthur Higginson, Elena, Antonio & Italo Donatucci, Ted Hay, Sylvie Gaudreault, Nelly Larrivé, Lionel Beaudin, Patrick Beaudin, Therese Bergeron and Frank Wray For Judy Harris: Anthony Harris, John & Olivia McCaskill, Fred & Mary Day For Deb & Ken Donoghue: John McNeely, Bill & Verna Donoghue For Beth Kelly: Eddie Kelly For Vera Guy and Brenda Houle: Allan & Pauline Whyte, Victor Bernique, Jim, JR & Donnie Guy, Brenda Crawford. For Brenda Ramsden: Peter, Roy & Marian Ramsden, Brendan & Betty Buckle. Christmas Fundraiser, Saturday November 22nd Interested in learning some new recipes for entertaining this holiday season? Bring a friend to this unique fundraiser and enjoy some yummy party favours made on right in front of you. Browse the crafts table or the Bake Table with ready for the freezer items. You can even participate in the great Pre-Owned Christmas decorations exchange. Space is limited so please reserve in advance with Brenda Houle. Cost is $10 per person. 11:30AM to 5 PM at Seniors Centre. Operation Christmas Child – Boxes due Sunday, Nov. 16th St. James will be participating once again this year in Operation Christmas Child. The idea is simple, just take a shoe box at the back and fill it with goodies and include a $7 cheque made out to Samaritan’s Purse for each shoe box to help pay for the shipping. Items could include small toys, small musical instruments, pencils, note pads, picture books, games, jewelry, individually wrapped candy or small items of clothing. When the Saints Go Marching In O when the Saints go marching in O when the Saints go marching in Dear Lord, I want to be in that number When the Saints go marching in When the sun refuses to shine When the sun refuses to shine Dear Lord, I want to be in that number When the Saints go marching in O when they crown him Lord of all O when the crown him Lord of all Dear Lord, I want to be in that number When the Saints go marching in O when they gather round the throne O when they gather round the throne Dear Lord, I want to be in that number When the Saints go marching in
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