Mass Schedule Oct. 26—Nov. 1 Stewardship Report For October 18 & 19, 2014, St. Anthony parishioners and friends contributed $1,586.00 to the regular collection and $391.00 to the World Mission collection. Thank you for your generosity! Sunday 10/26: Rosary 10:00 am—Mass 10:30 am Monday 10/27: No Mass Tuesday 10/28: Mass 7:30 am Wednesday 10/29: Mass 6:30 pm All Saints—First Saturday November 1, 2014, is All Saints Day & First Saturday. There will be a Mass at 8:00 am, followed by the Rosary and other devotional prayers. †Josephine & Leo Boivin St. Anthony Catholic Church 1000 6th Street Charleston, WV 25302 Fr. James Kurtz, OFM Cap.-Pastor (304) 342-2716 Deacon David Wuletich or 304-345-9567 Thursday 10/30: Mass 7:30 am Friday 10/31: Mass 7:30 am Saturday 11/01: Mass 8:00 am Mass 5:30 pm Bulletin announcements—contact the St.Anthony parish office at 304-342-2716 or send an email to The announcement deadline for the bulletin is Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Thank you!! Serving for October 25 & 26, 2014 5:30 Vigil Mass Lector: Eucharistic Ministers: Acolytes: 10:30 Mass Lector: Eucharistic Ministers: Acolytes: Moya Doneghy Deborah McDougall & Dottie Hess Sr. Fran Kirtley, Patricia Booker, & Evelyn Ferguson Stephen Kawash Matthew Ferguson & Brenda Ashworth Romayne Casey, Neil Rajapaske & John Casey Cleaning: Oct. 26—Nov. 1 Clark & Christine Hansbarger & Kathy Scalise Serving for November 1 & 2, 2014 5:30 Vigil Mass Lector: Eucharistic Ministers: Acolytes: 10:30 Mass Lector: Eucharistic Ministers: Acolytes: Cleaning: Nov. 2—8 Moya Doneghy Sue Spencer & Wanda Leach Sr. Fran Kirtley, Patricia Booker, & Evelyn Ferguson Paul Franklin Bob Kushner & Tom Resler Neil Rajapaske, Romayne Casey & John Casey Dottie Hess, Sue Spencer & Wanda Leach “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” Our pastor, Fr. James Kurtz, OFM Cap. can be reached by email at To make an appointment for personal business please contact him at 304-342-2716 x 406 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 All Saints and All Souls All Saints Day, which is on Saturday, November 1, is a Holy Day, but, since it is on Saturday this year, it is not a day that we are obliged to attend Mass. There will be an All Saints Day Mass at 8:00 AM at St. Anthony’s. All Soul’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday, November 2, starting with the November 1 Saturday evening Vigil Mass. During the month of November, we remember and pray for all the faithful departed, those holy souls who are being purified and made ready for heaven. The candles with the names of our loved ones will burn in our Church during the month of November, starting next Sunday, All Souls Day. Take an envelope and write the names of those you want to be remembered on it, place your offering in it, and drop it in the basket this week or next week. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church we read: “All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo a purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven. The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned.” (10301031) “By virtue of the ‘communion of saints,’ the Church commends the dead to God’s mercy and offers her prayers, especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist, on their behalf.” (1055) - Fr. Jim "If faith is to be strong and healthy, it must be constantly nourished by the Word of God." ー Pope Francis Please remember in your prayers † Barbara Carey, Francis Nagoda, Jr., Catherine Layne Fugere, Vincent Smolder, James White, Dolores Conner, Sue Murin, Maria O’Dell, Bernice Endres, Kathleen Wise, Audra Kushner Mary Canterbury, Stephanie Merenda, Connie Vaughan, Richard Diggs, Virginia Hederi Evans, Mary Hanson, Joyce Vickers, David Dodd, Joe & Nazira Joseph, Teresa Campbell, Rose Corey, Regina Richardson, Carmen Lopera, Jackie Canterbury, Barbara Carey, Pauline Wyatt, Alan Cottrill XXX SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Music for Liturgy Entrance: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling — #478 Gloria: Mass of Healing—sheet music Offertory: Ave Maria Communion: I Have Loved You — #611 Recessional: O Bless the Lord, My Soul — #540 Lorie’s Music Notes On this final Sunday in October, we will have one more Marian song: the Ave Maria. It seems a good way to end this month celebrating the Holy Rosary. In the gospel reading today, we hear Jesus say that the most important commandment is the first: "You shall love the Lord your God..." The second most important is "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." These words led to the selection of our songs about love today. Christ the King Annual Spaghetti Dinner Christ the King Catholic Church, 1504 Grosscup Avenue, Dunbar is having their Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, November 2, 2014 from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm. The dinner includes spaghetti with meatballs, salad and bread. Dessert is available at an additional charge. The price for the dinner is $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children 12 and under. Carryout orders are also available. Dr. Ray Guarendi presents: RAISING KIDS in the Modern World: Practical Advice for Parents, Teachers, Grandparents, & Catechists on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the Sacred Heart Basilica, Charleston. Tickets are $20. Dr. Ray Guarendi is a clinical psychologist with expertise in school districts, substance abuse, and juvenile courts. Silent Auction and Social to follow. There will be FREE childcare for children 3yrs+ during the event with FREE PIZZA for the children. Drop off kids as early as 6:30 pm. For more details, see Events Page on Facebook/WVCatholicRadio or call Elizabeth Hardy at (304)633-5695. Foster children frequently use garbage bags to carry their possessions. The Carry-On Campaign provides luggage for children in foster care. Please help by donating new or gently used luggage or duffle bags. In addition, if you are able, please include some of these essential items: toiletries, stuffed animal, crayons & coloring books, blanket, disposable camera, etc. You can drop the luggage off at Regional Offices of WV Department of Health and Human Services or select member programs of the Child Advocacy Network. For more information, call 866-CALL-MWV or email
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