Mass Schedule Oct. 19—25 Stewardship Report For October 11 & 12, 2014, St. Anthony parishioners and friends contributed $2,099.43 to the regular collection. Thank you for you generosity! Catholic Charities West Virginia is in need of personal care items, especially toilet tissue, laundry detergent, and deodorant for women. Food stamps may not be used to pay for these items. Your donations may be dropped off in the baskets at the rear of the church. God bless you for your kindness to those in need! Sunday 10/19: Rosary 10:00 am—Mass 10:30 am †Holy Souls in Purgatory Monday 10/20: No Mass Tuesday 10/21: Mass 7:30 am Wednesday 10/22: Mass 6:30 pm St. Anthony Catholic Church 1000 6th Street Charleston, WV 25302 Fr. James Kurtz, OFM Cap.-Pastor (304) 342-2716 Deacon David Wuletich or 304-345-9567 Thursday 10/23: Mass 7:30 am Friday 10/24: Mass 7:30 am Saturday 10/25: Mass 5:30 pm †Josephine Hederi Bulletin announcements—contact the St.Anthony parish office at 304-342-2716 or send an email to The announcement deadline for the bulletin is Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Thank you!! Serving for October 18 & 19, 2014 5:30 Vigil Mass Lector: Eucharistic Ministers: Acolytes: 10:30 Mass Lector: Eucharistic Ministers: Acolytes: Cleaning: Oct. 19—25 Rich Stonestreet Sue Spencer & Wanda Leach Evelyn Ferguson, Patricia Booker & Matthew Ferguson Janie Bowles Monica Hamilton & Alicia McIntire Mark Isabella, Monica Hamilton & Dawn Kushner Nancy & Ray Swecker Serving for October 25 & 26, 2014 5:30 Vigil Mass Lector: Eucharistic Ministers: Acolytes: 10:30 Mass Lector: Eucharistic Ministers: Acolytes: Moya Doneghy Deborah McDougall & Dottie Hess Sr. Fran Kirtley, Patricia Booker, & Evelyn Ferguson Stephen Kawash Matthew Ferguson & Brenda Ashworth Romayne Casey, Neil Rajapaske & John Casey Cleaning: Oct. 26—Nov. 1 Clark & Christine Hansbarger & Kathy Scalise Knowing their malice, Jesus said, “Why are you testing me, you hypocrites? Show me the coin that pays the census tax.” Then they handed him the Roman coin. He said to them, “Whose image is this and whose inscription?” They replied, “Caesar’s.” At that he said to them, “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” Our pastor, Fr. James Kurtz, OFM Cap. can be reached by email at To make an appointment for personal business please contact him at 304-342-2716 x 406 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 World Mission Sunday Today, on World Mission Sunday, we are reminded that we followers of Christ have been commissioned to make disciples of all nations. Today we pray for all foreign missionaries and we give generously to the second collection to support all the men and women who have left their homelands to preach the hope-filled, saving message of Jesus throughout the world. World Mission Sunday should not only remind us that foreign missionaries have been called to participate in the New Evangelization, but so have all of us. Pope St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and now Pope Francis have called us to bring the Gospel message of Jesus to those who have not heard it, and, most especially, to those who have heard it and now reject it. We all know many people who were baptized Catholic and raised Catholic but now no longer practice their faith. We can be God’s instruments who bring others back to Him and His Church. In today’s bulletin, the A-List for the New Evangelization is republished. Perhaps you can add to your list or restart your prayers for people to be open and receptive to the Gospel message XXIX SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Music for Liturgy Entrance: All Are Welcome — #414 Gloria: Mass of Healing– sheet music Offertory: Sing of Mary — #709 Communion: Christ, Be Our Light — #604 Recessional: Christ in Me Arise — #516 Lorie’s Music Notes "For the sake of Jacob, my servant, of Israel, my chosen one, I have called you by your name, giving you a title, though you knew me not." Our entrance song today reflects this passage from Isaiah where God is calling his people. "All are welcome in this place." We will sing another Marian song today as we continue through this month celebrating the Holy "The spiritual power of the Sacraments is boundless. With grace, we can - Fr. Jim overcome every obstacle." ー Pope Francis Dr. Ray Guarendi presents: RAISING KIDS in the Modern World: Practical Advice for Parents, Teachers, Grandparents, & Catechists on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the Sacred Heart Basilica, Charleston. Tickets are $20. Dr. Ray Guarendi is a clinical psychologist with expertise in school districts, substance abuse, and juvenile courts. Silent Auction and Social to follow. There will be FREE childcare for children 3yrs+ during the event with FREE PIZZA for the children. Drop off kids as early as 6:30 pm. For more details, see Events Page on Facebook/WVCatholicRadio or call Elizabeth Hardy at (304)633-5695. Please remember in your prayers † Barbara Carey, Francis Nagoda, Jr., Catherine Layne Fugere, Vincent Smolder, James White, Dolores Conner, Sue Murin, Maria O’Dell, Bernice Endres, Kathleen Wise, Audra Kushner Mary Canterbury, Stephanie Merenda, Connie Vaughan, Richard Diggs, Virginia Hederi Evans, Mary Hanson, Joyce Vickers, David Dodd, Joe & Nazira Joseph, Teresa Campbell, Rose Corey, Regina Richardson, Carmen Lopera, Jackie Canterbury, Barbara Carey, Pauline Wyatt, Alan Cottrill Symbolon Session at St. Anthony’s This week we will be starting session 6 of the Symbolon series. We invite you to join us after the 6:30 Mass in the Parish Center. While Symbolon is most effective when studied as a group, you can still register to study Symbolon at home or to review what you have covered in class. To register for Symbolon, type in your internet address bar. You will be prompted to enter the Parish Code—fed1a5. Then click the “Submit Query” button. A Registration form will appear that is 3 pages long. On the first page, fill in your name, create a personal password, confirm the password you just created, and enter your email address which will become your user name for Symbolon. On the second page, you must click the buttons to attest that you are a parish member and to accept the End User License Agreement. Choose whether you wish to receive e-newsletters or resources in your e-mail mailbox or not. On the third page, you must answer a final question to prove that you are human and click “Submit.” This will take you to the Symbolon Welcome page. After you are finished and log out, the next time you login to Symbolon you will use your personal username and password.
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