Saint Mary Church A PENNSYLVANIA CHARITABLE TRUST Established in 1854 “Built on Living Stones” 444 Glenfield Road Sewickley, PA 15143 October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time World Mission Sunday ~~ PARISH STAFF Father David J. Jastrab, Pastor ................... 412.741.6460 Fax……….. 412.749.9271 Barbara Venturella, Coordinator for Religious Education............... 412.741.3959 Richard Gruber, Business Manager, Director of Music Ministry..412.741.6501 Barbara Cox, Office Manager, Safe Environment Coordinator, Wedding Coordinator…………...412.741.6460 Finance Council, MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. Mass at Masonic Village at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. When Traveling: or 1.858.207.6277 Eucharistic Adoration—3-5 p.m., Sundays An Automated External Defibrillator or AED is located in the Church vestibule near the front door. Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline: 1.888.808.1235 Childline (Abuse) Protective Services: 1.800.932.0313 BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday at noon SACRAMENTS RECONCILIATION: every Saturday from 4—4:30 p.m. or by appointment. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: CCD - Grades Kdg - 5: 9-10:15 a.m. Sundays (weekly) Confirmation Class (8th Grade) 9-10:15 a.m. Sundays (wkly) CCD - Grades 6 - 7: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Sundays (bi-weekly) BAPTISM: By appointment - 412.741.6460 SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Diocesan directives require that arrangements for a marriage be made at least six months prior to the anticipated wedding date. All couples are required to attend a Pre-Marriage Preparation Program. Please call the rectory for information or to schedule a meeting 412.741.6460. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: This program is for those inquiring about becoming Catholic or those who have not received all of the Initiation Sacraments. Those who would like to know more about their faith, please call the rectory office for more information 412.741.6460. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK/SHUT-INS: Please notify the rectory when a family member is ill or hospitalized. Ministers of the Eucharist are available to bring communion to those ill and homebound. PRAYER REQUESTS: Send an email to Carolyn Oblak at or call 412.576.9707. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Mary Church welcomes all who seek to enhance their own personal, family and community relationships with God Almighty. Ours is a varied congregation open to the talents of all. Our common goal is to continue the efforts of our ancestors to provide a legacy of Faith for future generations. Page Two October 19, 2014 Welcome to Sunday Mass—the Eucharist is the source and the summit of the spiritual life. All of the Prayers of the Church revolve around the celebration of the Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. To all of our visitors: you are more than visitors, we welcome you and invite you to join our Faith Community. Beatification—today at the Vatican, Pope Francis will Beatify Pope Paul VI. St. John XXIII convoked the Second Vatican Council but did not live to see the Council completed. Pope Paul VI presided over the last days of the Council and finished the work begun by Pope John XXIII. Pope Paul was a very holy, simple and loving Pontiff. His Pontificate was not without problems but his saintliness enabled him to soar above various problems and persons in the Church. Paul VI is now in the glory of heaven and we ask his Prayers for the Church and the people of the Holy Catholic Church. Synod—today also brings to a close the Extraordinary Synod (gathering) on the family. Our Holy Father and his close advisors will now pray and study the work of this assembly and make recommendations that will be the center of discussion next year at the regular synod on the family. We love and need good families, good mothers and good fathers. Our good Pope Francis will lead our Church and the families of the Church into the future. Blood Drive—was a huge success and we thank all who helped in any way. My Birthday—is this Wednesday, October 22 (65 years). I consider every day after this day a grace and blessing from Almighty God the Christ the High Priest. The 22nd is also the Feast of Saint Pope John Paul II. Enjoy the days of fall, and be good to the kids and grandkids. I love all of you and wish you the very best. Sincerely, Fr. Dave To My St. Mary’s Family, Your outpouring of cards, prayers and support has helped me through very difficult times. A “thank you” does not adequately express my appreciation. Your overwhelming participation in the October 12 blood drive demonstrated your compassion and love for others in need, not just me personally. So I thank you all for taking the time and effort to make a personal difference in the lives of others. Love and prayers, Marlene Frey Thank you from the Central Blood Bank for the donation of 41 pints of blood which will have an impact on and touch the lives of 123 people in our community through the next three to four weeks. Today is World Mission Sunday— Second Collection It is observed in every nation on earth, and it is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. It reminds us that the world is our parish. Modeling our Holy Father, Pope Francis, we celebrate this “privileged moment” gathered at the Lord’s Table to keep the poor and those most in need close in mind and heart. The October Papal Mission Intention is “That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world.” The theme this year is “I Will Build My Church” (Matthew 16:18). Our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive for the St. Vincent DePaul Society To host a Complete Meal—$25 or Fixins’—$10 or less, pick the appropriately labeled envelope located in the vestibule. Return the envelope with a Giant Eagle gift card or even easier, enclose in the envelope cash or check to St. Mary and on the comment section of your check write “Turkey Cards.” Due Sun., November 2 after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Thank you! Correction: Please remember in your prayers Carolyn Kent Rovee Collier, mother of our parishioner Ben (Kersten) Rovee and Family, who returned home to Almighty God. Please keep this family in your prayers. Please keep in your prayers Sarah “Sally” Sneider who returned home to Almighty God on October 5. She is the mother of our parishioner Mary (Edmund) Vojtas and grandmother of Molly (Eric) Studebaker. Please keep this family in your prayers. Can’t think of a gift for someone? Give something really special—a Mass. If you would like to have a Mass offered: birthday, anniversary, healing or for the repose of a soul, please call the office at 412.741.6460 or complete and return the form below. The $10 donation and form can be placed in an envelope and put in the offertory basket and the card can be mailed to the recipient by the office or you may pick it up. Intention’s name:_________________________________________ Circle one: healing, well-being, death, birthday, anniversary Requester’s name:_______________________________________________________ Name and address to whom card will be sent: ___________________________________________________________________ 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - World Mission Sunday —Bishop William Waltersheid— Presentation on American Seminary in Rome—2 p.m., in O’Connor Hall, St. Paul Seminary, Crafton, PA. on Sun., Oct. 26. The Bishop will offer a historical reflection on the vitality of the program of the Pontifical North American College. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served. —Our Lady of Sacred Heart Speaker Series—Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. in auditorium and Dave van Vickle will speak on “The Catholic Truth about Angels, Demons, Ghosts, Exorcism and Hauntings.” Free and open to the public. Seating is limited; please RSVP at —Meet a Holocaust Survivor—Fritz Ottenheimer, a German native who escaped the Holocaust only to return as a member of the U.S. Army, will speak about his life at St. Alexis Church on Nov. 3 from 6—7:30 p.m. The event is free, however, there will be a free-will offering. All proceeds will go to the St. Alexis School 8th grade trip to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. in May 2015. —St. Teresa of Avila Craft Show Sat., Nov. 8 from 9 a.m.— 3 p.m. with over 80 vendors. Enjoy the delicious food, bakery items and homemade soups. For info on becoming a vendor call Liz Easley at 412.926.3250 or —Thanksgiving Dinner at St. James Parish, 200 Walnut St., Sewickley on Thurs., Nov. 27 at 1 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Dinner is free. You may bring a dessert to share if you would like. Don’t spend Thanksgiving alone—we saved a seat at our table for you! To make a reservation, call Karin at 412.741.6650, ext. 310. —Christmas Discernment Retreat—Dec. 19-21, led by Fr. Joe Freedy with Frs. Welding, Vaskov, and Bishop Zubik. For college and post-college aged men who are interested in discerning God’s will in regard to a Priestly Vocation. For info or to register go to or October—Respect Life Month Items needed: Newborns: sleepers, t-shirts, receiving blankets, bibs, booties, burp cloths, diapers, bottles. All Babies: crib sheets, wipes, diapers (especially sizes 3, 4, 5), pacifiers, clothing up to size 6. Equipment: to donate strollers, high chairs, or cribs please call Genesis at 412.761.5505. Services for Seniors through NHCO—be matched with a volunteer who can provide rides to medical appointments or the grocery store, rake leaves, shovel snow, do light yard work, make friendly visits or telephone calls, do home safety checks, or help with bill paying (such as reading the bills). To schedule an in-home visit call Cathy 412.307.0069 ext. 3313 or Kerry 412.449.0151. Page Three Attention Ladies: several ladies in our parish are interested in starting a Ladies Social Group. There will be a meeting on Mon., Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. in the Meenan Center. All ladies from the parish are invited to come and join us in forming this group. Our goal is to have FUN and plan get-togethers and entertaining outings. Please bring your favorite drink, an appetizer to share and join us as we brainstorm ideas. Looking forward to seeing you there! Avonworth H.S. will present their dress rehearsal in theatre-in-the-round seating of “The Diary of Anne Frank” at 4:30 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 18 for Senior Citizens residing in our District. There will be a light meal at intermission. Reservations and transportation must be made in advance by contacting Cindy Donovan at 412.369.8738, x1504 by Fri., Nov. 14. Come celebrate and wish Father Dave Happy Birthday at the Meenan Center for brunch on Fri., Oct. 24 after the 9 a.m. Mass! No RSVP required. A Family Bud Ozar Jesus was exasperated when he scolded: “Why do you put me to the test?” It is natural for children to test parents; this is how they learn and how we teach limits, rules and values. Be like Jesus in today’s gospel; he was firm, honest and direct. Volunteering is good for your health—connect with great people, commit to a more active routine, and serve a purpose while contributing to the wellness of others in Vincentian Home's Rehabilitation Department. Provide wheelchair transport to residents Mon.-Fri. from 9 a.m.-noon or 1-4 p.m. Contact Joyce at 412.548.4060 opp1599679.jsp Lector Books—The new Lector books are in Fr. Dave’s sacristy. Please be sure you pick one up. Please do not throw them away at the end of the Cycle. If you keep them, then we won’t need to buy new every year. Thank you, Marlene Frey Flower Dedications—to remember a special occasion with a flower dedication call Sue Scioscia at 412.370.2897. •Free • Free, private, one-on-one appointments for Medicare/ Medicaid Open events. Appointments will be held: 1—4 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 13, AGH-Suburban General Hospital, 100 S. Jackson St., Bellevue, PA 15202. To reserve an appointment, call 412.661.1438. Parish Poor Box If you are aware of a parish family, or are a parishioner, in need of financial help, call the Office. Please Pray for our Sick & Shut-ins Baby Jaryd Boyer, Alissa Boyle, Rev. James L. Bruney, Mary Catterall, David Coyle, Mary Ann Donahue, Patrick Donahue, Marlene Frey, Alessandra Busatta Gruelle, Lynn Huston Holmes, Sally Houser, Davey Jones, Keitel Family, Baby Lily Lauffer, Clarence Lewis, Charles Liffert, Mary Louise Lorey, Patricia G. Lorey, Frank McClaine, Janet McGervey, Joe Miketic, Diana Mohr, Joanne & Frank Reich, Pat Rothe, Marlene Smiley, Dorothy Weber, Evelyn Wiley and Bill Wintermantel OCTOBER 19 -Eucharistic Adoration—3-5 p.m. -Children’s Choir Practice—6-7 p.m. 20 -Bell Choir—5:45-7 p.m. -Exercise Class—6-7 p.m. 24 Birthday Brunch for Fr. Dave after 9 a.m. Mass-Meenan 27 Ladies Social Meeting—7 p.m.—Meenan Center Business/Music Corner: Well, this week our 2nd collection is for World Missions (Propagation of the Faith). And speaking of the ‘world’, the first reading from the old testament should almost be prefaced by a short history lesson just to minimally have a chance to grasp its meaning. It has been obvious to me for many years that I am neither an historian nor an ‘authorized’ interpreter of any readings, biblical or otherwise! But per chance it may help: Cyrus the Great was the founder/king of the Persian Empire and was a pagan. God has chosen to ‘use’ Cyrus in His divine plan by guiding him to conquer the Babylonians who had destroyed Jerusalem and deported the Jews into captivity in Babylon. Thus the Jews (referred to as Jacob, the chosen one) were now free to go back to their own country. ‘Opening the doors’ refers to God allowing Cyrus to win battles and conquer Babylon. And perhaps the ‘key’ to all of it is that God [in His own way] had made known to Cyrus that he was king only because that was part of God’s designed plan and was for the purpose of freeing ‘Jacob of Israel’ and – there is only one God and one plan! And perhaps in simple words (and simple minds like mine) it means that God can choose whomever he wants to accomplish his will. Perhaps apropos - life is what happens when you are making other plans and the real plan is really not ours. And for the somewhat inquisitive, you might wonder why I write about the readings at all but every liturgy must be planned around the focus of the readings and thus also the music selections. My consultant Nony (the more scholarly of the two) tries to help me by doing the research but loses focus when the bible talks about loaves and fishes or wedding banquets; Norm has a reference library but it is limited to Tom & Jerry subjects and his Mickey Mouse Readers’ Digest. Nony said Norm lost his library privileges when he argued with the librarian that Dicken’s “Tale of Two Cities” was originally known as ‘Tails of Two City Mice’. Boiler Business: Well, the boiler problem was not what I had anticipated (why I plead dumbfounded) and Al discovered a failed pressure-regulator valve which he was able to repair for a cost of under $80. I kind-of-thought that it could have possibly have been the valve but was waiting for a second opinion. Collections: Offertory: $2,574; PSP: $1,905; Votive: $24; Bulletins: $17; Church Alive: $400; World Missions: $3. Our Church Alive Campaign: Total pledged: $160,475. Collected: $47,165. Dick Gruber, Business Manager/Dir. of Music Ministries SAT. SUN. 5 p.m. 8 a.m. MARGIE LARKIN (Family) Lector —Kathy Butler Commentator—Kathy Andrews Server/s—Jack Reed/Joe Reed Eucharistic Ministers—Mary Lou Coyle/Bernie Hartle/ Sandy Rock Ushers—Howard Schmid/Dan Kriger/Paul Taiclet LAWRENCE J. SATARIANO (Joan and Warren Fitzpatrick) Lector —Sue Weiss Commentator—Sally Scherling Server/s—Maggie Colenbrander/Will Colenbrander Eucharistic Ministers—Betty Grantz/Kathy Leonard/ Carolyn Oblak Ushers—Bud Schubel/Patrick Fairley/Ray Gorman 10:30 a.m.BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS FOR FATHER DAVE MON. 9 a.m. Lector—Matt Houser Commentator—Aidan Sommers Server/s—Savannah Graber/Shayna Cunnard Eucharistic Ministers—Ben Barcaskey/ Doreen Carraway/Linda Stringert Ushers—Tom Volk/Todd Diedrick JOANNE FOHL (Marlene Frey) TUES. 9 a.m. IN REMEMBRANCE OF BETTY AND RALPH WEISS WED. 9 a.m. WELL-BEING OF JODI HARTLE (Dorie Hartman) (Bernie and Herb Hartle) 1:30 p.m. NO MASS AT MASONIC VILLAGE THURS. 9 a.m. LOUIS TANTELO (Muto Family) FRI. 9 a.m. BETTY WEISS SAT. 5 p.m. SUN. 8 a.m. (St. Mary Women’s Guild) BIRTHDAY OF KATHLEEN JAD (Jeri Donahue) Lector —Dorie Hartman Commentator—Amy/Bill Garrison Server/s—Maggie Colenbrander/Will Colenbrander Eucharistic Ministers—Mary Lou Coyle/Bernie Hartle/ Sandy Rock Ushers—Howard Schmid/Dan Kriger/Paul Taiclet FATHER DAVE’S MOM AND DAD Lector —Gary Weiss Commentator—Barbara Venturella Server/s—Hunter Brace/Brennan Raught Eucharistic Ministers—Betty Grantz/Kathy Leonard/ Carolyn Oblak Ushers—Bud Schubel/Patrick Fairley/Ray Gorman 10:30 a.m.IN MEMORY OF ELIZABETH STRINGERT (Rich and Linda Stringert) Lector—Grade 7 Commentator—Grade 7 Server/s—Connor Whalen/Eli Whalen Eucharistic Ministers—Ben Barcaskey/ Doreen Carraway/Linda Stringert Ushers—Tom Volk/Todd Diedrick October 19 9-10:15 a.m. 6-8 p.m. 26 9-10:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6-8 p.m. Grades K-5 & 8 Grades 6 & 7 Grades K-5 & 8 CVOL Parent Meeting Youth Mass—Grade 7 Grades 6 & 7
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