Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule January 3 – April 26, 2015 Attached you will find the s chedule for January, F ebruary, March, and April, 2015. Please mark your calendar so you remember t o fulfill your commitment. Please remember it is your responsibility to find a substitute when you cannot serve at your assigned time. Updated rosters for phone numbers and Mass preferences are enclosed with this schedule. Please contact Barbara Buckley or Sue Hupp if there are any corrections to b e made on the rosters. Please dress appropriately (no jerseys, s weats, or shorts) to show respect for your ministry, God, and the community that you serve when you are serving as a Liturgical Minister. Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes before the Liturgy is scheduled to begin and s ign in at each Mass that you s erve. Father will then know who has arrived to serve as Lectors, Head Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Altar S ervers. The binder has been moved to the History Room at the entrance (narthex) of the Church. To All Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist -‐ An important note from Father V ince: According to long-‐standing tradition of the Church dating back to the 4th century, the manner for receiving the Eucharist was s et forth by St. Cyril of Jerusalem. Practically speaking, what this means to us today is fairly simple. When the communicant approaches the priest, deacon, or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, that minister is to say: "The Body of Christ" or "The Blood of Christ." Words such as "This is the Body/Blood of Christ" or "Receive the Body/Blood of Christ" should not b e used. Also do not address the recipient b y name, or offer any other greeting. Head Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: • Please make sure to wash the vessels thoroughly, especially around the rim of the chalices, but do not immerse the chalices in water (water gets trapped in the stem and drips). • Kindly s et up for the n ext Mass after 5:00, 7:30, 9:00 a nd 10:30 Masses; p ut vessels a way only after the 12:00 Mass. • In order to b e more efficient ( especially at 12:00 Mass), please instruct the minister at B-‐4 (St. Joseph s ide) to distribute communion to the people in wheelchairs and the elderly and infirm in both the front and back of the church first, and then report to the B-‐4 station. • Check to see if one of our three d eacons is participating in the Mass you are ministering. If so, pull the B-‐3 medallion b efore Mass because the deacon will distribute the Eucharist at that position n ext to Father. Lectors: Pick up a silver cross located b y the Book of the Gospels on the table at the entrance of the church; then s ign the book in the History Room. Return the cross to the table a t the back of the church at the end of Mass. Lector #1, if you carry the Book of the Gospels in t he Entrance Procession, lay it flat on t he altar instead of propping it upright. Make sure you w alk to the back of the altar via the left side as you face t he crucifix. Do not lean over the altar from t he front! Check to see if one of our four deacons is participating in the Mass you are lecturing; if so, the deacon will carry in the Book of the Gospels and read the Universal Prayer. If you are Lector 2 and are reading the Universal Prayer, remember to remain at the a mbo and face Father u ntil h e finishes the Universal Prayer. Then return to your seat. No n eed to reverence the altar. Please inform us of any special requests for the next schedule (May – August, 2015) by March 27, 2015. Schedules will b e posted in the back of the church, in the sacristy, and in the History Room. Extra s chedules can be found in the Information Kiosk. We thank you for your commitment and d edication to our Assumption community. Our worship each weekend is enriched b y your presence. Barbara Buckley (352-‐9656) Sue Hupp ( 483-‐5652) d Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule Date Time Jan. 3 5:00 Jan. 4 7:30 Jan. 4 9:00 Jan. 4 10:30 Jan. 4 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Aurora Bataclan Margaret Doherty Dennis Burigsay Sue Hupp Jeff Jorgensen Lisa Oberempt Gary Flinders Richard Palia Ed Robles Victoria Robles EM Bread EM Wine Jeanne MacCoy Frank Castillo Trina Nahm Gail Franssen Janice Jorgensen Don Oberempt Lita Flinders Margaret Palia Amada Robles Susanne Clyde January 3 & 4, 2015 Altar Servers Greeters Brandon Ruggiero Shea Larsen Carol Cavalli Gloria Calegari Abigail McCue Thomas McCue Jaden Echague Emma Flood Alyssa Daniels Ryder Halliday Kathy Harris Peg O’Toole Betti Lagomarsino Joyce Burigsay Leo Loh Virginia Harkins Isabel & Kaitlin Williams DiAnn Hillerman Ding Gaspar Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule January 10 & 11, 2015 Date Time Jan. 10 5:00 Jan. 11 7:30 Jan. 11 9:00 Jan. 11 10:30 Jan. 11 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Jacqui Diaz Jeanne MacCoy George Parisotto Ruth McDonnell Hengki Suwandi Roseann Galvan Emily Banaag Melma Aquino Edith Borbon Tracy Kuczak EM Bread EM Wine Joe Riccio Mary Croak Susan Sequeira Martha Zeyen Oliver Dofiles Loretta Fernandes Barbara Bugna Louise Balthes Martin Franco Monica Franco Altar Servers Greeters Justin Carino Kayla Hankins Larry Graves Steve Fitzpatrick Brendan Galvan Aljo Mercado Brendan O’Keefe Molena John Sara Lindorfer Nicole Francisco Larsen Family Donna and Mike Tedeschi Paul Carney and Family Becky MacDougall Cathie MacDougall Ottilia Malattia Susanne Clyde Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule Date Time Jan. 17 5:00 Jan. 18 7:30 Jan. 18 9:00 Jan. 18 10:30 Jan. 18 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Katherine Carino Mark Walsh Larry Graves Denis Ducey Peter Gisslow Brian Kehoe Robert Caruso Francesca Caruso Cathy Ralph Arleigh Simon EM Bread EM Wine Lina Estiaga Luke O’Leary Betti Lagomarsino Dennis Burigsay Jennie Gisslow Paul Carney Faye Caruso Emily Banaag Alma Simon Reina Alvarado January 17 & 18, 2015 Altar Servers Greeters Haylee O’Bryan Antonio Paez Maureen Moran Martha Zeyen Michael Schirmer Jack Schirmer Meg Sullivan Hayden Wulff Eamon Jahouach Leila Jahouach Drew Retallick Peg O’Toole Thom and Carrie Miles Christina Churchill Teresita Mercado Jacqueline Rourick Chelsea Johnston Manuel & Susanna Uribe Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule January 24 & 25, 2015 Date Time Jan. 24 5:00 Jan. 25 7:30 Jan. 25 9:00 Jan. 25 11:00 Jan. 25 12:30 Lector #1 Lector #2 Lorena Ruance Greg Nierengarten Carol Wong Gail Fransenn Student Lectors Derek Williams Gloria Calegari Barbara Buckley Ed Robles EM Bread EM Wine Lisa Oberempt Jeanne MacCoy Carol Cavalli Sue Hupp Simonne O’Keefe Loretta Fernandes Gary Flinders Becky MacDougall Susanne Clyde Arleigh Simon Altar Servers Greeters Jana Rocha Leeshia Rocha Trina Nahm Dennis Burigsay Brandon Ruggiero Samantha Ruggiero Will Scherer Shea Larsen Dreftel Sean Sabal Aljo Mercado Carino Family Carol and Larry Cavalli Student Greeters Ritter Family Steve Toribio Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule Date Time Jan. 31 5:00 Feb. 1 7:30 Feb. 1 9:00 Feb. 1 10:30 Feb. 1 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Aurora Bataclan Margaret Doherty Sue Hupp Dennis Burigsay Kelli Jackman Leeshia Rocha Richard Palia Gary Flinders Karen Barbera Tracy Kuczak EM Bread EM Wine Frank Castillo Mary Croak Trina Nahm Gail Franssen Susan McCue Marie Ratto Doug Taylor Celeste Taylor Barbara Buckley Amada Robles January 31 & February 1, 2015 Altar Servers Greeters Kayla Hankins Emma Flood Carol Cavalli Gloria Calegari Thomas McCue Abigail McCue Jaden Echague Molena John Leila Barbera Ryder Halliday Gerardi Family Andy and Linda Stark Helen and Luis Alves Lonnie and Steve Ilmberger Bagneschi Family Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule February 7 & 8, 2015 Date Time Feb. 7 5:00 Feb. 8 7:30 Feb. 8 9:00 Feb. 8 10:30 Feb. 8 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Bea Devlin Jeanne MacCoy Denis Ducey Susan Murphy Kelli Jackman Jeff Jorgensen Francesca Caruso Robert Caruso Cathy Ralph Barbara Buckley EM Bread EM Wine Lina Estiaga Luke O’Leary Martha Zeyen Susan Sequeira Oliver Dofiles Janice Jorgensen Joe Riccio Margaret Palia Reina Alvarado Martin Franco Altar Servers Greeters Justin Carino Brendan Galvan Steve Fitzpatrick Larry Graves Eamon Jahouach Leila Jahouach Meg Sullivan Sara Lindorfer Haylee O’Bryan Antonio Paez Carino Family Joyce and Dennis Burigsay Peter and Jennie Gisslow Percy Aquino Gloria Calegari Dean Gaspar DiAnn Hillerman Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule February 14 & 15, 2015 Date Time Feb. 14 5:00 Feb. 15 7:30 Feb. 15 9:00 Feb. 15 10:30 Feb. 15 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Carol Wong Gloria Calegari Gail Franssen Larry Graves Karen Barbera Hengki Suwandi Derek Williams Mark Walsh Arleigh Simon Edith Borbon EM Bread EM Wine Don Oberempt Lisa Oberempt Sue Hupp Betti Lagomarsino Paul Carney Jennie Gisslow Barbara Bugna Louise Balthes Barbara Buckley Alma Simon Altar Servers Greeters Emma Flood Molena John Dennis Burigsay Maureen Moran Jana Rocha Leeshia Rocha Jack Schirmer Michael Schirmer Samantha Ruggiero Brandon Ruggiero Joe Riccio Kathy Harris Carol and Larry Cavalli Nancy Faltisek Dave Harding Viviani Family Ottilia Malattia Steve Toribio Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule February 21 & 22, 2015 Date Time Feb. 21 5:00 Feb. 22 7:30 Feb. 22 9:00 Feb. 22 10:30 Feb. 22 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Greg Nierengarten Roseann Galvan Lorena Ruance Ruth McDonnell George Parisotto Brian Kehoe Gary Flinders Melma Aquino Karen Barbera Ed Robles EM Bread EM Wine Frank Castillo Mary Croak Dennis Burigsay Bea Devlin Janice Jorgensen Loretta Fernandes Lita Flinders Emily Banaag Arleigh Simon Monica Franco Altar Servers Greeters Brendan Galvan Kayla Hankins Trina Nahm Martha Zeyen Will Scherer Hayden Wulff Jaden Echague Meg Sullivan Nicole Francisco Leila Barbera Oberempt Family Thom and Carrie Miles Chris Scherer Janet Davis George and Leealyn Brandt Manuel and Susanna Uribe Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule February 28 & March 1, 2015 Date Time Feb 28 Lector #1 Lector #2 EM Bread EM Wine Altar Servers Greeters 5:00 Jacqui Diaz Katherine Carino Lina Estiaga Jeanne MacCoy Shea Larsen Justin Carino Carino Family Bagneschi Family March 1 7:30 Bea Devlin Susan Murphy Susan Sequeira Martha Zeyen Dennis Burigsay Maureen Moran Donna and Michael Tedeschi March 1 9:00 Peter Gisslow Kelli Jackman Marie Ratto Loretta Fernandes Michael Schirmer Jack Schirmer Rocheford Family March 1 10:30 Derek Williams Richard Palia Margaret Palia Becky MacDougall Jayden Echague Emma Flood William and Mary Cardona March 1 12:00 Barbara Buckley Gloria Calegari Susanne Clyde Amada Robles Alyssa Daniels Ryder Halliday Ding Gaspar Ottilia Malattia Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule March 7 & 8, 2015 Date Time March 7 5:00 March 8 7:30 March 8 9:00 March 8 10:30 March 8 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Aurora Bataclan Margaret Doherty Sue Hupp Denis Ducey Leeshia Rocha Jeff Jorgensen Emily Banaag Cathy Ralph Victoria Robles Ed Robles EM Bread EM Wine Joe Riccio Luke O’Leary Carol Cavalli Betti Lagomarsino Simonne O’Keefe Lizette Rocha Doug Taylor Celeste Taylor Barbara Buckley Reina Alvarado Altar Servers Greeters Kayla Hankins Sara Lindorfer Trina Nahm Gloria Calegari Aljo Mercado Brendan O’Keefe Eamon Jahouach Leila Jahouach Samantha Ruggiero Antonio Paez Gerardi Family Andy and Linda Stark Christine and Luke Wolf Gary and Lita Flinders Susanne Clyde DiAnn Hillerman Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule Date Time March 14 5:00 March 15 7:30 March 15 9:00 March 15 10:30 March 15 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Francesca Caruso Robert Caruso Dennis Burigsay Bea Devlin George Parisotta Jacqui Diaz Gary Flinders Melma Aquino Arleigh Simon Karen Barbera EM Bread EM Wine Frank Castillo Faye Caruso Trina Nahm Gail Franssen Paul Carney Susan McCue Lita Flinders Barbara Bugna Alma Simon Monica Franco March 14 & 15, 2015 Altar Servers Greeters Emma Flood Molena John Larry Graves Steve Fitzpatrick Abigail McCue Thomas McCue Jaden Echague Nicole Francisco Haylee O’Bryan Leila Barbera Joe Riccio Chris Scherer Joyce Burigsay Betti Lagomarsino Al and Mary Lou Weinberger Myra Fong Gloria Calegari Steve Toribio Manuel and Susanna Uribe Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule March 21 & 22, 2015 Date Time March 21 5:00 March 22 7:30 March 22 9:00 March 22 10:30 March 22 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Rosann Galvan Katherine Carino Gail Franssen Susan Murphy Hengki Suwandi Brian Kehoe Gloria Calegari Lisa Oberempt Cathy Ralph Edith Borbon EM Bread EM Wine Simonne O’Keefe Joe Riccio Dennis Burigsay Sue Hupp Oliver Dofiles Loretta Fernandes Don Oberempt Emily Banaag Susanne Clyde Martin Franco Altar Servers Greeters Brendan Galvan Justin Carino Carol Cavalli Martha Zeyen Jana Rocha Leeshia Rocha Alyssa Daniels Meg Sullivan Samantha Ruggiero Brandon Ruggiero Carino Family Michael Tedeschi Donna Tedeschi Jahouach Family Isabel and Kaitlin Williams Bagneschi Family Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule Passion/Palm Sunday-March 28 & 29, 2014 Date Time March 28 5:00 March 29 7:30 March 29 9:00 March 29 10:30 March 29 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Aurora Bataclan Margaret Doherty Dennis Burigsay Larry Graves Peter Gisslow Kelli Jackman Richard Palia Derek Williams Ed Robles Victoria Robles EM Bread EM Wine Mary Croak Joe Riccio Betti Lagomarsino Martha Zeyen Jenny Gisslow Janice Jorgensen Gary Flinders Becky MacDougall Amada Robles Reina Alvarado Altar Servers Greeters Ryder Halliday Shea Larsen Maureen Moran Trina Nahm Dreftel Sean Sabal Will Scherer Antonio Paez Sara Lindorfer Nicole Francisco Haylee O’Bryan Larsen Family Carol and Larry Cavalli Hitchcock Family Ritter Family Susanne Clyde Ottilia Malattia April 4, 2015 – No 5:00 p.m. Mass Easter Vigil – 8:00 p.m. April 4, 2015 (sign-ups at the back of the church) Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 Date Time April 5 7:30 April 5 9:00 April 5 10:30 April 5 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Bea Devlin Denis Ducey Leeshia Rocha Francesca Caruso Karen Barbera Emily Banaag Edith Borbon Arleigh Simon EM Bread EM Wine Susan Sequeira Carol Cavalli Lizette Rocha Simonne O’Keefe Louise Balthes Margaret Palia Alma Simon Luke O’Leary Altar Servers Greeters Dennis Burigsay Steve Fitzpatrick Eamon Jahouach Leila Jahouach Leila Barbera Meg Sullivan Emma Flood Alyssa Daniels Andy and Linda Stark McCue Family Lonnie and Steve Ilmberger Ding Gaspar Kathy Harris Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule April 11 & 12, 2015 Date Time April 11 5:00 April 12 7:30 April 12 9:00 April 12 10:30 April 12 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Jacqui Diaz Jeanne MacCoy Lorena Ruance Ruth McDonnell Hengki Suwandi Brian Kehoe EM Bread EM Wine Frank Castillo Mary Croak Bea Devlin Gail Franssen Lisa Oberempt Don Oberempt Altar Servers Greeters Shea Larsen Kayla Hankins Trina Nahm Carol Cavalli Hayden Wulff Brendan O’Keefe Peg O’Toole Drew Retallick Thom and Carrie Miles Cathy Ralph George Parisotto Barbara Buckley Gloria Calegari Doug Taylor Celeste Taylor Arleigh Simon Susanne Clyde Jaden Echague Ryder Halliday Sara Lindorfer Haylee O’Bryan Percival Aquino William and Mary Cardona DiAnn Hillerman Bagneschi Family Jim and Eva Lasecki Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule April 18 & 19, 2015 Date Time April 18 5:00 April 19 7:30 April 19 9:00 April 19 10:30 April 19 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Aurora Bataclan Katherine Carino Carol Wong Sue Hupp Kelli Jackman Roseann Galvan Robert Caruso Melma Aquino Edith Borbon Tracy Kuczak EM Bread EM Wine Joe Riccio Jeanne MacCoy Betti Lagomarsino Dennis Burigsay Marie Ratto Paul Carney Faye Caruso Becky MacDougall Amada Robles Barbara Buckley Altar Servers Greeters Justin Carino Molena John Gloria Calegari Martha Zeyen Brendan Galvan Aljo Mercado Antonio Paez Emma Flood Samantha Ruggiero Brandon Ruggiero Oberempt Family Carol and Larry Cavalli Goretti Allenbach Jackman Family Gary & Lita Flinders Susanne Clyde Ottilia Malattia Church of the Assumption Ministry Schedule April 25 & 26, 2015 Date Time April 25 5:00 April 26 7:30 April 26 9:00 April 26 10:30 April 26 12:00 Lector #1 Lector #2 Mark Walsh Greg Nierengarten Gail Franssen Susan Murphy Peter Gisslow Kelli Jackman Lisa Oberempt Derek Williams Ed Robles Victoria Robles EM Bread EM Wine Luke O’Leary Frank Castillo Martha Zeyen Trina Nahm Susan McCue Oliver Dofiles Gary Flinders Lita Flinders Martin Franco Monica Franco Altar Servers Greeters Abigail McCue Thomas McCue Maureen Moran Larry Graves Jack Schirmer Michael Schirmer Leila Barbera Meg Sullivan Nicole Francisco Alyssa Daniels Joe Riccio Hanne Gerardi Donna and Michael Tedeschi Karl Strand Family Loretta & Felix Fernandes Viviani Family Chris Scherer Steve Toribio
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