Welcome to CAVERSHAM HEIGHTS METHODIST CHURCH Sunday October 12th 2014 10.30 Morning Service including Holy Communion and the dedication of Pastoral Visitors led by Rev’d Jenny Dowding Organist for both services: Peter Bernard Vestry stewards : Lesley Boardley & Judith Higgs Coffee and tea will be served in the church after the service 6.30 Evening Service led by David Wise Vestry steward: Colin Hinks The flowers have been given and arranged by Janet Plant You have done many things for us,O Lord our God; there is no one like you! Psalm 40 Sunday October 19� Welcome and DoorStewards: Joan Beaumont, Christine Dugdale, Ron Robson & David Cliffe Coffee: Graeme & Janet Owen & David Cliffe Counters : Meryl & David Beek Readers :Ron Robson & Peter Watkins AV: Judith Higgs & Henry Stroud If you cannot make your date on the rotas please arrange your own swap and let the rota organiser & notices stewards know Christine Pollard, Coffee and Counting Viv Emerson: Welcome & Door Jan Talbot: Readers Sunday October 19th 10.30 Morning Service led by Symon Turner There will also be a speaker from the Alexander Devine Children's Hospice , one of the Autumn Fair charities. No Evening Service About the service: ● Hymn books , Bibles & Worship Book are available in the vestibule. ● We have a loop system for Hearing Aid users - please switch to “T” ● Children are welcome to go out to Sunday starters and join us during the service. There are also toys for the children in bags at the back of the church ● Yellow Gift Aid envelopes,adding an additional 25% on your donation if you are a taxpayer, are available in the chairbacks or in the vestibule Our Ministerial Team and contacts: Minister - Rev’d Jenny Dowding, 0118 947 2223 (Day off Friday) minister@cavhmc.org.uk Minister - Rev’d Dr John Ogden 0118 969 6319 john.ogden4@btopenworld.com Minister- Rev’d David Jenkins 0118 327 1592 Church Bookings – 0118 947 0903 bookings@cavhmc.org.uk Treasurer - Peter Boardley phboardley@btinternet.com Church Website: www.cavhmc.org.uk Contact notices@cavhmc.org.uk if you would like notices via email or would like an item included in next week’s notices. Alternatively put a note in the senior steward’s piegeonhole today. Circuit Website: www.basingstokereadingmethodists.uk WHAT’S ON here this week Monday October 13th 10.30- 12.00. Coffee Morning Stay-a While lunch club Thursday October 16�� 2.30- 4.0 Network Fellowship Speaker: Michelle Brown on the Phoenix Day Centre. Saturday October 18�� 10.0.-10.45 am. Time For Prayer. Do join Jenny for an informal time of worship with the emphasis on prayer. THANKS ACTION FOR CHILDREN Val Stone and Janet Plant would like to thank everyone who returned their collection boxes . The total amount was £482.06p. If you would like to have a box please ask either Janet or Val who would be pleased to give you one. HARVEST FESTIVAL - ALL WE CAN The total raised, including Gift Aid, was £550 CHRISTIAN AID The Church has received a letter from Christian Aid thanking it for the Gaza donation of £169.20 FESTIVE LUNCH Sunday 7th December We plan to have a Christmas Sunday lunch at the Grosvenor in Kidmore Road. The cost will be £12.95 for 2 courses and £14.95 for 3. The menu is alongside a list (in vestibule and hall entrances) for you to put your name on if you are interested. Please let us know by October 25�� so we can confirm numbers to avoid disappointment. 9470040 or bm.physio@yahoo.com VISIT TO THE HOLY LAND You may remember that 2 years ago, I visited the Holy Land with the Amos Trust on an alternative pilgrimage – visiting biblical sites, but also meeting the ‘living stones’ – Christians and others who live in Palestine/Israel, and are working in various ways for a just and peaceful future. There is an opportunity to join Methodists from West Herts for a similar trip in October 2015. If you would like to know more, please contact me. Valerie and Alan Keating and all their family are in our prayers following the death of their son Sean in a road accident on Monday. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Monday October 27�� 7.45. pm Joint Church Council at Gosbrook Road. Saturday November 1�� AUTUMN FAIR 11.30-.3.0 In aid of Riding for the Disabled and the Alexander Levine children’s hospice. Please pot up and price a few plants to sell eg hyacinths and daffodils or anything you can divide this Autumn. Offers of bread of any type to Margaret Ellison please. If you can help in any other ways please contact Graeme Owen, Ken and Barbara or Viv and Myra Circuit Assembly Sat 1st Nov, Christ Church Chineham, Basingstoke, RG24 8LT, 10am - 2pm Sunday November 2ⁿ� 3.30.pm A service to remember those who have died. Friday & Saturday November 7�� & 8�� Traidcraft Sale (see below) Sunday 9�� November 4.00 - 5.30 Quiz in aid of Christian Aid at Tilehurst Methodist Church. Contact June Hardcastle on 943 1258 Saturday 29 November Gosbrook Road Christmas Fair. 2-4pm. December 7�� Christian Community Action Sunday Food for families who will otherwise go without this Christmas. A Handout with ideas will be issued soon. ANNUAL SALE OF TRAIDCRAFT GOODS Friday 7�� Nov. 9am – 9pm;Saturday 8�� Nov. 9.30 – 2pm 97 SOUTH VIEW AVE, CAVERSHAM GIFTS; JEWELLERY; CARDS; WRAPPING PAPER; FAIR TRADE FOODS & CHOCOLATES Tea & coffee, home made jam, chutney & cakes Proceeds to Royal Berks Robbie Appeal Pam & Phil Chatfield 0118 947 2444 or pchatfield@waitrose.com Pre order from us & avoid postage:free catalogue from www.traidcraft.co.uk or 0845 330 8900 Operation Christmas Child - Samaritan's Purse If you would like to fill or part fill a shoebox a decorated one is available for 33p. Each box should be for a boy or girl aged 2-4, 5-9, 10-14. and a list of desired items is available. Please return by Sunday Nov 16�� in time for the service at Gosbrook Road the following week.
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