WEEK OF Oct 12, 2014 – October 19, 2014 Serving His People in Worship this Morning: Pastor Mark Ruf Music Leader Elaine Bend Lector Kurtis Kulman Ushers Bill Cottingham, Diann Cottingham, Kurtis Kulman, Pat Kulman, Steven Herbert, Theo Reiner, Hilda Reinder Counters Doug and Jacquie Hunsley, Kendra Hunsley Flowers Lovingly provided by Ed and Paula Emerton Acolyte Albert Ho Many thanks to ALL of our MUCH appreciated volunteers who assist with our Worship Service every week! – INCLUDING those who willingly ‘pinch-hit’ on Sunday mornings, to fill volunteer spots last moment when they are unexpectedly needed !!! Living Each Day as a Steward Today, we begin the first week of our stewardship program Living Each Day as a Steward. Our theme for this week is “The Steward’s Identity.” What identity is most important to you? Does your identity focus on your family, vocation, wealth, hobbies, education, etc.? How important is your identity of being a baptized child of God who has been called and chosen to be God’s steward. Through the Gospel, we have our new identity in Jesus. 2 THIS WEEK AND BEYOND Mon. October 13 Tues. October 14 Wed. October 15 Thurs. October 16 Fri. October 17 Sat. October 18 Sun. October 19 → 630 pm 7 pm 1 pm 2 pm 1-5 pm 10 am 1130-3 5-8 pm 10 am → 1-4 pm 1-4 pm 10 am 11 am → 1 pm Office Closed for Thanksgiving Monday CANCELLED TONITE: “Crazy Love” book study CANCELLED TONITE: Confirmation Bible Study Prayer Group Facility Use Men’s Bible Study Member Facility Use Sudanese – gym Crafters Corner Office Closed Roots Homeschool Group (main floor) Sudanese - upstairs Sunday School & Adult Bible Study Worship Service Cookies & Refreshments following service Sudanese (Nuer) Worship Service Next Sunday – October 19, 2014 October 19, 2014: “Lutheran Hour” High River CHRB 1140, 8:00 a.m. or Edmonton CFRN at 7:30 am “God’s Peacemakers for a Troubled World” Jesus calls and enables us to be peacemakers who share His gifts with others in a broken world. (Philippians 4:4-13) Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS – email or mailing OR telephone number since August 2013, could you please let the office know as soon as possible? We will issuing a new directory soon. THANKS! 3 INN FROM THE COLD FUNDRAISER At The Seanachie Irish Pub, Saturday, Nov 1 at 6 pm Tickets are $20 and include a steak sandwich meal, beverage and live band. There will also be a silent auction and a 50/50 draw. *There are a limited number of tickets so get yours early! To buy tickets, contact Leigh McLachlan at 403-6081305 or email her at mclfamily@nucleus.com *** If anyone has donations for the silent auction, they would be greatly appreciated also!! NEXT PARISH PLANNING COMMITTEE Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 7:00 p.m. NEW DATE: NEXT BOARD OF LAY MINISTRY MEETING: MONDAY, October 20 at 7 pm OCTOBER’s Prayer Chain coordinator: Jeanette Wood 403-278-5173 “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” Matthew 18:20 “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” Colossians 4:2 Our Prayer Group has resumed and open to everyone! We meet each TUESDAY afternoon now, from 2-2:45 pm upstairs, immediately following Tuesday Bible Study. All welcome! *Please note: this group is cancelled at times if the weather or driving conditions warrant it.* PRAYER GROUP michruf@telus.net 403-279-2387 4 *** YOUTH RETREAT INFO ON THE YOUTH BULLETIN BOARD & SEE NOTE FROM MICHELLE RUF IN ANNOUNCEMENTS & SEPTEMBER GRACEVINE *** CREATION MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL “EVOLUTION: WHAT ARE THE ‘FACTS’” FOOTHILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH 7:00 PM ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 PRESENTED BY CALVIN SMITH This session is open to anyone and everyone, and there will be a children’s program for kids ages 4 through 10. There is no charge, but RSVPs for the children’s program are required. Please RSVP to: miriam@foothillslutheran.com. “…but in these last days he has spoken to us by his son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” Hebrews 1:2 www.lutheranyouthretreat.ca ***** Will be hosted at Grace this year! Please come out SUNDAY – October 26. 3:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: Rev. Don Schiemann The Masters Singers Pianist: Albert Ho Freewill offering in support of Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada & sponsored by FaithLife Financial
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