May 2015 Epiphany Lutheran Church May 2015 Brianna’s verse: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16) Alex’s verse: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1) Josiah’s verse: Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you? (Judges 6:14) Brianna Alex Josiah Baptized & Confirmed in Christ God’s blessings on your confirmation day, May 10th, 2015 Epiphany Lutheran Church – St. Louis, MO 1 May 2015 Checkpoint Confirmation On the front range of the Rocky Mountains, north of Colorado Springs, there is a 9,300 foot mountain called Eagle’s Peak. When I was in college, I climbed it a few times with friends. At the foot of the mountain, there is a trailhead sign that reads: “Stay on the trail. Off-trail terrain is extremely hazardous.” There’s also this warning: “Climbing near the face of the mountain has resulted in deaths and numerous injuries. Don’t be next!” Then there is a question at the bottom: “Are you prepared?” The hike begins in a thick forest of pine and aspen groves. The heavy trees and winding trail make it difficult to see beyond your immediate vicinity. As you climb, the oxygen gets increasingly rare. The burning in your lungs and legs makes you want to stop. But then you come to the first clearing. Even more powerfully than the thin air, the view takes your breath away. Forgetting the fatigue, you can’t wait to see it from the top. Christian Confirmation is like coming into that clearing. Whether you want to call it a sacrament (as with the Roman Catholics) or a response to God’s promise in the Sacrament of Baptism (as with the Lutherans), the intended impact is the same: Confirmation is supposed to help us push through the fatigue and keep climbing. Sadly, the practice of Confirmation has often been held hostage by another metaphor: graduation. Rather than being treated as a checkpoint along the way, it has been taken as an occasion to say, “Whew, I’m so glad to be done with that!” When I graduated from college and had completed my last ever calculus class, I thought, “I’m glad to be done with that!” But, when I came into that clearing on the path up Eagle’s Peak, I thought, “Look how far we’ve come.” And after pausing a moment to enjoy the view, everyone agreed—we didn’t come this far to stop here. At the top of our climb with Jesus there is uninterrupted fellowship with God in His kingdom that is coming “on earth as it is in heaven.” The path supporting us, the trailhead warning sign, and the inspiring view are all different ways to describe God’s Word. His 10 Commandments guide and warn us: “Are you prepared?” They grab our attention to keep us from falling to our death. God’s words we hear in the Creed, in Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper promise unfailing support and strength. They inspire us. God even gives us the words we need to ask for His help in the Lord’s Prayer. We don’t ever “graduate” from these words—we live by them. On May 10th, we will celebrate the confirmation of Brianna, Alex, and Josiah. We pause for a moment to enjoy the view and say, “Look how far you’ve come!” And together we confess, “We didn’t come this far to stop now.” Pastor Zeigler Epiphany Lutheran Church – St. Louis, MO 2 May 2015 Christian Fellowship & Formation It’s More than a Fish Story Study the Book of Jonah (May 31st – July 5th) Join us for a 6 week, Sunday morning Bible Study on the Book of Jonah. Sunday School - Children are invited to meet in the upstairs parlor (by church office) at 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Snapshot DATE LESSON ACTIVITY May 3rd Jesus is the Vine Plant Flowers for Mothers’ Day May 10th May 17th May 24th May 31st Confirmation Reception Reaching Out Raise Funds for Outreach Fourth Sunday Fellowship Meal Sharing Good News Purchase Goat thru World Vision Many people have heard this Bible story summarized as “Jonah and the Whale.” But once you take time to read and study it, you will find that there is much more to it. “Jonah is like a can that contains a coiled spring. Opening it innocently, we are shocked as the spring leaps out! Most of us are fine with Jonah as a Sunday school lesson, but it is a life-changing call to repentance and mission disguised as a ‘bedtime story’ that simply takes our breath away!” – Dr. Reed Lessing, author of Jonah, Concordia Commentary Even if you can’t make it to all six Sunday morning sessions, you can still follow along in the study guide and use it as a home, family, or small group Bible Study. Ask Pastor Zeigler for a printed study guide or request one via email by contacting him at Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays through June 15th 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Epiphany You can still join this study on the book of Esther. We will follow materials written by Beth Moore, which are also designed as daily devotionals. “Beth peels back the layers of history to show how very contemporary and applicable the story of Ether is to our lives. This portion of God’s Word contains treasures to aid us in our hurried, harried, and pressured lives” (Lifeway Publishers). Serve Boldly – our church is one of 36 St. Louis area congregations participating in the “Serve Boldly” initiative sponsored by the Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis. The purpose of “Serve Boldly” is to discover, celebrate, and amplify where God is at work in our congregations to serve our communities through social service and human care outreach. Learn more at Cost is $10/person. Assistance available upon request. Non-members are welcome. Contact Desiree Stout or Amy Zeigler to register. Epiphany Lutheran Church – St. Louis, MO Friday, May15th Mail them to the church office, call them in, or E-mail them to 3 May 2015 May Please notify the church office of any errors or omissions. 1st Bill Dorsam 4th Marsel Cuka Janet Smart Scott Walters th 7 Amanda Lee Fred Wachter th 11 Carolyn Gluesenkamp 15th Kristina Yaeger 16th Thomas Poss II 21st Alex Pfeuffer 24th Greyson Barnett 25th Justin Kirkpatrick Riley Voss 27th Paula Lamb June Michael Weihl nd Emily Driscoll 2 th 30 Ronald Littrell Eddie Foster Jr. 31st Kevin Stovall Paul Weihl 4th Zakary Littrell 5th Mark McMurry 6th Bd. of Elders 7th National Day of Prayer 10th Mother’s Day 10th Confirmation Day 14th Ascension of the Lord 16th Armed Forces Day 19th Council (rescheduled) 21st LWML 24th Fellowship Potluck 24th Pentecost 25th Memorial Day 31st Trinity Sunday 3rd Bd. of Elders 8th Council 14th Flag Day 21st Father’s Day 21st 1st Day of Summer 28th Fellowship Potluck Helen Reisner 1st 21st 22nd 24th 25th 25th 25th 28th 29th Susan & Jesse Driscoll Andrea & Don Reynolds Christine & Thomas Poss Amy & Michael Weihl Ruth & Rodney Schury Billy & Andrea Barnett Carol & Robert Trautman Hazel & Ronald Littrell Sharon & Jeffrey Kirkpatrick 27 years 25 years 16 years 12 years 30 years 14 years 52 years 8 years 18 years born October 26th, 1919, member of Epiphany since November 29th, 1977, asleep in Jesus, May 1st, 2015, now awaiting the resurrection of the dead at the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ Together in Mission (T.I.M.) Although donations can be given any time, April is one of the months we ask you to remember them by giving a little something extra. Through our support they are able to continue teaching about Christ in a country where there are many unchurched people. Thank you for your continue support. ---T.I.M. Committee 4 Epiphany Lutheran Church – St. Louis, MO May 2015 Our Stewardship Offerings Attendance Week of Sunday Growth in the Word 4/5 123 41 (Easter Breakfast) 4/12 65 25 4/19 86 33 4/26 106 39 Week of Sunday Dedicated Gifts Other Income MidWeek 4/5 $3,664.56 $509.96 -- Lent: $1,274 4/12 $770 $471 -- 4/19 $1,458.35 $195 $80 4/26 $1,955.25 $110 $10 Honor someone, celebrate a special occasion, or give as as a memorial to a loved one special altar flowers. A sign-up calendar is in the narthex. The cost is $25.00 for two bouquets. Epiphany’s LWML will meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month after Bible Study. Refreshments will be served. Towel & Blanket Collection Remember our furry friends at the Humane Society during the month of May. Bring old towels and blankets (can be torn) to church for the puppies and kittens. - Sponsored by Thrivent Fourth Sunday Potluck Brunch Join us for our monthly potluck brunch in the lower level Fellowship Hall. Bring main dish, side dish, or dessert to share and enjoy some conversation with your sisters and brothers in Christ. Make it a date. 11 a.m. on May 24th & June 28th. Contact Karen Slama, (314) 353.2396 with any prayer requests. 5 Epiphany Lutheran Church – St. Louis, MO May 2015 Homebound: Bonnie Crites Donna Reek Dorothy Zickler Serving as Police Officers: Emilee Sutherlin Kurt & Kathy Zickler Jonathan Baublitz (Desiree Stout’s brother) Andrew Kleffner Mark McMurry Adrian Patton (Alison McMurry’s brother) Don Reynolds (Andrea’s husband) Epiphany Members - for God’s Grace, Health, & Healing: Carolyn Gluesenkamp Bonny Lang Rod Schury Ron Diederichs Anita French Serving in the Military: Patrick Coil Paul Frederich (Shirley Frederich’s grandson) Jinming Lam Tyson Patton (Alison McMurry’s brother) James Welch (Michele’s husband) David Wheeler (Judy Langdon’s son-in-law) (Information as of Wednesday, May 6th. Please notify the office of any additions or removals.) Serving in May Date Time Elder(s) Greeter(s) Acolyte 5/3 9:30 a.m. Bill Dorsam Marlene & Andrew Kleffner Hanna Hawk 5/10 9:30 a.m. Mike Meyer Wil Degenhardt Brianna Meyer 5/17 9:30 a.m. Chris Pfeuffer Carey Depew Alex Pfeuffer 5/24 9:30 a.m. Rich Berg Johanna & Ron Armstrong Elise Zeigler 5/31 9:30 a.m. Bill Dorsam Hazel & Ron Littrell Josiah Zeigler Altar Guild Duty – Andrea Barnett & Shirley Frederich May Food Pantry Collection It is always a blessing to go around to these pantries and drop off items. I witness many volunteers working tirelessly to help others and many people in need having their need met. Epiphany members always step up with food donations and monetary donations and that is greatly appreciated. These pantries cannot operate without generous donors! Our first donation for the month goes to Feed My People. Followed by: St. John's on Morganford, St. Trinity, and Concordia Seminary. Thank you for your continued support! -Board of Social Ministry Epiphany Lutheran Church – St. Louis, MO Each Sunday, our nursery is staffed with one worker and one volunteer. They are located in the lower level, below the front entryway. Care is provided for children under 5 years of age from 9:15 a.m. to noon to allow for parents to attend worship and Bible Class. 6 May 2015 There are flyers on the bulletin boards with detailed information for most of the following events; or you can check with the office for more information if you are interested . Peace Center for New Americans, 4019 So. Grand Blvd., 63118, is having a FREE Health Education and Screening. Hearing, vision, dental, blood pressure, nutrition… Registration: 9:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Diabetes screening included in the morning. Dates: May 2nd, June 6th, July 25th, Sept. 5th, Oct. 3rd, Nov. 7th, 2015. Bring medications, eye glasses, & insurance cards. Join fellow Lutherans from around the world on Sun., May 3rd + 8 a.m. CDT + Wittenberg, Germany, for the dedication service of the International Lutheran Center at the Old Latin School in Wittenberg, Germany. Watch live: Join us for the 2015 Lutheran Day at Busch Stadium on Sun., May 3rd, at 1:15 p.m. when the Cardinals play the Pirates. The Lutheran South and Lutheran North varsity baseball teams will play at Busch following the Cardinal game. Discounted tickets are available for $25 at the schools or online at GIVE STL DAY: Tues., May 5th. Give STL Day is a 24-hour, online giving event organized by the Greater St. Louis Foundation to grow philanthropy in the St. Louis area. More information: Join LSS on Fri., May 8th at 5:30 p.m. to experience inspirational works of art, both vintage and modern, while helping to restore hope to seniors in need. Event is free; however, donations to defray costs are welcomed. Visit Fri., May 8 at 7:30 p.m. is the annual Spring Band Concert. This event features Lutheran South’s Wind Symphony in addition to the high school Concert Band. Also included will be the Junior Winds, a select band of the best Lutheran elementary school band members in the area. This concert will be held in the Concordia Center at Concordia Lutheran Church in Kirkwood. ASCENSION AT ASCENSION . You’re invited to celebrate the Ascension of our Lord at Ascension Lutheran Church. The service will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thurs., May 14th. Weather permitting, we’ll worship outside under the same sky into which Jesus Ascended to His Father. A frozen custard reception will be held immediately following the service. Dr. Paul Maier will present the latest Village Lutheran Lecture on Christianity and Culture on Sat., May 16th, 2-4 p.m. at Village Lutheran Church, 9237 Clayton Rd, Ladue. A reception and book-signing will follow. All are welcome to attend this free event. The Annual South St. Louis Thrivent Chapter Picnic will be held at Lemay Park, 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Sat., May 23rd. All families in South St. Louis Mo. Thrivent Chapter #30663 are invited to come for food, fun, and fellowship. Watch for more details! Join Solea in their 1st ever Barefoot Ball, on Sat., May 30th, for an evening of dinner & dancing to honor those around the world without shoes or safe drinking water. All proceeds will benefit Solea water's clean water programs in Latin America. At Saint Louis University, allied health multipurpose room 3040, 3437 Caroline Mall, 63104. Visit for more info or to sign up. Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA) First Annual Walkathon, Sat., May 30th, Registration 9 - 10:30 a.m., Laclede Groves, 723 S. Laclede Station Rd., STL 63119. Join the fun! Walk or Sponsor a Walker & participate in welcoming New Americans. Register on line or at the Walkathon. Call (314) 517.8513 for details. 7 Epiphany Lutheran Church – St. Louis, MO May 2015 Overcoming Temptation Only he who flings himself upward when the pull comes to drag him down can hope to break the force of temptation. Temptation may be an invitation to hell, but much more is it an opportunity to reach for the God of heaven. At the moment of temptation, sin and righteousness are both very near the Christian; but, of the two, the latter is the nearer. Come, Holy Spirit As the blood of Christ is the fountain of all merit, so the Holy Spirit is the fountain of all spiritual life; and until he quickens us, imparts the principle of divine life to our souls, we can put forth no vital act of faith to lay hold upon Jesus Christ. —John Flavel —Charles H. Brent Word + Spirit Advice for Grads The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. —Ralph Waldo Emerson We must not be content to have the Spirit without the Word or the Word without the Spirit. Our lives must travel along these two, as the locomotive travels along parallel rails. It is only by our devout contact with the Bible that we shall be able to detect the Holy Spirit’s voice. It is by the Word that the Spirit will enter our hearts, as the heat of the sun passes into our homes when its beams of light enter the open windows. —F.B. Meyer CONTACT US 4045 Holly Hills Blvd. St. Louis, Mo 63116 Phone: (314) 752.7065 Fax: (314) 752.7065 Pastor Zeigler: Church Office: On the Web: Mail: Epiphany Lutheran Church – St. Louis, MO The Star is the monthly publication of Epiphany Lutheran Church 4045 Holly Hills Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63116 8 May 2015 Epiphany Lutheran Church – St. Louis, MO
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