2015 Multicultural 2015 Multicultural Family Fun

Holy Family School Newsletter
Term 1: Week 8
2015 Multicultural
Family Fun Night
Our Vision
Holy Family Catholic Primary School is a Christ-centred learning community. Through the promotion of wellbeing, quality teaching and
engaging in a meaningful curriculum, learners are inspired and challenged to achieve their personal best. Children are empowered to become
collaborative lifelong learners prepared to make a positive difference in an ever changing world.
Weekend Mass Times
School Hours
Saturday - Ballina - 6.00pm
School Office Hours: 8.30am to 3.30pm
Uniform Shop Hours: Tuesdays
- Lennox - 7.30am
Ballina - 9.00am
3.00pm to 3.30pm
Contact Us
40 Isabella Drive, SKENNARS HEAD 2478
Ph: 02 6687 5311 Fax: 6687 5310
Website: www.moodle.skhplism.catholic.edu.au
Email: hfnewsletter@lism.catholic.edu.au
Newsletter Deadline: 3.30pm Wednesday
Messages from the Principal
Dear Parents, Students and Parishioners,
Please pray for our students from Holy Family who will be receiving their First
Communion; this will take place at St Francis Xavier Church in Ballina at 11.00am on
Sunday, 22nd March. This is indeed a very special day in the lives of our students and
their families. I would also like to acknowledge and thank Fr Michael, Fr Gabriel, Sr
Kathryn and the Sacramental team for all their work, especially behind the scenes.
Sincere thanks to the Holy Family staff, the families that opened up their homes for the
family groups, all the parents and the students’ families. Please keep our First
Communion students in your prayers. May you all be nourished by Our Lord’s body.
At Holy Family we know the importance of continually affirming those students who make good choices. Students who
display outstanding playground behaviour each term will receive a Special Certificate. Those students that exhibit
exemplary behaviour for the whole year will receive a letter of Commendation from the Principal. When a students
receives a white slip for inappropriate behaviour, that child’s parents are contacted by the pupil’s classroom teacher or
a staff member. Also, the White Slip is sent home with the student for the parents to sign and return. A detailed flow
chart showing the Rewards and the Consequences in regards to playground behaviour can be viewed on the left hand
side of the school’s web page (title: Playground Procedures: White Slips). Over the next couple of weeks, I will have the
pleasure of presenting a Special Certificate to those students who have displayed excellent playground behaviour for
Term One. These students have been rewarded in Week 5 with additional 10 minutes of play at Recess and will also
be rewarded in the same way in Week 10.
Thank you to all those families that have their Term 1 school fees up to date or have taken advantage of the discount
and have finalised their 2015 School Fees. Your prompt action to this matter is greatly appreciated. If you would like a
current balance of your account please contact Kate, Vynka or Susie in the office. If you need to discuss any issues
with School Fee payments please contact me.
Please note, if your School Fees are not up to date or they have not been paid, in line with the Ballina Catholic
Parish’s Policy, you could be jeopardising your child/ren’s enrolment(s) at Holy Family School for 2015, as the
school has waiting lists on majority of its classes.
It was truly a fantastic night had by all who attended this event. A heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in making the
night so successful, especially Vanessa Cain, Michelle Kennedy, Daniela Payne, Kassie McCarthy, Michelle Lyons,
Margaret Gill, Adam Sullivan, the Forum members, Year Six students, Class Parents, Staff, Parents, Maddison MannixFarrell, Molly Fitzgerald, Caitlin Waters, Isabella Marcon and you, the Holy Family community.
God Bless
Owen Kilby
Isabella Snyman
Daniel McGrath
Oscar Linton-France
Fletcher Ulrick
Charlotte Fox
Jedha ThomasBorger
Angus MacDonald
Heidi Grimster
Callie Gollan
Blake Anschau
Lucy Moloney
Bayley Bartlett
Will Chapelle
ES1 and Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Mia Baker
Jet Thomas-Borger
Molly Fitzgerald
Oscar Priivald
Madison Smith
Samantha Hughes
On Tuesday, 24th March, our school community is taking part in a “Rice and
Water’ lunch for our Lenten Mission Initiative—Project Compassion. On the day,
each child is asked to bring a spoon, a plastic cup or dish and a bottle of water as well as a gold coin. The children are able to have any food at afternoon tea
but are encouraged to eat fruit.
Finally by taking action and contributing financially to Project Compassion, staff and
students have the opportunity to help alleviate the poverty and injustice that so
many others experience.
Living in a remote Andean village in Peru isn’t easy. Until recently, Cristian (a 33 year old farmer) had to travel one kilometre to access running water.
Cristian’s community in rural Peru has always lived a traditional life, with simple diets and crops dependent on rainfall.
With the help of Caritas, Huacho, 33-year-old Cristian and 14 other young farmers have introduced running water and
irrigation to the village. They now grow and harvest a wide variety of high-value, sustainable crops, which provide them all
with a secure income and a wide variety of food for life.
Please donate to Project Compassion 2015 and help farmers in Peru grow and harvest sustainable crops, providing their families with food for life.
You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or phoning 1800
024 413.
The Celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist will be held at St Francis Xavier’s Church this Sunday,
22nd March at 11am. Parents are reminded that children will need to collect their certificate from the foyer of
the church prior to entering. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers.
WHY WE DO the Things WE DO
Why do we say ‘amen’ when we receive communion?
‘Amen’ is a prayerful way of affirming our religious convictions. When we say ‘Amen’ as we receive
communion we affirm our belief in the great mystery of the Eucharist. St Augustine had a great way
of looking at it. He suggested that when we receive the host we should say a double amen.
‘Amen’ (Yes!) I believe this to be not just a piece of bread but the body of Christ. And ‘Amen’ (Yes!) I
believe this to be not just a bunch of people but the body of Christ, a faith called to a life of loving
unity (a communion).
Congratulations to the lucky children who celebrated their birthdays this week.
Billy Kilburn Charlotte Morris James McCaffery Jude O’Brien Indi Piccoli
Alannah McNally Rino Lindsay Zane Walker
First Communion Gifts
The St. Vincent de Paul Piety Shop operates from St. Francis Xavier Church, Ballina. It opens before & after
mass on Saturday night, 6pm mass & Sunday 9am mass. They have a good range of gifts at reasonable prices.
First Communion Gift Ideas:
Communion cards $2.50, Statues– Jesus, Holy Family $5 & $7, Communion bookmarks $4, Communion medal on Bar $5,
Communion Cross $7.50, Rosary Beads $10- $16, Rosary Bracelets $7, Aust. Children’s Mass Book $12, Prayers I Pray Book
$12, Pewter Communion Box $13.
Come and have a look at these great gifts.
School Photo Day Dress Code
FRIDAY March 27th 2015
Are you photo ready?
Checklist: Compulsory Uniform
● Navy Polo Shirt
● Senior shirt for Year 6
● Navy skirt or navy shorts for girls
● Navy drill shorts (not sport/taslon)
● Holy Family school socks (preferably new navy with red stripe)
● All black school shoes
DO NOT WEAR—Checked Dress or White Polo Tops
This Anzac Day, Saturday the 25th of April, marks its
100th Anniversary. Students from Holy Family have always been proud representatives at our local marches
and services. This year’s event, which marks a significant milestone in our nation’s history, calls our school
community to stand and be represented again in this important Australian tradition. All Holy Family
students will be strongly encouraged to represent our school at the ANZAC Day march in April. Please
save the date.
New Navy Sock Orders
A yellow order form for the new navy socks has been given out to the eldest child in each family. Please order your new socks
ASAP as we would like the children to be wearing the new socks in the school photos which will be taken on
Friday 27 March. Size 13-3 socks are now out of stock but they will be available in April.
March/April 2015
Wk 9
School Choir
Kylie Hyde’s B’Day
Wk 10
5 Holidays 6
Project Compassion—
Rice and Water Lunch
Mini Vinnies 10.50am
1pm Assembly
Parent Forum
Meeting 6.30pm
HF Cross
School Photos
Last Day of Term
1pm Assembly
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Linda Dahl’s B’Day
First Day of Term 2
Easter Hall Parade: 9am
Wk 1
Anzac Day Liturgy ANZAC
Assembly 1pm
Canteen Information
Canteen Email: hfcanteen@lism.catholic.edu.au
Lunch orders must be in by 8.50am.
Orders for Sushi on Wednesday must be in by 9pm Tuesday.
Canteen Roster
Mon 23/3/15
Melissa Agnew
Wed 25/3/15
Maree Walo
Karen Quirk
Tamahra Manson
Toni Curtis
LENNOX HEAD RUGBY CLUB Jnr Rego U/7 (b.2008) to U/18 (b.1997) 25 March 5-6pm Williams Reserve LH. Mick Sheather 0403 107 603
BALLINA BOMBERS JNR AFL New U8’s & U16’s age groups in 2015. New U12’s girls only competition. We also have U10, U12 & U14
competitions. Season starts April. Enq: Sean 043 265 2820
BALLINA RUGBY UNION Registration Wednesdays from 5pm $95 includes shorts, socks and shirt. Kalinga St, West Ballina. Games played Friday evenings. 2015 season starts April 24th
BALLINA HOCKEY CLUB-MINKEY Boys and girls 4-7 years. Muster Day-Saturday 28 March at 9am TURF Kingsford Smith Park, Bentinck St.
Bring hat, sports shoes, water bottle and MOUTHGUARD essential. Contact: Al Porter 0414 8166 603, president@ballinahockey.org.au
SPORT & RECREATION KIDS CAMPS Kids’ and Family Camps offer a range of over 40 different exciting activities, including fishing, slip’n’slide, abseiling, crafts, kayaking, cooking and more. Led by qualified instructors. Kids’ Day Camps from $47. Family Camp weekends from $63 per day for kids and
$96 per day for adults (U/5 free: cost includes accommodation, meals and activities). dsr.nsw.gov.au/kidscamps dsr.nsw.gov.au/familycamps 13 13 02
BRISBANE ‘Roar’ INTO LISMORE A League Champions Brisbane will conduct a vibrant, colourful twilight coaching clinic aimed at fun and participation for ages 5-12 years Friday 10 April 4pm-7pm at the Asia Pacific Football Institute, Crawford Road East Lismore. Cost $70 per child
Young players will receive:
Players and parents interested are encouraged to register
3 hours of football fun with experienced Roar Coaches
early as places are limited.
A Roar supporter pack
Skills, drills and fun games for all levels
To register, please contact www.roaractive.com.au/programs/holiday-clinics/courses/ Further enquiries: Rozanne Burley, phone 0448 136 986 or
Principal’s Award for March 2015
Year 2
The Principal’s Award for the month of March goes to an interested, well-mannered and reliable student who always strives to uphold our School’s Behaviour Code of Safety, Respect, Self- Responsibility and Effort.
This student is a girl who is a valued member of Year 2 and the
Holy Family School Community, where she displays friendship,
loyalty, inclusiveness and fairness to her fellow students. Her name
is Ashleigh Watts and she is in 2S.
Ashleigh demonstrates Faith values through her positive attitude
and willingness to respect others as learners as well as respecting
herself. She has a strong sense of what is right and she can be
relied upon to make good choices each day.
Ashleigh Watts with Mr Murray Deeps and
Mr Peter Boland from SCCU.
As an attentive student, Ashleigh is eager to learn and strives to
give her best to learn new ideas as well as consolidating those ideas that are still a challenge. She is developing independent work habits and she completes all school and home tasks.
It is with great pleasure we present the Principals’ Award for March to Ashleigh Watts.
Thank you to Southern Cross Credit Union for sponsoring the Principal’s Award.
Cross Country
Wednesday 1st April
On Wednesday 1st April Holy Family Catholic Primary School will be holding their Cross Country Trials. We will be holding the
events on Spoonbill Reserve opposite Xavier Catholic College. Children will complete laps of the 1km course to see who
qualifies for the Richmond Zone Cross Country to be held early Term 2. The children will compete against their own gender in
their age division. The races will be in the following order.
2km (8, 9 & 10 Yrs)
3km (11, 12/13 Yrs)
We are seeking parent volunteers to assist us in supervising these trials. If you are able to assist please fill in the slip below
and return it to school by Monday. Alternatively you can SMS your name, your child’s name/class and the words “Cross Country Helper” to 0402 492 320.
Races will commence at 9:15am and it is hoped the events will conclude by 10:50am in time for normal school lunch.
Kassie McCarthy – Sport Coordinator
Name: ____________________________________________Child:_____________________________Class:________
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