Christ Church Downend & The Church Centre, Quakers Road 3 May 2015 - 5th Sunday of Easter The Vine John 15:1-8 Sunday 3 May 08.00 Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer Parish Church 09.15 Morning Worship Church Centre 10.30 All Age Worship Parish Church 6.30 Holy Communion Parish Church Pray for flower arrangers Collect Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ have overcome death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: grant that, as by your grace going before us you put into our minds good desires, so by your continual help we may bring them to good effect; through Jesus Christ our risen Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Prayer New to Christ Church? If you are here for the first time, please do make yourself known to others after the service and complete one of our ‘Welcome’ cards. If you have children, they can go to an age specific group, so please ask one of the Welcomers for information. More details about the life of the church can be found on the website: If you would value prayer, please go to the sanctuary (by the Altar) after the morning service. If you would like to receive deeper prayer ministry, please contact Pauline Pearce for an appointment on 0117 9563917. This Week Monday 4 May Pray for life groups, triads and triplets Tuesday 5 May Alpha - it’s not too late! It’s not too late to join this year’s Alpha Course. After a relaxed Alpha supper last week, the course begins properly on Monday 11th May at 7.30pm in the Youth Hub, and runs for around 10 weeks. Cakes and puddings, a talk on a key aspect of Christian faith and plenty of time for guided discussion and questions. Speak to Paul Peterson, Jane White, Jane Harding, Mark Rich or Deb Turpin for more info. Finance Update In the first quarter of 2015 our general fund income was £48,396 and our expenditure was £49,329. 09.00 - 3pm Open Church including: 09.15am Morning Prayer 10.10am Guided Meditation Pray for the Building4Life Project Wednesday 6 May 09.15am Morning Prayer Pray for shop and office workers Thursday 7 May 09.30am Holy Communion 10.30-12.00 Open Church Pray for staff and pupils at Christ Church Schools Friday 8 May 09.45am Jigsaw Pray for Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council Saturday 9 May Pray for those working unsociable hours More information is available at the back of Sunday 10 May church and on the website as to how you can contribute to God’s mission through Christ Church 09.15am Holy Communion in regular and tax efficient ways. Church Centre Mothers Union 10.30am MU are holding an open afternoon on Wednesday 6th May at 2.15pm in North Street Hall. There will be a musical quiz followed by tea and cakes. Holy Communion Parish Church 3.00pm VE Commemoration Service Parish Church The Mothers' Union Enrolment Communion Service will be held on 31st May in Christ Church at 3pm conducted by Jo Vickery. 6.30pm Celtic Worship Parish Church We are enrolling 6 new members which is really exciting and a blessing. Everyone is welcome. Pray for the Home Visiting Team Christian Aid Week is nearly upon us (10th-16th May) and as always we need a team of volunteers willing to deliver and collect envelopes in the local area. Jan Faire and Ann Castle are co-ordinating our effort this year, so please speak to them to find out more. Their contact details are in the church directory. 1-2 hours of your time ensures funds are raised to support vital relief work across the world - Thank you for your support Material for Wonder Week During the last week of this school term we will be creating prayer spaces in the church for the two church school's children as part of their annual wonder week. In order to make these spaces as beautiful as possible we need lots of materials. Prayers for Exams Exam Time is a time to invest in prayer for our young people. If you would like a paper copy of the exam prayer timetable, please ask Helen Barnett. They should be printed and available by Sunday 3rd May. If you would rather receive prayer emails week by week please Email Helen on Room to Rent Spacious Victorian house in Fishponds, sharing with a delightful family. We’re looking for a lady lodger who likes kids. Please contact Hannah on 07788511252 for more details. If you can donate or lend any of the following for the week 17 to 21 May please contact Tracie Jenkins. Large pieces of colourful material, table cloths, rugs, throws etc. Cushions and beanbags. Fairy lights and unusual lamps (bubble tubes, lava lamps etc.) Helpers Needed As Wonder Week spans four days, we will need lots of help. If you can offer some time or you would like more information, please contact Tracie Jenkins. Many Thanks. VE Day Commemoration Sunday 10th May A service to mark the 70th Anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE Day) will be held at Christ Church. It starts at 3pm on Sunday 10th May with the Royal British Legion. All are very welcome. New Tuesday Bible Study There is a new bible study group meeting every other Tuesday at 11am. The group will be looking at 1 and 2 Peter and you don’t need any prior biblical knowledge, just a desire to find out more about what God is saying to us, both individually and as a church. Speak to Martin Brown or Andy Smith for more information. Forest Fun Day For Families Saturday 4 July (not 24 July as published previously) This Fun Day is especially for families with children 0 to 11. More details to follow soon, but please put the date in your diaries. Mothers' Union Annual Day Away - Wednesday June 10 2015 Join us for an Afternoon Cream Tea at the Larmer Tree Gardens, Salisbury. The cost of this enjoyable day is £19 and includes travel, leaving from Cleeve Hill Extension at 09.15am and returning to Downend around 6pm. To book please contact Joan Wynne Jones on 0117 9569161 Soul Survivor 2015 We already have 17 young people booked to camp at Soul Survivor Week C at Shepton Mallet on Friday 21st August for five days. Please pray for us as we prepare and there is still time to join the group if you would like to. If you book by 01/05/15 it costs £132! See Helen Barnett or Mark Rich for more info. For items to be included in the pew sheet - Please email Sue Richardson on by 6pm on Tuesday or call 07584 281605 thank you. Contact the Parish Office on 0117 908 9867 email: web: Facebook: Twitter: @ChristChDownend
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