May 10, 2015 - Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
1111 St. Joseph Parkway at San Jacinto / Fannin St.
Church Hours — M - F: 6:30 am - 6 pm; Saturday: 9 am - 8:30 pm; Sunday: 6:30 am - 9 pm
Weekend Mass
Sacrament of Penance (Confessions)
English: Saturday Vigil 5 pm
Sunday 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 5:30 pm
Vietnamese: Saturday Vigil 7 pm
Sunday 1 pm
Spanish: Sunday 7:30 pm
Monday - Friday: 30 minutes prior to Mass
First Thursday of the month: 4:30 - 5:15 pm
(Weekdays: Confessional near the Sacred Heart transept)
Weekday Mass
7 am, 12:10 pm Monday - Friday
7:30 pm, First Friday: Vietnamese Mass,
followed by Exposition and Benediction
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:15 - 8:45 am (between 7 & 9 am Masses)
10:15 - 10:45 am (between 9 & 11 am Masses)
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Vietnamese and Spanish 30 minutes prior to Mass
(Weekends: Confessional near entrance way on the right)
Parish office is located at the Cathedral Centre.
1701 San Jacinto at Jefferson St.
Houston, TX 77002-8215
(Parking behind the Centre)
Phone: 713-659-1561 Fax: 713-651-1365
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
(Closed: 12 noon - 1 pm)
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, D.D., S.T.L.
Archbishop of Galveston-Houston
The Most Reverend George A. Sheltz, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop
The Most Reverend Joseph A. Fiorenza, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus
The Most Reverend Vincent M. Rizzotto, D.D., J.C.L., Retired Auxiliary Bishop
Co-Cathedral Clergy
The Very Reverend Lawrence W. Jozwiak, J.C.L., Pastor / Rector
The Reverend Martial F. Oya; Vacant position for Vietnamese Priest, Parochial Vicars
Deacons: Johnny Salinas, Leonard Lockett, John Carrara and Daniel Addis
Co-Cathedral Staff
Moise Arrah-Director of Religious Education; Debbie Elizondo-Director of Adult Education; Stephanie Rocha-Youth Director
Crista Miller - Director of Music / Co-Cathedral Organist; Natasha Manley - Music Associate / Wedding Music
Michael Emmerich - Co-Cathedral Associate Organist; Jeong-Suk Bae - Co-Cathedral Assistant Organist
Bree Delphin - Secretary for Weddings; Elizabeth Perez - Secretary for Sacramental Records and Bulletin
Deacon John Carrara - Business Manager; Gwenne Buck - Facilities and Project Coordinator
Sr. Louis Marie Carter, O.S.U. - Parish Accounting; Chris Felix - Building Engineer
Martha Alvarez - Secretary; Carmen Benitez - Baptismal Secretary/Receptionist; Esmeralda Cervantes - Receptionist
Ruben Valenzuela, Trong Pham - Maintenance; Guillermo Herrera, Ray Garcia - Sextons
Phone: 713-659-1561
Visit our web site for vital info:
New Parishioners:
Church Certificates:
Vocations for Priesthood and Religious Life:
Register with the parish office: ext. 101.
For all sacramental certificates: ext. 137.
—For infants & children under age 7—713-337-3570.
—For 7 years & older (Rite of Christian Initiation
adapted for Children): ext. 142.
Children’s Catechesis & Evangelization (CCE):
For pre-K through high school: ext. 142.
First Penance & First Holy Communion:
For 2nd through 12th grade: ext. 142.
—For high school youth: ext. 142.
—For adults: ext. 141.
High School Youth Ministry: ext. 142.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
For adults inquiring about becoming Catholic and
baptized Catholics who lack Confirmation and Holy
Communion: ext. 141.
Adult Education: ext. 141.
Music Ministry: ext. 152.
Young Adults:
Contact ext. 131 at least 9 months prior to wedding date.
Contact the Office of Vocations: 713-652-8239 or
Holy Communion to the Sick/Homebound: ext. 101.
Anointing of the Sick:
Any Catholic who is to have surgery due to a serious
illness; any Catholic whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age should be anointed
ASAP, preferably before going to the hospital.
Contact the parish priest to be anointed: ext. 101.
Funerals: ext. 101.
Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help:
Wednesday before 7 am & 12:10 pm Mass
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Friday during 7 am & 12:10 pm Mass
Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction:
—First Thursday of the Month (English)
Conclusion of 12:10 pm Mass until 6 pm
—First Friday of the Month (Vietnamese)
7:30 pm Mass followed by Exposition / Benediction
Parish Outreach:
Tours of the Church: ext. 143
Pastor’s Message
p. 3
May 10, 2015
Dear Friends in Christ:
Quí Ông Bà và Anh Chị Em thân mến trong Chúa Kitô:
Estimados Amigos y Amigas en Cristo:
Mother’s Day Prayer, p. 11.
Vocation Prayer, pp. 6 & 14.
This Weekend: Loan Reduction Collection, p. 11.
Today we celebrate Mother’s Day, a day we honor all
mothers for their sacrificial love for us. Motherhood is a
beautiful vocation of love, filled with many joys, challenges,
and yes, heartaches and crosses. May we pray for our mothers that they may be the first of all teachers (just as fathers
are to be also).
The month of May is normally dedicated in honor of
Mary, the Mother of God and Mother of the Church Why
the month of May? This goes back to as early as the 13th
century. May is spring time, focusing on new life. The
Church was also counter-acting pagan influences, such as
goddesses to procreation and flowers blooming, etc. Mary is
indeed the mother of new life, Jesus Christ. Even May was
chosen as the month to respect mothers for Mother’s Day,
not only in the U.S., but throughout many other countries.
Let us also be compassionate and merciful to our mothers
and fathers, and parents be compassionate to themselves. No
one is perfect; no one makes the correct decisions all the
time and yes, people do lose patience at times. There is no
handbook on how to be a good parent. There are no instructions provided when a birth occurs. I mention this because I
hear both mothers and fathers confess to their sins of not
being the parent they want to be. Confession of sins is important and necessary. But we are not perfect; mistakes and
even sins will happen. Children do not need perfect parents.
Children need parents who absolutely love them to the best
of their ability. They need to see parents who have the
strength and integrity to admit when they are wrong, willing
to say “I am sorry.” Children need to see parents who dialogue, compromise and ‘argue or disagree’ in healthy ways,
not sinful ways. So often, I hear some adult children say that
they never saw their parents argue while growing up, thinking marriage was easy. Then they do not realize how much
hard work it is to be married. The key is to love in healthy
ways. And how hard that is!
Let us affirm our mothers with a personal conversation,
whether in person or over the phone. A card and/or gift are
appropriate in themselves, but personal words can be so
much more meaningful many times. We pray for the many
needs of our mothers who are living, for continual wisdom
and especially for good health. For our mothers who are
deceased, let us pray for the repose of their souls, as well as
asking them to pray for our many needs. Please also pray
for women and men who desire to be parents and are having
a difficult time becoming parents.
The practice of dedicating the month of May to our Lady
was later popularized especially by the Rosary Encyclicals
of Pope Leo XIII – beginning in 1883 and concluding in
1889. He wrote 12 encyclicals and 5 apostolic letters on the
Rosary. More recently, Paul VI wrote a short encyclical
[Mense Maio (Month of May)] in 1965 using the Month of
Mary devotion as a means of obtaining prayers for peace. He
urged the faithful to make use of this practice which is
"gladdening and consoling" and by which the Blessed Virgin
Mary is honored and the Christian people are enriched with
spiritual gifts" (no. 2). Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI
and Francis all have a great devotion to Mary and have addressed it many times over.
Let us pray for much needed peace in our world, especially in the Middle East but also with many other challenges throughout the world, including in Africa with the Boko
Haram. Let us pray for an end to all forms of terrorism. Let
us pray for peaceful disagreement, not violent civil unrest,
like what happened in Baltimore. Let us pray also for peace
in our relationships. I am disheartened when I see and hear
how people address each other with profanity and other derogatory terms. This sadly even occurs in families, between
spouses and friends. Let us pray for the continuing relief
efforts for the earthquake victims of Nepal. Thank you for
your generosity with last week’s collection. Also, pray for
the four men who will be ordained as transitional deacons on
Saturday, May 16—see p. 14.
Praised be the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Forever, amen!
Hãy chúc tụng Thánh Tâm Chúa Giêsu đến muôn đời, amen!
¡Alabado sea el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús! ¡Por siempre, amen!
Fr. Lawrence W. Jozwiak
Pastor / Rector
p. 4
WELCOME to the Co-Cathedral!
We are a community of faith where all people are welcome!
Visitors, please come back as often as possible. If you do not
have a parish home, consider joining our parish, sharing your
time and talent with us. All monetary donations will support
the ministries and services that we provide. Please be generous
in your giving. Thank you. For any questions, ask the Greeters
in the narthex.
Participate as fully as you are able to do so, using these pages.
Silence all cell phones please!
Entrance: Sing praise to our God, all you who fear God,
both small and great, for now salvation and strength have
come, and the power of his Christ, alleluia.
Communion: If we have died with Christ, we believe that
we shall also live with Christ, alleluia.
Gathering Hymn:
#575 Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
Offertory Hymn:
Motet: 9 & 11 AM: O Be J oyful in the Lor d—Beaudrot
5 PM: #695 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Communion Music:
Antiphon: Ego vos elegi (chant mode I): I have chosen you
from the world, that you should go and should bring forth fruit;
and your fruit should remain.
Motet: Regina Caeli—Lotti
Hymn : #584 Regina Caeli/O Queen of Heaven
Recessional Hymn:
#687 Sing Praise to the Lord
Order of Mass
Gathering Hymn
Introductory Rites
Penitential Rite
Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord have mercy.
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading
Readings: #1056
Responsorial Psalm Ps. 4
Second Reading
Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of
God, born of the Father before all ages, God from God,
Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten not
made, consubstantial with the Father; through Him all
things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came
down from Heaven,
(We all are to make a bow of the body during the next 2 lines.)
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come
again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His
kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the
Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken
through the Prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. E
I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the
world to come.
Offertory Music
Prayer of the Faithful
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Altar and Presentation of the Gifts
P. Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be
acceptable to God, the almighty Father.
C. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name, for our good and the
good of all his holy Church.
Eucharistic Prayer
P: The Lord be with you.
C: And with your spirit.
P: Lift up your hearts.
C: We lift them up to the Lord.
P: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. C: It is right and just.
Sanctus / Holy, Holy, Holy
Mysterium Fidei / The Mystery of Faith (A)
The Communion Rite
Agnus Dei / The Lamb of God
P: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins
of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.
C: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my
roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
Reception of Holy Communion:
For those who are practicing actively the Catholic Faith.
Please bow before receiving the Body and/or Blood of Christ.
Communion Music
The Concluding Rites
Recessional Hymn
p. 5
A bow signifies reverence and honor shown to the names or event being mentioned. We are to do the following:
1) A bow of the head is made when the three Divine Persons (the Trinity) are named together and at the names of Jesus, of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, and of the Saint in whose honor Mass is being celebrated.
2) A bow of the body (a profound bow) is made during the Creed with the words (and by the Holy Spirit…and became man—highlighted in
—General Instruction to the Roman Missal, #275
red words in the Creed).
p. 6
Co-Cathedral Music
Music for the Sixth Sunday of Easter
“The death of Christ is the death of death and is not dead.” French theologian Cardinal Jean Danielou wrote these words decades ago yet they tell the same paradoxical truth that we celebrate in the Sacred Liturgy. Turning this phrase inside out, we
find the Paschal Mystery: we, the living find salvation in the living person of Christ. This is our Easter joy! Yet, we cannot
find this saving truth outside the shared, communal prayer of our Church. The very prayers and songs of the Liturgy constantly remind us of this link between our time at Mass and the rest of the week spent in our pilgrimage of life outside these four
walls. Indeed, today’s opening prayer—called a Collect—asks “that what we relive in remembrance we may always hold to in
what we do.”
Our Church’s way of remembering is the Mass. It unites us with all our family across the world, living and dead. Some moments of the mass are more formal, some less. Each week we sing: “Alleluia,” Holy, Holy,” “Lamb of God.” We call this the
“Ordinary” of the Mass because it always recurs. However, every mass contains prayers that are special to the occasion. In
addition to the cycle of readings and the presider’s prayers, the Church assigns antiphons at the procession, offertory, and
communion. We call these “Propers” because they are specific to the occasion. For hundreds of years, choirs sang the Latin
prayers as Gregorian chant. Here at the Co-Cathedral we regularly chant he Communion antiphon according to this tradition.
Since the Second Vatican Council the Church has opened up other musical possibilities for these moments of the mass. Many
composers have written elaborate settings of the Propers but sometimes we sing other related music. Whether congregational
hymns or choral works, the texts of our music always draw on the readings, Proper prayers, and spirit of the liturgical season.
The Latin verse of today’s assigned entrance antiphon translates as “O be joyful in the Lord all you lands.” At the offertory the
choir will sing a 20th century American setting of this text. As the Preface reminds us, Easter celebrates our passage from
death to life. Accordingly, our processional hymn “Come, ye faithful, Raise the Strain” uses the ancient images from Exodus
15—Israel’s Exodus as a prefigured “type” for the redemption brought by Christ. Our communion music relates to today’s
Gospel: our sacrificial love for God and others bears fruit. The gift of our whole selves is the greatest gift of all. We therefore
sing “Regina Caeli” in Eastertime. This ancient Marian antiphon proclaims Mary as “Queen of heaven” because she not only
bore our Savior but also—in following him—was the first disciple. We venerate Mary as the model of faithfulness and love.
Concert Series
Prayer for Vocations
Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 7:30 pm
Projections: Germany
A multi-media organ recital series
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 7:30 pm
Projections: Houston No Limits
A multi-media organ recital series
Dr. Crista Miller,
Co-Cathedral Director of Music
Dr. Crista Miller continues the PROJECTIONS series in the
coming months. These multimedia organ recitals feature Martin
Pasi's Opus 19 pipe organ. This massive Houston instrument
boasting 5499 pipes is designed to capably handle nearly 500
years of organ repertoire from diverse countries. Live video of
the artist will be supplemented by projected artwork from Houston museums, representing the countries and time periods of the
*This series is sponsored by Houston Arts Alliance
God our Father, we thank you for calling men and
women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as
priests, deacons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond
generously and courageously to your call. May
our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our
Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
p. 7
WELCOME ALL VISITORS to the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart!
Deceased †
May 9
(Eng) 5:00 pm Marian H. Chaput
(Viet) 7:00 pm For The People of the Parish
May 10
(Eng) 7:00 am Fr. T.J. Martinez, SJ †
(Eng) 9:00 am Carol Berryman
(Eng) 11:00 am Phil Fillingame †
(Viet) 1:00 pm Phanxico Xavier †
(Eng) 5:30 pm Josephine Nicastro †
(Span) 7:30 pm Bulmaro Vazquez †
May 11
(Eng) 7:00 am Patrick McCormic
(Eng) 12:10 pm David C.Kar Negrini †
May 12
(Eng) 7:00 am For Unborn Children †
(Eng) 12:10 pm Pat O’Brien †
May 13
(Eng) 7:00 am Luis C. Villaquiran †
(Eng) 12:10 pm Rose McCabe Atchison †
May 14
(Eng) 7:00 am Raymundo
(Eng) 12:10 pm Rose McCabe Atchinson †
May 15
(Eng) 7:00 am Pattie Cryar
(Eng) 12:10 pm Bernadine & F.R. Pizzitola †
May 16
(Eng) 5:00 pm The Ocloo Family
(Viet) 7:00 pm Osvalda Oilda Gonzalez
May 17
(Eng) 7:00 am Frank Konieczny Jr. †
(Eng) 9:00 am Anna Rojas Infante †
(Eng) 11:00 am Larry & Josephine Nicastro †
(Viet) 1:00 pm For The People of the Parish
(Eng) 5:30 pm Manuel V. & Elisa H. de los Santos †
(Span) 7:30 pm David C. Kar Negrini †
Pray the Rosary daily for:
• Life and Marriage
• Religious Liberty
Weekend’s readings are in the red hymnal: #1056
Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a
Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14;
Jn 16:12-15
Thursday: Acts 1:15-27, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17
Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23
Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28
Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or
Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20
For the scriptures used at Mass every day and to hear a
reflection: go to Tab in on the day of
the month on the calendar noted as Daily Readings on the
right side of the main page.
Matthew Suniga seminarian, from Holt Rosary, Houston.
Joel Hernandez, a permanent diaconate candidate
from St. Jerome Catholic Church.
Trung Tien Dinh, OFM Cap from Christ the Good
Shepherd Church.
Keep them in your daily prayers during the coming week as
well as praying for an increase in vocations in general.
Pray for those marrying; May 9
Jeffrey Truong & Bao Khanh Dong
Roberto Pena & Lisa Izzo
PRAY for the DEAD
For the repose of the souls of The Rev. Mgsr. Paul Procella †; Sr.
Finola Quinn, CCVI †; Julieta Suarez Santos †, sister of Connie
Lopez; Janice McCleskey †, aunt of Ronnie Lambert; Dang Huu
Phuoc †, father of Shon Dang; Catalina Sussman †, grandmother
of Cathleen Linkenauger.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
—And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. —Amen.
May their soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. —Amen.
PRAY for ...
• peace in our world, especially in the Holy Land, for an end to terrorism and civil strife, & all hostages.
• the safety of all those who protect us: military personnel, police officers, fire fighters and all others.
• a transformation of mind and heart for those who do not believe in the sanctity of human life.
• for all healthcare professionals to make wise and ethical decisions to promote health.
• the spread of the Gospel and the sanctity of all marriages and families.
• an end to all discrimination, prejudice and hatred.
• all the sick and suffering, the dying and the faithful departed †.
Pope’s Intentions:
Universal: Car e for the suffer ing That, r ejecting the cultur e of indiffer ence, we may car e for our neighbor s who suffer , especially the sick and the poor.
Evangelization: Openness to mission That Mar y’s inter cession may help Chr istians in secular ized cultur es be r eady to pr oclaim Jesus.
Children’s Catechesis & Evangelization (CCE)
Family Connection
In family life, we have many opportunities to show
love in action. Each time we postpone a task to tend to
the needs of another, we show ourselves to be on the path
to following the example of love shown to us by Jesus.
Sometimes the sacrifices we are called upon to make for
others are small. But these small choices to love and to
serve others prepare us for the larger choices and sacrifices that we may be called upon to make. If we are people who have practiced showing our love for others with
generosity, we will also be people who are willing to lay
down our lives for those we love.
The office of Evangelization and Catechesis, (CCE) is
happy to announce that registration for the 2015-2016
school year is now open. Is your child ready to celebrate
the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation? Is
your child not catechized and in need of on-going catechesis. Is your child moving to the next grade in CCE formation? Do you have a strong desire to raise your child
catholic and ensure that they know the catholic faith? This
is the time to get started. Enroll your child in our program
and see how much of a benefit this will make in their faith
formation. Registration forms are in the back of the
church, or in the parish office. You can also register
through the phone by calling 713-659-1561 and ask to be
directed to the CCE Secretary. We look forward to a
wonderful CCE year with you and your children.
The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
(CCE) is in need of more catechists for the 2015-2016
school year. If God is calling you to a service of educating the children of our parish on the ways of God,
please do not hesitate to contact the DRE at or by phone at 713-6591561. There is something for anyone to do because if
you do not want to teach, you can volunteer as a hall
monitor or simply help in the office to get things ready
for Faith Formation. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
As you gather as a family, talk about the meaning
of the word generosity. Ask each family member to describe an action that shows generosity. To be generous is
to give freely to others without counting the cost. Recall
that generosity is one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Introduce today's Gospel reading by saying that Jesus
taught us to be generous in showing our love for one another. Read together today's Gospel, John 15:9-17. What
examples did Jesus give to us that show this kind of
love? (washing his disciples' feet; accepting death on the
cross) Jesus helps us to show this kind of love to others.
In today's Gospel, Jesus promised that God will give us
whatever we ask for. One of the things we can ask for
from God is a generous spirit so that we can love others
as Jesus did. Conclude in prayer together by praying
Saint Ignatius of Loyola's Prayer for Generosity.
1. Today is the ______________ Sunday of Easter.
2. From which book of the Bible is today’s first reading?
Revelation Acts 1 John 2 Peter Jude Ester
The man, Cornelius, (mentioned in today’s first reading)
was a Roman centurion. A centurion was in charge of a
centuria, which was 100 Roman Soldiers. Cornelius also
was a God–fearing man and the first Gentile to convert to
Christianity. About 250 years later, Emperor Constantine
the Great made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire.
3. From what Psalm is today’s Responsorial?
Psalm 12 Psalm 15 Psalm 83 Psalm 98 Psalm 23
4. What does this Psalm mean?
(a) God has shown us his power
(b) The response was just ‘Alleluia’
(c) God protects us from harm
Children’s Catechesis & Evangelization (CCE)
p. 9
Youth Ministry News
Youth Ministry Meeting will be May 17th at 2:30pm on the second floor. Please remember to invite a friend to
this hour of prayer, fun and fellowship. Will we not have a meeting on May 10th due to Mother’s Day.
A few topics in the Agenda
Hot Topic
Food, Fun and much more
Bring a Friend
Up Coming Events
GARAGE SALE—May 23rd & 24th. Please help the youth r aise money to attend AYC and Wor ld
Youth Day. If you have any items you want to donate please contact me at the number listed below.
Archdiocese Youth Conference—LAST DAY to RSVP MAY 17th. Registration has opened for AYC.
Please let me know if you are interested in attending this exciting event! July 31st—August 2nd. I have a
packet of information and forms I can email anyone interested in going.
Calling all Graduating Seniors—we would like to recognize all graduating high school seniors. Please
contact Stephanie Rocha with the following information: Your name, Name of High School, Plans after
high school (college, work or etc.)
Adult Faith Enrichment & Educational Opportunities
The Month of Mary and Motherhood
For Catholics, the month of May brings a unique focus of the Church on the mother of Christ,
Mary, and motherhood. Mary holds a unique role in our life as the mother of the Church, and the
mother of our Lord. Everyone has their own ideal image of Mary, their favorite depiction of her,
and yet, from Sacred Scripture, there are few words that detail her life. From where do we draw
our knowledge and love for this honored woman?
Sacred Scripture paints Mary as a young person of tremendous faith and joy in God; she is clearly one that has been
told of the marvelous deeds God has wrought, for in her “Magnificat” she exclaims those truths. We recount our belief in her “Immaculate Conception,” being conceived in her own mother’s womb, without the stain of original sin.
The angel Gabriel declares her “full of grace,” acknowledging the theological truth of what God had done for her. By
the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity is conceived in her once and for all, virginal womb. Even in bearing him, her womb remains virginal.
Catholics are curious though; we are quick to defend her sinless-ness, but we are also quick to use it as means to dismiss her faithfulness to God in motherhood. We forget that though she remained sinless, she encountered sinfulness
through the world in which she lived at every step, and every turn. We have no evidence to support that she was ever
given a “blueprint” of what to expect, nor any special assurances; she had to live her life in faith. She had to believe
in God’s providence even in the bleakest, scariest, and most unsure times.
In every age, Mary continues her motherhood over us, her spiritual children. Ask any good mother when her job is
over, and she will reply, “it never ends.” Motherhood, then is a vocation, a life-long covenant between woman and
child. Long after birthing, she gives life through the sacrifices she makes, long hours waiting up, arranging last minute cup-cakes, taxi-service, overseeing homework, comforting broken hearts, and providing guidance to her children, all their lives. We never stop needing our mothers. Mary understood this; she never stopped being mother to
our Lord, Jesus. Mary needed God’s grace to sustain her through her trials, and the ultimate heart-ache any mother
could know. As we honor Mary our Mother this month, we think of our own mothers, and however imperfect she
might be, she is worthy of honor, tenderness, and gratitude. Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers, living and deceased.
Adult Sacrament Preparation
p. 10
Marriage Preparation:
Contact the parish at least six months prior to the desired wedding date to register for classes, and book your date. Out of
country weddings require eight months. Advance approval
required to begin classes.
R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This process is for adults interested in baptism, or full communion with the Catholic Church, or baptized-only Catholics
seeking full initiation.
Un-baptized, and Baptized-only Christians: 11/2—2 years
Sunday, May 17: Class B, Communication (no FOCCUS)
preparation or more. This includes baptized-only Catholics and
Sunday, June 7: Initial Couples
other baptized Christians with little/no formal instruction.
Location: Cathedral Centre. Please check White Board for
Baptized & Instructed: For non-Catholic Christians with a
room assignment each time.
formal, ongoing education in the Christian faith, the R.C.I.A.
provides an adapted process more suited to their needs.
Time: Sign-in: 12:15-12:30/Class: 12:30-2:30p.m.
Marriage Guidelines: Visit www.sacr edhear thouston.or g,
then “Sacraments—Marriage.”
See the parish website under “Adult Ed - Becoming Catholic” to learn more about the process.
Adult Faith Enrichment & Educational Opportunities
That Man Is You!
Men! That Man Is You! The for mal TMIY
meetings have suspended for the summer. Join
us for informal faith gatherings at Avenue Grill, 1017 Houston
Avenue, beginning April 22—September. Bring a friend!
Contact Ruble or Jeffrey for meeting information.
When: Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30a.m., Avenue Grill
Contact: Ruble Clark, r uble.clar k@gr or Jeffrey
Rice, r
Christian Meditation
Christian Meditation soothes a weary soul!
Come quiet your heart, and listen to the Lord.
All Christian adults welcome! No supplies,
RSVP’s, or experience needed!
To learn more, visit the website for The World Community for
Christian Meditation at http://wccm.or g/home
Who: Chr istian Adults
When: Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30p.m.
Where: Cathedr al Centr e Libr ar y
The Pope’s Corner
With the number of children raised in brokenness on
the rise, young people view marriage as a path to
failure – so Pope Francis says it’s time for Christians
to restore faith in the family.
St. Robert Bellarmine Library
Have you visited the library this year?
We have a whole new Scripture section,
plus new books in Theology, Liturgy, Philosophy, and Church History!
Come “check-out” our new materials, and kick-start your Lenten journey with a good spiritual book, or video!
Hours: Sundays, 9:00-1:00p.m., except holidays
* Note: Please do not drop off un-solicited books/
materials. We have just completed a major reorganization, and are not accepting any new materials at
this time. You ar e encour aged to take your un-wanted
books to your local charity, or used book store.
Home Study Opportunities
Catholic Home Study Service: A fr ee, home
study, sponsored by Missouri Knights of Columbus and Vincentian Fathers. For questions, or to
Word on Fire: A ser ies of catechetical r esour ces available
for online learning. Fr. Robert Barron provides blog, You
Tube, Video, and printed materials. Visit: http://
Free Catholic Online Faith Study: A variety of free courses
on Catholic teachings, using the Luke E. Hart series, and more.
“The most persuasive witness of the blessing of Christian marriage is the good life of Christian spouses, and the family,” the
Pope said to some 60,000 people in Saint Peter's Square April
Understanding the Scriptures Podcast: A fr ee ser ies of pod29. “There is no better way of expressing the beauty of the sac- casts covering the entire Bible, by Carson Weber. To learn
more visit:
He noted how many marriages are marked by poverty, degrada- Catechism in a Year: This sour ce will send a daily, fr ee pastion and domestic violence, and said that the seed of “radical
sage from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, with reference
equality” between spouses must bear new fruits in society.
for further study.
CONTACT: Debbie Elizondo, Director of Adult Education, or 713-659-1561
p. 11
STEWARDSHIP: Time, Talent and Treasure
May 2/3
($ 369)
Actual Collection:
Budgeted Collection:
Amount over Under):
Year to Date
$ 30,147
Quiz on Operational Expenses
at the Co-Cathedral
*Includes $7,281 from Faith Direct.
The repair cost for the church sign near the bell tower that
was damaged several weeks ago due to a car accident at the
intersection is:
Nepal Disaster Collection
a) $10,595
2nd Collection Loan Reduction
This Weekend: May 9/10
b) $15,426
c) $18,983
d) $21,912
The parish’s insurance deductible is:
a) $1,000
b) $2,000
c) $2,500
d) $5,000
In November 2015, we will have to refinance our
$2.8 million loan balance for the Cathedral Centre.
We are trying to reduce our loan debt as much as
possible. Please be as generous as possible.
DSF mandatory goal: $131,000
Pledged: $117,441
KC Blood Drive:
Pledged under goal: $13,558
Sunday, May 17 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Paid so far: $83,649
Schedule your donation at:
Paid under goal: $47,350
Walk up Donors are always welcome.
d) total cost: $21,912
d) deductible: $5,000
So the parish paid $5,000 with the insurance picking
up the balance. We are “hoping” to be reimbursed for the
$5,000 by processing a claim against the car insurance company whose car hit the sign. But that all takes time and hopefully
we will be successful. In the meantime, the parish had to pay
The mission of Angela House is to successfully transition
women into the community from incarceration. Founded in
2001, this transitional, residential facility serves women upon
their immediate release from prison. Angela House welcomes
women returning to our community from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Prisons, the State Jails and the Harris
County Jail who voluntarily choose to access their services. Angela House also provides a unique opportunity for
members of the Archdiocesan community to play a role in
welcoming the prisoner through a variety of volunteer opportunities.
A Prayer for Mothers
— For our mothers, who have given us life and love, that
we may show them reverence and love.
— For mothers who have lost a child through death, that
their faith may give them hope, and their family and
friends support and console them.
— For mothers who have died, that God may bring them
into the joy of his kingdom.
Loving God,
as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so
you watch over your Church.
Bless these women, that they may be strengthened as
Christian mothers. Let the example of their faith and love
shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them
always with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen
p. 12
Parish Outreach Ministry—Our Parish Network of Charity
For just a moment, picture a young woman who just this week
discovered that she is seven weeks pregnant. What she may not know is that her baby's
heart has been bea ng for four weeks; the baby can flex its fingers and toes and suck on his
or her thumb. The baby is totally dependent on her. She is considering abor ng this baby.
She may be under pressure from others and think there is no other op on.
But many people, like us, do care enough to help her and her baby.
All our prayers can make a difference in whether this baby will be born-or aborted.
Our prayers can also be a form of spiritual support for both of the baby's parents.
We know through Scripture that God wants us to pray
and we know through Faith that God answers all prayers.
Please Pledge to Pray and keep a ny heart bea ng this
Mother’s Day!
VISIT: (Outreach/Baby Grace)
The Baby Grace Project (The Spiritual Adoption for the Unborn in danger of abortion) was
initiated by our Parish last year, and is a simple yet effective program that provides an
opportunity for children, teens, adults and senior citizens to prayerfully intercede on
behalf of moms and unborn babies threatened by abortion.
Participants spiritually adopt a baby known by God to be at risk of abortion by
pledging to pray a short prayer daily for nine months.
The Baby (Grace) Project
Our Parish’s Spiritual Adoption Program for unborn babies in danger of abortion…
• Everydayforthenext9monthsyouwillsayaprayerfortheunbornbabyyouhavespiritually
• DuringyourearthlylifethisspirituallyadoptedchildwillbeknownonlytoGod,butintheworldto
• Youareencouragedtonameyourbabyandgivehimorheranidentity,thusrecognizingthe
• Eachmonthourbulletinannouncementswillfollowthebaby'sprogress.
• Attheendofthenine-monthperiodwewillcelebratethebirthsofourspirituallyadoptedbabies
• Thisprojectisco-sponsoredbyourParishRespectLife,GabrielProject&OutreachMinistries
Visit our Baby Grace Page on our Parish website and commit to saving a life TODAY!
Parish Outreach Ministry—May Service Opportunities
Bicycle for Two Project
Human Trafficking
& Prevention
Volunteers will give tandem bike
rides to those visually impaired at
the Lighthouse Houston
Saturday May 16
Volunteers Age 18+
Brown Bag Project
Volunteers needed to help
assemble 500 sandwiches and
lunch bags for the area homeless.
Cathedral Centre
Sunday May 17 8am—10am
Volunteers Age 18+
Travel Bags Project
Volunteers will decorate and
fill travel bags with games
& snacks for
Unaccompanied Youth
These bags will be distributed to
them at IAH as they await their
plane to a safe relocation with the
office of Refugee Services in the
Sunday May 18
Family Friendly
p. 13
Our Outreach Ministry will be coordinating an Outreach
Extension of the USCCB’s Amistad Movement here in Houston.
If you are interested in helping coordinate the next community
training and outreach or if you are interested in being part of our
facilitators team as we take this awareness program to the most
vulnerable throughout Houston, please contact us at
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
Is for good men to do nothing”
(Edmund Burke)
Interested in helping move trafficking survivors to safe
housing? Our Outreach Ministry partners with the YMCA
International to provide this service. If you would like to help us please
contact Outreach Ministry.
Cookies & Milk Project
Let us never forget that each
of these children are
someone’s sons or daughters,
sisters or brothers and
through desperate situations
in their own country and
through no fault of their own
they have come to the U.S.
seeking safety, protection
and a life full of hope.
Volunteers needed to distribute a
healthy bedtime snack to the
children living in shelter.
The Butterfly Project
Volunteers will make Butterfly
themed nutritious snack bags
for children living in shelter.
Sunday May 18
Cathedral Centre
Family Friendly Project
Monday May 18
Volunteers Age 10+ with parent
To register as a volunteer for any of these projects visit our Parish “Outreach” page at
Phone: 713-659-1561
Pray for Vocations
p. 14
Augustin Hhoi Le
Xavier Bilavendiran
Preston Quintela
Nicolás Ramirez
Pray for Xavier Bilavendiran, Augustin Khoi Le, Preston Quintela and Nicolas Ramirez
who are to be ordained to the diaconate (transitional) on May 16 at the Co-Cathedral at 10 am.
Lord Jesus, you came to serve, not to be served. Form within these four men to be ordained your generous spirit.
Fill them with your love, that they may love the Father as you love them.
Fill them with your compassion, that they may see our brothers and sisters as you see them.
Fill them with your courage, that they may give their lives in service to the Church as you gave your life for her.
Fill them with that Spirit which will make them preachers of your Word, ministers of your Sacrifice, servants of your Bride,
friends of the poor, and the voice of the forgotten.
Transform them through your Holy Spirit so that they may transform the world into your Kingdom of justice and faith.
Bless the families of these men. May they continue to grow in holiness and serve the Church.
Open the hearts of all your sons and daughters to listen to your call in their lives.
Enrich the Church with more priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters and committed lay ministers.
May they be humble and faith inspired in their service. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us.
St. Joseph, protector of the Holy Church,
Pray for us.
St. John Vianney, patron of priests,
Pray for us.
St. Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians,
Pray for us.
St. Scholastica, patroness of religious sisters,
Pray for us.
St. Alphonsus Liguori, patron of vocations,
Pray for us.
St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr,
patron of deacons,
Pray for us.
All you holy men and women,
Pray for us.
6º Domingo de Pascua
“Éste es mi mandamiento: que se amen los unos a los otros
como yo los he amado.”
Antífona de Entrada: Con voz de júbilo, anunciadlo;
que se oiga, que llegue a todos los rincones de la tierra:
el Señor ha redimido a su pueblo. Aleluya. (Psalm 98:12)
El Canto de Entrada: Unidos en Caridad (#659)
Kyrie (Misa del Pueblo Inmigr ante, #26)
Gloria (Misa San J osé, #5)
Salmo Responsorial: El Señor revela a las naciones su justicia.
¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya!
El Canto de Ofertorio: Un Mandamiento Nuevo (#658)
Sanctus (Misa Melódica, #109)
Anunciamos Tu Muerte (Misa Melodica #110)
Amen (Misa Melódica, #111)
Agnus Dei (Misa Melódica, #112)
Antífono de Comunión: [Ego vos elegí de m undo] Si ustedes
me aman, obedecerán mis mandamientos. Y yo le pediré al
Padre, y él les dará otro Consolador para que los acompañe
siempre, aleluya. (Juan 14:15-16)
El Canto de Comunión: Ave Verum (Jean de Castro 15401600)
Oh Señor, Delante de Ti (#590)
Canto de Salida: Amar (#657)
Venta de Tamales: Para recaudar fondos para la festividad de
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, tendremos una venta de tamales
el día 17 de mayo. Necesitamos ayuda. Si desea ayudar hacer y
cocinar tamales en el día 16, por favor de hablar con el Diacono Daniel después de la Misa.
Bautismo: Si desean que su niño reciba el sacramento del bautismo, por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial.
La Santa Biblia está en venta en la entr ada de la CoCatedral por $7.00.
Sacramentos para los Adultos: Aquellos adultos que desean
recibir el sacramento del Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, o convalidación de su matrimonio civil: hablen con
el Diacono Daniel después de la Misa o dejen un mensaje para
él en la oficina parroquial.
Ministerios Espirituales
Estudio Bíblico: Conozca al Señor mejor a través de nuestro
platica de Biblia, cada lunes a las 6 pm en la biblioteca del primer piso del Centro Catedral, conducido por el Diacono Daniel.
La Legión de María: Debajo del liderazgo de María, cultive
su relación con Cristo cada lunes a las 7:15 pm en la biblioteca
del primer piso del Centro Catedral, para rezar el santo rosario,
reflexionar sobres las enseñanzas del Señor, y hacer planes
para servir al Señor.
Música Litúrgica
Denle gloria a Dios por medio de su voz, cantándole y alabándole, como miembros del coro. No necesitan experiencia, solo
su voluntad para alabarle con himnos hermosos al Señor. Ustedes aprenderán a cantar música solemne para la Santa Misa.
Practicamos cada domingo a las 6 de la tarde en el Centro Catedral. Si están interesados, hablen con el Diacono Daniel después de la Misa.
Palabras del Papa Francisco
El Amor Es la Medida de la Fe
Toda la Ley divina se resume en el amor a Dios y al prójimo.
En aquel tiempo, un doctor de la ley, le hizo esta pregunta a
Jesús: «Maestro, ¿cuál es el mandamiento principal de la ley?».
Jesús, citando el libro del Deuteronomio, le dijo: «Amarás al
Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda
tu mente. Este mandamiento es el principal y primero» . Y
hubiese podido detenerse aquí. En cambio, Jesús añadió algo
que no le había preguntado el doctor de la ley. Dijo: «El
segundo es semejante a él: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti
mismo». Tampoco este segundo mandamiento Jesús lo inventa,
sino que lo toma del libro del Levítico. Su novedad consiste
precisamente en poner juntos estos dos mandamientos —el
amor a Dios y el amor al prójimo— revelando que ellos son
inseparables y complementarios, son las dos caras de una
misma medalla. No se puede amar a Dios sin amar al prójimo y
no se puede amar al prójimo sin amar a Dios. El signo visible
que el cristiano puede mostrar para testimoniar al mundo y a los
demás, a su familia, el amor de Dios es el amor a los hermanos.
El mandamiento del amor a Dios y al prójimo es el primero no
porque está en la cima de la lista de los mandamientos. Jesús no
lo puso en el vértice, sino en el centro, porque es el corazón
desde el cual todo debe partir y al cual todo debe regresar y
hacer referencia. Ya en el Antiguo Testamento la exigencia de
ser santos, a imagen de Dios que es santo, comprendía también
el deber de hacerse cargo de las personas más débiles, como el
extranjero, el huérfano, la viuda. Jesús conduce hacia su
realización esta ley de alianza, Él que une en sí mismo, en su
carne, la divinidad y la humanidad, en un único misterio de
amor. Ahora, a la luz de esta palabra de Jesús, el amor es la
medida de la fe, y la fe es el alma del amor. Ya no podemos
separar la vida religiosa, la vida de piedad del servicio a los
hermanos, a aquellos hermanos concretos que encontramos. No
podemos ya dividir la oración, el encuentro con Dios en los
Sacramentos, de la escucha del otro, de la proximidad a su vida,
especialmente a sus heridas. Recordad esto: el amor es la
medida de la fe. ¿Cuánto amas tú? Y cada uno se da la
respuesta. ¿Cómo es tu fe? Mi fe es como yo amo. Y la fe es el
alma del amor.