Jun 7th 2015 08.45 Holy Communion 10.30 All Age Worship 18.30 Evening Worship Morning Prayer 7.30-8.00am Weekdays in the Lounge Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Jun 15th Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 14.00 18.00 19.45 10.00 10.00 19.30 10.30 13.15 18.30 19:30 18.00 10.00 08.45 10.30 2015 Music & Movement Brownies Table Tennis Working Party Sevenoaks Footsteps Silent Prayer Toddlers Drama Group Music Ministry Team Rainbows Coffee Morning - DCF Morning Prayer Holy Communion 18.00 19.30 Funasize Nexus 10.00 10.00 19.30 Olive Branch Visiting Team Guides 14.00 19.30 21.00 19.30 Dorcas TGWNN Night Prayer Youth Club 18.30 Ignite This is HOMEGROUP Week 14.00 18.00 19.45 10.00 18.00 19.30 10.30 13.15 19.30 10.00 Music & Movement Funasize Table Tennis Working Party Shipshapes Rickshaw Rumpus Holy Communion Toddlers Music Ministry Team Rainbows 08.45 10.30 Holy Communion Morning Worship 18.00 19.00 Brownies Bible Study 10.00 19.30 Olive Branch Guides 13.30 19.30 MPG Prayer TGWNN 19.30 Youth Club 18.30 Evening Praise Joan Booth would like to thaeveryone Prayer List Denis, Leonie and Anne Taylor, Jean, Tom, Denise Kennaugh, Sue Walker, Edith Bradley, Alison Murray, Chris Booth, Joe and Maureen Shenton, Helen Wilks. The friends and family of George Ellison who died recently. . Prayer Conference Have a peek at the dark blue poster ‘Awake’ on the notice board. Keith and Myra Ashworth, along with Grant Davies, are the organisers. We are all invited to go along and take part. Feel welcome! Margaret Gradwell would like to thank everyone for their support following her recent bereavement. Leprosy Mission are very grateful for used postage stamps. Please leave them on their backing with a border of 5mm (approx 1/4”) around each edge. Thanks. Margaret Higgin The One Group. Next meeting Sat 27th Jun 2.00pm. Mr & Mrs Fletcher coming to talk about the National Garden Scheme. Everyone welcome Walking Group Next walk Sat 13th Jun, Clitheroe. Mostly flat, 4 miles through fields. Meet 10.00am Car Park. Now to November: The next two prayer walks will start at 2pm on Mondays 8th and 15th June. Meet at All Saints car park. DCF Coffee Morning June 13th, 10.0012.00. Coffee and Scones. Bring and Buy and other stall. Philip Watson will show slides. Tickets £2.00 Keswick Convention. Leaflets available in welcome area. The Council Couch is coming to All Saints Car Park Tues 23rd June 6-8pm. Come and say hello and question those we have elected. Claire Halstead has 15 copies of Songs of Fellowship Vol 1-4 Words Edition books (so fairly up-to-date). You can have them for free. First come, first served. All welcome to attend the Gideons Summer Rally, speaker Fred Kershaw (National President) Sat 27th June, 3.00pm Clifton Christian Centre, Langdale Road, Blackpool. Come and hear how God’s Word has changed lives. Cherish 2016 for ladies of all ages. It’s cheaper if you book and pay before the end of June. Contact Mandy Taylor or Ann Dnistrianskyj. We are all invited to the Ordination & Induction of Jim Williams as Minister to the group pastorate of St Anne’s & Elswick URCs at St Anne’s United Reformed Church, St Anne’s-on-Sea on 4th July at 2:30pm. Let Stef know if you’re going. Latest Holbach Heartbeat newsletter available. Please take a copy. Chairs. The PCC approved the recommendations of the Property Group to order new chairs for the church. It is the design that was modelled at the AGM and widely welcomed. The order will be placed shortly. There have already been sizeable donations towards the cost, and thank you already for the further contributions since this notice was published. We continue to welcome every donation. These will be willingly received at the Office, or via the collection plate, placed in an envelope marked ‘New Chair Donation’. If your donation could be gift aided, that would be great. We hope they will arrive in the second week of August, after the church has been decorated (more on that soon!). CLEVELEYS CHURCHES TOGETHER PRAYER DIARY Cleveleys Baptist: 1. Our team of 7 preachers who take turns Sunday by Sunday during this period of pastoral vacancy which began last December. They have been leading us through Luke's Gospel; and in a month's time will begin a series on The Old Testament Story Line. 2. Our Interim Moderator and Deacons' Group as they enter the process which can lead towards calling a new minister. 3. God's clear guidance to the church members in their role within the process; and God's clear call to the right prospective candidate. 4. Our diligent team of childrens' and teenagers' leaders at Crossroads on Sundays, and at Kidz Club and Chillax through the week. 5. The Churches Together Summer Event which we shall host at the Baptist Church on Wednesday June 24th, when Rev. Dr. Bill Davies will speak on the topic: Is the God of the Old the God of the New? Rev Stef Dnistrianskyj 823978 dnists@gmail.com Rev Steve Haskett 07980 248917 stevehaskett78@gmail.com PCC Secretary: Yvonne Davies 863547 All Saints Church: 823904 allsaintsanchorsholme@gmail.com Web Site: www.anchorsholme.org All Saints Church is a charity registered with the Charity Commission no. 1132756
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