Weekly Bulletin - Westside Church

Ladies Bible Study!
5090 W. Pasadena, Flushing, MI 48433!
810-733-2419 westsidechurchflushing@gmail.com!
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm!
Pastor Ed Emmerling
Pastor Matt Wagner
ed_ emmerling@yahoo.com!
810-515-9162 !
We are excited that you are a part of our worship service today. As
our guest we want you to feel the warmth of our church family. We
hope you will feel free to participate in our worship today. Please
stop by our Guest Relations desk and sign our guest book. Then
be sure to get a free cup of coffee, cappuccino or hot
cocoa from our coffee shop “Tom's Java.”
Week At A Glance!
9:30 am!
10:45 am!
7:00 pm!
11:00 am!
Bible Study!
Celebration !
Power Boost !
all ages!
Hour of Power
C ome p a rt ic i p ate o n
Wednesday evenings at
7:00pm for te aching ,
prayer and fellowship.
There is teaching for
children of all ages as
well. Come check it out!
This study will meet on
Thursdays at 6:00pm
starting this Thursday, Feb
19th and will be led by
Tammy Theriac. The study
is called “The Best Yes
(Making wise decisions in
the midst of endless
demands)”. The group will
meet here at Westside and
the books are $10.99.
Please sign up on the
bulletin board in the foyer.
Upwards Basketball!
We still need volunteers on
Saturdays. There are many
spots to be filled: greeters,
concessions, and score/time
keepers. Sign up sheet is on
the bulletin board in the foyer!
What a great way to meet new
people and represent
Prayer Shawl Ministry!
Don’t forget to turn in your
Reshape pledge cards today
in the offering!!
Brick City!
If you are a young
adult, there is an awesome
time of worship and teaching
for you at Cafe Rhema
downtown Flint. The worship
is lead by our very own Matt
Wagner. Come check it out
Tuesdays at 7:00pm.
will be meeting at Jan Dillon’s
h o m e a t 11 3 4 M u i r l a n d
Flushing onThursday
February 12th at 6:30pm. If
you have any questions
contact Jan 810-487-9336
Student Life Conference !
Our students will be gone
February 12-16, to Atlanta,
Georgia. Please be in prayer
for safe travels and a move of
God’s Spirit for our youth,
leaders and all who are
attending the conference.
Sunday, February 8, 2015!
2 yr through 4 yr olds: !
K-3rd grade:!
Irene W, Missy C, Jill and Erik Gernand!
Tim Finton, Amanda Olsey, Judy Roy!
Scott Cragg!
Gene Stump!
2 yr through 4 yr olds:!
K-3rd grade:!
(February 15, 2015)!
Irene W, Amie Juillet!
Amanda D, Kathy Novess, Michelle Miller!
Melissa Marrero!
Lee Willingham
Prayer Concerns!
Our Nation/President/Armed Services /Missionaries!
Tabitha Aubrey Malone, Adam Huntoon, Phillip Smith II and Michael
Stump - are all serving our country!
Barry and Brenda Woods - on mission & work in Thailand!
Gene Stump !
Pat Kellar !
Rick Whitman!
Loren Huffman!
Fanny Calix!
Julie Haskin!
Tim,Phyllis Molyneux !
Rod Smith!
Theresa Marcus!
Kelly Miller!
Naomi Broad Family!
Nancy Morgan family!
(Sue Blaylock’s
Pat Haskin!
Bill Bramlet