WELCOME! WE’RE GLAD YOU CAME TO WORSHIP WITH US TODAY! Featuring some of our Ministries Life can be lived alone, but we believe the spiritual life God has called us to at Park Avenue is better lived in groups. Some groups meet for support, some for fellowship and others for Bible Study. Contact: Dan Ferguson FergusonD@Parkavenue.org 321-269-6702 Mentoring is one of the oldest and best methods of personal growth, learning new skills or developing in multiple arenas of life. If interested in being mentored or becoming a mentor, please let us know. Contact: Billy Durham DurhamB@Parkavenue.org 321-269-6702 Our fully furnished hotel-like rooms, lobby/meeting room, kitchen/dining area, as well as in-house food preparation options make the center a great place to host your retreat. Flock Market This week - March 23-26. Clothing, household items, yard tools, furniture -- all these and more are welcomed at the market in the Gym. • Monday, March 23 is ‘bring-in day.’ Doors will open for your donations at 8 a.m. and remain open until 8 p.m. • Shopping can take place Tuesday and Wednesday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. • Shopping Thursday from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Contact person is Mary Radcliff, 407-579-1080. Big Red Bus Blood Mobile Sunday, March 29. Donating blood saves lives. You may preregister at www.oneblood.org. The bus will be here from 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Contact: Janis Harty Retreat@Parkavenue.org 321-269-6702 x1300 Situated inside the church complex in the church office, you’ll find many great Bibles, greeting cards and books by various Christian writers. Hours of operation: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Contact: Darlene Enz EnzD@parkavenue.org 321-269-6702 Fusion was developed for the college and career generation who are compelled by the love of Christ to radically follow Jesus. Contact: Jonathan Gibson LifeLine Screening Thurs. Mar. 26 at Ashkelon. Preventive screenings available: abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Look for the pink brochure in the foyer racks for information. Call 1-888-653-6450 to register. Congratulations Isaiah Benj was born to Brett & Danielle Magnuson on March 13, 2015. Grandparents are Bruce & Renee Magnuson. JGibson981@icloud.com 321-698-6807 We believe each child has been called by the Father to know Him intimately and to walk with Him in such a way that the world they live in sees the Kingdom of God through them. Contact: Cheryl Gil GilC@Parkavenue.org 321-269-6702 x 1-252 Our Condolences to Bob & Debbie Donaldson and Betty Lou Donaldson and their family at the death of Burl Nelson (Betty Lou’s brother and Bob’s uncle). Opportunities to Serve •Please help us on Easter weekend. Sign up at www. parkavenue.org. •Needed for the Eggscellent Easter Egg Hunt - prefilled plastic eggs or small individually wrapped candies and toys to go inside eggs (please no chocolate). Bring to the box in the back of the sanctuary or to the church office. Heart2Heart Wed., April 1 at Mary Coleman’s home, 3869 Rambling Acres Dr., from 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon. Young wives & moms, come for fellowship, grace, and encouragement. Bring a favorite breakfast dish to share. Nursery available at the church. Questions - call Linda Ball at 321-501-9894. Community Cookout Sunday, April 12 following the church service, join us in the Gym for lunch, fellowship, games for the kids (and grownups). The church will grill hamburgers & hotdogs. The next two Sundays there will be pans in the back of the sanctuary for you to take to fill with your favorite side-dish to share. CHAOS (Come Have an Outrageous Summer) June 8-12. Volunteer forms are in the foyers, church office and on the website. Come join our team and help make a difference in the lives of kids and families in Titusville. Student sign-up forms will be available April 1. ParkAvenue.org IS THIS YOUR FIRST VISIT TO PABC? WELCOME! If so, relax and make yourself at home. Please take a moment to fill out the Visitor Card inside this bulletin and hand it to a member of the guest services team on the way out. As a bonus we have a gift for you as a way of saying thanks for sharing a Sunday with us. Our Weekly Schedule of Events Our Mission at Park Avenue March 22, 2015 Our Mission at Park Avenue can be summed up in two simple phrases: Pursuing God and Loving People. These two statements contain the heart of what we are doing. Jesus summed up His mission in Mark 12:29–31 “The most important commandment … Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.” As part of the body of Christ, our goal is to continue His mission in this present time, reflecting God’s heart to the world He loves. Ways to Connect At Park Avenue WORSHIP - Develop Your Relationship with Christ Worship involves many aspects. In the Sunday service, our vocal and instrumental teams lead us in song and a time of praise. Praying, giving our resources, hearing God’s truth and responding in obedience are yet other ways to express our worship. All of these elements contribute to growing in our faith. CONNECT - Connect in Group Life and Build Lifelong Friendships Life can be lived alone; however, we believe the spiritual life God has called us to at Park Avenue is one of connection and interaction with others in a small group setting. We have numerous groups that meet throughout the week with a variety of purposes. Some meet for support, some for fellowship, and others for Bible study. SERVE - Find a Specific Area of Ministry and Serve We encourage everyone at Park Avenue to become involved with a Ministry that will have an impact for Christ in our Church and Community. God has gifted each one of us with skills and talents that can be used to benefit others, and there is no greater fulfillment than investing your time and efforts in serving others. GO - Make Him Known: Matthew 28: 18-20 Park Avenue places a strong emphasis on Missions and has developed strategic mission partners in our local community and throughout the world. We have a vision to offer opportunities for every member to fulfill Acts 1:8 in a personal way. One Can Make A Difference Cereal and mac ‘n cheese for 1st United Methodist Pantry. Park Avenue Baptist Church WE’RE GLAD YOU CAME TO WORSHIP WITH US TODAY! 2600 Park Avenue - Titusville, FL - 32780 321-269-6702 Sunday 9:00am 10:30am 4:00pm 8:00pm Community Hour for all ages Worship Service / Children’s Church grades 1-6 Men’s Basketball in the Gym College/Career Fusion (Ashkelon Building) Monday 7:00pm Sunday Service broadcast on Bright House Channel 49 Singles Ministry (SCR) Tuesday 2:00pm 6:00pm 7:15 pm Jet Set (Trinity Lutheran Church) Worship Choir Practice (Choir Room) GriefShare Support Group (Conference Room) Orchestra Practice (Sanctuary) Wednesday 10:00am No Women’s Bible Study 6:00pm No Wednesday night children and youth programs this week due to Spring Break 6:30pm DivorceCare Support Group (Conference. Room) No Women’s Bible Study this week Prayer Requests If you have a prayer need you would like to share, please use the prayer request card in this bulletin. Place the card in the prayer box on the Guest Service desk in one of the foyers. You can be assured your request will be lifted before the Father by faith-filled prayer warriors. Park Avenue also has a prayer link on our website where you can enter your prayer request. If you include your email address, you will receive an email informing you when your request has been prayed over. Share your request by going to: www.ParkAvenue.org/Prayer-Wall
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