Read Latest Bulletin - Park Avenue Baptist Church

Featuring some of our Ministries
In KidZone we believe that each child is a precious
gift from God, special and unique. Our mission is to
partner with families and children to enable them to
experience God’s incredible love for them.
Contact: Cheryl Gil 321-269-6702 x1252
Route 56 is a ministry created to bring the Good
News of Jesus Christ to 5th & 6th grade students by
extending the church’s reach into the transitional time
between elementary and junior high school.
Contact: Chris Harm
• Scholarships. Mark the check or
envelope CHAOS Scholarship.
• Supplies list is in the foyers.
• Please pray for our CHAOS
students and the staff who will be
working with them.
• CHAOS is June 8-12.
•About 150 volunteers are provided lunch at CHAOS. We want to
bless them with some desserts, too. Sign up at
go/10c0849ada728a6fe3-summer to bring in cookies, cupcakes, or
brownies, etc. 321-269-6702 x1221
Auto Maintenance Ministry
Tribes focuses on three essential areas in helping
middle school students develop into the people God
created them to be: Encountering God, Experiencing
community and Engaging in the world.
Next workday is Saturday, June 13.
This ministry is in place to help
widows and single moms with
routine car upkeep. Call 269-6702
ext. 1-215 to make an appointment.
The next workday following the June
date will be on August 1.
Contact: Richie Lord 321-269-6702 x1211
Breakaway is an exciting, crazy, and engaging high
school ministry that is dedicated to helping students
grow in their faith as they navigate the crossroads of
high school.
Contact: Arthur Lord 321-269-6702 x1220
Purpose of the prayer and prophetic ministries is to
prepare the way for God to invade Park Avenue, our
community, and our homes, as we seek to become a
house of prayer unto the Lord.
Contact: Danny Daniels
Becoming is open to women of all ages and stages of
life with the goal of encouraging one another to God’s
transforming presence in their lives. Girls’ Night Out
and Bible study are great ways to get connected.
Contact: Donna Long
Complete listing of all ministries can be found on the church web page.
Men’s Breakfast
Join us this Saturday, June 6 at
8 a.m. for a breakfast to kick
off our new men’s ministry.
Tickets are $5, available at
the back of the sanctuary
today. May be purchased in
the church office through
Wednesday. Bring a friend, neighbor, or that guy you have been
thinking of inviting to church. Come hungry - it will be a feast!
Body Ministry
One of the help’s ministries
available to PABC members is
the Body Ministry. This ministry is for members who have
fallen on financial hard times
and are not able to meet their
financial obligations. To learn
more or to make an appointment with the committee, contact
the church office. Donations to this ministry are encouraged.
Group Connect
Giving Options at PABC
There are four options to give:
(1) Give online at www.parkavenue.
org through the PayPal option
(2) Automatic check system through
your local bank
(3) During the Sunday morning
worship experience through the
(4) Drop off your offering during the week or mail it to the church
office at 2600 S. Park Avenue, Titusville, FL 32780
Contribution statements are mailed four times a year to help you keep
track of your giving.
Sonny’s Receipts
When you dine at Sonny’s BBQ, save your receipts and bring them
to the church office. The church is given gift certificates to be used in
ministry when we turn in receipts from meals.
Sunday, June 14 after the
service in the Fruit Tree Cafe.
Interested in joining a Small
Group? Group Connect is a
90-minute event where you
can meet other people with
the goal of forming a Small Group, with plenty of volunteers
present to help you navigate through the process.
Go to for more
Check out our summer calendar for high schoolers on our
Facebook page or on Instagram@breakawaystudentministry.
If so, relax and make yourself at home. Please take a moment to fill out the Visitor Card inside this bulletin and hand
it to a member of the guest services team on the way out.
As a bonus we have a gift for you as a way of saying thanks
for sharing a Sunday with us.
Our Weekly Schedule of Events
Our Mission at Park Avenue
Our Mission at Park Avenue can be summed up in two simple phrases:
Pursuing God and Loving People. These two statements contain the heart of
what we are doing.
Jesus summed up His mission in Mark 12:29–31 “The most important commandment … Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this:
Love your neighbor as yourself.” As part of the body of Christ, our goal is to
continue His mission in this present time, reflecting God’s heart to the world
He loves.
12:00pm Jet Set potluck lunch (Trinity Lutheran,
3671 S. Hopkins Ave.)
6:00pm Worship Choir Practice (Choir Room)
7:15 pm Orchestra Practice (Sanctuary)
WORSHIP - Develop Your Relationship with Christ
Worship involves many aspects. In the Sunday service, our vocal and instrumental
teams lead us in song and a time of praise. Praying, giving our resources, hearing
God’s truth and responding in obedience are yet other ways to express our worship. All of these elements contribute to growing in our faith.
CONNECT - Connect in Group Life and Build Lifelong Friendships
6:00pm Kids WOW (grades 1-4) (Education Building)
Velocity (grades 5-6) (Recreation Building)
Junior High Tribes (Ashkelon)
7:30pm Senior High Breakaway (Ashkelon)
Life can be lived alone; however, we believe the spiritual life God has called us to at
Park Avenue is one of connection and interaction with others in a small group setting. We have numerous groups that meet throughout the week with a variety of
purposes. Some meet for support, some for fellowship, and others for Bible study.
SERVE - Find a Specific Area of Ministry and Serve
We encourage everyone at Park Avenue to become involved with a Ministry that
will have an impact for Christ in our Church and Community. God has gifted
each one of us with skills and talents that can be used to benefit others, and there
is no greater fulfillment than investing your time and efforts in serving others.
Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer need you would like to share, please
use the prayer request card in this bulletin. Place the card
in the prayer box on the Guest Service desk in one of the
foyers. You can be assured your request will be lifted before
the Father by faith-filled prayer warriors. Park Avenue also
has a prayer link on our website where you can enter your
prayer request. If you include your email address, you will
receive an email informing you when your request has been
prayed over.
GO - Make Him Known: Matthew 28: 18-20
Park Avenue places a strong emphasis on Missions and has developed strategic
mission partners in our local community and throughout the world. We have a
vision to offer opportunities for every member to fulfill Acts 1:8 in a personal way.
One Can Make A Difference
Park Avenue Baptist Church
2600 Park Avenue - Titusville, FL - 32780
Sunday Service broadcast on Bright House
Channel 49
Singles Ministry (SCR)
Ways to Connect At Park Avenue
Baby rattles/teethers/bottles/pacifiers/spoons/bowls for BETA.
Bookmark calendars are available in the foyers.
Community Hour for all ages
Worship Service / Children’s Church grades 1-6
Men’s Basketball in the Gym
College/Career Fusion (Ashkelon Building)
May 31, 2015
Share your request by going to: