10:30 Fellowship 11:00am Worship July 5, 2015 Sunday Worship Weekly Lectionary This Sunday, July 5, is the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. Rev. Laura Jernigan will present the fourth sermon in the summer series titled “The Virtuous Life: Moses”. The offertory solo will be a Patriotic Medley arr. by Faye Lopez and performed by Christopher Patterson, trombone soloist. Sunday, July 5 1 Sam. 14:36-45 Rom. 5:1-11 Matt. 22:1-14 Monday, July 6 1 Sam. 15:1-3,7-23 Acts 9:19b-31 Luke 23:44-56a Tuesday, July 7 1 Sam. 15:24-35 Acts 9:32-43 Luke 23:56b-24:11 Wednesday, July 8 1 Sam. 16:1-13 Acts 10:1-16 Luke 24:13-35 Thursday, July 9 1 Sam. 16:14-17:11 Acts 10:17-33 Luke 24:36-53 Friday, July 10 1 Sam. 17:17-30 Acts 10:34-48 Mark 1:1-13 Saturday, July 11 1 Sam. 17:31-49 Acts 11:1-18 Mark 1:14-28 Prayers For those who are ill or recovering: Marthe Wolff Dick Mohler Sandra Thorington Randy Bridges Gayle Mitchell Hank Nicholson Barbara Hodges Jack Camp Lisa Henley Mike Ross Betzi Allsop Joe Delaney Barbara Cunningham Audrey Wilson Pam Hales Trish and Troy Butler Debbie North Penny Hill Kristi Johnson Marshall Fisher Barbara Cox Shinae Paik Betty Driver Jeff Cutter Barbara Settle To have a name placed on the prayer list, please call 404-237-5539. Hospitals no longer notify churches when a member is a patient. Therefore, we depend on family and friends to let us know when a congregant has been admitted. *If you would like additional information on those on the prayer list, please contact the church office. Serving This Week Ushers: Dave Nelson, Craig Camp, Chad Fleming, Dan Laney, Colin Meier, Penn McClatchey Worship Coordinator: Jeff Upchurch Sound and Light: Barry Holderread Breakfast Team: Fellowship Greeters: Peggy Saucier and Ann Vining Summer in the Son: No Summer in the Son July 5. Elder on Call: Karen Taylor Communion Servers: Karen Taylor, Jeff Upchurch, Ann Vining, Kaye Mulkeen Sunday sermons are available on-line at http://nwpcatlanta.podcastpeople.com. Summer Schedule and Christian Education Classes Christian education classes will be suspended from Memorial Day weekend, May 24th through Labor Day, starting back on Sunday, September 13. During this time we will have Summer Fellowship Time in the courtyard each Sunday, starting May 31st at 10:30AM. Please join us each week for coffee, pastries and fellowship! NWPC Vacation Bible School July 13-17, 9:00AM –12:00PM For Children Ages 4 years (by Sept. 1) through 5th grade. Mission Camp Extension: 12:00pm-3:00pm each day following VBS for rising 4th graders though completed 8th graders. Amanda Pooser, Director of Youth Ministry, will lead service excursions into the community. Register at https://nwpcatlanta.wufoo.com/forms/northwest-presbyterian-2015-vbs-registration/ VBS Hall Decorators Needed VBS Hall decorating with Amanda Burns takes place July 7-10, volunteers needed the following days/ times: 7/7 and 7/9 from 9:00AM-3:00PM, 7/8:4:00PM-8:00PM, 7/12 , Sunday at Noon (Lunch provided on this day) Northwest Youth Lunch Our Treat Summer is here and the Northwest Youth are excited to take this time to worship together and enjoy a meal to catch up with one another. Beginning June 28th, we will begin “Lunch Our Treat” every Sunday. Just meet in the courtyard after worship and we will head out for a time of fellowship together. Upcoming Dates: Screen on the Green– 8:00PM on 7/8, 7/22, 8/5 and 8/19 Club 46 Ice Cream Social and Movie Night—8:00PM on July 9 Food Trucks and Whirley Ball—6:00PM on July 28 Club 46 Pool Party—July 30 Club 46 Kick-Off Party and Mystery Destination—August 16 12-3P Announcements Congratulations Congratulations to Steve and Janet Forbes on the birth of their new grandson, Benjamin Carner, born on June 26th. Hymn Sing—July 12, 11:00am We invite you to come to worship and sing some old favorites and new songs. If you have a hymn that you would like to be included, send your suggestion to Dr. James jkohler35@hotmail.com or Pastor Laura laura@nwpcatlanta.org by July 5. Come and give glory to God in song! Summer in the Son Volunteers Needed We need adult and youth volunteers for Summer in the Son, our ministry with younger children (ages 4 years through 2nd grade) during worship, for the summer Sundays through September 6. Leaders will read a Bible story in the Children’s Building, and then take the children for games and free play in the Playpark. Please contact Pastor Laura, laura@nwpcatlanta.org, to offer your assistance. Save the Date: Young Adult Summer Supper Members and friends in their 20’s and 30’s are invited for an evening of food and conversation on Thursday, July 23, 7:00PM at the home of Ezra Jones. Volunteers Needed—Clifton Sanctuary Ministries Request for Clifton Volunteers! NWPC is looking for a few good people to prepare and serve a meal for the men of Clifton Sanctuary on Friday, July 24. Clifton is expanding its reach and working with the VA, they now have space designated for 5 veterans! There’s no better time to get involved with this group. These are great people and always appreciate our help. Please contact Deanie Quillian, 404-312-4935 or Nate Bayer (nc.bayer@gmail.com ) for more information or to volunteer. Summer Service Opportunities Join us for Summer Service Fellowship. This new activity is open to everyone!We will be meeting every Wednesday this summer to work on church housekeeping projects, such as preparing for VBS, organizing closets and art room clean-up. Wednesdays, June 10-August 12. Join us anytime between 9:30-11:30. When you arrive, check in at office for that week’s service location. Come for one Wednesday or all. (We will not meet July 15th). For more information contact Lisa Bridges at lisahbridges@yahoo.com or Lynne Schlosberg at lynnesc@comcast.net . NWPC Facebook Page If you haven’t already “liked” NWPC’s Facebook page you are missing out on weekly pictures and updates! Be sure to like our page! Sanctuary Flower Dedications Available Sanctuary flowers are a wonderful way to honor friends or loved ones and can be enjoyed by the entire congregation! Please sign up by contacting the church office, nwpc@nwpcatlanta.org or 404.237.5539. July Birthdays Church Calendar Sunday, July 5 10:30AM 11:00AM 12:00PM Fellowship in the Courtyard Worship Youth– Lunch our Treat Monday, July 6 11:30AM NWPC Intercessory Prayer Group Sunday, July 12 10:30AM 11:00AM 12:00PM Fellowship in the Courtyard Worship Youth– Lunch our Treat 9:00AM VBS and Mission Extension July 13-17 Monday, July 13 11:30AM NWPC Intercessory Prayer Group Tuesday, July 14 10:00AM Circle of Blessing Sunday, July 19 10:30AM 11:00AM 12:00PM Fellowship in the Courtyard Worship Ice Cream Social Monday, July 20 11:30AM NWPC Intercessory Prayer Group Thursday, July 24 Sunday, July 26 Serve Dinner at Clifton Shelter 10:30AM 11:00AM 12:00PM 4th 7th 9th 12th 13th 15th 18th 20th 21st 25th 26th 28th 30th Suzy Craft Brett Hennessy Sharon Teel Mary Thompson Audrey Milton Colin Sanders Anna Pohl Ezra Jones Maryam Sanders Jack Pinkerton Joan Cook Marthe Wolff Katy Russell Charlie Davis Paige Fleming Stuart Kimble Emily Amos Bryce Burnett Heather Boggess Bruce Snyder Fellowship in the Courtyard Worship Youth– Lunch our Treat Summer Sermon Series "The Virtuous Life": a summer sermon series based on David Brooks' book The Road to Character. Join us as we explore how characters in the Bible exemplify those that Brooks highlights in the chapters of his provocative book, and how they might inspire us in our own character development. The outline is this: 6/14 Samson (Chapter 1: The Shift) 6/21 David (2: The Summoned Self) 6/28 Naaman (3:Self-Conquest) 7/5 Moses (4: Struggle) 7/12 BREAK: Hymn Sing 7/19 Daniel (5: Self-Mastery) 7/26 Esther (6: Dignity) 8/2 Ruth (7: Love) 8/9 Peter (8: Ordered Love) 8/16 Paul (9: Self-examination) 8/23 Jesus (10: The Big Me) We hope you will join us for what promises to be an interesting and character-building experience! July 5, 2015 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 11:00AM Let the people on entering God’s house; be reverent in silence, fervent in prayer hearty in praise and expectant of the Spirit. Please silence cell phones and electronic devices at this time. PRELUDE CHIMING OF THE HOUR CALL TO WORSHIP One: All: One: All: Rev. Laura Jernigan Jesus has called us to this place to hear the word of the Lord. Jesus will send us from this place to bring good news to the world. * HYMN OF PRAISE 331 * AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (Unison) “God of the Ages, Whose Almighty Hand” Apostles’ Creed Amanda Burns I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. * PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) Holy, triune God, we confess that we have not lived for your glory. You sent prophets to teach us, but we have not listened to them. You sent your Son to save us, but we ignore your living Word. Forgive us, God of grace. Be your power at work within us remove our faithlessness and restore our faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord. A time of quiet, personal confession. In your mercy, Lord, hear our prayer, and forgive us. Amen. * ASSURANCE OF PARDON One: All: Friends, believe the good news of the Gospel: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! * SUNG RESPONSE GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. * SHARING THE PEACE OF CHRIST One: The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. All: And also with you. You are invited to share words and signs of greeting and reconciliation. TIME WITH YOUNG DISCIPLES CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS OF THE CHURCH PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY “Patriotic Melody” arr. Faye Lopez Christopher Patterson, trombone soloist * SUNG RESPONSE Praise Praise Praise Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; God, all creatures here below; God above, ye heavenly host; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. DOXOLOGY * PRAYER OF DEDICATION SCRIPTURE READING Exodus 2:11-3:12 Mark 6:6b-13 Pew Bible, pg. 49 OT Pew Bible pg. 40 NT “The Virtuous Life: Moses” Rev. Laura Jernigan PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SERMON Summer Sermon Series * HYMN OF PREPARATION 338 “O Beautiful for Spacious Skies” SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (Unison) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. BREAKING OF THE BREAD COMMUNION ANTHEM “Jesus Loves Me Medley” arr. I. Chuang and C.M. Chen Christopher Patterson, trombone soloist PRAYER * HYMN OF SERVICE 354 “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” * CHARGE AND BLESSING * POSTLUDE * All who are able are asked to stand. Children K4-2nd grade are dismissed for Young Children and Worship in the Family Life Center. Children will be returned to the Narthex at the conclusion of the service. If you would like a hearing aid for the service, please consult an usher. . The Ministers Members of Northwest Presbyterian Congregation The Session Class of 2016 Harry Ballance, F* Nate Bayer, W* Nancy McDaniel, S* Eric Mowris, P* Rob Rankin, S** C=Congregational Care E=Education F=Fellowship Class of 2017 Ezra Jones, E Mike McMackin, P Lynne Miller, O* Jamie Milton, W Michele Soteres, O Karen Taylor, E Class of 2018 Heather McCloskey, E Kaye Mulkeen, F Bill Shassere, F Sandy Simonds, C Jeff Upchurch, P Ann Vining, C O=Outreach P=Worship S=Stewardship Moderator: Dr. Timothy T. Boggess Clerk: Anneke Woodward Treasurer: Karen Taylor The Staff Rev. Dr. Timothy T. Boggess, Pastor Rev. Laura Jernigan, Associate Pastor Amanda Burns, Director of Youth Ministries Dr. James J. Kohler, Director of Music Ministries Neil Thompson, Organist Scott Mize, Administrative Manager Wendy Goessling, Administrative Assistant John Cast, Maintenance W=Witness *=Team Leader
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