First Baptist Church 124 West Evergreen - Durant OK 74701 - 580.924.3573 - A Messenger of God’s Presence In Southeastern Oklahoma TV Crews for February 8: Classic Worship Service: Switcher Duane Merideth Graphic /Camera NEED SOMEONE Camera Alfred Wheeler Camera NEED SOMEONE Program Audio Melanie Merideth House Graphics Sherrie Farris House Audio Brett Elliott Refuge Worship Service: Switcher Micah Chaffin Graphic /Camera NEED SOMEONE Camera Matthew Usry Camera NEED SOMEONE Program Audio NEED SOMEONE House Graphics Terran Sherwood House Audio Dwayne Bebout February 5, 2015 MEMORIAL GIFTS Vision First Vision First – “I obeyed the vision from heaven” Virgil “Mike” Ennen Gerald Tidwell By Genice Ennen TV Ministry Herold Merideth By Helen Gray By Cortney Johnson James M. Robinson, Pastor (Acts 26:19 NLT) THE CHURCH WILL BE CLOSED ON FEBRUARY 12 & 13 FOR O.G.& E. TO SWITCH / ADD POWER TO THE NEW BUILDING. Please call the church office for more info. Organ Repair Jewell Ransom By Mr. & Mrs. Max McClendon Weekly Bible Study Report for Feb. 1: Life Groups: Adults Youth Children Preschool Total Hispanic Mission Total Clothes Closet (January): Volunteers/Visitors Medical Mission: Volunteers/Patients Celebrate Recovery Asian Mission (January ) 314 46 54 23 437 60 7/93 11/33 65 22 Tithes & Offerings February 1: Weekly Budget Needs $22,115.38 Budget Offerings 24,822.23 Designated Gifts 1,645.00 Miscellaneous 3,273.42 Budget Year 2015: Budget Offerings to Date 128,093.89 Budget Goal to Date 110,576.92 Budget over / (under) 17,516.97 Budget Expenditures to Date 31,633.09 10th Annual Beast Feast Celebrate Recovery meets every Monday night at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center. Meal at 5:00 pm ($3) Deacon Barnabas Valentine Banquet February 15 at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Honoring widows, widowers, disabled, shut-ins and adult singles of our Barnabas Ministry. Please contact the church office for more information and to RSVP by February 11. 580-924-3573. Lottie Moon Given to Date: $18,320.50 February 7 at 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. * Wild Game Dinner * * Door prizes * * Guest Speaker * Wednesday Night Ladies Bible Study: “True Woman 101: Divine Design” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss Projected start on Feb. 25. 6:00 - 7:30 pm Led by Kalyn Stephens (8 week study) Sunday, February 8th 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm FBC Durant, Fellowship Hall Registered at Kipper Kettle, Wal-Mart & Dillards Periodicals Postage Paid “Financial Peace University” by Dave Ramsey Started January 21 6:00 - 7:30 pm In the Chapel. Led by Jerry & Shannah Arthur (10 week class) Wednesday Night Men’s Bible Study: Man Alive 6:00 - 7:30 pm In the Basement. Divorce Care for Adults: Come and Go Wedding Shower for Blakelyn Lively & Charlie Geiger Wednesday Night Co-Ed Study: February 22 5:00 pm Fellowship Hall CONNECTION WORKSHOP is designed to answer the questions you may have about our church, to introduce you to the many ministry opportunities here at FBC and to facilitate your involvement in the ministries that interest you. Call the church office for more information or to sign up. Wednesday Nights 6:00 pm in Room 210. Divorce Care for Kids: 6:00 pm in Room 206. “On the Road” Life Group Recovery meeting for Men & Women 8:00 - 9:00 pm Room 104 Every Thursday. Wednesday Nights 6:15 pm Room 220 * There are NO auditions! * Childcare provided. * You do NOT have to be able to read music. * We always have an open chair for you! Contact Ken Bartholomew for more info. As I walked through the almost-enclosed portion of our new Student Worship Center I could not but envision the gathering of people of all ages in that building. The new building will not only house a new worship venue for our youth and college students but it will have something we currently do not have – a place to gather on our way to worship and Life Groups and all the other activties we have. We are a culture constantly on our way somewhere and we take too little time to STOP and visit and get to know one another. This is not just a “youth building” but one for all ages! Bro. James Pastor’s Point
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