PDF - Ingomar Church

Message Notes
Ushers: Pam & Bart Roberts, Randy & Julie Cornelius, Susan & Jessica Stanley
Communion Ushers: Rich & Louise Kline, Betty Lou McKinney, Sharon Thompson, Kermit &
Merry Ann Houser, Bob Ruckel, Johnna Chicots, Bob & Heather Boyd, Dale & Carole Hayden,
Curry Sharlow, Bill Ziener, Harmon Leonard, Earl Marsh, Jack Rihs
Lay Reader: Johnna Chicots
Musicians: Kevin Wannamaker, organist; Ingomar Orchestra; Ingomar Choirs
Sermon Title: "The Rising of the Son"
John 20:1-18
Ushers & Communion Ushers: Kelly, Todd, Shane and Evan Stewart, Wendy and Barb Weaver,
Natalie and Nicole Rich, Ben and Owen Hipwell, Alyssa Vrana, Alec Duquette.
Lay Reader: Trina Walker
Musicians: Kevin Wannamaker, organist; Ingomar Orchestra; Ingomar Choirs
We welcome Keith Wannamaker who is assisting in worship this morning at the organ. In addition
to being an organist, Keith is a software engineer. He and his wife Sarah, the Minister of Music at
Northmont Presbyterian Church, are enjoying their second year in the Pittsburgh area and are
excitedly expecting their first child in August. A Palmetto State native, Keith studied organ at the
University of South Carolina and Indiana University, Bloomington. He enjoys aviation as a flight
instructor and holds commercial ratings in airplanes, seaplanes, gliders and helicopters.
This Morning’s Music…
Modeste Mussorgsky (1839-1881) was born into a musical family. Though he showed
considerable talent as a child, Mussorgsky did not pursue music professionally until in his twenties.
Pictures at an Exhibition was originally a piano composition written to honor the memory of his
close friend Victor Hartman, a painter-architect. The orchestral arrangement was done by Maurice
Ravel in 1923 at the request of Serge Koussevitsky, the conductor of the Boston Symphony
Orchestra. The Great Gate of Kiev (the final movement of this work) is based on an imaginative
painting of a monumental gate Hartman had planned for the city of Kiev.
Charles-Mare Widor (1844-1937) was a brilliant French organist, improviser, teacher and
composer. He taught at the Paris Conservatory and was organist at St. Sulpice in Paris. The
Toccata, arguably Widor’s most recognized and played composition, is the final movement from his
Fifth Symphony for organ.
April 5, 2015
Dear Friends,
Last Week
Next Week
Worship Attendance:
March 29, 2015
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
April 12, 2015
Scripture: John 20:24-31
Sermon Title: “Do We Believe?”
By: Pastor Dianne Glave
Welcome to Ingomar Church! I’m delighted you could join us
for our Easter Celebration. Along with Christmas, Easter is
one of the two most important events in history of God’s
relationship with humanity.
This is a great day! The empty tomb and the raising of Jesus
from death to life signifies a victory over the forces of evil.
Death cannot contain God’s mighty power. If you are on
God’s side, you are on the side that wins in the end.
The resurrection of God’s son Jesus proclaims to all the
universe that this is God’s world. He created it. He sustains
it. He provided for its redemption.
Available from our ushers if needed: Assisted hearing devices, large-print hymnals, large print bulletins and children’s
Children are always welcome in our worship services, but if you prefer to use our nursery and toddler room, it is staffed
with caring, trained, and competent adults. Parents are provided with pagers during worship so that we can contact you if
needed while you are in worship and your child is in the nursery. We are a “Safe Sanctuaries” church. All who work with and
care for our children hold Act 33 & 34 clearances through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Jesus is on the throne of Heaven. God still rules the world.
“And He shall reign forever and ever and ever. Alleluia!”
Handicapped Parking spaces are located in front of the building are designated for people displaying a “handicapped”
David Streets, pastor
Ingomar United Methodist Church
1501 West Ingomar Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
A Stephen Ministry
Ingomar Church Staff:
E. David Streets—Pastor
Dianne Glave—Pastor
Don Megahan—Organist & Choir Master
Looking for a more contemporary style of worship? Check out our Together@10 worship service in
Fellowship Hall on the lower level of this building at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday morning!
Communion at Ingomar
When we celebrate communion at Ingomar Church everyone is invited to join us. You do not need to
be a member or a regular attender to receive communion. We believe Jesus died for everyone, that
God loves everyone the same, therefore everyone is welcome to share communion with us. You
may be from a tradition that limits your ability to share communion outside of your church. We do not
wish to discourage you from honoring your tradition, but please know that you are always welcome
to celebrate communion with us.
EVEREST 2015 VBS - Join Ingomar Church for a fun, life changing experience at Vacation Bible
School June 22nd - 26th. Together we will explore the power and love of a God who can move
mountains. To attend or serve during VBS week, registration can be found online
at ingomarchurch.org. For more information email dseitz@ingomarchurch.org or call (412) 364-3613
AIR CONDITIONING PROJECT: Please note that this construction project will begin on Monday,
April 6. During this time, access to the Sanctuary will be limited, accessible only via the main
center doors from the outside of the building, or the back stairway from Fellowship Hall. During this
time, the fellowship area will be the Auxiliary Narthex. As of March 31, 88 people gave $49,039
representing 28% of our target. $125,960 more still needs to be raised.
Does God Want You To Be Happy? (A Christian Perspective on Overcoming Obstacles to Joy), a new
BOOK by BOB BOYD with introduction by Pastor E. David Streets, will be available for
purchase at tables in the Auxiliary Narthex and Fellowship Hall after each service during the month
of April. Small Group Study Guides will be available upon request. The church will receive a $4.00
donation for each book that is sold.
the church office. Applicant must be a member of Ingomar Church and/or actively involved in its
student ministries. Please see Megan DelGrosso or Mark Naylor with any questions.
The Ingomar Child Enrichment Center (ICEC) is currently recruiting to fill several open positions in the
Preschool and Child Care operations. Openings exist in both the “TEACHER” and “ASSISTANT
TEACHER” roles. All positions are part time. If you are interested in teaching and nurturing young
children in a faith based environment, please contact Robin Macon at 412-364-5244 for more
information. You may e-mail resumes to Robin Macon at rmacon@ingomarchurch.org.
Ingomar Church FACILITIES ASSISTANT: This is a part-time nonexempt hourly position. This
individual will work an average of 20 hours per week, including every other weekend. Responsibilities
include maintaining clean hallways, classrooms, bathrooms, and other internal facilities; setting up
and arranging rooms and resources for events and meetings; performing light maintenance tasks;
and assisting in the care of the external grounds. Qualifications for this position include prior custodial
experience in facilities or large households; the ability to lift and carry up to 50 pounds; a “servant’s
heart,” and pride in their work. The individual will be required to pass the Pennsylvania Child Abuse
and Criminal background clearances, as well as the FBI fingerprinting clearance. If interested in the
position, please send your resume to Chub Dietz at the church office; email to
cdietz@ingomarchurch.org; or fax to 412-364-6493.
Ingomar United Methodist Church is an equal opportunity employer.
The RACHEL CIRCLE will meet on Thursday, April 9 at 10:00 a.m. in room 109 of the Community
Life Center. Devotions: Helen Chandler; Program: Chief Silver Fox speaking on life of the American
Indian, then & now.
Ingomar Student Ministries is hosting Tiffany Dawn's, THE INSATIABLE QUEST FOR BEAUTY
seminar for young ladies 7th grade and up on Sunday, April 12th at 3:00pm in Fellowship Hall. Cost
is $13.00. Through storytelling, teaching, and music, Tiffany will share her own struggle with body
image and an obsession with finding Mr. Right while encouraging students to find identity and worth
in Christ alone. For more information or to RSVP, contact Megan DelGrosso at
mdelgrosso@ingomarchurch.org or 412-364-3613 ext. 204.
Join the men of Ingomar for our next MEN’S BREAKFAST on Saturday, April 11 at 8 a.m. in
Fellowship Hall. There will be plenty of food, so please feel free to invite a guest to join you - they
don’t have to be a member of our church. A short program and discussion follows the breakfast.
On Saturday, April 18, Ingomar Church Trustees will be REBUILDING PARTS OF THE WALL that
runs along West Ingomar Road between our two church buildings as several sections have
collapsed from the freeze and thaw. Trustees are looking for 4 or 5 volunteers who are willing to help
with this project. We'll start at 9:30 am on Saturday, April 18 and plan to finish by lunchtime. If you'd
like to help, please email Russ Gibson.
ympathy is extended to Dave & Midge Lutz upon the passing of granddaughter Meredith Shuppy
on March 27, 2015. Meredith is the daughter of Margy & Steve Shuppy.
Congratulations to Jess & Brad Duffola upon the birth of a son, Braden Troy Duffola !
Grandparents are Roy & Judy Hummel.
Congratulations to Jenna & Ben Maxson upon the birth of a son, Cullen Henry Maxson !
Grandparents are John & Linda Berggren.
Please offer prayers of support for the following SERVICE PERSONNEL as well as their loved ones
at home. Their names will remain on the list until they come home:
1st Lt. Christina Devereux Forsythe; 1st Lt. Scott Forsythe
If you would like to add the name of a loved one currently serving in the armed forces, please contact
Norm or Pat Stephen.
Save the Date! Ingomar Student Ministries annual PHILIPPI GOLF OUTING FUNDRAISER will be
May 30th at Stoughton Acres. Registration begins May 10. For more information contact Megan
DelGrosso at mdelgrosso@ingomarchurch.org or 412-364-3613 ext. 204.
PLEASE CONSIDER adding these words to your will: “After all my bills are paid, I want 10 percent of
my estate (a tithe) to go to Ingomar united Methodist Church.” Your legal advisor can help you with a
codicil to your present will or a revision if you are drafting a new will.
WE ARE SEEKING PICTURES OF VETERANS, past and present, living and deceased for our
Memorial Day video presentation. They don’t have to be Ingomar people but should be related to
Ingomar people. If you have submitted a photo in the past, we have saved your photo, so no need to
resubmit. Please bring hard copies to the church office, or email to zoshlick@ingomarchurch.org by
May 11.
BULLETIN GUIDELINES: The weekly deadline for bulletin submissions is Monday at 4:00 p.m. Items
submitted should be no more than 5 lines (approximately 75 words) and may run for 2 weeks.
Announcements should pertain to the entire congregation. Electronic copy is preferred. Items may be
emailed to nmoser@ingomarchurch.org.
Believe it or not, it is time for the SPRING RUMMAGE SALE. So think of the sale while you are
doing your spring cleaning as we will begin to take donations on Monday, April 20th in
the Fellowship Hall. The sale will be held on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25th. If you would
like to volunteer to help, please check the box on the Connect card and put it in the offering plate.
Contact Tammy DeBonis or Paula Dahm for more information.
ONLINE GIVING IS EASIER THAN EVER! It’s convenient, secure, saves time, and is
environmentally responsible. One-time special gifts or recurring contributions are automatically
transferred from your checking or savings account, or debit or credit card. It’s an easy way to share
God’s blessings and to support the work of the church. Simply visit www.ingomarchurch.org and click
“Online Giving” under the “Give” menu.
For further information on any items listed in the bulletin, please visit our website at
Worship ............................................................. 9:00 a.m. .......... Sanctuary
Faith Place ..................................... ........................... Worship & Education Center 220
Worship—Together@10 .................................. 10:00 a.m. .......... Fellowship Hall
Kid’s Zone ...................................... ........................... Worship & Education Center 118
Sunday School ................................................. 10:10 a.m.
Pre-K .............................................. ........................... Worship & Education Center 228
Kindergarten-1st Grade ................. ........................... Worship & Education Center 227
2nd & 3rd Grade ............................ ........................... Worship & Education Center 225
4th & 5th Grade ............................. ........................... Cancelled
6th & 7th Grade ............................. ........................... Cancelled
Confirmation Class ........................ ........................... Cancelled
Confirmation Parents ..................... ........................... Cancelled
Adult United Methodist Series (Rippin) ....................... Conference Room of Education Center
Contemporary Issues Class (Branvold) ....................... Community Life Center 124B
Proof of Heaven (Kendig) ................ ........................... Worship & Education Center 218
Open Door Class (Gibson) ............... ........................... Library
Women’s Bible Study (Lamm) ......... ........................... Worship & Education Center 114
Young Adult Bible Study (Baker) .... ........................... Worship & Education Center 116
Men’s Bible Study (Burnette/McKim).. ........................... Community Life Center 125A
Worship ............................................................. 11:15 a.m. .......... Sanctuary
Faith Place ..................................... ........................... Worship & Education Center 220
Sunday School ................................................. 11:15 a.m.
Preschool & Kindergarten ............. ........................... Worship & Education Center 125
1st thru 5th Grade .......................... ........................... Worship & Education Center 127
6th & 7th Grade ............................. ........................... Community Life Center 124A
Confirmation Class ........................ ........................... Community Life Center 107, 108
Confirmation Parents ..................... ........................... Community Life Center 109
9th thru 12th Grade ....................... ........................... Community Life Center 226
Adult Small Group (Colonna) .............. ........................... Conference Room of Education Center
F.I.S.H (Grades 9-12). .......................................... 6:00 p.m. .......... Cancelled
Disciple I ........................................................... 7:00 p.m. .......... Cancelled
Arthritis Exercise Class .................................... 9:00 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 124 A & B
Stephen Ministry ............................................... 1:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 125A
Praise Team Rehearsal ................................... 7:00 p.m. .......... Fellowship Hall
Trustees Committee Meeting ........................... 7:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 213
Orchestra Rehearsal ........................................ 7:15 p.m. .......... Sanctuary
Library Committee ............................................ 10:00 a.m. .......... Library
Family Support Group ...................................... 6:30 p.m. .......... Library
Boy Scout Troop # 171 .................................... 7:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 226, 227
Celebration Singers .......................................... 7:00 p.m. .......... Music Room
Pittsburgh Concert Chorale.............................. 7:00 p.m. .......... Fellowship Hall
Endowment Committee .................................... 7:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 125A
Missions Committee ......................................... 7:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 213
NA Meeting ....................................................... 7:30 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 107, 108
Women’s Small Group (Ochs) ........................... 9:00 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 226
Kerygma (Madia/Ruckel) ...................................... 9:00 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 125A
Women’s Bible Study (Kelly).............................. 9:00 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 125B
Arthritis Exercise Class .................................... 9:00 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 124A & B
Women’s Bible Study (Garvey) .......................... 9:30 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 109
Seeing Gray (Kendig) ......................................... 10:00 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 125A
24 Hours that Changed the World (Brideweser) 1:00 p.m. ......... Community Life Center 109
Kids on the Rock (Age 5 thru 5th grade) ................ 6:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center lower level
R.O.O.T (6th—8th grade) ...................................... 6:30 p.m. .......... Community Life Center upper level
Christian Atheist (Kendig) ................................... 6:30 p.m. .......... Conference Room of Education Center
M.O.P.S. .......................................................... 9:00 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 107 & 108
Heart & Hands Knitters .................................... 10:00 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 226
Rachel Circle .................................................... 10:00 a.m. .......... Community Life Center 109
Boy Scout Adult Committee ............................. 7:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 226
Al-Anon ............................................................. 7:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 124 A & B
Small Group Committee Meeting .................... 7:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 213
Wesleyan Choir ................................................ 7:00 p.m. .......... Music Room
TGIF@Kings (Chicots/Barcaskey) ......................... 7:00 a.m. .......... Off site
Date Night ......................................................... 6:00 p.m. .......... Community Life Center 226, 227
Men’s Breakfast ................................................ 8:00 a.m. .......... Fellowship Hall
Praise Band Practice ........................................ 10:00 a.m. .......... Fellowship Hall
This Week at Ingomar...
PHILIPPI 2015 MISSION TRIP FORMS ARE AVAILABLE for students who have completed 9th-12th
grade, and adults. Mission trip dates are June 14-20. For forms, or more information contact Megan
DelGrosso at mdelgrosso@ingomarchuch.org or Mark Naylor.
April 5, 2015
Easter/Resurrection Sunday
9:00 and 11:15 a.m.
Prelude in D, BWV 532
J.S. Bach
Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate of Kiev
Modeste Mussorgsky
The Lord Is Risen Again
Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah
G.F. Handel
(You are invited to join the choir in singing.
Additional scores are available in the choir loft)
Symphony No. 5: Toccata
Charles Marie Widor
K. Lee Scott
O glorious morn, O day of days, whereon the faithful give God praise! Sing out alleluia!
For Christ is risen from the tomb, and light and joy have conquered doom. The Lord is risen again.
That early morn, with spices rare, the women three assembled there sing out alleluia! They came to
anoint dear Mary’s Son, who over death had victory won. The Lord is risen again. “Whom seek ye
here?” the angel said; “The Lord is risen from the dead.” Sing alleluia! “See where he lay; let joy
begin, the tomb is empty; enter in.” The Lord is risen again. So let our songs to heaven sing,
the vault with alleluias ring. Sing out alleluia! Now praise we Christ, our risen Lord;
new life to all he doth afford. The Lord is risen again. Sing out alleluia!
*invites worshippers to stand
*Call to Worship
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed!
Death has been swallowed in victory.
The grave has lost its sting.
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed! And we are alive in Christ!
Glory to God! Alleluia!
*Hymn #302
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
*Hymn #327
(stanzas 1-4)
Acts 2:22-24
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Easter Prayer
*Hymns #310
Lux eoi
David Blackwell
He Lives
Up from the Grave He Arose
(stanzas 1 and 3)
(stanzas 1 and 3)
(Children in preschool thru 2nd grade are invited to attend Faith Place in the auxiliary narthex.)
John 20:1-18
The Rising of the Son
Pastor E. David Streets
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Jesus Messiah
arr. Michael Lawrence
He became sin, who knew no sin; that we might become His righteousness; He humbled himself,
and carried the cross, Love so amazing. Jesus Messiah; name above all names; Blessed Redeemer,
Emmanuel. The Rescue for sinners, the Ransom from heaven; Jesus Messiah, Lord of all! His body
the bread, His blood the wine; broken and spilled out all for love. The whole earth trembled
and the veil was torn, Love so amazing. Refrain All our hope is in You;
all the glory to You, God, the Light of the world! Refrain
IN HONOR OF..................................................... BY
Administrative & Facilities staff ............................ Ann Grupe
Children & grandchildren ..................................... Bob & Carol Meeder
Children, grandchildren & great grandchildren..... Janice MacPhail
Children's Ministry ............................................... Ann Grupe
Connect Ministry Team ....................................... Ann Grupe
Don Megahan ..................................................... Celebration Singers
Don Megahan ..................................................... Wesleyan Choir
Hospitality Team ................................................. Ann Grupe
Musicians ............................................................ Ann Grupe
Our children & grandchildren ............................... Bill & LaVerne Vorhaben
Our families ......................................................... Bob & Jan Lamm
Our four grandchildren ........................................ Roy & Linda Huffman
Our granddaughters - Abby, Madison & Kaitlyn ... Barb & Jim Lawrence
Pastor Glave & family.......................................... Ann Grupe
Pastor Streets & family ........................................ Ann Grupe
The Flower Committee ........................................ Sharon Thompson
The staff and choirs at Ingomar ........................... Bob & Janet McCartney
Betty McGinnis .................................................... The McGinnis Family
Bonnie Getkin ..................................................... Bud Nock
Evelyn Patsilevas ................................................ Tom, Ginny, Tracy, Tricia Patsilevas & Family
Lynn Simpson ..................................................... Her children & grandchildren
Michael Taylor..................................................... Mary Taylor
Rilla Yaklich, mother ........................................... John & Roberta Mather
IN MEMORY OF .................................................. BY
Daughter ............................................................. Janice MacPhail
Loved ones ......................................................... Marilyn Johnson
Loved ones ......................................................... Bob & Carol Meeder
Loved ones ......................................................... Carole Baierl
Loved ones ......................................................... Bob & Jan Lamm
Loved ones ......................................................... Norma & Richard Crooks
Loved ones ......................................................... Harmon & Patty Leonard
My husband, Bill .................................................. Mary Ann Wrenshall
Our grandparents ................................................ Len & Sara Bellisario
Our loved ones .................................................... The George Prycl Family
Our parents ......................................................... Roy & Linda Huffman
Our parents ......................................................... Bill & LaVerne Vorhaben
Parents ............................................................... Betty Lou McKinney
Parents ............................................................... Curry Sharlow
Parents ............................................................... Matt & Beth Fazio
Roy's sister, Carol ............................................... Roy & Linda Huffman
Son, Kirk ............................................................. Curry Sharlow
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Archer ............................... Dick & Sue (Archer) Hodgdon
William R. Baierl .................................................. Carole Baierl
Cedric & Myrtle Burnette ..................................... Rolen & Joan Burnette
Hiram S. Edwards, Jr., father .............................. Sharon Thompson
Thomas & Virginia George .................................. Tom & LuAnn George
John & Jean Giba................................................ Steve & Renee Illes
Suzanne Atwell Grada, daughter ......................... Martha Atwell
April Grahl ........................................................... Blake McKim
Larry B. Hauck .................................................... Shirley Hauck & family
Jack Hess............................................................ Midge & David Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Hodgdon ........................... Dick & Sue (Archer) Hodgdon
Mr. William F. Hodgdon ....................................... Dick & Sue (Archer) Hodgdon
Cathy Howard...................................................... Bob Howard & daughter
W.L. "Pete" Johnson............................................ Marilyn Johnson & family
Lester & Dorothy Knoop ...................................... Steve & Shirley Shultz
Tillie Lutz ............................................................. Midge & David Lutz
Nell Marsh ........................................................... Earl Marsh
Howard & Laurann Mather, father & mother ........ John & Roberta Mather
James McGinnis .................................................. The McGinnis Family
Robert McGinnis.................................................. The McGinnis Family
"Gram" Mary McGuire ......................................... Sherry McGuire Family
Nancy McKim ...................................................... Blake McKim
Scott McKim ........................................................ Blake McKim
Hans & Inez Meier ............................................... Tom & LuAnn George
Ginger Nock ........................................................ Bud Nock
Ginger Nock ........................................................ Getkin Family
Roberto Noroña ................................................... Marta Finley
James Patsilevas ................................................ Tom, Ginny, Tracy, Tricia Patsilevas & Family
Kasey Pitts .......................................................... Karl & Jean Dobay
Rev. Ralph G. Shipley ......................................... Shirley Shipley
Debbie Shipley Redfoot ....................................... Shirley Shipley
Wendell & Carol Shultz........................................ Steve & Shirley Shultz
Scott Simpson ..................................................... Lynn Simpson & family
Scott Simpson ..................................................... His children & grandchildren
Betty & Dick Snow ............................................... Kim & Russ Gibson
Richard Snow ...................................................... Janice MacPhail
Ruth Nellene Stone ............................................. Earl Marsh
Andrew Tack ....................................................... Karl & Jean Dobay
Eugene & Dorothy Taylor .................................... Mary Taylor
Peter Taylor......................................................... Mary Taylor
Key Tronzo .......................................................... Ann Grupe
John White .......................................................... W. L. White, Jr.
Ron White ........................................................... W. L. White, Jr.
Linda Whitten ...................................................... David Whitten
Linda Whitten, mother ......................................... The Weaver Family
Pete Wingrove ..................................................... Karen Wingrove
Rollin & Millicent Wingrove .................................. Karen Wingrove
Edward Yaklich, father......................................... John & Roberta Mather
Doris Yoder ......................................................... Karen Wingrove
Gordon & Shirley Young ...................................... Tom, Ginny, Tracy, Tricia Patsilevas & Family
William H. Ziener, son ......................................... Bill Ziener
Loris L. Ziener, wife ............................................. Bill Ziener
The Easter flowers are made possible by donors
in memory of loved ones,
and in honor of beloved family and friends.
Special thanks to the Flower Committee for arranging the flowers.
You may pick up your flowers after the 11:15 a.m. Easter service.
Thank you.