8 continued from page 1 - Walking with Jesus I will be asking the congregation to make three specific commitments during this weeks: 1. Choose one discipline of moderation. This could be to stop drinking sweet tea or cutting down how much you spend on Starbucks or fasting one day a week. The commitment of moderation allows us to clear away some of the stuff that hides us from God. 3. Make a list of the titles and names used for and by Jesus in these Gospels. Which of these names speak directly to your needs? On Wednesday nights during this Lenten experience, I will lead guided biblical meditations from the stories of Jesus. These classes will invite us to use our imaginations to see Jesus more clearly and to invite Jesus to speak to us more directly. These experiences will be more experiential than teaching so I hope it might create some special moments for us. We will conclude our Lenten experience with a Maundy Thursday worship service and a Good Friday lunch time prayer service. Finally, we will celebrate Easter Sunday with a special Easter baptism service. We want anyone who is ready to be baptized to consider this special worship event as their moment of commitment. I look forward to a great Lenten experience. Remember: Who do you say I am? Pastor Eric <<Name>> <<address 1>> <<address2>> <<city>>, <<state>>. <<zip>> First Baptist Church Cornelia, Georgia P.O. Box 96 Corner of Oak and Wyly Streets Cornelia, GA 30531 Address Service Requested Loving the world as God loves us. Newsletter Volume 34, #3 February 1, 2015 325 South Oak Street, Cornelia, GA / (706) 778-4412 AGAPE 2. Read the Gospels of Matthew and John. There are just enough days to read a chapter a day from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. We get to know Jesus by reading The Good News about Jesus. After we clear our lives, let us invest your time in Jesus. Good Tidings Ministry Staff Dr. Eric T. Spivey Senior Pastor Rev. John Swindler Assoc. Pastor, Faith Formation Bobby Ivey Minister of Worship & Music Jarvis McFarlin Business Manager Bobbie Foster Organist Mary Turner Pianist Ministry Assistants Sheila Thomason Finance Bernice Widding Publications (706) 778-4412 Office (706) 776-7776 Fax www.fbccornelia.org Non-Profit Organization Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Cornelia, GA Permit No. 6 Walking with Jesus “Who do you say I am?” Jesus asked this profound and radical question to his disciples as he stood in the ancient city of Caesarea Philippi. Location matters. To get to the ancient city off Caesarea Philippi Jesus and his disciples left the fertile shore line of the Sea of Galilee and traveled northeast – to the junction of present day Israel, Lebanon and Syria. Caesarea Philippi sits at the base of Mt. Hermon, the largest mountain in the area rising over 9,000 feet with snow year round. Jesus brought his disciples to Caesarea Philippi to be alone. He had a very important question he had to ask. The 25 mile walk lasted a little over day – but might as well been a trip to the moon for differences they experienced. The trip took them out of the region of Herod Antipas and into the district of Phillip the Tetrarch, another son of Herod the Great. The trip took them away from the swirl of Jewish culture and religious purity into an ancient multi-cultural Gentile city. No crowds pressing into Jesus here. No one calling for him to heal. Jesus stands in the Gentile city of pagan temples as a simple carpenter and teacher, a peasant with no money or social standing. Jesus deliberately places himself among the world’s greatest religious figures and asks his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Over the 40 Days of Lent, we will offer a Spiritual Renewal Experience called “Who do you say I am?” Over these Sundays, I will preach on different titles used in the Gospel for Jesus and ask “Who do you say I am?” During these weeks I want to invite the whole church to reflect upon, listen to, and recommit themselves to Jesus. Continued on Page 4 WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? Lenten Spiritual Renewal Ash Wednesday to Good Friday 2015 For 2000 years individuals have been confronted by the radical question Jesus presents to the disciples at Caesarea Philippi in Matthew 14: Who do you say I am? Walking with Jesus requires each of us to answer this question. Who do I say Jesus is? During our Lenten Season First Baptist Cornelia will be invited to investigate and commit to Jesus once again. Ash Wednesday A Service of Confession and Clearing February 18, 2015 6:30 PM Sanctuary Continued Inside! 2 A GAPE M i s s i o n s : Advancing God's Kindgom FBC Focuses Mission Effort in Santa Emilia Through many years of working in Matagalpa, Nicaragua involving 10 different mission teams sent from our church since 2006, we have developed very deep and meaningful relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ there. In the past couple of years the Holy Spirit has begun prompting us to consider some shifts in our engagement in Nicaragua. In 2014 we commissioned a part of our June team as a “Vision team” to earnestly seek God’s will for us and our work there. Since then we’ve met with the leadership at FBC Matagalpa as well as our friends at Missionary Ventures to discuss the findings and impressions of the vision team. We have begun holding monthly joint “Skype” prayer services with FBC Matagalpa. As a result of this prayerful seeking of God’s will, this year's trip will be a little different. We will still be working with Brenda Rose and MVI, and we'll continue to work closely with our friends at FBC Matagalpa. We will continue to do VBS and provide much needed medical care. Starting in 2015 we will follow the Holy Spirit's leading to focus our work more specifically in one community: the mountain village of Santa Emilia. This focus will broaden our scope of ministry and deepen our relationships! We choose this community for several reasons: First, FBC Matagalpa has a vibrant and growing mission congregation in this community. Second, we know this village, we’ve held medical clinics there every year. Third, we feel that this change in focus will facilitate and encourage even broader FBC Cornelia involvement in the work there as we get to know better the people and the needs and strengths in that community. We hope that this deeper relationship will create new and different opportunities for our members to “Love the world as God loves us” in Nicaragua! As with any new thing, this transition will bring some uncertainty, even anxiety, but an even bigger opportunity to "walk by faith, not by sight" (2Cor5:7). Please be in prayer for our work there, and listen carefully to see how God might be calling you to get involved this year! Girls in Action – Teen Girls Focus on WMU Experience Camp Pinnacle in the Winter Sunday, February 15, 2015 February 7, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – includes Pizza! Clarkesville Baptist Church Special Guest: Camp Pinnacle Counselors All for You: Engaging the church in Mission Discipleship Special Guest: Beth Ann Williams, Executive Director Georgia WMU 2015 Santa Emilia Mission Trip May 30-June 6, 2015 Housing: Hotel Matagalpa Inn Food: Provided by Matagalpa Inn, and at safe restaurants Approximate costs: $1356 Primary Ministries: Daily Vacation Bible School for school and community medical clinic Volunteers of all skill levels and experience are encouraged to join us as we Love the World as God Loves Us. ROUND TABLE Monday, February 23, 2015 Fellowship Hall Gathering for Fellowship & Card Signing AGAP E C o mm u n i t y : Presented by: Carol H. McCarty, Master of Child Care Administration Carol McCarty was privileged to go to Russia seven times as a consultant and leader with families to adopt children. She has also worked with Wellspring and the Victory Program to help rescue women and children from prostitution on the streets of Atlanta, GA. She has some very interesting and heart warming stories to tell that will inspire you to learn more, and perhaps become involved. This is under the Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministry. We are collecting items for the next Nicaragua yard sale that will be in April. You may leave your items under the stairs next to the banquet room. No clothes please! E x t e n d i n g G o d ' s G r ace Seeking Hosts for our South Korean Global Student Intern This summer, First Baptist Cornelia has an exciting opportunity to engage the Global church. Starting the third week of June, we will host Minji Park, a South Korean college student as our first Global Student Intern. Minji Park is a Junior International Trade major at Myungji University in Seoul Korea. She speaks excellent English. She is also a strong Christian and an active member of her Baptist Student Union. Minji will work with all of our summer ministries – children, youth, MOSAIC, Agape, mountain top worship and VBS. While she will be working with ministries, we also want her to have fun, get to know American families and learn about American culture. And, we want to learn all about South Korea, it’s people and its churches. Minji comes to us through a partnership with Myungsu No, a Korean Baptist Collegiate Minister. When asked why he wanted to send students to the US, Myungsu replied, “We have strong churches in South Korea, but we are not creating global Christian leaders. I believe the next generation of South Korean Christian leaders need to engage the American church to reach God’s potential.” What we need: We need someone to coordinate Minji’s stay this summer – coordinator her housing, transportation, and fun schedule. We need families to volunteer to host Minji for a week a time – providing a place to stay and food during the week. We need individuals to invest time in her this summer – take her out on your boats, take her hiking, invite her to your bbq’s. If you are willing to help – please contact John Swindler. 11:00 a.m. Lunch “Sharing God’s Grace with Children and Families” 7 SERVICE REMINDER February 1 SS Greeters: Ben Books, Mozelle Carlan, Phil McClain, Charlotte Meister Child Care Nursery: Robin Landress 2s & 3s: Grant & Alice Gunter KidsChurch: Jay & Kim Reed Ushers: Phil McClain, Rick Barron, Wade Hasty, Nolan Nix, Dalton Sirmans, Bill Tanneberger, Dennis Tedder, Robert Tyler, Ed Vaughn Church Greeters: Rhett & Tammy Weaver Patrol: Chester Skelton Wednesday Night Lockup/ February: Caleb Souther February 8 SS Greeters: Mozelle Carlan, Charlotte Meister,Effie Parham Child Care Nursery: Charlotte Meister 2s & 3s: Patsy Vaughn KidsChurch: Jack & Sabrina McMullan Ushers: Chester Skelton, Grant Bentley, Bill Chandler, Steve Doran, Greg Jenkins, Brian Peek, Richard Whatley, Larry Whitfield Church Greeters: Gerald & Jane Dunham Patrol: Jack McMullan Wednesday Night Lockup/ February: Caleb Souther February 15 SS Greeters: Mozelle Carlan, Charlotte Meister Child Care Nursery: Susan McMullan 2s & 3s: Drew & Andrea Irvin KidsChurch: Jennie Swindler Ushers: Jarvis McFarlin, Herman Benfield, Donald Crowe, Wes Dodd, Murphy Doran, Terry Doran, David Elder, Jack Irvin, Jared McFarlin Church Greeters: Greg & Margaret Jenkins Patrol: Grant Bentley Wednesday Night Lockup/ February: Caleb Souther February 22 SS Greeters: Mozelle Carlan, Charlotte Meister Child Care Nursery: Macey Doran 2s & 3s: Robin Landress & Alice Gunter KidsChurch: Dalton & Margie Sirmans Ushers: David Foster, Jason Hughes, Jack McMullan, Richard McMullan, Mark Reed, Caleb Souther, James A. Stapleton III, Larry Warren Church Greeters: Brad & Carrie Trotter Patrol: Donald Crowe Wednesday Night Lockup/ February: Caleb Souther DEACON OF THE WEEK February 1 Jay Reed 706-499-9767 February 8 Caleb Souther 706-894-1217 February 15 Jimbo Stapleton 706-776-7214 If there is a ministry need, please call the Deacon or the church office. February 22 Bill Tanneberger 706-778-1629 6 AGA P E Fellowship: Sunday, February 1 8:00am Mens Ministry 9:45am Sunday School 10:55amWorship Tuesday, February 3 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast/Stew & Que Wednesday, February 4 5:15pm Fellowship Meal Reservations Required 6:00pm •Preschool/Children’s Ministries •Adult Prayer Time/FH •Youth Praise, Worship & Bible Study 6:15pm Adult Classes 7:30pm Adult Choir Practice Saturday, February 7 Winterjam Sunday, February 15 9:45am Sunday School 10:55am Worship with WMU focus and guest Beth Ann Williams Good Tidings Content Due for March issue. Monday, February 16 2:00pm Benfield Grp/Rm212 Tuesday, February 17 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast/Stew & Que Wednesday, February 18 Lenten Luncheon Series Begins 5:15pm Fellowship Meal Reservations Required 6:00pm •Preschool/Children’s Ministries • Youth Praise, Worship & Bible Study 6:30pm Ash Wednesday Service 7:30pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday, February 19 9:00am WEM Bible Study/BR Saturday, February 21 6am-7pm Family Ski Trip 3 P r ay i n g S p i r i t l e d Fa m i ly o f F o l lo we r s Sunday, February 8 9:45am Sunday School 10:55amWorship Tuesday, February 10 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast/Stew & Que Wednesday, February 11 5:15pm Fellowship Meal Reservations Required 6:00pm •Preschool/Children’s Ministries •Adult Prayer Time/FH •Youth Praise, Worship & Bible Study 6:15pm Adult Classes 7:30pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday, February 14 V alentine's Day Sunday, February 22 8:30am Deacon Meeting/BR 9:45am Sunday School 10:55amWorship 5:30pm WEM Bible Study/BR Monday, February 23 11:00am Round Table/FH Tuesday, February 24 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast/Stew & Que Wednesday, February 25 12:00pm Lenten Luncheon 5:15pm Fellowship Meal Reservations Required 6:00pm •Preschool/Children’s Ministries •Adult Prayer Time/FH • Youth Praise, Worship & Bible Study 6:15pm Adult Classes 7:30pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday, February 26 9:00am WEM Bible Study/BR A G A P E Discipleship: G r o w i n g D i sc i p l es Children and YOUTH Menu fEBRUARY 4TH Vegetable Beef Soup Cornbread Toss Salad Desert & Tea February 11th Chicken Pot Pie Toss Salad Rolls Desert & Tea February 18th Meatloaf Creamed Potatoes Carrots Toss Salad Rolls Desert & Tea February 25th Poppyseed Chicken Steamed Rice Broccoli Toss Salad Rolls Desert & Tea More Information www.fbccornelia.org www.facebook.com/First. Baptist.Church.Cornelia Sunday School Feb. 1 – Jesus Heals a Man’s Hand Matt. 12:9-14 Feb. 8 – Sermon on the Mount Matt. 5-7 Feb. 15 – Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1-23 Feb. 22 – Three Parables – Luke 15 Wednesday Nights During MOSAIC our Children are working on the the musical Land of the Lost & Found to be presented May 3! During MISSIONS our children are studying THE PARABLE OF JESUS! Feb. 4 – Parable of the Lost Sheep Join us for Bible Study every Sunday morning at 9:45 am in THE WELL, led by Mary Turner and Jennie Swindler, with occasional special guest teachers! Wednesday nights in THE WELL – 6:00 pm – This month we will conclude our UNSTUCK study and are so thankful for the many adults who have been sitting in with us this month! (See more about this study elsewhere in the GOOD TIDINGS) FEBRUARY 18 – We will participate in our church wide ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE - FEBRUARY 25 we will start something new! Family Ski Trip February LOOKING March 7, 2015 AHEAD: OPERATION INASMUCH Day of Service is coming on Saturday March 7. 21st Leave FBC:6:00 am / Return: 7:00 pm Transportation: FBC van & private cars Cost: (per person): $70 + $10 First Timers Lesson Deadline for Registration & Payment is February 15th. For reservations contact Shelia Thomason (sthomason@ fbccornelia.org or 706.778.4412) MORE INFORMATION IN MARCH ABOUT OUR UPCOMING SUMMER PLANS! Feb. 11 – Parable of the Vineyard Laborers Feb. 18 – ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE Feb.25- Parable of the Mustard Seed Youth: Looking for a great website with parenting tips? Go to www.biblicalparenting.org! DISCIPLENOW Weekend March 13-15! Mark your calendars NOW and begin praying about who you can invite to attend with us! More details on cost and location coming soon. PARENTS AND YOUTH – Here is a website to look at to- gether to help your relationship with one another…. Go to www.5lovelanguages.com and find out what your love language is! 5 4 A G APE D i s c i p l e s h i p : G r o w i n g D i sc i p l es A word from Pastor John: Because of Valentine’s Day this month, many of us think about love. I have often heard it said (and I agree with this wholeheartedly) that “Love is spelled T-I-M-E.” We have some great opportunities for you to show your love for God by studying his love letter to us! Won’t you join us in some of these opportunities below and invite a friend to come with you? Remember, disciples make disciples! A special word about our UNSTUCK class on Wednesday nights....if you are feeling “stuck” in a spiritual rut and want to come examine some ways to get out of that rut, come join us for the last 2 sessions of this study on Feb. 4 and 11. We meet at 6:00 pm in THE WELL, our youth area, and all ages are welcomed to join us on these 2 weeks (grade 7 – any aged adult). On Feb. 4 we will look at UNWANTED, focusing on the story of Joseph in the Bible and how it applies to our lives today. Rich Stearns will be on the video this week. On Feb. 11, we will look at UNSTUCK as we conclude the study, with Mark Batterson teaching on the video. Here’s quote from Mark Batterson: Christianity was never meant to be a noun. When we turn it into a noun, it becomes a turnoff. Christianity was always intended to be a verb. We’ve got to act on God ideas. We’ve got to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We’ve got to seize opportunities to serve. Talk is cheap, and we have cheapened the gospel long enough. COME AND JOIN US! Spring 2015 Bible Study "The Shunammite Study: Sometimes our obedience creates bigger dilemmas that God intends to solve for His glory." The FBC Women's Enrichment Ministry will host a unique Bible study opportunity for Spring 2015. Becky Hughes, an FBC member, will lead "The Shunammite Study," a six-week study based on 2 Kings 4. "The Shunammite" is a fascinating biblical woman who draws God's favor and protection into her life through a simple act of hospitality. We have so much to learn from her story, which feels oddly contemporary," says Hughes. Becky Hughes is a former newspaper reporter and freelance writer for Home & Garden Television. She has taught children in Sunday School for 10 years. While she has written materials for use in the church setting before, this is her first Bible study for adults. Becky is married to Jason Hughes; the couple have two children, Lucy, 14 and Henry, 10. The WEM Spring Bible Study morning group will begin at 9 a.m. on Thursday, February 19 and continue on Thursday mornings through March 26. The evening Bible study group will begin at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, February 22 and continue each Sunday evening through March 29. The cost is $12 per person. Please call the church office to register. Developing the Spiritual Life of Children A Parenting Course offered by the Berea Sunday School Class: A Small Group for 20/30 Somethings (and friends) AG A PE W o r s h i p : Walking A l l I n c l us i n v e , I n t e n t i o n a l w o r sh i p The Vision for Worship with Jesus First Baptist Cornelia Sermon Series: Maturing as Disciples February 1 Title: Jesus says, “Walk” Scripture: John 5:1-9 Special Music: to Mary Turner February 8 Title: Jesus Commissions us to Walk Scripture: Luke 10:1-12 Special Music: Quartet February 15 WMU Focus Sunday Guest Preacher: Beth Ann Williams, GA WMU/ Women’s Ministry Executive Director Special Music: MOSAIC Pre School Choir February 22 – Lent 1 Title: Who Do You Say I am? Rabbi Scripture: John 1:43-51 Special Music: Youth Praise Team February 18 Ash Wednesday Service This special service marks the beginning of our season of Lent as we observe 40 days of spiritual discipline leading to Easter. Don’t miss this meaningful worship experience! Our Worship Initiative Team worked diligently last year to identify worship at FBC Cornelia. As we worship together in 2015, I want to share with you our vision of worship and challenge each of us to prepare our hearts for worship every time we meet. Come with excited anticipation to experience God as we focus our praise and worship on Him. To God be the glory for great things He has done! Bobby Worship Initiative Team Vision: From the moment people drive into the parking lot of First Baptist Church of Cornelia until the time they leave, our focus and prayer is that they will meet God in a life-changing way. Believers at FBC Cornelia seek God through meaningful and creative worship that meets people where they are and draws them to Him. God’s Word is proclaimed and emphasized through all preaching and worship. We respond with prayer, thanksgiving and praise, as we are commissioned to serve and worship God in our daily lives. Our worship services are not categorized as traditional, contemporary, or blended. Our worship style is intended to engage people of all ages to worship our Almighty God in a sincere and humble way. This is accomplished by praising God in our beautiful sanctuary with variety in music through vocal and instrumental offerings, dramas, interpretive movement and artistic visual displays. Believers share words of encouragement and faith stories to testify how God is working in their lives through ministry opportunities and daily living. While we enter to worship, we depart to serve. Our worship honors God and calls us to “love the world as God loves us.” Downstairs in room ??? across from the elevator! Sunday Mornings @ 9:50 Breakfast included Starting Sunday, February 1st! Teachers: Rhett Weaver and Marcia Spivey Care Leaders: Tammy Weaver and Eric Spivey Passing our faith onto our children is vital. How can we help them want to know Christ? This study will discuss how to make God real to our children by teaching them how to pray, making church a positive experience, helping children make their faith their own, and using stories to make the Bible come alive. Join us each week or come when you can! Hope to see you there! Member Letters Dear First Baptist Church Family, Jack and I feel so fortunate and blessed to be a part of such a caring and loving congregation. We have cherished and appreciated your calls, letters and cards of support and encouragement during the loss of Jack's mother, my foot surgery in May and now, once again, during Jacks's back surgery and recuperation. We thank you for your loving prayers and please know that we hold those prayers very dear to us. May God Bless Dessie Irvin
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