Sunday, July 5 CCC Calendar of Events * Women’s Prayer Time - 8:30 am in E1 * Community Groups - 11 am * Search the Scriptures Men’s Group - 6:30 pm in Room 18 Monday, July 6 * FTNRO Team Meeting - 7 pm in Reception Room Tuesday, July 7 * ‘Why Do I Believe That?” Ladies Bible Study - 6:30 pm in E5 * ‘Mom Enough’ Ladies Bible Study - 7 pm in E1 Wednesday, July 8 * ‘What Love Is’ Ladies Bible Study - 6:30 in E1 Friday, July 10 * Men’s Bible Study - 6:30 am in East Bldg. Upcoming Events * * * * * July 12-18 - For the Nations Refugee Outreach Mission Trip July 19-23 - Mission Possible July 26 - Homemade Ice Cream Fellowship July 28-29 - Bike and Build July 19 - August 9 - No Community Groups Our vision as a church: We want to be a church where people are passionate about the glory of God; where people are pursuing a greater obedience to God; where people are burdened for those who don’t know God. Covenant Community Church App If you haven’t downloaded the church app do so today. It’s free and it will keep you posted with the latest news and updates. Visit us on the web at MINISTRY STAFF Carlon Tschetter ~ Senior Pastor Steve Genheimer ~ Administrative Pastor Ron Jarrett ~ Pastor of Care & Connection Zac Niles ~ Pastor of Family Life & Discipleship Steve Johnston ~ Pastor of Worship Adam Myers ~ Pastor of Student Ministries Erin Allen ~ Assoc. Director of Student Ministries Amy Ross ~ Children’s Ministry Director Kristie Roark ~ Pre-school Director Melva Carroll ~ MDO Director Alicia Wheeler ~ Volunteer Coordinator & Assoc. Director of Pre-school ELDERS Stan Corley Al Cronin Tom David Lowell Entz Mike Gilbert Geoff Jordan Kelly McGee Ray McKee Rick Moore Mike Thomas Carlon Tschetter DEACONS Roger Chiles Chris Friend Russ Goering John Lehman Neil Norsworthy Bob Tester Jim Wylie 2250 Yukon Parkway, Yukon, OK 73099 ~ (405) 354-9338/Fax: (405) 354-9344 Worship Service: 9:30 am ~ Sunday Morning Community Groups: 11:00 am Web Address: E-mail address: Missionaries to Pray for this Week Worship in S ong Let Your Kingdom Come Mighty To Save Holy Spirit I Surrender All ~ Welcome ~ M ission Moment ~ Children K-3rd Grades may be dismissed at this time to go to room #16 for K ids B reak ~ “Immigration-Does The Bible O ffer Any Help?” Carlon Tschetter ~ O ffering ~ Announcements Tom & Iris Lowder Pioneers International Joyce Mugg Global Outreach - E. Europe REACH Ministry CCC - Yukon, OK Valery & Anya Tatarieski CRU - Belarus Mike & Marilyn Thomas Navigators - OKC. OK K.L. & Santha Thomaskutty India Ministries - India Welcome Thank you for being our guest today. Our desire is that everyone feel welcome at Covenant, wherever you are on your spiritual journey. Whether just starting to ask questions about God or a fully devoted follower of Christ who wants to grow even deeper in your faith, you can find a place at CCC. Please let us know how we can serve you. Prayer ministry There will be an opportunity to have an elder/pastor and their wife pray with you after the worship service. Praying for one another is one of our greatest privileges. This ministry is available every Sunday. Come to the front after the closing announcements. Al and Debbie Cronin are prayer team members this week. Bike and Build Bike & Build is a non-profit organization of young people who raise money and awareness for affordable housing by collecting donations and then cycling across the country, stopping along the way to volunteer with affordable housing organizations such as Habitat for Humanity. There is a group ages 20 to 26 arriving on Tuesday, July 28 and staying overnight here on our CCC campus. We could use some help hosting them! We need three people to help with set-up at 4 pm, getting drinks ready and helping to serve dinner from 6 to 7 pm. We also need help with desserts, breakfast casseroles or a vegan meal. Please contact Bob Tester at or 812-4112 for more information or to sign up. Festival Choir The Good News Festival with Franklin Graham will be August 22-23 at the Chesapeake Arena. There is an opportunity for you to be a part of the Festival Choir. The choir will sing Sunday, August 23, and some of that time will be spent singing with Michael W. Smith during his performance time. You can sign up via the website Ice Cream Social Is Coming! Our churchwide homemade ice cream fellowship is coming July 26. Bring your favorite HOMEMADE ice cream, toppings or dessert to share. We also will need people to help serve and clean up. Let us know if you can help or bring ice cream by filling out a pew card and dropping it in the offering plate or email Nydia at Summer Break For Community Groups It’s a tradition - we will be taking a break from our Community Groups, Kidstime and KidsBreak during the last two Sundays of July and the first two Sundays of August. One of the main reasons we do this is to give our faithful Kidstime leaders and Community Group leaders a short break. Interested in working with our little ones on Sunday mornings? The Toddler class and Crib class are in need of a teacher! We have a great group of volunteers that serve in these classes alongside our lead teachers. We have an immediate need for someone that can serve every other Sunday in leading these classes for both worship & community group hours. These are both paid positions. If you’d like more information, please contact Kristie Roark at or call the Children’s Ministry Office at: 350-2675 Mission Possible Mission Possible, our service/discipleship/outreach for students 7th - 12th grade is coming July 19-23! You can download a flyer and permission slip at Students need to turn in registration forms by the 12th. We also need help in the following areas: 1) Adults who lead a group as a driver, be a discussion leader & supervise at work-sites as well as “parent” for the week in the rooms. (Time commitment: Sunday night-Thursday morning). 2) Adults who can drive to and from work sites in the morning/afternoon. 3) $75 sponsors one student for the week. No student is ever turned away, but some students do not have the means to pay. 4) Parents and adults willing to help during the evening activities, serve nightly snacks Sunday through Wednesday, prepare and serve meals on Monday through Wednesday. Contact Adam ( or Erin ( or call 354-9338 to let them know if you can help in one or more of these ways. Looking Ahead A look ahead to the Sunday morning teaching schedule: July 12 – Now More Than Ever – How are we to respond to the Supreme Court ruling on marriage? July 19 – John 14:27-31 – The Peace God Gives July 26 – John 15:1-5 – The Vine and the Branches - Communion August 2 – John 15:6-7 – Abiding in Christ Books 4 Sale Next Sunday we hope to have Kevin DeYoung’s ‘What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality?’ and Rosaria Butterfield’s ‘The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert’. Two excellent resources that you want to have in your library or even on hand to give away. Cost is $10 each. Remember To Pray †† Pray that God will open our eyes to see the opportunities He has placed all around us each day. Pray that we will see all people the way God does and that He will give us His burden for those who have not yet heard and believed the gospel. †† Geoff Jordan is back from his trip to Nepal and India. God answered many prayers. There are still lots of plans being worked out to bring the water filters to many more people in India, Nepal and around the world. Pray for God’s blessing and direction each step of the way. †† Mickey St. John is out of the hospital and back at Grace Living in Bethany. Your prayers for the St. John’s are so needed and appreciated. †† Continue praying for the Good News Festival coming to OKC in late August. Be praying for Franklin Graham and the whole team as they prepare, and for the Holy Spirit to prepare our city to hear and believe the gospel of God’s grace. Financial Report as of 6-28-15 Budgeted Goal from offerings YTD: $742,395.00 Total received from offerings YTD: $728,430.00 - 13,965.00 Our weekly need is $17,265.
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