PASTOR JEFF CHANDLER What an amazing group of people God continues to assemble at First Pres: people with such a wide array of talents, gifts and aspirations. Each one of you has a story to tell and a part to play in the unfolding work of God here in the life of our church and in the life of our greater community. What always catches me off-guard are the number of folks who believe they have little to offer: little to offer God, the church or anyone else. People confide in me, “Pastor, If only I could sing like…” or, “If only my life were like…” or, “If I made this amount of money…” and these comments are always followed by, “I could be a real asset for God.” This perspective both surprises and saddens me. It surprises me because I see so many talented, amazing people in our church. It saddens me because this kind of thinking undermines the value and power the Lord has given to each and everyone of us. I shouldn’t be shocked by this lie that is so often repeated. This perception has plagued the church for centuries. In fact, it’s been with the church from its inception. The litany of ‘if only’ hinders all of us from becoming the force Jesus imagined would be so strong even the “gates of hell could not prevail against it.” (Matthew 18:19) I imagine this is why the Apostle Paul, as he began to end his letter to the church at Corinth, wrote this: “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body...Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. If the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body…’ As it is, there are many parts, but one body.” (1 Cor. 12:12, 14-16, 20) He wrote in direct defiance to the lie the Evil One loves to propagate; that you, me, them… none of us are good enough, qualified enough, or talented enough to serve and be used by the Lord. In direct response to this lie, Paul reminds us of the truth: the Body of Christ is made up of failed, broken and in-process people and it needs all its parts to function wonderfully and effectively. As we approach Easter, I am profoundly aware Jesus did not journey to the Cross only for the perfect, talented and beautiful people of the world. Instead, knowing our collective imperfections, weaknesses and idiosyncrasies, he opted for the journey to reveal how HE can take what we have (talents and trials, potential and pains) and use them to bless others and to bless the world. Your Brother In Christ, Pastor Jeff Two Things: 1. Let me encourage you to take advantage of this year’s special Holy Week experiences click cover for details). These experiences provide a natural opportunity to invite a friend or family member to join you. 2. As we will be having guests during these special events, let’s seek to be excellent hosts. We can do this by being generous with our greetings. And, if you’re able, opt to park off-site: on the street or in neighboring parking lots (except the F.O.E. lot on 17th and G). Pastor Scott Dickson PASTOR SCOTT DICKSON Dear Friends, As you may know, a major portion of my job has shifted from Christian Education to Membership & Fellowship. I am excited help to develop this area so that it better serves the needs of our church and community. One area of Membership & Fellowship that will receive increased attention is in the area of Congregation Care. In the next several months you will be hearing about a new care program coming to First Pres called Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry can help our congregation in a number ways. Stephen Ministries equips lay people (just like you) to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. It is a confidential ministry. The identity of those receiving care and everything they discuss with a Stephen Minister remain private. The Stephen Minister is not a counselor and offers no solutions to difficulties. The Stephen Minister does provide spiritual and emotional support (caregiving) as a person goes through a difficult time or circumstance by listening, caring, praying, supporting, and encouraging the one who receives care. Usually, the Stephen Minister and care receiver meet together once a week as long as there is a need. Stephen Ministry will help us better care for those in our congregation and community who are hurting or in the midst a tough situation. Maybe you would make a great Stephen Minister. It requires both commitment and the discipline not to try and fix another’s problems. We will be starting our first Stephen Ministry training class in September. If you think this might like to learn more about being a part of this ministry, please contact Shirley Byrd – or 661-6549212; or me, Scott Dickson – or 661-325-9419 x119. Or, visit the Stephen Ministry website at to learn more. I will be sharing more about Stephen Ministry and other exciting things happening in the area of Membership & Fellowship in the months to come. Please don’t forget to check the weekly bulletins for updates. Blessings, Scott Pastor Dave Constance PASTOR DAVE CONSTANCE Instructable Classes Coming This Spring Vince Lombardi, coach of the Green Bay Packers, insisted on his players knowing the basics of their sport well. He would drill again and again on the basic techniques of the game. After his team lost to a significantly lesser team, Lombardi is well known for opening the next practice by staring his team down and saying, “Okay, we go back to the basics this morning…” He held a football high in his hand and yelled, “Gentlemen, this is a football!” We might not need a speech on the basics of football, but Lombardi was right, the basics are important. I am excited to share with you an opportunity this spring in which you can brush up on the basics of your faith. Our midweek adult classes will be offering five stand-alone “Instructable” workshops on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm. You are welcome to join us in Westminster Hall for one or more of these amazing workshops. o o o o o April 8 – How to Pray April 15 – How to Read & Study Your Bible April 29 – How to Share Your Faith May 6 – How to Invest in Others May 13 – How to Serve Here, There, and Everywhere Holy Week Chinese Christian Church Dear Church Family ~ I am always amazed when our Lord blesses the world through His people. In February, CCCOB had two church-wide events. One was our regular Friday Night Fellowship in which we had a short message and then a hot pot dinner together. Another was a potluck where we celebrated the Chinese New Year. At each event there were non-believers who came and joined us. This Spring we will continue to host outreach events: A Movie on April 18 and Gold Panning on May 16. We would love for everyone to join us! Contact the Chinese Church at 325-9419 ext. 175 or On April 5th we will hold an Easter Picnic to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Please join us following our 10:30am worship service! On the first Friday of each month, we will continue to meet for our all church fellowship; on Wednesday evenings, we will hold our regular prayer meetings. We do this because we trust and believe that through our fellowship and prayers lives will be changed for Christ from the inside out. It is our hearts’ desire that we strive to be the light of the Lord so that we might bless the local Chinese community. In this, we are constantly welcoming new people of Bakersfield to worship on Sunday mornings, believing fully that God put us here to honor him and that He will bless others through us. We are so blessed to have faithful, committed people who are passionately serving the church and local community, loving one another as Christ loves us. They do this because they know that as Christians, our identities are founded and built in Christ. I believe that CCCOB was, is, and will continue to be the central light for many Chinese people in and around Bakersfield. My prayer is that the Lord will keep bringing people to us; that He will give our people strength and courage to expand our reach beyond the borders of our city for His Honor and Glory, that the message of Jesus Christ’s salvation will be heard by many. ~Pastor Wei Wang Bon Voyage! Our beloved friends, Dr. Sze and Chiuyee Ho are moving to San Diego. Join us for a special, bittersweet celebration on April 19 as they share their 40-year Faith Journey and the birth of CCCOB! Deacons Corner and Stephen Ministry DEACONS’S CORNER BY LORNA McWILLIAMS We are busy in all areas of ministry; Ministry to Congregation, Ministry to Families and Ministries to Individuals. The Meals to Bless program is being revitalized so please look for information in the Sunday bulletin and how this ministry works and how you can get involved. Also, the 9:00 a.m. service is recorded and CD’s can be requested each week. We are now offering complete sermon series sets if anyone is interested. Please just sign up at the deacons’ table located on the church patio. Katie Feldstein volunteers her time each week to make copies and Megan Loveridge from the office picks them up for distribution during the week. Sermons are also available on line at www.fpbchurch. com “For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you invited Me in; naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.” Matthew 25:35-36. STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING CLASS BEGINS THIS FALL Did you know that Houchin Blood Bank has an account of donated credits for First Pres members? These credits help patients save money on their hospital bills. If you are in need of blood services, please contact the church office to be directed to the correct person to release the credits. The requirement is that patients have to be in a hospital in Kern County and you will have to provide the hospital name, the date of the transfusion and the number of units used. WHAT IS STEPHEN MINISTRY? Stephen Ministry is Christ caring for people through people. The Deacons’ Board would like to thank the congregation for their support of the “Share the Warmth” clothing drive in December. This was a successful event with 29 families being blessed and 50 bags of clothes being collected for the Homeless Shelter. The Deacons Board thanks Laurie Collom and Carolann Wooton for their many hours of planning and organization to handle all of the donations and disperse them to those in need. Hurting people receive quality Christian care and deepen their relationship with Jesus. Gifted caregivers grow in faith as they use their gifts in ministry and see God working through them to touch the lives of others. Finally, an Agape Dinner will be served on Maundy Thursday, April 2nd beginning at 6:00 p.m. followed by a program, including communion. Dinner will be catered by “Flame ‘N Skewers” and the cost is $5.00 until March 29th. Just sign up at the deacons’ table or in the church office. If you are in need of any Deacons’ services, look for us at the Welcome Center every Sunday before and after services. We look forward to serving the congregation in many ways. If you have any questions, please contact the church office and they will direct you to the proper person for more information. Stephen Ministry multiplies the number of caregivers by equipping lay people to provide high-quality Christian care.By meeting many of the needs for care, Stephen Ministry gives pastors more time to focus on other areas of ministry. Our congregation will have a powerful tool for bringing Christ’s love to the inactive and unchurched during times of great need. And, our congregation becomes a warmer, more loving community as more people are equipped to care and more lives are touched by Christ’s love. God’s word tells us to: • “Love one another as I have loved you.” John 13:34b • “Bear one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 For more information about Stephen Ministry please contact Pastor Scott Dickson (325-9419) or Shirley Byrd (219-4523). Connect Groups CONNECT GROUP NEWS KENDRA GREEN, COORDINATOR The Scoop with Connect Groups… The purpose of Connect Groups at First Presbyterian Church of Bakersfield is to develop faithful followers of Christ by providing vital small groups experiences that connect members with God through scripture, with each other through loving relationships, and with the world through service. Currently we have 28 traditional Connect Groups with just over 300 people involved. We also had nine new six-week Connect Groups meeting during Lent with almost 100 people involved. Our hope is that those who participated enjoyed a positive, short-term, small group experience. We are very excited to have developed and trained a new team of 31 Curriculum writers. This new team shares the responsibility for writing the inductive Bible studies for the sermon series study guides for use in Connect Groups. We also recently had a Connect Group Leader’s ReFuel Gathering. After a delicious baked potato bar lunch, we talked about building real friendships in our small groups. This included the importance of fostering friendship through service and celebration, opening our hearts by being vulnerable with one another, and sharing ownership together in our groups. Our Connect Group Ministry Team is here to serve you. Walt Johnson and Emily Bema provide leader care. Jeff Winther helps with communications, Phong Han is our training coordinator, and Kim Tiner is our curriculum coordinator. If you have questions or ideas regarding small groups at First Pres, give me a call! It is a joy to help you GET CONNECTED!!! Kendra Green Connect Group Coordinator Are you wanting to GET CONNECTED? If you are not currently in a group and want to get connected… • Contact me @ 321-0536,, or at the info table on Sunday mornings. • Ask someone you know who is in a group already if you can be in their Connect Group. • Gather a group of people and start a Connect Group of your own! How exciting would that be!!! Contact me for more training and details on this... Mission Family Update MISSION UPDATE: THE RICE FAMILY IN PERU March ‘15 Prayer Update PRAISE GOD FOR: • We made it home safe with only a few bumps along the way. • We had 1 man give his heart to Jesus, whose daughter he brought to our team to pray for because she had malaria (who two days later was up and walking around healthy!!) and another young man, Romelio, get baptized while in the community. • God has given us more direction on our long term plans here in Peru. • We met some veteran missionaries, Paul and Liz Ghent in Santa Clotilde, Peru, on one of our stops along the way. We really hit it off and are looking for ways to partner. • Our last piece of paper work came in so we can finally get an appointment for our long-term residency cards. PRAY FOR: • Our teammates, Catherine and Hilary, who we left in the community of Ingano for 2 1/2 more months of ministry. Pray for their health, their safety, for their language learning (they will be learning more of the Kichwa language while there), and for the love of Christ to flow through them. • For the over 100 communities all along the Rio Napo; currently, there are only 2 churches along the river. • Pray for the Word of God that was planted during our trip to begin to grow. • Pray against the bondage of alcoholism which has bound this indigenous group, along with so many others, for such a long time. • Pray for the children of Ingano, who are often left for the entire day alone while their parents are working their gardens; the majority of them are drastically malnourished and sick and often suffer from very treatable medical issues, like pink eye. • Pray for Cessie who will be finishing out the school year teaching middle and high school English; pray for diligence to give the best education in an area/grade level she’s not taught at length. • Libbie hurt her foot while in Ingano; pray that it will heal properly. Mail Needs: • We’ve been incredibly blessed by care packages lately!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! The needs we currently have are hand-me-down clothing for the children. Oh, and some Jelly Bellies wouldn’t be bad. :) Address: Aron Rice o Franchesca Rice Apartado 601 Pucallpa, Perú Grace and Peace, Aron and Cessie Groups & Events SCHOONERS Keep your eyes peeled for details about an event happening this Fall! BLOOD DRIVE Giving blood saves lives, just ask Jesus! Donate at the next drive in the FP parking lot on April 11 from 9am-12:15 pm. Sign up by e-mail with Catherine Waldon: CLIPPER CLUB A social service group that meets once a month during the program year at FP. Join us for great programs, fellowship, and delicious food! Our next meeting is April 10th.Punch Bowls begins at 6:15pm; dinner at 6:30pm catered by Mossman’s. Cost: $15 per person. Program: Sheryl Chalupa from Goodwill Industries will be speaking. RSVP is a must! To reserve your spot or for more info, call Ricki Jagger at 835-1983. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Mark your calendars: June 14 Details coming in May! FP COLLEGE GROUP Meets Thursday Nights in the FP Cafe from 6-8pm COFFEE DINNER BIBLE STUDY Men’s Ministry MEN’S MINISTRY UPDATE WITH BOYD BINNINGER Many exciting things have taken place and our scheduled to take place with the Men’s Ministries at First Presbyterian Church of Bakersfield. Men’s Ministries continues to meet the second Wednesday of the month for a Men’s Breakfast. We have been averaging around 30 attendees at each Breakfast. The Breakfast starts at 6:30 AM and is over usually by 7:30. You are welcome to leave earlier if you have somewhere you need to be. Come join us for a good hearty breakfast, good fellowship, and a message to start your day. Bring a friend. FPC Men’s Ministries helped to sponsor and put on God, Guns and Grubb on February 21st. There were 100 men present to view the movie “GOD IS NOT DEAD”, Share lunch together that consisted of Salad, bar-be-queued beef and pork, rolls, and homemade beans. After lunch they were on the sporting clay range testing their skills as marksmen. A good time was had by all. There were 20 attendees who came from the Kingsburg area. The men have meeting on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM in the “Loft” to study “Life Questions” this is a study that anyone can join at any time and be a part of. We hope to see you in the Loft. Women’s Ministry WOMEN”S MINISTRY WITH RHONDA DICKSON Women’s Retreat – Take a walk with God through every season of life at “Garden Getaway” on April 17 & April 18. This year the Retreat is being held at First Pres and the cost is only $60, which includes dinner on Friday night and lunch on Saturday! Registration has begun and a $25 non-refundable deposit will save you a spot. Garden Getaway is a Biblebased retreat reflecting the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, where we learn about God’s timing in our lives. Please call Alice Abril @ 333-5043 with any questions. Spring Luncheon – On Saturday, May 9, we will enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship, friendship, family and food at our annual Spring Luncheon at Hodel’s. Our theme is Chocolate Chip Cookie Friendships, with guest speaker, Melissa Maimone. Melissa’s desire is to teach women everywhere that, like the smallest of sparrows, God’s eyes gaze upon them with grace and gentleness--even when they are at their weakest. Tickets are $20 each ($15 for young ladies 11 and under) and they go on sale April 19. Please watch for details about being a table hostess. Saturday Night Bunco – This fun game is quickly becoming an extremely enjoyable Women’s Ministries event. We will meet on July 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. to share fun and food with dear friends, new and old. Save the date and watch for more details in June. To find out more about Women’s Ministries at First Pres, please come to a Women’s Ministry Team meeting, usually held every other month after church or call Rhonda Dickson at 805-0695 for more information. Preschool Dear FP Family ~ As we Learn, Laugh, and Grow in Preschool, we want our families to see the light of Jesus that shines through us (students and our staff). Many families in our program either do not know the Lord or may not be fully walking with Him daily. Many are also asking for prayer due to circumstances that they are in. Some are also struggling in their marriages, with parenting, schedules, health and death in the midst of their day to day activities. Please help our Preschool be HIs shining light in these families’ lives by praying with our staff for the 38 families we have in our program. Looking ahead: • • • • • • • Easter Break ~ March 30 – April 6, 2015 Open House and Fall Registration Day ~ Saturday, April 11, 2015 Preschool Highlight Sunday and Bake Sale Fundraiser for Scholarships ~ Sunday, April 19, 2015 Tea with Moms ~ Friday, May 1, 2015 End of the Year Program ~ Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Last day of Preschool ~ Friday, May 22, 2015 Summer Fun Camp ~ June 2nd – 4th and June 9th – 11th LIFT ~ Ladies In Fellowship Together • • Morning Meeting is the 2nd Thursday of every month 10am – 12 noon Evening Meeting is the 4th Thursday of every month 5:30pm – 7:30pm We are Studying The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian ~Marci Fleischer, Director Little Ones Preschool Children’s Pg 1 Great Adventure Sunday School Info: Easter Sunday 4/5/15 • 9:00 am: Sunday School for Babies—Age 5 • 10:30 am: Sunday School for Babies—Age 5 • 1st—6th Graders attend “big church” with their family. Memorial Day Weekend 5/24/15 • 9:00 am: Sunday School for Babies—Age 5 • 10:30 am: Sunday School for Babies—Age 5 • 1st—6th Graders attend “big church” with their family. 5/31/15: Summer Sunday Extravaganza Begins! • Keep an eye on our website for upcoming events, summer fun, and much more! FOLLOW US! Never miss out on news, photos, reminders and ideas! Facebook: Great Adventure Children’s Ministry at FPB Twitter: @GreatAdvKids Instagram: fpgreatadventure Christian Ministries Training Association 2015 Impact Convention Fri. May 1—Sat. May 2 at the Pasadena Convention Center 10 Ministry Tracks of Training including: • Early Childhood • Elementary • Family Ministry • Women’s Ministry • Youth • Technology • Outreach • Leadership More than 120 workshops & TONS of exhibiters for shopping and networking! Register online at or Contact Carol for a group rate discount! Check out for much more information! Become A Special Needs Buddy Did you know that parents of Special Needs children (even children with mild autism) often feel they need to skip church because they aren’t sure churches will welcome their child, or they fear that no one at the church will be able to handle their child? Did you know that the stress of raising a special needs child results in a higher rate of divorce and desertion, and that the financial burden of having a family member with a special needs heaps additional stress on an already high-risk family? Did you know that being a sibling of a special needs child is sometimes lonely, frustrating, and discouraging, because of the amount of attention parents must focus on the special needs child? These are just a FEW of the reasons our Children’s Ministry at First Pres is looking for older teens or adults who would be willing to receive TRAINING and GUIDANCE in order to become a Special Needs Buddy. What is a Special Needs Buddy? • Someone who will give love and acceptance to a child “just as they are.” Someone who can display energy, creativity, and patience when working with a special needs child. • Someone who is motivated, excited and enthusiastic about being with and learning from these special children. • Someone who is willing to form a one-on-one relationship with a child in order to help him/ her along their faith journey to Know Christ, Love One Another and Bless the World by being a shadow/buddy during Sunday School, Critter Land or Kid University. • Someone who can show integrity, confidentiality, and flexibility while working with special needs children. • Someone who is willing to attend training and is willing to learn! • Someone who is at least age 16 and is willing to submit a volunteer application form, which includes a background check. • Someone who can give at least 2 Sundays OR Wednesdays a month, depending on the child you are matched with. Please contact Carol Scheevel at Carol@ for more information, or call 325-9419, ext. 132. Children’s Pg 2 Pinewood Derby Cars go on sale: March 25th | $5.00 each Need help with your car? Dr. Levins can cut out your car for you! Draw the style you want on your car in pencil and drop it off at the Welcome Center on Wednesday evening or Sunday morning. Make sure your name is on the car. Dr. Levins will pick up and cut your car for you, then return it to the Welcome Center. LAST DATE FOR DROP-OFF TO HAVE CAR CUT BY DR. LEVINS: SUNDAY, APRIL 12TH Cars will be returned no later than April 15th. TWO WORKSHOP NIGHTS AT DR. LEVINS’ HOME: FRIDAY, APRIL 10TH OR 17TH Come with your parent and make your car in Dr. Levin’s workshop! Bring your car with you! 6pm at the Levin’s home (211 Moon Ranch St 93314; Near Stockdale & Heath Rd.) PINEWOOD DERBY NIGHT: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22ND in the First Pres Activity Center 5:00 pm: Dinner available (in the Activity Center) Check in your cars Fix any problems your car may be having. (All cars must be weighed in and pass inspection before they can race.) 6:00 pm: CritterLand Races; followed by CritterLand awards 6:30 pm: Kid U, 1st – 3rd grade races; followed by awards 7:00 pm: Kid U, 4th – 6th grade races; followed by awards 7:30 pm: Open Division (7th grade through adult); and awards Please Contact Carol Scheevel, if you have any questions at 431-1971 or Jr. High: COLLIDE Dear FP Family -8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (ESV) 34A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35 (ESV) As I have conversations with junior high students, they talk a lot about study groups, sports groups, music groups, friends and family. I realize that students are so busy! All of their activities don’t even take into account that they are at school 7 hours a day. This got me thinking about what we can expect from junior highers when it comes to their faith in Christ. It seems like their faith can just be another thing to add to their already busy schedule. That’s not how it should be! It should be part of every activity of their life. Two of my favorite verse are Acts 1:8 and John 13:34-35. They talk about the fact that our purpose and mission as followers of Christ is to go out into the world and be witnesses of God’s love to others. We are called to minister to others in all parts of our lives whether that’s your job, your family or friends. For most junior highers this is their sports teams, schools, bands and any other activity they are involved in. Their faith isn’t just something else to add onto their already full list of activities, but it is integrated into every part of their lives. So I have a challenge for you. The next time you see a junior high student, instead of asking them about how their relationship with God is, or what their learning at church, which are all great things, ask them how they are showing God’s love to the people around them? How are they being God’s witnesses in every activity of their lives? Let’s encourage them that their faith in Christ isn’t something to keep just for themselves, but their mission and purpose is to share that faith with the world around them. Steve Gold Director of Junior High Ministries Upcoming Events • March 29-April 3 – San Diego Mission Trip • April 1 – No Youth Group • April 5 – Easter (No Sunday School) • April 8 – God Party - Passover • April 12 – Youth Sunday (No Sunday School) • April 24-25 – 8th Grade Grad Trip • May 3 – First Sundays (No Sunday School) • May 8 – Splatter Games • May 10 – Mother’s Day (No Sunday School) • May 17 – Summer Parent Meeting (For current 6th & 7th graders) For more info on events, visit Meeting Times Sundays -10:30am service (Go to the sanctuary with your parents for worship, then we will be dismissed) Wednesday Nights - 6-7:30pm - In the Jr. High Room San Diego Mission Trip On March 29-April 3 the junior high ministry is going on a mission trip to San Diego. We will be serving in the City Heights neighborhood, which is home to thousands of refugees from Afghanistan, Somalia, Uganda, Iran and many other countries from around the world. We will also get an opportunity to support organizations who are ministering to the homeless and hungry in San Diego. Please join us by praying for us during the week of March 29-April 3. Thank you so much for your support! Sr. High It has been a decade since Hurricane Katrina hit the City of New Orleans. Since then, the number of homeless men, women and children in New Orleans climbed from 6,000 to over 21,000. New Orleans now has the highest homeless per capita rate for any city in the nation. There are great needs in New Orleans, and many of the ministry leaders we partner with in New Orleans have experienced personal loss and trauma as they faithfully serve where God has called them to be his light. We have the opportunity to come along side of them and help the ministries that God has called them to in a unique and challenging mission field. We have an opportunity to serve the homeless, impoverished kids, displaced families, and those in need. We will be partnering with Vieux Carre (Old Square) Church in the French Quarter. Our high school students and leaders have been raising money to go and serve the city of New Orleans. We will be departing at 4:30am on March 29 and will be returning at 8pm on April 3. On March 22 we will be commissioned in both of our services, and will be providing some details on the mission and give you an opportunity to pray for our experience and the area of New Orleans. You will have opportunity to see some images and hear testimonies from students as our students lead services on Youth Sunday (April 12). Thank you for you prayers and continued support for the student ministries at First Pres. In Jesus, John K & the 2Twenty Team SR HIGH DATES TO REMEMBER March 29 – April 3: Mission trip – New Orleans April 5: No Youth Group (Easter) April 12: Youth Sunday Our student will be leading in worship at both services. Come and hear testimonies from our Junior High mission to San Diego, and our High School mission to New Orleans. April 12: Youth Group – 6-8:15pm April 19: Youth Group – 6-8:15pm April 26: Youth Group – 6-8:15pm May 3: Youth Group – 6-8:15pm May 10: No Youth Group (Mother’s Day) May 17: Baccalaureate – Graduate celebration May 24: No Youth Group (Memorial Day Weekend) May 31: All- Church Celebration event June 7: Summer Kickoff! June 14: Pool party (location TBD) June 21: No Youth Group (Father’s Day) June 28: Youth Group – 6-8:15pm Guy’s summer sports night and Bible study starts on June 9 Girl’s night/Bible study starts on June 9
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