Upcoming Ministry Opportunities & Special Events: July 7th – July 22nd: Pastor Eric and family on vacation July 12th: Guest pastor – Tom Ash July 13th: Finance & Council Meeting – 6:30 p.m. July 19th: Guest pastor – Tom Ash July 20th: Meadow Brook Sing-a-long – 6:30 p.m. Weekly Schedule: Monday, July 6th 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Lady’s Bible Study (Library) Visitation Team (Church Office) NOW Team Meeting Tuesday, July7th 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 8th 6:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) Bible Study (Library) Chancel Choir Rehearsal Praise Team Rehearsal Bible Study (Library) Thursday, July 9th 7:00 p.m. Mom’s Bible Study (Library) Lady’s Community Bible Study (Library) Al-Anon (Library) Friday, July 10th Saturday, July 11th Sunday, July 12th Bellaire Community United Methodist Church Pastor Eric’s Sabbath Day 8:00 p.m. Alcoholic Anonymous (Fellowship Hall) 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Coffee (Fellowship Hall) Adult Bible Study (Library) Worship Service w/ Children’s Sunday School Bellaire Community United Methodist Church P.O. Box 235, Bellaire, Michigan 49615 231-533-8133 www.bellairecumc.org Pastor Eric Falker, eric.bcumc@gmail.com Office Manager: Deb May, office.bcumc@gmail.com Office Hours Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 - 1:30 Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Serving our Risen Lord and the community for over 125 years! JULY 5, 2015 ~ OUR MISSION ~ “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” ~ OUR VISION ~ “Growing Together in Jesus!” Servants in Worship Audio/Visual Coordinator: Diane Bennett Head Usher: Linda Wangbichler Greeters: Lisa LaLone & Cathy Henton / Coke & Linda Dewey Nursery Attendants: Yolanda Ayala / Lisa Hall Sunday School Teachers: K-3 – Cookie Carrick , 4-6 – Deb Johnson SERVING AND LEARNING Join the fun! July 26 th Vacation Bible School 2015! – July 30th, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Pre-K through 6th grade New Friends ~ Amazing Experiments ~ Untamed Games Lip-smacking Snacks ~ Surprising Adventures ~ Incredible Music Sign up by calling the church office at 231-533-8133 or using our website bellaireCUMC.org Guests: Welcome to our worship service. If you haven’t already, please sign the guest book in the lobby. Our ushers would be glad to give you a gift mug, as well as direct you to the bathrooms and nursery. If you have any questions, please ask. We’re so glad you’re here! Friendship & Prayer Card: Please use the yellow cards at the end of the pews to share your prayer requests and joys or update your personal information. Guests, we invite you to use this card to give us your address and phone number so we can connect with you later. Just drop it in the offering plate. Thank you! Sunday School: During the 10:30 service, Kindergarten through 6th grade children are dismissed directly from the sanctuary to Sunday School with their teacher. To ensure everyone’s safety, children will be released directly to their guardians at the classroom after the service. Altar Flowers: If you would like to provide Altar Flowers in honor or in memory of someone, please call Deb in the church office (533-8133). Please no lilies or lilacs due to allergies. We have activity bags for the kids hanging on the wall at the north entrance to the Lobby (near the ramp). Please help yourself or ask an usher. Nursery Supervisor Wanted BCUMC would like to hire a part-time supervisor for our nursery. If you know someone who is interested in the position, please have them contact the church office. The job description is available on our website at bellairecumc.org Music Director Wanted BCUMC would like to hire a music director. Alyca Basch has graciously stepped in to help in the interim. If you know of someone in the area who is qualified and interested in the position, please contact the church office. The job description is available on our website at www.bellairecumc.org MISSION OF THE MONTH Vacation Bible School July 26th – July 30th 2015 All financial donations would be greatly appreciated! If you’d like to make a contribution, please make your check payable to BCUMC and write VBS in the memo line. Register children online at www.bellairecumc.org Short Term Prayer Requests (Requests will appear for three weeks. If you would like to place someone on the long-term prayer list, please contact the church office or indicate your request on a yellow pew card. The long term list is printed monthly and is available in the lobby.) June 21st: All Fathers, the Brown family, Tracy Harvey Jr., Bob Ayala, Joyce Johnson & Paul May (Dave May’s parents), victims of the church shooting in S. Carolina June 28th: Marriage blessings to Tianne Cole & husband Rob Varicak and Bethanie Hall & husband Jonathon Wilde. July 5th: Dave Bartsch’s arm, Pastor’s family while on vacation, Chris Reed, Father Jim Gardiner’s retirement, Father Chet on his new assignment to St. Luke’s. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SHUT INS: Meadow Brook: Maxine Johnson, Wayne & Dolores Steiner and Jean Thornell. Heritage Haus: Dorothy Hunter & Esther Novotny Home: Orland & Jean Dewey, Eric Heitman, Marjorie Lessard, Shirley Lowe and Alice Smalley. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE MISSIONARIES: Jeff & Amy Brake – Mission Training International; Tianne & Rob Varicak – on home assignment to Scramble for a Cure—July 26 at Hawk’s Eye Golf Course You are invited to join us for 18 holes of golf, lunch off the grill and prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in your flight, women’s, couples or men’s. All for just $250 per 4 –person team. Featuring a special auction event with Michigan and Michigan State items. Which group of fans will bring in the most money for the charity? Winner gets bragging rights and loser is motivated to win next year. We already have an autographed Izzo basketball and waiting on Michigan to come through for us. All proceeds benefit Rett Syndrome research. My granddaughter, Jacalyn, was diagnosed at 18 months. She developed normally until fourteen months and then started to regress. She does not walk, talk or have purposeful use of her hands. She also does not chew and swallowing is difficult. She is bright and unable to communicate while understanding everything that goes on around her. Rett Syndrome occurs once in ten thousand births and only in girls. View a video on YouTube where my granddaughter, Ella, narrates as Jacalyn’s voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWRVXSo8ftY Contact Sue Knight at sueknight@charter.net or 231-533-8052 for more information. LADIES: PARTY WITH JESUS August 6, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. I would like to invite ladies of all ages to come together at my home/garden for an evening of celebration. Program details to come. Drinks and desserts will be provided. Please sign up by calling Amy McKay at 231-640-0440. Church Stats PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN THE MILITARY: Glen & Ambyr LaLone & Family - Air Force-Stationed in Navarre, Florida; Douglas K. LaLone Jr. & Family - Coast Guard-Stationed in Savannah, GA; Tim Degiuli Stateside; Bill Allman - Navy (SS Abraham Lincoln - Virginia); Caleb Kimsel - Navy (San Diego) Should you have a pastoral emergency and/or a prayer request, please call or e-mail the church office or call Pastor Eric at 989-906-5349 or the prayer chain coordinator, Jean Schoof, at 533-5537. General Fund Received ~ 6/28/15: $ 2,787.00 General Fund Needed Each Sunday: $2,994.00 Our Worship Attendance ~ 6/28/15: 129 June Mission of the Month: Vacation Bible School – $548.53 ELECTRONIC GIVING Forgot your checkbook? Going out of town? No problem! You can make a donation safely and securely through our website. Just go to www.bellairecumc.org and click the “Online Giving” link. Thank you! MEMORY VERSE: Isaiah 28:16 “So this is what the Sovereign Lord says: JULY 5, 2015 “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Sermons from the Mound” Musical Prelude Welcome & Greeting One Another Pastor Eric ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Praise Songs & Opening Prayer Praise Team ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mission Moment Video ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Offering G-Force VBS Please sign and pass the red attendance pads Doxology “Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow” Music Ministry “Peace Like a River” Children’s Moment Hymn #95 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chancel Choir REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Pastor Eric 1. What is the shakiest structure you’ve ever stood on? (A ladder, a tree 10:30 service only: Kindergarten-6 grade excused to Sunday School after Children’s Moment th Scripture Reading Matthew 7:24-29 Responsive Reading Message Testimony Communion Closing Song Benediction Katie Rathke Abby Boyd Pastor Eric Roger Mason Served at the altar. Prayer with anointing oil is available. “My Hope Is Built” house, etc.) 2. Have you ever laid a foundation for a structure? What materials did you use and where did you build it? 3. When in your life have you felt the “rain fall”, the “floods rise”, and Psalm 18:1-3 “Home Run – Build on the Rock” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hymnal #368 Pastor Eric the “winds beat” against your house? 4. What words of Jesus Christ are the most comforting for you? The most challenging? 5. What does building your life on The Rock (Jesus) look like to you? 6. Have you built your life on Christ? Why or why not?
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