Education Committee Minutes‐April 23, 2015 Present: Henry & JoAnn Eslinger, Sandy Salwei, Pastor Glenn, & Sharon Mros Absent: Linda Walter, Trish MacDonald, Maureen Smyth I. Warner Trust Grant Pastor informed us that the grant in the amount of $2,630.00 had been approved. In addition, they granted us an additional $370.00 to be used to start a MOPS group in Maricopa. Money is scheduled to arrive shortly. Sandy Salwei has offered to prepare a spread sheet to track all individual categories and expenses made to each. This spreadsheet will be used by the committee and is in addition to any other tracking of said dollars. She will continue to do this throughout the year, in spite of the fact that she will be back in MN for the next several months. Purchasing of items will commence once money is received. II. Confirmation Pastor informed us that he has planned a meeting with parents of children currently in confirmation, as well as those scheduled to start confirmation in fall, 2015. The purpose of the meeting will be to introduce his expectations and discuss any questions. This meeting will be at his home. Pizza will be provided. The Education Committee will assist with purchasing food, setup, etc. Confirmation will be on May 24th. Pastor will be meeting with parents to discuss service. It was decided that we would not be using robes. Instead, we will be purchasing a boutonniere for Matthew. Sharon will ask the Fellowship Committee to serve a cake to honor Matthew following the service. It was decided that we would have photos taken of Matthew and pastor. A frame will be purchased and given to Matthew as his gift along with his confirmation picture. JoAnn will purchase the frame. III. Praise Worship Service The Education Committee will be responsible for planning the 15 minute family activity time each Sunday. We will be getting more information on this at a later date. Since we will now be changing to the Narrative Lectionary, we will need to change our materials used in Sunday School. Pastor shared with us the name of the website we can use for materials. We will be researching this and communicate our findings to the group at our next meeting. Since this service is meant for families to replace the traditional Sunday School program, we discussed the possibility of no longer offering Sunday School at our first service. Sunday School has been experiencing extremely low attendance and may no longer be needed. More research will be done as it relates to this topic. IV. Bibles We discussed a possible date of April 26th for the parent/student bible training following church service with bibles given on May 3rd. We will be contacting the parents to see if these dates will work for them prior to setting the dates. The Education Committee and Pastor will be conducting the training. Materials provided by Mountain View Lutheran will be used. JoAnn & Sharon will review the materials to make fit with our schedule. V. Nursery Sharon received information from Mountain View Lutheran as to how they staff their nursery. They currently hire high school students and pay them approximately $8/hour. Henry agreed to contact our insurance agent to make sure we have insurance coverage using students rather than adults. He will report back to the group his findings. VI. Background Checks It was decided that we should attain background checks on all people working with our children. However, the background checks are expensive and we did not budget it for 2015. It was decided to include that in our budget in 2016 and start the program at that time. VII. Bible School We received an invite from Mountain View Lutheran to join them for Bible School. The program dates are June 1st through June 4th, 5:30pm – 7:45pm and is a family event. The cost is $40/person, family maximum $100 and includes dinner. We will be furnishing the website information to our members in the Blast so they can sign up, if interested. We also discussed the possibility of offering Bible School during fall break in October. We could do it at a park and possibly have Journey Methodist join us. We will research and communicate the findings at a later date. VIII. Other Next meeting is set for Wednesday, April 22nd, 7:00, at the Eslinger’s.
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