1 May 2015 “God’s Work, Our Hands.” The MESSENGER What’s INSIDE A publication of Peace Lutheran Church ● Rosendale, WI Pastor’s Pen pg. 1 Our Monthly Message from Pastor Chuck We’re On Facebook pg. 1 “Where Do We Get Peace and Fulfillment?” Mission of the Month pg. 2 Library News pg. 2 A Mother’s Story Pg. 2 Monthly Meetings pg. 2 Sing-Along Pg.2 Ladies Group Sale pg. 3 Greeting Card Sale pg. 3 Sunday School News pg. 4 New Members Pg.4 Your Church Council pg. 4 LWR Projects pg. 5 T-Rats Game pg. 6 Youth News pg. 6 Book Club pg. 6 Worship Changes pg. 6 Financial Report pg. 7 Electronic Giving pg. 7 Youth in Action pg. 7 Crossways Camp pg. 7 Membership Information pg. 8 Memorial Day pg. 8 www.peacerosendale.org In his book Facing Loneliness, J. Oswald Sanders writes, "The round of pleasure or the amassing of wealth are but vain attempts to escape from the persistent ache...The millionaire is usually a lonely man and the comedian is often more unhappy than his audience." Sanders goes on to emphasize that being successful often fails to produce satisfaction. Then he refers to Henry Martyn, a distinguished scholar, as an example. Martyn, a Cambridge University student, was honored at only 20 years of age for his achievements in mathematics. In fact, he was given the highest recognition possible in that field. And yet he felt an emptiness inside. He said that instead of finding fulfillment in his achievements, he had "only grasped a shadow." After evaluating his life's goals, Martyn sailed to India as a missionary at the age of 24. When he arrived, he prayed, "Lord, let me burn out for You."In the next 7 years that preceded his death, he translated the New Testament into three difficult Eastern languages. These notable achievements were certainly not passing "shadows." Where do we get peace and fulfillment? We are now entering the time of year where we plan trips and vacations, parties and family get-togethers, attend concerts, and award ceremonies or a host of other things. We hope all of these activities will be enjoyable and give us serenity. How often, however, does this happen? The times we are supposed to relax and celebrate can often be stressful. It is easy to burn out when we have so much on our plates. I as a parent know the feeling of having a kids events every night of the week. While all of this stuff is not bad in and of itself, we often forget that our Continued on page 5 WE’RE NOW ON FACEBOOK Our page is getting updated more frequently and most of the stuff the Youth Group have going on is posted. h ps://www.facebook.com/peacelutheranrosendale?fref=ts 2 The MESSENGER May’s featured MISSION is: World Hunger Please make them one LIBRARY NEWS Books I have read recently are INNOVATIVE GRANDPARENTING by Karen O’Connor. It is a very good source of ideas on how to keep in contact with grandchildren, especially those who may live far away. It gives suggestions from many grandparents in all kinds of different situations and how they handled things to the best advantage of themselves and the grandchildren. of your offering choices! I also read THE HUMOR OF CHRIST by Elton Trueblood. Have you ever considered that our Lord may have made some points using tongue-in-cheek? I know I never did. If you are interested, check this one out. They are both in our library just waiting to be of service to you. Thank you to whoever donated money to the library recently. I will be ordering a few new materials during the summer months. Watch for them!! Have a wonderful warm spring & summer and if you have any suggestions or needs that our library might help with, you may contact me at 872-2637 or at my email address kochkaren@hotmail.com Yours in friendship and service, Karen ONE FLAW IN WOMEN The Synod Assembly is scheduled this month on May 15th & 16th. Pastor Chuck, along with Fred Mattheis and Rose Rentmeester will be our delegates. Women have strengths that amaze men… They bear hardships and they carry burdens, But they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in. They stand up to injustice. They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution. Fellowship Team Sponsors a SING ALONG! & POTLUCK SUPPER May 3rd 5-7 p.m. in the MLR! www.peacerosendale.org They go without so their family can have. They go to the doctor with a frightened friend. They love unconditionally. They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards. Continued on page 5 May 6 Ladies Group 1 p.m. May 6 Men’s Group 8:00 p.m. May 13 Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. 3 The MESSENGER UPCOMING RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE Saturday - May 16 7:30 -3 p.m. Donations Needed! The ELCA-Ladies want items from attic to basement, from garage to garden. Most items will be SOLD through “free will donations.” If you donate a large ticket item, it would be very helpful if you could let us know how much you feel it’s worth, especially if it is worth $10 or more. We also plan to include a Plant Sale this year, so if you need to divide some of your perennials, please keep us in mind! The Bake Sale seems to be a draw for us. So it would be most appreciated if every “lady of the church” would donate some baked goods or snacks for the “on the go shoppers”. This year we also plan to serve “root beer floats!” We sincerely thank you in advance for your support! Should you have any questions, please contact either Penny Tebo at 872- 9900 or Julie Mauermann at 872-2935. The ELCA- Ladies Group Offering Choices “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 ______________________________ General Fund Ministry To Others Brandon Food Pantry Crossways Camping Ministries Disaster Relief ELCA Synod Good Samaritan Fund Lutheran Campus Ministry Lutheran World Relief World Hunger Youth For Christ (High School) “In House” Funds 4th Grade Bibles Bible Study Choir Endowment Scholarship Fund Landscape/Memory Garden Library Operation Christmas Child Flower Fund Sunday School TEC/Camper Scholarships Youth Group (RAD) (All monies undesignated will go into the General Fund) GREETING CARDS FOR SALE by LADIES GROUP Check out our new card supply in the Martin Luther Room! We offer all sorts of greeting cards for the low price of 50 cents each. www.peacerosendale.org 4 The MESSENGER SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS Mark your calendar for May 10 Mother’s Day – The Sunday school children pre K – 5th grad will be singing in church. PENNY A DAY COLLECTION Collections during the month of April - $25.35 All of the change collected in our Penny Jar goes toward World Hunger. A penny jar is located in the narthex for your contributions. Together we CAN make a difference to many! May 17 – Last Day of Sunday School It’s time to wrap up another successful year of Sunday School for our children. We will end our Sunday School year with a game of “Search the Church” and cupcake decorating. The kids will work together to create a giant card to say thank-you to all those who have helped with our education program this year. Come join us as we celebrate during the Sunday School hour on May 17. It has been an exciting year for us all as the children learned about the many events that make up the Christmas Story. We then took a look at some of the most beloved parables that Jesus taught. It has been fun to watch the children grow as they learn about God and his love for us. Thanks, Faith & Mike Bednarczyk Sunday School Superintendents OUR NEWEST CHURCH MEMBERS PRAYER REQUESTS Please use the “Prayer Request” cards found on the table in the Narthex, by phone or e-mail! Introducing our newest members to our Peace Church Family! They are John, Mandy, and Ellie Hughes. Their family moved to Ripon in June 2014 from Iowa City, IA. John completed the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree in Choral Conducting and Pedagogy from The University of Iowa and joined the music faculty at Ripon College as Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities. Mandy works at the Berlin Area School District as Grant Project Director coordinating two federal grants focused on school climate and student mental health. Mandy and John met at Augustana College in Rock Island, IL and enjoyed singing in the Augustana Choir together. They were married in 2007 and welcomed Elinor Eileen on March 24, 2013. Ellie attends daycare at the Ripon Children's Learning Center. She loves to paint, color, play outside, read books, watch Thomas the Tank Engine, and "go to church to see crosses, the pastor, and lots of people.” COUNCIL MEMBERS www.peacerosendale.org Rebecca Westphal- President Cheryl Roberts- V. President Faith Bednarczyk- Secretary Tammy Pflum - Treasurer Patricia Abbs Glenn Becker Mike Gierach Julie Mauermann Henry Miller 5 The MESSENGER Continued from page 1 relationship with God in Jesus Christ is what is going to give us peace and fulfillment. Staying in touch with God is what helps us to place everything else in perspective. We are not stressed or feel empty when we are praying, reading God’s Word, and worshiping. This is where we are spiritually fed. Our human attempts to get serenity through all of our stuff and all of our “busyness” will leave us empty. The good news is that Jesus wants us to find rest for our souls in Him (Matthew 11:28). He invites us to stay in touch with Him everyday. It is for our benefit when we take the time to worship in the Summer vacation months. At Peace, in addition to our Sunday morning services, we offer Thursday night services at 6:30 p.m. This provides an opportunity to worship if you are going away on a weekend. I also am looking at holding some Sunday morning adult education classes to keep us grounded in the Word. As we close the school year and prepare for Summer, I wish all of you God’s peace and hope and pray that all of us will stay in touch with Jesus, who is the only one who can ultimately give us peace and fulfillment! See you in church! Pastor Chuck Continued from page 2 They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding. Their hearts break when a friend dies. They grieve at the loss of a family member, A Mother’s Love Lasts Forever! May 10th! Yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left. They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart. Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you. The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning. They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideas. They give moral support to their family and friends. Women have vital things to say and everything to give. HOWEVER, IF THERE IS ONE FLAW IN WOMEN, IT IS THAT THEY FORGET THEIR WORTH. May 19 LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF PROJECTS COME TO AN END A decision has been made to end the collection of items for Lutheran World Relief Projects. Thank you for all the years of support! Any monies in the fund will be transferred to the Lutheran World Relief fund. Any products left in our inventory will be donated to the Brandon Food Pantry. www.peacerosendale.org 6 The MESSENGER Save the Date! Upcoming TIMBER RATTLERS Game! When: July 1st Tickets: $11.00 Reserva on needed by June 15th. Ques ons: contact Larry at 872‐5063 More details to follow in next months newsle er! RAD / YOUTH NEWS We are registering for our National Youth Gathering to be held in Detroit, Michigan in July! We have many fund raisers scheduled. There are still some devo/cookbooks available for $10 each. Stop in at the church office or just see me. We also have t-shirts being designed and can't wait to get them out. We will be offering “walking tacos” during the Village Rummage Sale Other News: We have finally taken over the Martin Luther room stage. Stop up and take a look. The youth really want to paint it, but we will check with the buildings and grounds committee with our ideas. On Wednesday April 15th our joint junior high/ senior high meeting was held mostly outside as we went around town and prayed in front of most of the businesses that are affected by the road closures throughout the summer. Some of you may have seen the 14 of us out and about and we want to continue to lift up all the local businesses that have a summer ahead of drastic traffic cuts. Let's support our local businesses as much as we can. As we get close to the end of the school year, we lose some of the Wednesdays, but we will find times to still meet with as many as possible. We will update the church facebook page with specifics on our other meeting times. Please like the Peace Facebook page, lots more pics and info to be posted there. This page is getting updated more frequently and most of the stuff we have going on is posted. MAY’S BOOK CLUB May 13 @ 6 p.m. Book selection is “Orphan Train” by Christina Baker Kline https://www.facebook.com/peacelutheranrosendale?fref=ts May Calendar: May 6th Senior High 6:37 May 13th No meeting high school awards night May 20th No meeting high school choir concert May 27th joint junior high/ senior high game night 6:37 Thank you Peace people for all of your support. In His service, Mark Kottke May 21 thru Aug. 27 THURSDAY SERVICE 6:30 p.m. Communion will be served by intinction only! ____________________ SUNDAY SERVICE 9:00 a.m. 7 The MESSENGER Brandon Food Pantry YTD March YTD March 2015 2014 882 965 0 97 ELCA Synod 90 140 Disaster Relief 15 45 Lutheran Campus Ministry 25 0 Lutheran World Relief 40 47 0 0 478 171 1,220 1,316 General Fund Income 33,906 32,895 General Fund Actual Expenses 39,105 38,614 General Fund Budgeted Expenses 41,376 42,251 General Fund (available) Balance 4,421 6,958 Crossways Good Samaritan World Hunger Youth for Christ Electronic Giving is a convenient, consistent way to help your church year round! Hello my name is Lindsey Zimmerman. Most of you know me but for those who do not, I am a Junior at Laconia High school. I am involved with Sunday school , puppets, children sermons, and the youth group. For the last 3 years I have being going on mission trips through Youthworks. But this year, instead of going to Detroit, I would like to go to San Diego with Zion Lutheran of Fairwater’s Youth Group. The trip is going to cost around $1,000 for each person including the plane ticket and the fee to go through Youth Works. The Council will allow me to put a donation canister in the Narthex. I am asking for your support through monetary donations and also with your prayers. Any monetary donations need to be directly given and not put through Peace Lutheran’s bookkeeping system. Thank you! Not in town for summer “get away” months? Want to help smooth out that “summer revenue slump?” Are you aware the Peace Lutheran offers “Simply Giving?” When you travel, are homebound or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis. It is very simple to join and the consistency of giving throughout the year helps the church budget stay balanced. If you would like more information or an “auto debit” form, please contact your church office. Phone 872-2216 or email us at info@peacerosendale.org Imago Dei Village Pine Lake Camp Waypost Camp Visit their website at CrosswaysCamps.org. Bringing people together in Christ so lives are changed and communities enhanced. 8 The MESSENGER Special Dates for Special People 3 - James & Wendy Barbeau MAY BIRTHDAYS 10 - Paul & Faren Schmuhl 10 - Archie & Donna Waltenberry 11 - Doug & Shelly Haugen 2 - Beade Meyer 17 - Larry Roberts 15 - Mike & Faith Bednarczyk 3 - Anna Haen 19 - Matthew Miller 15 - Rick & Julie Mattheis 3 - Patti King 21 - Emajean Westphal 18 - Jim & Brenda Fude 3 - Abby Smit 22 - Tom King 20 - Ken & Mary Schwandt 4 - Carlton Kind 22 - Darrell Roberts 31 - Ken & Joan Fude 4 - Zachary Wagner 23 - Samantha Guenzel 31 - Zachary & Blair Westfahl 6 - Larry Crook 23 - Jerry Tasch 7 - Amanda Ebert 24 - Duane Springborn 7 - Opal Griffiths 25 - Joshua Lalor 7 - Sally Roberts 25 - Chase Niederkorn FOR THE RECORD New Members John, Amanda and Elinor Hughes First Communions Elizabeth Beuscher Alexus Fry Cole Kind Joshua Lalor Aiden Last Jonathan Muenchow Jacob Pierstorff Joli Saunders Grace Thull God’s Blessings to each of them! 10 - Jim Fude 26 - Bill Hesterberg 11 - Kevin Ebert 27 - Wendy Nellessen 11 - Seth Zimmerman 30 - Ryan Smit 12 - Rick Meier 30 - Karen Teetz 13 - Cole Tidemann 31 - Dale Luther 16 - Mary Halfman Office Closed May 25 in observance of Memorial Day! MEMORIAL DAY CELEBRATION Monday, May 25 at 10:00 A.M. Ros. Inter. School - South Gymnasium Following the ceremony, a march to the cemetery to conduct closing ceremonies at the Veteran’s Memorial! Everyone is invited to bring flowers to decorate graves. www.peacerosendale.org Peace Lutheran Church Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Permit 1 Rosendale, WI P.O. Box 177 - 124 S. Main St. Rosendale, WI 54974 (920) 872-2216 info@peacerosendale.org PASTOR Charles R. Thompson Phone (920) 273-5105 pastor@peacerosendale.org YOUTH DIRECTOR Mark Kottke Phone: (920) 948-0969 mkottke@hotmail.com www.peacerosendale.org Feel Christ’s Presence At Peace See Details Inside—Page 4 The MESSENGER Blood Drive Donors Needed….18 years and older! A blood drive will be held at the Peace Lutheran Church on May 19. Please mark your calendars, as we would like to have a larger turnout than in the past, so we can reach our goal. Give thanks for your good health by donating blood! Your contribution of a little time and a pint of blood could make a lifetime of difference to a patient in need. Our goal is to surpass 35 pints! Donation Hours are from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. A lunch served through-out the day! Our Church is in charge of bars, so if you can help out, please call Faye Belling @ 872-2545 It is recommend by the Red Cross to eat healthy meals one week prior to giving blood!
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