First Presbyterian Church of Farmington 26165 Farmington Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 474-6170 ___________________________________________________________________________________ Gathering Music Welcome May 17, 2015 10:00 a.m. Seventh Sunday of Easter, Ordination & Installation, Reception of New Members, Service of Healing (church surveys due; tomato give-away; Performing Arts concert-Vanguard Voices) We Approach God *Please stand, as able Prelude Call to Worship (read responsively) Leader: Clap your hands, all you peoples; shout to God with loud songs of joy. People: For the Lord, the Most High, is awesome, a great king over all the earth. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. Leader: For God is the king of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm. People: God is king over the nations; God sits on his holy throne. *Hymn 363 Rejoice, the Lord is King! Prayer of Confession (read in unison) Psalm 1 Leader: Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night. People: They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. A Time of Silent, Personal Prayer Kyrie 71 Surely It Is God Who Saves Me Assurance of Pardon Response Alleluia Norah Duncan +++ Latecomers may be seated at this time We Hear God’s Word Gospel Reading Mark 1: 16 - 20 NT Page 35 Anthem Here I Am, Lord Chancel Choir Dan Schutte A Time with Children Joshua Archey Prayer concern cards are collected during A Time with Children Scripture Reading Acts 1: 15 - 17 Sermon Chosen NT Page 118 Rev. Jim Faile We Respond To God’s Word Ordination and Installation of Ruling Elders and Deacons Litany There are varieties of gifts, but it is the same Spirit who gives them. There are different ways of serving God, but is the same Lord who is served. God works through each person in a unique way, but it is God’s purpose that is accomplished. To each is given a gift of the Spirit to be used for the common good. Together we are the body of Christ, and individually members of it. Statement of Ordination and Installation Constitutional Questions Do we, the members of the church, accept Martha Attah, Charlene Diehl, Ama Offosoua, Helen Thomas and Emma Turkmani as deacons; and Howard Caylor, Rick Fuller, Ginny Hubble and Eddie Matteson as elders, chosen by God through the voice of this congregation to lead us in the way of Jesus Christ? We do. Do we agree to encourage them, to respect their decisions, and to follow as they guide us, serving Jesus Christ who alone is Head of the Church? We do. Prayer of Ordination and Installation Declaration of Installation Charge Welcome Reception of New Members Presentation Profession of Faith Elder: Let us pray together: Holy God, We praise you for calling us to be a servant people, and for gathering us into the body of Christ. We thank you for choosing to add to our number brothers and sisters in faith. Together, may we live in your Spirit, and so love one another, that we may have the mind of Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom we give honor and glory forever. Amen. Welcome to this congregation and its worship and ministry. The Peace The minister then says to those assembled at the font: The peace of Christ be with you. They respond: And also with you. Signing of the Covenant Prayers of the People Lord’s Prayer Signing of the Friendship Registers Offertory Sentences Offering of the Gifts of the People Offertory *Response Song of Offering Prayer of Thanksgiving We Follow God’s Word Into the World Hymn 697 Take My Life Gerald Custer * Benediction *Response 591 Halle, Halle, Hallelujah (refrain) Postlude Assisting in Worship May 17 May 24 Lector Laura Hedgecock None; please sign up Ushers Jim Hubble Tom Brown Doug Creighton Ron Prieskorn Chris Davis Emily Davis Mary & Pres Happel Greeters: Patty & Scot Johnston Welcome Center: Sue Carlson Sally Kirsten Sunday Sextons Dave Carlson Nancy & Ron Prieskorn Judy & Wally Peterson Coffee Hour Mary & Pres Happel None; please sign up The worship flowers are given by: Jan Sell in memory of my mother, Marge Sell. We hold in our prayers: names available in print version Wear red for Pentecost: next Sunday, May 24th, is Pentecost. Celebrate Pentecost by wearing something red which signifies the coming of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. A Congregational survey: is available on the Welcome Center. Please return the survey to the collection box on the Welcome Center. If you would prefer to take the survey online, go to The deadline for survey responses is Monday, May 18th. Joint Deacon/Session Meeting Wednesday, 20: There will be a joint meeting of the Elders and Deacons on Wednesday, May 20 at 7:00 p.m. in Knox Hall. We will have a dessert reception and honor the outgoing Deacons and Elders for their service and welcome those serving in the class of 2018. IVC will have lunch at the Great Lakes Bistro: on Wednesday, May 27th at noon we will meet for lunch at the Art Institute of Michigan, 28175 Cabot Drive (north of 12 Mile just before Northbound M-5). We will order individually off the menu; a sample menu is available on the welcome center. Please make reservations with the church office (248) 474-6170 by Tuesday, May 26th. If you would like to carpool, meet in the church parking lot at 11:40 AM. Renowned Vanguard Voices in concert Sunday, May 17th at 4 PM: Vanguard Voices, directed by G. Kevin Dewey, returns to First Presbyterian Church to conclude our eighth season of the Great Performances in a Sacred Space concert series. This 65-voice, world-renowned adult mixed choir is led by its artistic director G. Kevin Dewey who founded the ensemble in 1992. It performs a cappella in a repertoire that spans the musical spectrum from Gregorian chant to jazz. Dewey brings to the podium vibrancy, enthusiasm, and passion for performing the world’s great choral music. This concert will include Randall Thompson’s The Peaceable Kingdom and Samuel Barber’s Agnus Dei. A not-to-be-missed afternoon of uplifting choral excellence! Calling All Graduates: If you are graduating from high school or college, or know someone who is, we want to recognize you during worship on Sunday, June 14. Please call the church office (248) 474-6170 or email with your name, plans for next year and or the college you will be attending, your major, the degree you are receiving, and any hobbies or interests you have. Congratulations class of 2015!!! Time to re-enroll your Kroger card: Over five years ago we enrolled in the Kroger Community rewards program. Since that time we have received more than $2000, funds which support our youth mission programs. A big THANKS goes to those Kroger shoppers who have registered their cards and have designated FPC as the recipient of Reward Dollars. Each shopper must reenroll their card in the program during April so that we continue to earn rewards during the coming year. It’s easy to enroll or re-enroll in Kroger Rewards. Just visit click on “Michigan” and click on “Enroll” to register for the first time or click on “Re-enroll” to re-register. All participants must have a valid online account at and need to sign up online to participate. Please take a minute to do so. The Great Tomato Give Away Project: Today we will distribute tomato plants to the Sunday school children and anyone else that wants to plant them at home. When the tomatoes ripen bring them back to the church and they will be given to St. Alexander's Food Pantry. We will also collect other vegetables from the church gardens and from church members who buy vegetables at our local Farmer's Market. If you like to garden water plants, our church garden could use your help. See Bill Vincent for more information or let the church office know of your interest. Charity Quilt-a-thon set for Friday, June 5th from 9:00 AM till 3:00 PM: Sandi Randlett and Ginny Hubble invite you, your family and your friends to join in the fun and fellowship of making simple quilts for the children at Second Mile Center. Lunch will be included but please make a reservation. This is a mission project for anyone who can cut fabric into squares, sew squares together, iron, tie knots, supervise or entertain. Please bring sewing supplies if you have any. You can use the standard pattern or use one of your own. Donations of Jo-Ann Fabric coupons, fabric, batting (60” wide), regular thread, Pearl Cotton (any color) are welcome and should be placed in the Quilt-a-thon donation box in Knox Hall. If you have any questions or to make reservations, please contact Ginny Hubble. This Week At First Presbyterian Sunday, May 17 Reception of members, Service of Healing 9:00 a.m. Adult Christian Education 10:00 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Coffee Hour 11:15 a.m. Service of Healing 11:15 a.m. PWCT 11:30 a.m. Middlers & Sr. Highs 4:00 p.m. Performing Arts Concert – Vanguard Voices Monday, May 18 9:30 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 4:00 p.m. Piano lessons 6:00 p.m. Rackozy piano recital 7:00 p.m. Soul Stretch Yoga Tuesday, May 19 8:30 a.m. Men’s breakfast at Leo’s Coney Island 9:30 a.m. ESL 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts 7:15 p.m. LydiaCircle Wednesday, May 20 6:30 p.m. JOY Study Group 7:00 p.m. Vespers 7:30 p.m. Combined Session and Deacons Meeting 7:30 p.m. Handbells Thursday, May 21 10:00 a.m. ESL 5:30 p.m. Changing Women Sisterhood 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Friday, May 22 No events scheduled Saturday, May 23 No events scheduled Sunday, May 24 Pentecost – wear red!!! 9:00 a.m. Adult Christian Education 10:00 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Coffee Hour First Presbyterian Staff Interim Pastor Interim Christian Ed Director Music Director Interim Organist Administrative Assistant Sexton Sunday Nursery Attendants The Rev. James Faile Joshua Archey Dr. Gerald Custer Dr. Norah Duncan IV Pam Williams Galya Todorova Sandra Lieberman & Dawn Eddy
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