July 2, 2015 ADDITIONAL ELDERS AND DEACONS Our elders announced Sunday morning the need for additional elders and deacons. Three names for elders and four names for deacons were submitted to the congregation for consideration. For Elders: David Johnson Alex Sherrill David Thompson For Deacons: Tom Hart John Kreynus Winford Sheppard Robert Williamson These names will be before the congregation until Sunday, July 12th at which time the new elders and deacons will be installed. These men and their wives must meet the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:7-11. If you know of any scriptural reason why any of these men cannot serve in these capacities, you must state that reason in writing and sign it. It must then be submitted to one of the elders no later than Friday, July 10th. It may then be necessary to meet with the elders and the person involved. Having elders and deacons in a local congregation is God’s pattern for the Lord’s church as specified in the New Testament (Philippians 1:1). Elders have an awesome responsibility in leading and feeding the flock (Acts 20:17-28). Various Greek words were used to define their office and work: For the Elders; presbuteros: older, more mature man; episkopos: overseer, bishop; poimain: shepherd, pastor; proistameno: ruler, to set over; hegoumenoi: to lead, go before, have authority; For the Deacons; diakonos: servant, one who ministers to others. The shepherds look after the spiritual welfare of the sheep and the deacons facilitate the work of the local congregation. The work of the church can be seen in at least four different areas: 1) Evangelism, 2) Teaching, 3) Exhortation, and 4) Benevolence. We are commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel, teach the disciples Jesus’ commandments, continue in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and do good to all men, especially the household of faith (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:42; Galatians 6:10). Please pray and think on these matters. C.R.W. MEN’S BREAKFAST JULY ACTIVITIES We had a great turnout for our Men’s Breakfast last Saturday. Thirty-three responded to the elders’ encouragement to be part of the meeting. A number of subjects were addressed. After a great breakfast, they began by giving us encouragement to stand strong for the truth of God’s word, especially in light of the recent Supreme Court’s decision regarding same sex marriage. Jim Cherry read several scriptures to emphasize the importance of following God’s standard on morality. The men were also encouraged to do their best when assigned leadership roles in public worship. We should prepare and do the best we can in word, dress, and manners. What we do, how we dress, and what we say will have an influence on those who visit with us, but above all it demonstrates our desire to take seriously the dignity of our worship to God. We were very encouraged in other areas, and the elders expressed their appreciation for all those who volunteer to involve themselves in the most important work we have; seeking and saving the lost, teaching and building up the members, taking care of those in need, and loving one another as Jesus loves us. Thank you elders for your service to Nashville Road. July 5 - First Sunday Singing – 2:30 p.m. Hosts: Nashville Road Church of Christ July 9 - Elders Meeting – 7:00 p.m. July 13 - Senior Breakfast -8:00 a.m. Fellowship Room July 16 - Senior Group Meeting July 19 - Youth Devotional FIRST SUNDAY SINGING The Sumner County First Sunday Singing is held on the first Sunday of each month at different congregations in Sumner County. On Sunday, July 5, 2015 the Nashville Road Congregation will be the host for the singing at 2:30 p.m. We hope that you will plan now to come and support this singing. OUTREACH TEAM MEETING Outreach Team # 1, led by Don & Vickie Wilson, will meet Sunday immediately following the evening worship services in the auditorium BIBLE STUDY 9:00 A.M. CLASSES FOR ALL AGES Prayer……………………………….....Carl Rushing Nursery……………………………………...P. Buck WORSHIP 10:00 A.M. Welcome………………………….Charles Simmons Song Leader………………………….....Ben Hutson Opening Prayer…………………....David Thompson Table..............................................Adam Williamson Serve………….R. Turner, O. Cothron, L. J. Kreynus B. Smith, A. Demonbreun, M. Hood Sermon……………………………Charles Williams Closing Prayer……………………...Eric Stephenson Ushers………….C. Suddarth, J. Whitaker, T. Lanius Nursery……………………………….....M. Kreynus Greeters.......(W. Dr.)C/P Newby(E. Dr.)E/B Binkley (Those serving should be downstairs 5 minutes early) BAPTISMS WORSHIP 6:00 P.M. Last week, during summer camp, Maddie Andrews and Jackson Williams were baptized for the remission of their sins. Maddie & Jackson are the grandchildren of Myra Rasnick. We rejoice with them in their decision. Welcome……………………….....Charles Simmons Song Leader……………………….........Ben Hutson Opening Prayer…………………..........Charlie Seals Sermon…………………………....Charles Williams Table………………………...D. Johnson/J. Kreynus Closing Prayer……………………...........Jim Cherry Nursery……………………………….....M. Kreynus CONGRATULATIONS Don & Vickie Wilson are pleased to announce the marriage of their son, Bill, to Elizabeth (Libby) Nichols on June 20th in Maggie Valley, NC. The couple will be making their home in Blacksburg, VA while Bill attends Virginia Tech. We ask for your prayers for them and their future together. SYMPATHY We want to express our love and sympathy to Brent, Marila and Andi Smith on the passing of Brent's mother, Dawna Roberts. A family service will be held in Kentucky. THANK YOU We respond to God’s love with love of our own. ORDER OF SERVICE SUNDAY JULY 5, 2015 We want to express our appreciation for the wonderful fellowship Sunday and the travel gift to Alaska to honor our fifteen years at Nashville Road. You're the greatest! Charles and Jackie Williams WEDNESDAY, July 8, 7:00 P.M. CLASSES FOR ALL AGES Welcome……………………….....Charles Simmons Song Leader…………………….……....Ben Hutson Opening Prayer…………………..........Harold Autry Closing Prayer…………………....James McCloskey Close Building in July..……………..........Ken Veale Treasurer Assist July….……....B. Smith/J. Whitaker Visitor Desk Volunteer…………….............E. Harris IF YOU CANNOT SERVE, PLEASE CALL Chris Tyler………………………….675-4193 Church Office………………………452-3431 Care Line Number………………….452-2464 ZONE # 2 Your zone is responsible for picking up the communion cups and straightening the songbooks during the month of July. Nashville Road Church of Christ 1883 Nashville Pike Gallatin, TN 37066 Web Site: nashvilleroad.org E-mail: nashvilleroadcoc@comcast.net Sun. Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Sun. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wed. Evening Bible Class 7:00 Tues. Ladies Bible Class 10:00 a.m. September-May SICK LIST Prentice Williams is back in room 583 at Sumner Regional. Dock Campbell is in the Murfreesboro VA for rehab. Jacob Peeler is home but continues on Home Health Care. Emogine Williams is in Kindred Wound Center in Nashville. Carolyn Moss will begin taking chemo again soon. Harry Bruce, brother-in-law of Evelyn Harris, has been put on hospice care. John Johnston, uncle of Vickie Wilson, has pneumonia. He lives in Lexington, KY. Sherry Perry, daughter-in-law of Betty Buttrey, will have colon surgery at St. Thomas Mid-town on July 7th. Debra Tudors, daughter of Lena Baggett, has leukemia. She is at Vanderbilt and has begun an in-hospital chemo treatment. Melvin Stephenson, father of Eric Stephenson, had surgery last week in Salem, IN. Emma Tacket, friend of June Thompson, is having several health problems. Caleigh Cassetty, granddaughter of Shelby Cassetty, has been diagnosed with lupus. Bill Hill, friend of Bob & Sherry Sever, is taking chemo for lung cancer in Parker, CO. Ronnie Milliken, husband of Helen Milliken, will have another scan this month before they begin treatments. Mary Beth Lewis, friend of Eric & Diana Stephenson, is taking chemo for colon and intestinal cancer. Homer Malone, brother of Mae Oldham, is home. He is continuing his chemo treatments. Freida Suddarth, mother of Chris Suddarth, is doing well on her new drug. Tony McConnell, brother of Alta Lanius, is taking a rest from his chemo treatments. PRAYER LIST Betty Poirier, grandmother of Rachael McCloskey; Linda Whited; Lawrence Redding, son-in-law of Betty Melcher; Jerry Bell, brother-in-law of Sam & Elizabeth Keen; Hannah Campbell; Janice Keen, mother of Sam Keen; Homer Carter; Prentice & Emogene Williams; Vickie Wilson; Carolyn Moss; Harold Petty; Ashton Jones; Lurline Yarchever; Christopher Foe, friend of Michelle Kreynus; Taylor Lackford, niece of Brenda Veale; Janice Haskins, sister of Jim Cherry; Larry Conley, friend of Wanda Proctor; Mary Keith, friend of Tammy Pearson; Kathy Anderson, sister-in-law of June Thompson; Wayne Holt, nephew of Grace Bracey; James Bouchard, cousin (cont.) of Amy Williamson; John Gregory, brother of Bob Gregory; Delaney Bruce, friend of Betty Johnson; Harold Cole, friend of Lena Baggett; Bobbie Carter, sister of Janice Johnson; Ted Lawrence, brother of Wanda Proctor; Walter Wooten, brother of Wanda Sherrill. We depend on families and friends to help us update this list. Please notify us of any change. Nashville Road SHUT-INS Thelma Ambrose, mother of Helen Milligan, rm 123 at Elmcroft at Rivergate; James Williams, Grace Health Care, rm. 301-A, Whites Creek, TN 37189; Irene Clark, Sadie Fortner, Wylene Gillespie, Nancy Meyer, Lillie Sisco & Dorothy Sullivan. CHURCH OF CHRIST 1883 Nashville Road Gallatin, TN 37066 OUR RECORD THIS WEEK Bible Study……………………………...154 Morning Worship…………………….....219 Sunday Evening………………………... 113 Wednesday Evening …………………... 111 Contribution……………………...$7,282.00 Youth Group Account……….....$10,277.72 Elders Tony Butler.............................................. Jim Cherry............................................... James Spivey........................................... Chris Tyler............................................... Jerry Watson............................................ 452-0560 479-2149 451-0776 675-4193 461-8137 Phone (615) 452-3431 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 2:30. p.m. Web Site: nashvilleroad.org nashvilleroadcoc@comcast.net CHARLES R. WILLIAMS, Minister TIM STRICKLAND, Associate Minister Deacons Emery Binkley Carl Newby Alex Sherrill David Johnson Mike Pearson Brent Smith Ken Veale ANDREW SPIVEY, Youth and Family Minister Vol. 67 No. 27
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