January 22, 2015 AN ETERNAL FLAME: SPREAD IT! It is easy to determine when something is aflame. It ignites other materials. Any fire that does not spread will eventually go out. A church without evangelism is a contradiction in terms, just as a fire that does not burn is a contradiction. In Romans 1:14-15, Paul speaks of an obligation and an eagerness he has to teach the Gospel to Rome. Paul had a faith that was so powerful and so on fire that he could not hold it in. Why are we not like that today? When I was a young boy, I always wanted to play in my uncle’s pond. However, whenever I would get in it, I would feel disgusted and want to get out of it right away. It was because the water was stagnate and algae grew all over the surface and on the bottom. When the church no longer has the fire to reach out and bring others in, it becomes like that stagnate pond. John 7:37-38 says, “On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Jesus explains here that he is the source of living water, not a stagnate pond. As Christians we need to follow Christ and his example that he has given us. We need to bring others to that living water. If we do not evangelize to the lost, they will never want to get in the water. They will see us as nothing more than a dirty pond. We cannot be scared to share the Gospel to everyone we see. Romans 1: 16-17 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith as it is written, 'The righteous shall live by faith.'” As we press on, throughout the time, with which God has blessed us on this earth, let us remember to share that living water and branch out, like a river, to all who are lost. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:1, “Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart.” Let us continue to work every day for Christ and have a faith that is so on fire that it ignites all around us. Andrew Spivey SOMETHING NEW: TUESDAY NIGHT YOUTH JANUARY 27TH AT 7 P.M. YOUNG PROFESSIONALS JANUARY 31ST AT 6 P.M. DORCAS CLASS FEBRUARY 7, 14, 21, 28 9 – 10:30 A.M. PLACED MEMBERSHIP Chris Ballentine made it known Sunday morning that he wished to place his membership here at Nashville Road to work under the direction of our elders. His address is 105 Brookhaven Ct. Gallatin, TN 37066. His telephone number is 268-5938. He will be in Zone #2. Be sure to meet him and make him feel welcome here at Nashville Road. SYMPATHY Our Love and Sympathy to Martin Hood, on the passing of his aunt, Rosie Copeland, Wednesday. She was also the sister of Sara Schell. She is at the Alexander Funeral Home in Gallatin. Funeral arrangements are incomplete at this time. Our Love and Sympathy to Wanda Proctor on the passing of her friend, Ruth Sharp, last week. Funeral services were held on Monday in East Nashville. OUTREACH TEAM MEETING Outreach Team # 4, led by Brent & Marila Smith, will meet Sunday immediately following the evening worship service in the auditorium. ♦ The fellow who does things that count doesn't usually take time to stop to count them. TUESDAY NIGHT TOGETHER Tuesday, January 27th the youth, grades 6 and up, will meet at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Room for a night of fellowship. Snacks will be provided. YOUNG PROFESSIONALS The Young Professionals will meet Saturday, January 31st at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Room. Please bring finger foods and drinks. Contact Ben Hutson or Andrew Spivey for more information. DORCAS CLASS All Young Ladies, grades 4 and up, are invited to attend Dorcas Class taught by Pam Newby from 9 – 10:30 a.m. each Saturday in February, beginning February 7th. Class will meet in the Fellowship Room and will begin with a Bible lesson and then a service project. NEW ADDRESS Holly & Buddy Gillespie have moved. Their new address is 3741 Old Clarksville Pike, Joelton, TN 37080. Please make a note of this change of address in your directories. THANK YOU NOTES Thanks so much to the Nashville Road Church family, for the flowers, food & visits to the funeral home at the passing of my brother, Russell Green. I appreciate all of you. Thank you so much. Betty Buttrey We want to thank each of you for your prayers, cards, flowers, visits to the funeral home and church and for all your caring words during the time of the passing of my brother-in-law, Earl Scott. We are blessed to have a loving church family like Nashville Road. In Christian Love, Evelyn & Bob Harris I want to thank the Nashville Road congregation for all of the prayers and support on my behalf. So far I am doing ok, some days are better than others. I still have pain and I find I still get a little short of breath when I exert myself. Thank you again. Jenni Smith (niece of J. C. Jones) LADIES BIBLE CLASS: Tuesdays, 10 A.M. Looking Back, Looking Up, Looking Forward ORDER OF SERVICE SUNDAY JANUARY 25, 2015 BIBLE STUDY 9:00 A.M. CLASSES FOR ALL AGES Prayer………………………………..Tim Strickland Nursery……………………………………...P. Buck WORSHIP 10:00 A.M. Welcome…………………………..David Thompson Song Leader…………………………..David Hutson Opening Prayer………………......Adam Williamson Table..........................................................Lee Boone Serve……...Andy Boner, C. Suddarth, L. J. Kreynus M. Hood, B. Smith, A. Demonbreun Sermon……………………………Charles Williams Closing Prayer…………………….....David Johnson Ushers……………........J. Cato, R. Turner, P. Young Nursery…………………………………..J. Williams Greeters…...(W. Dr.)J/L Cherry (E. Dr.)E/B Binkley (Those serving should be downstairs 5 minutes early) WORSHIP 6:00 P.M. Welcome…………………………..David Thompson Song Leader…………………………..David Hutson Opening Prayer…………………..........Charlie Seals Sermon…………………………....Charles Williams Table………………………...W. Sheppard/K. Veale Closing Prayer…………………….......John Kreynus Nursery……………………………..........J. Williams WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 7:00 P.M. CLASSES FOR ALL AGES Welcome…………………………..David Thompson Song Leader…………………….…….David Hutson Opening Prayer…………………...Charles Simmons Closing Prayer………………………….....Tom Hart Close Building in Jan..…………….........Tony Butler Treasurer Assist Jan….……......B. Smith/J. Whitaker Visitor Desk Volunteer……………...........G. Bracey IF YOU CANNOT SERVE, PLEASE CALL Chris Tyler………………………….675-4193 Church Office………………………452-3431 Care Line Number………………….452-2464 ZONE # 2 Your zone is responsible for picking up the communion cups and straightening the songbooks during the month of January. SICK LIST Emogine Williams is in Sumner Regional with pneumonia. She is in room 484. Ann Tyler is in room 327 at Sumner Regional for rehab following surgery. Jon Crump is in Veterans Hospital in Nashville room MCCU G214P-12 following seizures and a stroke. Carolyn Moss is now on another round of chemo. Homer Carter returned home from Brandywood on Wednesday. Ruby Love, friend of Vetrus Mee, was in Sumner Regional with pneumonia. Roy Shelton, friend of Jim Huffman, had surgery for a torn bicep. He will be in recovery for 4 – 6 weeks. Tony Taylor, son of Elease Taylor, is home with pneumonia and COPD. He is improving. Mary Beth Lewis, friend of Eric & Diana Stephenson, has stage 4 cancer in the colon and intestines. She began chemo last week. Betty McConahy, grandmother of Michelle Kreynus, fell and broke her femur. She is now at home. Patty Kinney, sister-in-law of Don Kinney, will have surgery soon. She lives in Nebraska. Jenni Smith, niece of J. C. Jones, is suffering from blood clots in her left lung. She is taking injections to treat the clots. Martha Strickland, mother of Tim Strickland, is in Baptist Germantown Rehab in Memphis. Homer Malone, brother of Mae Oldham, has stage 4 colon cancer. He is on chemo treatments. Freida Suddarth, mother of Chris Suddarth, will begin chemo again following her radiation treatments. Anthony McConnell, brother of Alta Lanius, is on another round of chemo treatments. (cont'd) Bouchard, cousin of Amy Williamson; John Gregory, brother of Bob Gregory; James Woodward, father of Debbie Robertson; Delaney Bruce, friend of Betty Johnson; Harold Cole, friend of Lena Baggett; Bobbie Carter, sister of Janice Johnson; Ida Lawrence, mother of Wanda Proctor; Ted Lawrence, brother of Wanda Proctor; Walter Wooten, brother of Wanda Sherrill. We depend on families and friends to help us update this list. Please notify us of any change. SHUT-INS Thelma Ambrose, mother of Helen Milligan, rm 123 at Elmcroft at Rivergate; Charmaine Koch, grandmother of Angie Boone; James Williams, Grace Health Care, rm. 301-A, Whites Creek, TN 37189; Irene Clark, Sadie Fortner, Wylene Gillespie, Nancy Meyer, Lillie Sisco & Dorothy Sullivan. OUR RECORD LAST WEEK Bible Study…………………….............. 128 Morning Worship……………............... . 193 Sunday Evening……………................... 106 Wednesday Evening ……..........................98 Contribution…………….............. $6,650.00 Youth Group Account… ............... $7,053.20 PRAYER LIST Linda Whited; Lawrence Redding, son-in-law of Betty Melcher; Jerry Bell, brother-in-law of Sam & Elizabeth Keen; Charmaine Koch, grandmother of Angie Boone; Hannah Campbell; Janice Keen, mother of Sam Keen; Homer Carter; Prentice & Emogene Williams; Vickie Wilson; Carolyn Moss; Harold Petty; Ashton Jones; Zack McCreary; Lurline Yarchever; Christopher Foe, friend of Michelle Kreynus; Taylor Lackford, niece of Brenda Veale; Hank Hewgley, son of Jean Deaton; Janice Haskins, sister of Jim Cherry; Larry Conley, friend of Wanda Proctor; Toni Mathews, friend of Cooper Groger; Mary Keith, friend of Tammy Pearson; Margie Johnson, friend of David & June Thompson; Kathy Anderson, sister-in-law of June Thompson; Wayne Holt, nephew of Grace Bracey; Pat McCormack, friend of Debbie Robertson; James Elders Tony Butler.............................................. Jim Cherry............................................... James Spivey........................................... Chris Tyler............................................... Jerry Watson............................................ 452-0560 479-2149 451-0776 675-4193 461-8137 Deacons Emery Binkley Carl Newby Alex Sherrill David Johnson Mike Pearson Brent Smith Ken Veale Nashville Road CHURCH OF CHRIST 1883 Nashville Road Gallatin, TN 37066 Sun. Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Sun. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wed. Evening Bible Class 7:00 Tues. Ladies Bible Class 10:00 a.m. September-May Nashville Road Church of Christ 1883 Nashville Pike Gallatin, TN 37066 Web Site: nashvilleroad.org E-mail: nashvilleroadcoc@comcast.net Phone (615) 452-3431 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 2:30. p.m. Web Site: nashvilleroad.org nashvilleroadcoc@comcast.net CHARLES R. WILLIAMS, Minister TIM STRICKLAND, Associate Minister ANDREW SPIVEY, Youth and Family Minister Vol. 67 No. 04
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