Greater Providence Baptist Church

Greater Providence Baptist Church
2000 Milton Road ~ Charlotte, North Carolina 28215(704) 532–6228 ~
Reverend Fred Gibson, D. Min., Pastor
2015 Church Theme:
“Grow Beyond Where You Are”
2 Peter 3:18 (NKJV)
February 8, 2015
8:00 & 11:00 A.M.
*The Words of Assurance – Leader
It is almost impossible to comprehend how much God loves the world! We were
broken, “running around with no clue how to live,” and God sent Jesus! Jesus did
not come to punish us but to show us that we can start again. Though it is
hard to believe, believe this truth: in the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!
#477 “Lift Every Voice and Sing”
The Hymn of Assurance
Color: Green
*The Holy Scripture
Psalm 137:1-9
*The Prayer of Thanksgiving and Confession
Transfiguration Sunday
*The Prayer Response
Worship Leaders: Ministers & Deacons
Sacred Music
The Prelude
The Processional
everyone who has faith. By the power of Your love, help us to love ourselves.
AA Heritage Hymnal
#489 “Victory Is Mine”
*The Invocation – Leader
Leader: Father, teach us today that perfect peace is found in Your will. Come to
us in this hour that we may experience Your presence again. Speak tenderly, yet
clearly and powerfully, Your word to us. Having heard Your word, may we be not
only attentive but also obedient. Amen.
*The Call to Worship
Leader: Gracious God, we have come to celebrate Black History. We
acknowledge the accomplishments, contributions, and life struggles of African
Americans from slave ships to championship, and to the great dream that is now
People: The celebration of African-American History is important for all
Americans, not just blacks. Many accomplishments have been made,
possible only through the combined efforts, sacrifices, and prayers of all
races’ working together.
Leader: The annual observation of Black History Month is an important
celebration to remove barriers that have prevented all of God’s children from
participating fully in the pursuit of happiness––but it is only a small step in the right
direction toward wholeness in our country.
People: We have come to receive the enormous resources of faith, strength,
and courage of African Americans––from Carter G. Woodson to President
Barack Obama––as they have pressed their way to great and godly
Leader: As we celebrate Black History, we realize that there is still work to be
done to bring about equality to all of God’s children: equality in housing,
education, employment, health care, criminal justice, and all areas of life.
ALL: Thank God for the sons and daughters of Africa who grace this home
of the brave. Amen!
*The Call to Confession
Leader: Dear Lord, even as now we are justified by Your grace as a gift, even as
there is redemption in Christ Jesus, even as You provided atonement for sin by
Your blood, even as we are justified by faith in Jesus Christ.
People: We have not been obedient in lifting up the brokenhearted. We
have looked down on the addict, the alcoholic, the poor, the undereducated,
the imprisoned, and the jobless. We have failed to put out our hands in ways
that show Your love.
*The Confession – Leader and Congregation
Forgive us, Lord, for we know that You preached a gospel of love. Help us
to not be ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God for salvation to
The Musical Rendition
“Give Me You”
11:00 a.m.
Total Praise (all verses)
“Glory, Glory, Hallelujah”
The Concerns of the Church/Recognition of Visitors
“Wade in the Water”
The Music of Praise
*The Invitation to the Offering – Leader
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it” (Ps.
24:1, NIV).
*The Offertory Prayer – Leader and Congregation
Father, giver of all things good and proper, source of peace and love, bless these
tithes and offerings given in Your name for the work of the gospel. Strengthen our
resolves to more accurately reflect Jesus’ love––to the end that our witness, by word
and deed, will draw many into the family of faith. Amen.
*The Offertory Music
*The Great Thanksgiving
“All things come of Thee O Lord; and of Thine own have we given Thee.” Amen.
The Inspirational Selection
11:00 a.m.
“The Blood Still Works”
*The Living Word
The Music of Invitation
*The Invitation/Altar Call
Leader: The Lord is with thee.
People: The Lord is with our members in healthcare facilities, recovering at home,
and those needing continued prayer. The Lord is with all of us as we pray.
Depart to Serve
*Ushers and Worshipers please DO NOT walk during this time. Close the doors.
Blessings In Giving
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35(b))
When we give sacrificially above and beyond what is comfortable and
easy, we are expressing our faith and trust in God to provide for us and
our family. God expects a continuation of giving even if we are absent for some
reason. We are trying to assist you in this effort to support GPBC. You can pay your
tithes/offerings on the church website. Go to:, scroll
down to donations and complete the financial giving form. Thanking you in advance.
Pastor Gibson
Ways of Joining Our Fellowship
If at some point, you are led to join us, membership may be obtained the
following ways:
By Baptism: This applies to new converts who join the church and have
never been baptized. It also applies to persons of another faith who have not been
baptized by immersion.
By Letter: If you currently belong to a Baptist church in the CharlotteMecklenburg area, North Carolina, or out of state, you may join by asking your
current church to write us a letter indicating your membership and baptism by
By Christian Experience: If you belong to another church in the CharlotteMecklenburg area, North Carolina, or out of state, you may join by Christian
Experience if you were baptized by immersion to indicate your acceptance of
Counselors are available after service to explain the plan of salvation and
how you can accept Christ through this church.
Prayer and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Prayer was a wellspring of strength and
inspiration during the Civil Rights Movement.
Throughout the movement, we prayed for greater
human understanding. We prayed for the safety
of our compatriots in the freedom struggle. We
prayed for victory in our nonviolent protests, for
brotherhood and sisterhood among people of all
races, for reconciliation and the fulfillment of the
Beloved Community.
For my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. prayer was a daily
source of courage and strength that gave him the ability to carry on in
even the darkest hours of our struggle.
I remember one very difficult day when he came home boneweary from the stress that came with his leadership of the Montgomery
Bus Boycott. In the middle of that night, he was awakened by a
threatening and abusive phone call, one of many we received
throughout the movement. On this particular occasion, however, Martin
had had enough.
After the call, he got up from bed and made himself some coffee.
He began to worry about his family, and all of the burdens that came
with our movement weighed heavily on his soul. With his head in his
hands, Martin bowed over the kitchen table and prayed aloud to God:
"Lord, I am taking a stand for what I believe is right. The people are
looking to me for leadership, and if I stand before them without strength
and courage, they will falter. I am at the end of my powers. I have
nothing left. I have nothing left. I have come to the point where I can't
face it alone.”
Later he told me, "At that moment, I experienced the presence of
the Divine as I had never experienced Him before. It seemed as though I
could hear a voice saying: 'Stand up for righteousness; stand up for
truth; and God will be at our side forever.'" When Martin stood up from
the table, he was imbued with a new sense of confidence, and he was
ready to face anything.
--Coretta Scott King from "Standing in the Need of Prayer" as published
by The Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster.
Today, the First Responders Ministry in collaboration with the
Community Blood Center of the Carolinas is hosting a Blood Drive
from 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. in the lower parking lot. Please sign up
to donate on the list posted on the table in the hallway. For all individuals
signing up to donate, your name will be entered for a chance to win a pair of
movie tickets or a $25.00 gift card. Please see Deborah Lewis or Wanda Clark for
more information. One unit can save many lives!
It’s that time again for the Valentine’s Day Gala on Saturday, February
14th. This is a family fun event. Join us for food, music and fun in the
Family Life Center from 5:00–7:00 pm. Please register to attend on the
sign-up sheet on the table in the hallway outside the sanctuary or contact
Gena Hoursey for more information. Show your love. If you have a picture of you and
your sweetheart, a young loving family or of a younger you, and would like to share it
with the congregation, please submit it for the Valentine’s Bulletin Board.
The Toddler Group of the Youth Ministry will be collecting new youth
black and brown belts and light blue, navy blue and white polo/sweat
shirts today until Sunday, February 15, 2015. These items will be
donated to A Child’s Place. Please support us in our outreach project by placing your
donations in the box in the vestibule. Please see Wanda Clark if you have any
Please come out and join the combined choirs of Greater Providence and
Mayfield Memorial as they participate in the Toyota fan experience gospel
showcase which will be held on February 26 at 8:00 p.m. at the Charlotte Convention
Center. (All choirs please come to rehearsal on Feb. 17 & 19 at 7 p.m. – GPBC.)
Karen Thomas is launching an inspirational speaking business in
March. The fun, interactive, and insightful seminars are designed to
help participants to live the lives that God intended by experiencing
healthy, fruitful relationships. The first seminar is Saturday, March 14 from 10
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at McClintock Middle School. The early bird ticket is just
$9.99 if purchased before 2/21/15. See Karen for more info and tickets or purchase
tickets online at under Dynamic Impact Speakers Group. Title:
Live on Purpose – Foster a Dynamic Life Through Healthy Relationships.
Please notify the church office, Gene Bennett or Justina Smith during bereavement,
sickness and hospitalization of our members.
Sincere Sympathy and prayers are extended to William “Bee” Simmons and the
Simmons family in the loss of his father, William Henry Simmons, Sr. The Homegoing
Service was held Friday, February 6, at St. John CME Church, in Winston-Salem, NC.
Pastoral Care – Members in Healthcare Facilities
Jessie Coles @ Willow Grove; Mary Cromedy @ Brookdale Cotswold on Randolph
Road; Rosa Meeks @ Presbyterian-Main; Clarence Black @ Golden Living Center, 2616
E. 5th St., Rm 119; Robert Jones, Carolinas Medical-Northeast, Concord
Worship Leaders: February 15 – Singles Enrichment Sunday
First Responders Blood Drive – 10:30 a.m. – Lower parking lot
Intercessory Prayer Ministry – 7:00 a.m.
Hampshire Hills – 6:00 p.m.
Alpha Fitness – 6:45 p.m. (Free)
MEC – 7:00 p.m.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry – 7:00 a.m.
Sr. Aerobic class, FLC – 9:00 a.m.
Youth Choir – 6:15 p.m.
MEC – 7:00 p.m.
Brotherhood Choir – 7:15 p.m.
Hour of Power – Noon
New Members Class I – 6:30 p.m.
Bible Study – 7:00 p.m.
MLK Film for Youth – 7:00 p.m.
Yarn Crafters – 10:30 a.m.
MEC – 7:00 p.m.
Room In the Inn – 6:00 p.m.
Senior Missionaries – 10:00 a.m.
Hymn Choir – 12 Noon
Valentine’s Day Gala – 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. (FLC)
Marriage and Singles Enrichment Sunday
Black History Play – 3:00 p.m.
President’s Day – Church Offices Closed
Sr. Aerobic class, FLC – 9:00 a.m.
Rehearsal for All Choirs – 7:00 p.m.
MEC – 7:00 p.m.
Hour of Power – Noon
Ash Wednesday
New Members class II – 6:30 p.m.
Bible Study – 7:00 p.m.
Pastor Gibson’s Birthday
Rehearsal for All Choirs – 7:00 p.m.
UMBA Executive Board Meeting – 9:00 a.m.
Usher Ministry – 9:30 a.m.
Hymn Choir – Noon
The Toddler’s Glove & Mitten Outreach
Sunday School – 8:50 a.m.
Combined Worship Service – 10:00 a.m.
Evangelism Sunday – Invite Someone to Church
Youth Ministry Black History Museum after the worship service
First Sunday in Lent
Family Day
Greater Providence Baptist Church
8:00 and 11:00 A.M. Worship Services
Sunday, February 8, 2015
February Theme: “History Repeats Itself” – Ecclesiates 1:9
Pastoral Care – Members Recovering at Home
Sisters: Min. Deborah Cuthbertson, Lola Harris, Charlene Haywood & Jackie Simmons
Brother: Lawrence Holder and James Howard
Pastoral Continued Prayer
Sisters: Laverne Anderson, Barbara Avery, Roberta Ballard, Sheryl Best, Dorothy
Blackmon, Regina Blackmon, George & JoCarol Boyd, Shirley Caldwell, Catherine
Cheek, Vera Clyburn, Joyce Culbreath, Cassandra Daniels, Jolene Davis, Laura Faison,
Linda Fersner, Bobbie Floyd, Brenda Ford, Barbara Forston, Christine Fox, Doris
Garnett, Dorothy Garnett, Lillie Garnett, Shirley Jackson, Annie Jones, Elizabeth Jones,
Yvonne Leake, Alberta Lewis, Lorene Mackey, Aleatha Mason, Anna Mayers, Ola Mae
McCoy, Juanita McRae, Shari Mobley, Laurancene Murphy, Arlene Overton, Daisy
Perry, Pamela Perry, Mary Pillsbury, Geneva Pitts, Dorothy Reese, Mary Ann Sea,
Iashia Simmons, Denise Summers, Geraldine Thomas, Eleanor Tribbett, Elizabeth
Wade, Marva Waller, Natalie Wheeler, Brenda Wilson, Barbara Wise and Fifi Wright
Brothers: Timothy Beamer, Larry Boston, TC Cannady, Tim Ewing, Daryl Feimster,
Floyd Ford, Fred Ford, Ricky Garnett, Lexie Houston, Randy Houston, Hubert King,
Kenneth Locke, Howard Lue, Weldon Meeks, Samuel Overton, C. N. Parrish, Eric
Pinckney, Harold Reese, Sr., William Waller and Frank Ware
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.”
Suggested Dress Attire for February
3 Sunday – 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s attire (hats, gloves and those fine Sunday dresses and suits)
4 Sunday – “My Soul Looked Back and Wondered” (Your Sunday best mixed with red tie,
hat, gloves, shoes, etc.)
Growing Toward Healthier Living In 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at GP FLC
No fee to participate. Registration now open to vendors and volunteers.
Employers, community resources, and healthcare agencies may register online
or contact us via email at Health: / Career: Feel free to contact Annissa Colson (Career) or
Deborah Lewis or Wanda Clark (Health).
“Grow Beyond Where You Are”
2 Peter 3:18
Red symbolizes the Holy Spirit
White symbolizes purity and righteousness
The GPBC Mission Statement
Affirming the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, in the Church and
Community through preaching, teaching, worship, fellowship, and service.