The Lord's Day May 24, 2015 MORNING WORSHIP *Those that are able are invited to stand. PRELUDE WE GATHER TO WORSHIP “Romanze” Schumann WE RECEIVE GOD'S WORD PRAYER OF INVOCATION FIRST LESSON – Luke 1: 26-38 New Testament Responsive - Pg. 56 in the Pew Bible (Congregation is asked to read the odd numbered verses) ANTHEM TOLLING OF THE HOUR SHARING WITH THE CHILDREN *INTROIT SECOND LESSON – Jeremiah 1: 1-10 Old Testament Pg. 698 in the Pew Bible *THE CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: God declares: “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. People: Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Leader: The young shall see visions. People: The elders shall dream dreams. Leader: Both men and women shall prophesy. People: And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. *HYMN “Come, O Spirit” SERMON Harris Ivanof Rev. Jonathan W. Bunker “Great Stories: Before” CONFIRMATION *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH—Apostles’ Creed *HYMN “Here I Am, Lord” BH Pg. 14 BH No. 525 BH No. 127 *PRAYER OF CONFESSION - unison Holy and Merciful God, we do not know how to pray as we ought, and we know too well our constant failures to do as you have commanded and to hold fast to your word. Forgive us for the divisions we nurture, guide us to your way, keep us in your care, and lead us into faith. We trust your word that the Spirit of truth will show us all things and grant us courage and peace. Amen. WE RESPOND AND GIVE THANKS PRAYER OF PETITION AND INTERCESSION LORD'S PRAYER (Traditional) OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS “Lyric Interlude” *DOXOLOGY *ASSURANCE OF PARDON BH No. 579 BH Pg. 16 MEDITATION OFFERTORY *TIME OF SILENT CONFESSION *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE – Gloria Patri (8:30) (11:00) “Sweet Hour of Prayer” “O Bless the Lord” (Sanctuary Choir) SHARED CONCERNS and *RITE OF CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Please greet your neighbors saying something like “The peace of the Lord be with you!” *PRAYER OF DEDICATION Eliot BH No. 592 *HYMN “Almighty Father, Strong to Save” RED No. 522 *BENEDICTION *BENEDICTION RESPONSE POSTLUDE “O Lord, Thou Art My God” Broughton ********************* LAY READER: Emily Braithwaite USHERS: Mark Shenk and Gerald Dodson NURSERY ATTENDANT: Blythe Tucker NURSERY NEXT WEEK: Lynn Tuohig ORGANIST/MUSIC DIRECTOR: Marie Mawby BELL CHOIR DIRECTOR: Katy Cox Session Jim Barb – Witness Alma Brown - Worship Bruce Elmore - Stewardship Gary Fisher – Long-Range Planning Cathy Dickey - Christian Ed Stephanie Lederhouse – Clerk of Session Deacons Al Dunsmore – Property Camilla Welsh - Fellowship Charles Wakeley - Ushering Karla Atkins – Service Sue Windisch - Finance Welcome and Invitation We welcome all those visiting with us. We invite you to fill out a visitor card found in the pew rack so that we might have the opportunity to get to know you better. We are open to all those seeking a place to grow in faith, and to share God’s love with others. If you are interested in membership, or want to know more about Berryville Presbyterian Church, we invite you to speak with the Pastor following the service. Congregational Meeting The Session had called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, June 14th, following the worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to elect the congregational representatives to our 2015 Officer Nominating Committee. Please plan to be with us as we make some important decisions together. Vacation Bible School We are just a few months away from this year’s VBS. Already a great deal of work is being done behind the scenes. We need your assistance. Please sign up to help. Our VBS is a traditional high point of our year. Join the fun and help us to make this year’s VBS a huge success. For more information, see Cathy Dickey or Jonathan following the service. PRAYER CONCERNS Clara Barthel; Janet Miller; Michael; Nan O’Brien: Sheryl Reid; Joanne Schulz; Bob Arnet; Marie Dodson; Ray Maloney; Jacqueline Tyner; Jim Sipe; Bob Nunn, Carlton Gardiner; Ron Martin; Randy Morrow; George Williams; Linda Van Dixon; Maureen Castellano; Tammy Wright; Abby Sours; H. F. Booth; Carol Nyelander; Dominique Thayer; Sharon Carter; Shirley Fields; Reese Burdette; Heath Tuttle; Ginny Dunn; missionaries Mark Hare and Jenny Bent, serving in Haiti and Dominican Republic; Molly Beyer, serving in Madagascar; Eric Coleman serving in Uganda. Confirmation This morning we welcome five of our youth as they make their public professions of faith and unite as members of our congregation. Sarah Dalton is the daughter of Julie and Keith Dalton, Michael DiStefano is the son of Rich and Joanne DiStefano, Caroline Ghaffari is the daughter of Ben Ghaffari and Karla Atkins, Stephanie Miller is the daughter of Sam and Mary Miller, and Travis Stevenson is the son of Guy Stevenson and Karen Stevenson. We celebrate the privilege of welcoming them into the fellowship of our family of faith as they claim a deepening sense of God’s abundant grace. There will be a reception held in their honor in the Fellowship Hall following the worship service. Sanctuary Flowers The Flowers in our Sanctuary this morning are given by Dorothy Thorne to the Glory of God and in honor of her husband Jim’s mother, Angela Ritter, on the occasion of her 100th birthday. Sanctuary Flowers The Flowers in our Sanctuary this morning are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Frances and Garland McClaughry by their family. STEWARDSHIP & ATTENDANCE Offering Last Sunday $ Attendance Last Sunday 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 18 78 Berryville Presbyterian Church’s Vision Statement The Berryville Presbyterian Church seeks to be the body of Christ: a diverse congregation of faith, prayer, and worship whose people are inspired by God’s Word and committed to serve others, reaching out to the community with warmth, love and creativity. ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK Worship MAY 24 Pentecost MAY 24 Confirmation and Reception 8:30 & 11:00 AM 11:00 AM MAY 27 Bell Choir 6:00 PM MAY 27 Choir 7:00 PM Worship 8:30 & 11:00 AM JUNE 1 Committee Meetings 7:00 PM JUNE 3 Choir 7:00 PM LOOKING AHEAD MAY 31 JUNE 6 Men’s Breakfast 8:00 AM You can reach the church secretary at the following e-mail address: regarding bulletin announcements, etc. Memorial Day Service This afternoon VFW Post 9760 and the American Legion Post 41 will be conducting a Memorial Day Service at Rose Hill Park beginning at 2:00 PM. Special guest Brigadier General Neal T. Robinson (Retired USAF) will be speaking. The community is encouraged to attend. An Invitation The families of Allie Hicks and MacKenzie Kibler invite the congregation to join them at the Hicks’ home (993 Ginns Road, Boyce, VA) in celebration of Allie and MacKenzie’s graduation Saturday, May 30th, from 1:00-4:00 PM. RSVP requested by May 22nd. Service Opportunities FISH Clothes Closet: In June we need volunteers to help staff the Fish Clothes Closet on Saturday mornings. FISH is a NonDenominational organization that provides services to needy individuals in Clarke County. If you are interested in helping out one Saturday Morning in June, please speak with Karla. Sunday School Celebration On Sunday, June 7 , the Christian Education Committee will be celebrating the dedication of our Sunday School Teachers. Please plan and join us for a covered dish breakfast between the 8:30 and 11:00 AM services. Jonathan will once again be whipping up his world famous French Toast on sight. Come help us say thank you to a dedicated group of volunteers who helped our church be what it is called to be and enjoy some good food and good fellowship in the process. th Summer Worship Schedule June 7th will be the final Sunday of our regular worship schedule. On Sunday, June 14th , we will begin our summer schedule with one worship service held at 10:00AM. The summer schedule will continue through Labor Day Sunday. Please mark your calendars. 4-Cents-A-Meal-Offering On Sunday, June 7th, we will be collecting our quarterly 4-Cents-aMeal hunger offering. Please prayerfully consider participating so that we can continue to answer the needs of those who struggle around us. We will also be collecting non-perishable food items for donation to the Fish Food Pantry. suggested donations Toilet paper Peanut butter & Jelly Shampoo Tuna in water Tissues (Kleenex) Paper towels Soups Tooth paste Saltine Crackers Toothbrushes Juice Boxes Cereal
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