ORDER OF WORSHIP May 3, 2015 10 AM 5th Sunday of Easter Friendship Sunday Warren: You pour oil on my head. My cup runs The Gift of Love Give Thanks will follow me all the days of my life. arr. Hal Hopson And I will live in the house of the Lord arr. Douglas Wagner Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Jack Ryder Prayer *All Sing: This Is the Day [Children and parents come forward at the end of this song for Children’s blessing] Psalter Hymnal 241 Psalm 23 [Paul Buursma, Warren Pranger – readers] Through It All Sing a New Creation 189 All Sing: (Mary Ann Van Swol – 1st time, Cong. – 2nd time) forever. *Welcome Opening Scripture Children’s Worship Blessing *God’s Greeting Leader: The Lord is my shepherd. He gives me everything I need. People: He lets me lie down in fields of green grass. He leads me beside quiet waters. Warren: He gives me new strength. He guides *All Sing: People of God, what is our prayer for these children? *Greet One Another People: Paul: G. & W. Gaither Steve Van Kalker People: I am sure that your goodness and love ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE: GOD AWAITS US! Prelude: Because He Lives Solo: over. Come Now Is the Time to Worship abs 117 Come, now is the time to worship. Come, now May the Lord be with you as you learn of Jesus and his love. Children: And also with you. People: May the word of the Lord grow in your hearts. is the time to give your heart. Come, just as you are to worship. Come, just as you are Children: Thanks be to God. before your God. Come. People: Go in peace. me in the right paths for the honor of his name. People: Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid. Paul: You are with me. Your shepherd’s rod and staff comfort me. People: You prepare a feast for me right in front of my enemies. One day, ev’ry tongue will confess you are God. [Children ages three through Grade 1 dismissed for One day, ev’ry knee will bow. Still, the greatest Praise and Play, & Children and Worship] treasure remains for those who gladly choose Concerns of our Church Family you now. Congregational Prayer Friendship Songs He’s Got the Whole World Step By Step OFFER OUR THANKSGIVING: GOD BLESSES US! Offering: Ministry and Christian Education Funds Offertory: Susie Angel arr. Lyndell Leatherman Friendship Video Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah [Please pass the Fellowship Pads] arr. Hal Hopson OPENING HIS WORD: GOD SPEAKS TO US! Duet: I Love You, Lord (*stand, if you are able) by L. Klein Betsy Gelder, Gail Root Scripture: Luke 8: 40 – 56 (p. 1083) Minister Rev. Steve De Vries Organist Annelle Dekker Pianist Deacon Assistants Minister: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. [Elizabeth Bajema, Connie Allen – readers] Sermon: Jesus Cares Prayer *All Sing: Soon and Very Soon Sing! 106 GO BOLDLY AND SERVE: GOD IS ALWAYS WITH US! *Invitation * May the Lord Bless You Blessing Steve in his sabbatical journey *All Sing: My Friends, May You Grow in Grace Sing! A New Creation 288 *Postlude: How Majestic Is Your Name Deb Feys Francis Dominiak, Eric Niemi April Pierce, Jack Ryder FROM COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS WORSHIP Sunday May 3, 2015 Good morning and welcome to Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church! This morning we celebrate Friendship Sunday. Our Friendship group will be leading us in worship and Pastor De Vries will preach on Luke 8:40-56, Jesus Cares (“Jesus Cares” has been the Friendship theme this year). In the afternoon Rev. David Bast will lead worship. His meditation will be on John 3:1-17, The Way to Live. Next week Sunday Rev. David Bast will lead the morning service. His sermon will be on John 5, Witnesses to Jesus. Rev. Al Gelder will be leading our afternoon service. His text will be from Acts 10:44-48, Get Out of the Way. Banners: During this season of Easter we celebrate the victory of Jesus and his Kingship over the whole universe. The white and gold colors in these banners represent the joy of Christ’s victory over sin and death. The gold cords symbolize the royal character of Christ’s shed blood. Isaiah 53: 5 reminds us that “by his stripes we are healed.” The wedge-shaped panels in each banner represent the torn veil, the sign that we have full access to God’s presence through Christ. The season of Easter is celebrated for seven Sundays, the number portrayed by the three white and two gold panels, plus the two groups of gold chords in each banner. TITHING OPPORTUNITIES May 3, 2015 AM: May 3, 2015 PM: May 10, 2015 AM: May 10, 2015 PM: Ministry/Christian Education Funds VIS (Volunteers In Service) Ministry/Christian Education Funds Guiding Light Ministries Online Giving available at phcrc.org. For the duration of Pastor Steve’s sabbatical, May through September 2015, Pastor Sarah will serve as senior member of staff. All concerns and pastoral care needs should go through her. And, as senior staff, she will mentor Betsy DeVries and serve as our liaison with the seminary. YOUTH AND EDUCATION Discovery Hour and Inklings will be combined for May 10 and May 17. May 10 we will meet in the Youth Room and prepare for our last Community Breakfast. May 17 is the final Breakfast of the season and our last morning of Sunday School! Breakaway's End of the Year Party will be next Sunday, May 10, at Matt & Megan's house. We will meet from 5:30-7:30pm, and friends are always welcome. Our address is 5665 Juanita Dr SE in Kentwood. Lifeline's last regular meeting is TONIGHT at 5:30 pm. Our End of the Year Party will be May 17. More details to come. CONGREGATIONAL LIFE New Address: Nancy Van Lopik, 2260 Raybrook SE Apt. 102, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 and phone 616-323-3968. New Address: Eva Van Lopik, 2200 Raybrook SE Apt. 202, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 and phone 616551-8669. New Address: Lila Alkema, 2121 Raybrook SE Room 444N, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 and phone 616-942-6826. Prayer Partners Needed! Are you willing to be a prayer partner for someone on our Colorado Challenge Team? We are looking for a minimum of 12 people to support the group going to Colorado this summer. If you are interested or would like more details, please talk with Megan or sign up at the Welcome Center. FISH: Drivers be ready to drive on Tuesday, May 5. Thursday Ladies Bible Study: Bible Study Brunch at 10am (note change) also study last lesson, Daniel 11-12. Yesterday’s Kids: Please invite friends and sign up now for our May 13 meal and program! Meal ($8) is at noon, followed by our guest presenter, David Boersma. He is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist who evaluates persons charged with crimes to determine if they are competent to stand trial, and he testifies in court to support his opinions. He has also taught a course at Calvin College on Psychology and the Law. You won’t want to miss his fascinating presentation. Final Community Breakfast Celebration! We hope you'll join us Sunday, May 17, at 9am for a time of fellowship and intergenerational learning. This event is for all ages. We will wrap up what we've been learning about the tabernacle and worship, complete our worship banners and enjoy a potluck meal together. There is a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center. Equip Groups: If you're interested in participating in an Equip Group, please contact Kelly Buist or Pastor Sarah. You may also join the Equip Group potluck on May 17 following the morning worship service to learn more about participating in this small group ministry. Church Picnic: Is Saturday, June 6, at Palmer Park in Wyoming. A sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center. The last Sunday to sign up at church is May 31st. You can sign-up by email or phone to Deb Hall, debhall012@gmail.com or 450-4274 until the Wednesday before the picnic. OUTREACH ANNOUNCEMENT There is a request from an International Christian School run by a Presbyterian church in Korea for a middle school teacher to teach either Math, Science or world history for a year or more. It is a paid position. If you are interested, contact Paul Yu. Sunday May 3, 2015 9:00AM Discovery Hour Gr. 5-8 (Room 107) Inklings Gr. 9-12 (Youth Room) 9:00AM Discovery Hour Gr. 5-8 (Youth Room) Inklings Gr. 9-12 (Youth Room) 10:00AM Morning Worship Service 10:00AM Morning Worship Service Walk for Safe Haven Ministries: Clarence Menninga will be walking the 5K as a member of the Safe Haven Team on Saturday, May 9. Contributions to Safe Haven Ministries are invited to provide support and encouragement in that effort. Checks to Safe Haven may be given to Clarence or placed in his communicator box. Thank you. June 13 - 18, starting on Saturday in Benton Harbor, ROC-Michigan bicycle tour will cross the lower half of this great state and end on Thursday, the 18th in Detroit. This is the second annual fundraising and awareness raising bike tour for smaller non profits that benefit the community development of cities in Michigan through our CRC and Reformed Church. The host organization is Great Lakes Urban. We are looking for riders, sponsors, and volunteers to help make this year's ride memorable! Please sign up and /or ask questions at the table in the Community Room after the morning church service. The Geelhoed family will again promote this week of community spirit raising. We are happy to assist you. Please call or email: Alice: 616-498-2108, ahgeelhoed@gmail.com or Joe: 616-262-5387, jlgeelhoed@hotmail.com. We have brochures with more information. Sunday May 10, 2015 Ushers: Bob & Jane Brouwer, Chrysanthi Sinniah, Paul VanSwol Ushers: Steve Penning, Bill Kamstra, Bruce Gilman, David Tiesenga Prayer Servants: Huds Nyenhuis, Nancy VanLopik Prayer Servants: Eric Uitvlugt, Mary Gerritsen Praise and Play (3 and 4): Wendy Brummel, Jenny Koopmans Praise and Play (3 and 4): Kate DenBraber, Michaela Bolt Children and Worship (4 through first grade): Sharon Peterson, Carol Honderd Children and Worship (4 through first grade): Carol Honderd, Jenny Koopmans Nursery: Kate DenBraber, Kristin VanHall, Donna Anema, Alice Geelhoed, Hanel Yu Nursery: Becky Jansen, Linda Mulder, Wendy Brummel, Deedre Vriesman, Susan Post Coffee Fellowship: Todd & Missy Harkema Coffee Fellowship: Tom & Bea Diepstra 5:30-7:30PM Lifeline (High School) Youth Room 5:30 PM 5:30-7:30PM Breakaway (Middle School) at Matt and Megan’s house Evening Worship Service 5:30 PM Monday 7:00PM Elders Meeting (Fellowship Rm) Deacons Meeting (Refl. Room) Tuesday 7PM-8:15PM Friendship: Year Review Thursday 10:00AM Women’s’ Bible Study: Brunch and Study on Daniel 11-12 7PM-9:00PM Stephen Ministers Meeting (Rooms 300/301) Evening Worship Service
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