September 29, 2013 ~ 10:30am We welcome you warmly in the name of Jesus Christ! Prelude Call to Worship Welcome and Greetings Christ Candle – Trenton Huonder Pastor Arlan Koppendrayer Songs of Praise and Worship ~ Children Age 4 – Grade 1 Dismissed to Children in Worship ~ Morning Prayer Elder Wes Geurkink Offering Second Offering General Fund Debt Reduction God Speaks Through His Word Red Bible ~ Page 618 Message Psalm 139 Black Bible ~ Page 444 “The Connection of Deep Space” Pastor Arlan Koppendrayer Prayer Parting Blessing Pastor Arlan Koppendrayer Closing Song Join us in our Gathering Place today for Coffee, Cookies and Conversation! We thank B&L Swanson and D&M Workman for serving us today! We welcome you to Bethel Church! Thank God with us for His desire to know us so intimately! May He become as precious to us and we are to Him! THANK YOU – to Pastor Arlan Koppendrayer who has been with us during September presenting his series entitled, “The Joy of Deep Space.” Arlan is a friend of the Bethel Congregation and the Chaplain at Calvin Christian High in Fridley. NEXT SUNDAY – Rob Braun, Bethel CRC Commissioned Pastor will be leading us in worship and sharing with us the Biblical concept of leadership. SECOND OFFERING TODAY - BETHEL DEBT REDUCTION - When there is a 5th Sunday in a month Bethel Church takes an offering for debt reduction. This offering will go toward the principle that we owe on our church building and will be over and above the monthly payments that the church is required to make. We thank you for your faithful giving; this facility would not be possible without you! SECOND OFFERING NEXT SUNDAY – IGNITE YOUTH GROUP - We are really excited to see how God is going to use Ignite to touch the lives of teenagers in the community around us! We are focusing on equipping, encouraging, and empowering them to make an impact on the world around them. Please pray for us as we serve the Lord through this mission. To God be the Glory! STITCH AND SHARE will begin again on Thursday, October 17, with a field trip meeting at 9:00am at Joan’s home and visit needlework stores in Maple Grove with lunch at Barnes and Noble. Please contact Joan LaGrew at 763.389.2414 or 612.300.0110 for details. STITCH & SHARE is a place where women gather to knit, crochet, do crafts or just have great conversation! The regular meetings will begin the following Thursday, October 24, from 6:30 to 8:30pm at Joan LaGrew's, 810 S. RR Drive #7 in Princeton. See you there! WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY INTEREST? If you would be interested in a Wednesday evening Bible study from 6:00 – 7:30pm (with a light dinner at 5:30pm) meeting at the same time as GEMS/Boys’ Club/Ignite, please contact Betsy Wergin at 763.389.3843. GARDEN NEWS - Our gardening season is wrapping up with having served garden vegetables to over 30 families as well as several families at the Princeton Apartments and the Oaks Apartments and families at Bethel on Sunday mornings. Plan to join us again next year serving our community. 7 families gardened this year; maybe we can double that number next year! CONGRATULATIONS TO DARREN GRAY - son of Garry and Sandy - on his ordination into the Reformed Baptist Denomination on July 21, 2013. Darren, Mary and their three boys live just north of us in McGrath, MN. ORDINATION & INSTALLATION SERVICE FOR PASTOR MICHAEL TEN HAKEN! Pease CRC warmly welcomes you to join them in celebrating God's faithfulness by attending the ordination and installation service of their new Pastor Michael Ten Haken, on Sunday, October 6th at 9:30am at the church in Pease, MN. If you would like more information please contact the church at or at 320-369-4228. THANK YOU for all the expressions of sympathy expressed to us at the time of Wayne’s sister, Darlene’s death. You are loved!!! Wayne and Muriel McMinn CONGRATULATIONS to John Huonder who received an Agri-King President’s Club award. “In appreciation of Outstanding Sales Achievement Agri-King presents this award to John Huonder, Rookie of the Year 2013.” Way to go John, you have worked hard! LOST AND FOUND – Please claim your items located on the table opposite the kitchen window. If items are not claimed by October 6th they will find new homes. HELP IN OUR NURSERY? Is God calling you to work with our children during our worship services? Presently we have a team of women who rotate through our nursery, serving about one Sunday every 2-month period. If you are available to help, please sign-up in the Gathering Place. We are also in need of an individual to oversee the Nursery. Please contact your Deacon if you are willing to consider this position. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD! Boxes can be created NOW and brought to Bethel anytime before Nov. 17. Call Carlene at 763.389.2601 if you have questions. HELP US OUT IN SHARING PRAYER REQUESTS with those who do not have email! We have 4 families who do not have email and would like to be phoned when a prayer request goes over the email prayer chain. If you receive these requests and would like to assist in seeking additional prayer, please contact Bonnie in the Bethel Office, 763.389.5715. SERVE A MEAL FOR OUR JUST FOR YOU MINISTRY! Just for You began last week with several faithful volunteers! They will continue meeting on first Thursday of the month at New Life Church and the third Thursdays at Bethel. All are invited to join in worship with our cognitive impaired adults for a meal, craft and worship including singing, praying and teaching. For more information contact Heather Kittok, 320.983.2414. THE WOMEN OF COFFEE BREAK INVITE YOU TO KICK-OFF OUR NEW YEAR WITH US! Tuesday, October 1 ~ 9:30 - 11:30am - Alyson Miller/Bergley will be with us presenting: "All I Really Want . . . is to be Loved ~ The journey of discovery . . . the discovery of self!” Join us for brunch and FREE childcare in StoryHour, Little Lambs & Nursery Return the following week, October 8 as we jump into our weekly small group Bible study. This year we will be studying and discovering The Power of Forgiveness together. Call Bethel Office 763.389.5715, Hope 320.294.4129 or Terri 763.389.5451. GEMS GIRLS’ CLUB –– Beginning October 2 - “Who’s the Greatest?” from John 3:30. Girls grades 1st – 6th meet on the 1st & 3rd Wed. nights from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Girls have a place to belong and build lasting relationships with God and with other girls! Call Karen @ 763.389.9151. BOYS’ CLUB – Beginning October 2 - “Our Awesome God” from Genesis 1:1. Boys grades 1 6 meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 6:00-7:30pm for adventure, to learn fun skills and how to put God first in their lives! Call Tom Kittok 320.983.2414, Greg Schiebout 320.983.5114 or Jason Vermeer @ 320.294.4129. …every night that GEMS & Boys’ Club meets. Please see the menu which will be served by Rae Ann and Betsy on the Communications Board opposite the kitchen serving window. Thanks Rae Ann & Betsy!!!! CHRISTMAS GIVING PROGRAM! October 1, applications will be available at the Princeton Pantry. Several congregations and individuals joined together last year to bless hundreds of people in our community who would not have otherwise received Christmas gifts. There is a box outside of the offices where you can place your donations at this point of: socks, toilet paper, shampoo and conditioner. Judy Schief needs HELP making gift tags for the many gifts that are given by our community. Assist her with your Cricut, donate scrapbooking paper, or just help! Please call her at 763.389.4942. Join us in blessing our community! JOIN US WHEN WE WILL WELCOME THOSE LISTED BELOW TO LEAD US IN WORSHIP IN PASTOR CAL’S ABSENCE! October 6 October 13 October 20 October 27 Rob Braun – Bethel CRC Commissioned Pastor Rob Braun – Bethel CRC Commissioned Pastor El La Grew – Bethel CRC Elder Jerry Van Someren – Lay Pastor at Baldwin CRC, Baldwin, WI VBS TEAM FOR MISSIONARY KIDS NEEDED IN PERU – January 6-10, 2014. See position information on the Communications Board opposite the kitchen window. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP (BSF) PILOT TO START IN OUR AREA - A presentation will be held at Beth Kegler-Gray's house on Monday night, September 30th, at 7:00pm. This is for all women interested in hearing more about a pilot study of BSF starting evenings in Jan/Feb in our area. Please share this with others in our community. Women will have an opportunity to register if they are thinking they would be interested in coming. We still are not able to say exactly what day of the week it will be held, (most likely Monday evening or a Tuesday evening) or which church will be hosting it, until we have a pool of people registered from to help us make that determination. It is very likely to be the Elk River area. Please call Beth at 763-227-2690 with any questions. This is an exciting opportunity to draw our communities together interdenominationally and also support our local churches in training up leadership!! SERVICELINK'S FALL SPOTLIGHT on volunteering with the CRC has arrived and is posted on our Communications bulletin board. Check out the variety of ways to serve across the globe, including a Child Development Volunteer in Romania, a Work team to Japan, a Family Support Specialist in Nicaragua, An Adolescent Program Assistant in Senegal, plus a number of other ways to serve. Might one of these be for you? Check the bulletin board for more opportunities and additional information or call Carol Sybenga ( /1800-730-3490 ext. 4249). CIRCLES OF HOPE – Participants and volunteers meet at Zion Lutheran Church in Milaca October 3 from 6-8pm and then on the first Thursday of each month. Support is given to participants to help identify and address policies and systems that need to change in order to move out of negative situations in their lives. If you would like to find out more about the volunteer possibilities please see the information on the Gathering Place table and talk with a Deacon to express your interest in being involved. You may also call Sheryll Kjos at 320.983.0339 or email RR LIFE CHOICES CENTER – Fall Fundraising Banquet “A Brand New Day,” Saturday, October 26. Join us for social time at 6:00pm with a meal at 6:30pm. Guest speaker is Heather Ruesch, former pregnancy center director from Wisconsin, and Christian singer/songwriter. Freewill donation. Reservations required – please call the Center at 320.983.3771 or email by October 16th. Praise God for the ability to worship in His presence-pray that the Lord will pour out His presence and grace on CRC touching all with His Spirit and bringing us to the point of being true worshippers who worship in spirit and truth Chuck & Phyllis Kingsbury, Andrea Henry & Brooke Jahnke gave their testimonies and were accepted at Council as members of Bethel CRC; presentation to the congregation soon New heart for Judy Bode, staying in a hotel near the hospital in Cleveland where she received her new heart Renewed health for Darren and Jody’s mom who left for a trip to WY last week with Jody GEMS and Boys’ Club starting this week Wed., October 2 with a picnic –Praise God for all the leaders: Tom Kittok, Jason Vermeer, Greg Schiebout, Karen Sartell, Brenda Van’t Hof, Heather Van Zee, Judy Schlief; and for the evening meal preparers- RaeAnn Koppendrayer and Betsy Wergin Excitement for Coffee Break Kick-off, Oct. 1 and planning for study on forgiveness starting Oct. 8 Blessings to Pastor, Michael Ten Haken, for successfully passing his Classical exam and his upcoming ordination as Minister of the Word on Sunday, October 6th at 9:30am at Pease CRC. IMPROVEMENT FOR OUR CANCER LOVED ONES: Lori Schoolland here this week visiting Norma and family, a definite miracle and praise, Muriel with no active cancer; Becky Vollmer is recovering well from her battle with cancer, riding horses recently; Tami Rohweder (Los) running again; and Janean, Joan B. sister celebrating her 1 year anniversary; and Julie-Terri B’s niece having a miraculous recovery in her brain with no active cancer visible! CCSs Bike-a-thon held last Sat. with eager participants raising money for CCS Successful eye surgery for Pat G. this Thursday Jerry & Kathryn Davidson – God to give them His understanding as Jerry continues on Hospice care and to lessen the pain that Jerry is experiencing. Payment family in the death of Troy’s Grandma, Margie Don & Mae Wunderink working to expand God’s Kingdom in Lima, Peru Theresa Los as cancer interrupts her life; going back on chemo Tuesday and scheduled for the next 6 months, 3 weeks every Tuesday and 1 week off; plan a visit and stay connected as life is getting harder for Wes & Theresa and visits to church will be more difficult; Theresa has asked for prayers for strength and the ability to handle whatever this life gives her. She would appreciate your prayers for Wes' health as well. Fran DeVries serious operation for her colostomy Monday, and for John her husband struggling with COPD. Roger & Judy's daughter, Kathleen’s foot surgery, Oct. 1; peace while she stays with Roger & Judy for 6 weeks Cindy Remus was air-lifted Monday to a hospital with pain in her chest and fluid in her lungs. Please continue to remember this single mom and her daughter at this trying time – both from Circles of Hope CRC Board of Trustees reorganizing the ministries of the church-the Banner being one of these Pastor Cal, Brenda and children as they journey through difficult times of their lives, healing of relationships Other hurting marriages in our church and community—seek God’s best for each one Jill Bolduc’s brother Jay’s failing heart and wait for a transplant; prayers for him, his wife and daughter that God would draw them close and they would accept Him as Lord and Savior Rhoda K. as she deals with more limitations from ALS-praising God for her cheerful spirit Searching for possibility of Bible Study Fellowship in our area; God’s leading JOBS FOR THOSE NEEDING WORK/MORE WORK: Jeff R., Amanda Weldon, Lindsey Philaya & others; supply needs for many-Krista needs a car for transportation HEALING: Norma’s foot, Andy Olson, Melanie LaGrew, Reed’s grandson-Michael, CarlMcMinn’s friend with broken bones is slowly healing after his bike accident TRANSITIONS for many older friends: Deloris W. in Andover; Audrey H. mom with Alzheimer; Quentin H. & Corrine-Karen S. mom both at Elim Princeton; Wes and Theresa dealing with aging CANCER PATIENTS: Darol Studer; Theresa Los—starting chemo again; Janean, Tony-Dick R. nephew & son-in-law Brian & Larry who has inoperable cancer; Shannon- friend of Lisa V.,;Bonnie Mueller- daughter of Joyce Kiel; Marilyn, Bob O. sister; Chris friend of McMinn’s, tumors are shrinking and he is able to carry on some normal activities For Christians around the Middle East who are being persecuted and fearful for their lives; as well as in Nigeria and other hot spots of the world For President Obama, and Congress to make wise, Godly decisions for our USA Peace to come to an unstable Middle East SUNDAY South Door Greeters: North Door Greeters: Main Door Greeters: Ushers & Response Folders: Christ Candle: Nursery: Children in Worship Leader: Greeters: Feast Preparer: Coffee Café: Second Offering: September 29 October 6 K&L Bekius S&K Storbakken J&J De Haan Betsy W. / Geoff B. Trenton Huonder Rachel R. / Andrea V. Julie DH Leah S. / Liz B. Sandi G. B&L Swanson D&M Workman Debt Reduction B&C Bartz W&S Geurkink L&K Erickson Joel DH / Jeff R. Raeyn Schiebout Darlynn G. / Ali D. Karna T. / Hope V. Karla L. / Anthony VH Anna P. R&B Van’t Hof R&B Wergin Ignite Youth Group FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 GENERAL FUND: Offering Received on 9/15/2013: Offerings Received Year-To-Date: BUILDING FUND: Debt Reduction Received Year-to-Date ACTUAL $ 6,735.00 $ 35,317.94 $ 300.00 BUDGET $ 4,545.87 $ 36,366.96 +/-VARIANCE $ 2,189.13 $ (1,049.02) Sunday, September 29 9:30am Sunday School for all ages! 10:30am Worship Service – Pastor Arlan Koppendrayer 9:30 – 11:30 Tuesday, October 1 Wednesday, October 3 Coffee Break Kick-off - StoryHour/Little Lambs/Nursery 7:00am Prayer at Bethel Church 5:30pm Light Dinner Served 6:00pm GEMS & Boys’ Club 7:00pm Ignite Youth Group Thursday, September 26 6:00pm Just for You – Bethel Church Sunday, October 6 9:30am Sunday School for all ages! 10:30am Worship Service – Rob Braun Connecting people to God and to each other for the glory of God! OUR MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of Bethel Church is to glorify God in worship and our daily living, to evangelize His world, and to connect people to God so that they become part of a Christian community. We will accomplish this through prayer, joyful worship, Biblical training, use of spiritual gifts, Christian fellowship, and outreach in our community. OUR MINISTRIES Prayer Groups BAC2ONE Just for You! Sunday School Praise Groups Bethel Garden Youth – Grades 1 – 6: Youth - Grades 7 - 12: Women: Men: Adult Small Groups: Hospitality: Sheltering Tree Care Baskets Adult Retreat Stitch & Share Children in Worship Booktalk Bookclub Worship GEMS Girls Club & Boys Club IGNITE Coffee Break w/Children’s Programs, Women’s Prayer Group, Stitch & Share Men to Action! List available from the Bethel Office Carolyn Koppendrayer & Rae Ann Koppendrayer OUR COUNCIL ELDERS DEACONS Rob Braun Tom Kittok Geoff Bazuin Jeff Rice Joel De Haan El La Grew Lance Erickson Lynn Swanson Wes Geurkink Betsy Wergin Garry Gray Brian Weldon ~ 8938 – 33rd St., Princeton, MN 55371 ~ 763.389.5715
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