AMANDA VAN HALTEREN | Please continue to pray for Amanda as she settles in at Bethel and finds her rhythm in her new role. SR HIGH YOUTH | Please pray for the SR Highs who will be attending the Retreat at Camp Iawah November 7-9. Pray that many would be able to attend and that the youth deepen in their relatationship with Him. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 2014 WELCOME! Are you new to Bethel? We would love to hear from you! Please fill out one of the orange cards in the pew and hand it in to an greeter or include it in the offering plate. 9 AM - WORSHIP • Nursery (ages 0-3) • Waumba Land (Jr & Sr Kindergarten) • UpStreet (Grade 1-5) • Serious Faith (Grade 6-8) 10:30 AM - COFFEE AND CONVERSATION/ • In the Gym - all are welcome! 11 AM - WORSHIP • Nursery (ages 0-3) 7:30 PM - CLUB CHURCH ( • At Stages Nightclub - all are welcome to attend PART #5 BETHEL CONTACTS Mark Kotchapaw (Senior Pastor) .......... Fred Grendel (Youth Director) ................ Jamie Stinson (Family Ministries Director) ............ Amanda Van Halteren (Worship/Discipleship Director) ... Carmen G-O’Donnell (Church Administrator) ............ Amy Grendel (Office Manager) .............. Steve Cousineau (Building Super) ............ Anna MacDonald (JR High Youth Coordinator) ............. Phoebe Cohoe (Family Ministries Coordinator) ......... Chris Rusk (Head Elder) ................... Gordon Wight (Head Deacon) .................. 314 Johnson St., Kingston, ON K7L 1Y7 Phone: 613-542-2990 | Fax: 613-542-3114 | HOLY SPIRIT Kent Bandy, Guest Speaking Steve Gammon and team, Leading Worship NEXT WEEK - Part #6 - Got a backstory? Text: Acts 10 Responding to the Heart of God; Transforming the Heart of the City, the Nation and the World PRAYER NOTES NORMA FOBERT | Please pray for this long-time Bethel member, now living in Ottawa, and her family, as she is being treated for cancer. OMF INTERNATIONAL HEART FOR ASIA CONFERENCE | On Saturday, November 1st from 9am to 2 pm at Bethel Church. Interested in short-term service in East Asia? Or long-term? Ask your questions of the OMF team of missionaries. ALL are welcome. Complimentary lunch at 1 pm. For more information see brochures in foyer or email NEWCOMERS’ LUNCH | Are you new to Bethel in the last 6 months? Interested in meeting the staff and getting to know others at the church? Join us Sunday, November 2nd for lunch following the second service. If you are interested please let us know by either filling in an orange card or email us at PRAYING FOR FAMILIES | Got any family issues worth praying over? Any challenges in the family context that you need to address through prayer? How about a son or daughter that needs an extra prayer covering? How about a mom or dad or extended family member who needs prayer? Asking these questions is like asking a desert wanderer if she would like a cup of cold water. Many of us are feeling the need these days to pray for our families. We want to invite you to our monthly prayer gathering on Sunday, November 2nd from 4pm-5pm in the Upper Room. If you have any questions contact Rhonda at VOLUNTEER TRAINING | If you volunteer in any capacity at Bethel, or are even thinking of it, “Plan to Protect” is a mandatory part of our programming. Refresher: Sun, Nov 9th @ 12:30 pm in the Upper Room (1 hr) Orientation (new volunteers): Sun., Oct 26th at 12:30pm in the Upper Room (2 hrs) BAPTISMS | If there is anyone interested in being baptized please let us know. On Sunday, November 30th we are planning a body life service where various people will share about growing in some of the foundational truths we have addressed in our Core Strength series. In this service we will also take time for baptisms. If you have questions about baptism please contact Mark Kotchapaw at We would love to talk to you more about baptism. DAVID AND MJ DEMPSTER | have applied, and are being recommended by the Elders’ Board for membership in Bethel Church. Any objections should be filed with the church office no later than 11:59 pm on Sunday, November 2nd, 2014. Should no comments be received, they will be considered members in good standing as of Monday, November 3rd, 2014, subject to ratification at the next Leadership Community (Congregational) Meeting. Thank you. OPERATION CONSTANCE LAKE | Today in the gym after both services you can pick up information to fill a card and/or a gift bag for a child or adult in Constance Lake. There are 250 cards and 53 gift bags to fill! For more information see the insert in this bulletin or talk with Fred or Amy Grendel -, 2014-2015 FINANCIAL UPDATE General Fund Budget $666,644 | Build Fund Budget $27,550 OFFERING SUMMARY YEAR TO DATE (May 1 - October 19 | 25 Weeks) 2014-2015 Budget 2014-2015 Actual 2014-2015 Surplus/(Deficit) General Fund $320,500* $273,665 ($46,835) Build Fund $13,250** $9,697 ($3,553) * Based on a weekly budget requirement of $12,820 ** Based on a weekly budget requirement of $530 For information on how to give and how Bethel finances work pick up a Financial Packet in the front foyer or visit PRE-AUTHORIZED DEBIT PROGRAM | To sign up for our voluntary program where your donations are automatically withdrawn from your bank account simply fill in a “Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement” form (available in the front foyer or online) and hand it in along with a void cheque from the account you’ll be using. OFFERING ENVELOPES | To sign up for an envelope number please e-mail Heather Losier, our Envelope Steward at
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