Weekly Warrior - Bethel Baptist School

Bethel Students are: Critical Thinkers • Competent Communicators • Cooperative Citizens • Conscientious Learners
Bethel Baptist School
Weekly Warrior
For the Week of June 1, 2015
A ministry of Bethel Baptist Church – 901 S. Euclid, Santa Ana, Ca, 92704 – (714) 839-3600 – www.bethelwarriors.org
LIVING ABOVE THE CULTURE “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2) Activities & Events: HIGH SCHOOL AWARDS NIGHT – JUNE 4, 7:00 PM: Grade 6 through grade 11 promotion certificates as well as all high school academic and competition awards will be presented on Thursday evening, June 4 at 7:00 PM in the main auditorium. All students in 6th-­‐12th grades, parents, guardians, and guests should attend. Students should arrive by 6:45 PM dressed in their best for this important occasion. GRADUATION CEREMONY DVDs PREORDER: DVDs of the Kindergarten and Senior High Graduations are available for preorder for $20. A professional company has been contracted to produce these DVDs. SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION IS OPEN: Bethel sponsors a two-­‐session summer school program for students K4-­‐6th grade. Session #1 is from June 15 to July 10, and Session #2 runs from July 13 to August 7. Help your child to keep in the “learning mode” in a safe and fun environment. Enrollment information is in the office. HIGH SCHOOL SPRING BASH – JUNE 5TH: The 6th – 12th annual Spring Bash will be held at Six Flags Magic Mountain this year. We will leave at 8:15 AM and will return at approximately 8:00 PM. The cost for Bethel students is only $15.00 for the park ticket and transportation. Regular admission tickets cost more than $60. The price is so low because the Bethel ASB has done a wonderful job of raising funds throughout the year. Students should turn in the $15 cash and a signed permission slip by Wednesday, June 3. There are NO CLASSES for 6th – 12th grades on that day, so students not attending will be considered absent and should bring a signed readmit notice on Monday, June 8. HIGH SCHOOL FINAL EXAMS: 6th-­‐12th grade Final Exams will be held Monday-­‐Wednesday, June 8-­‐10. Parents, please help your children to do their best by making sure that they get regular healthy meals and plenty of quiet study time and sleep for these days. One of the oldest rides (1978-­‐2014) at Magic Mountain that was recently closed and rebuilt is Colossus. What cartoon was first released on June 9 in 1934? SENIOR GRADUATION – FRIDAY, JUNE 12TH 7:00 PM: The 2015 graduating class cordially invites you to join them at their commencement ceremony to celebrate as they receive their high school diplomas. Our speaker will be Rob Watkins, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church of beautiful Yucca Valley, CA. Pastor Watkins is a past president of Pacific Baptist College, and is a sought-­‐
out speaker all across America. He also was the guest speaker at this year’s Homecoming Banquet. HOST AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT: If you would be interested in hosting an international student, send an email to i20@bethelwarriors.org with your contact info. DID YOU HEAR ABOUT … the two hydrogen atoms? Atom #1: “I’ve lost my electron!” Atom #2 “Are you sure?” Atom #1: “Yes, I’m positive!” Birthday Blessings This Week 6/1 6/2 Ava Moxie 6/6 Carissa Le Nathan Su Ryan Pham HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL! No School Days June 9th – ½ day for 6th-­‐12th June 10th – No School for K4 & K5, ½ day for 1st-­‐12th Bethel Sports Calendar-­‐Summer Basketball Tuesday 6/23 First Practice 4:00 – 5:00 PM Thursdays 6/25-­‐7/16 Practice from 4:00 – 5:00 PM Wednesdays & Fridays Game Days (Times TBA) *NOTE: Some events may not be included. Check with the coach for updates. Key: JH=Junior High SH=Senior High VR=Varsity Team B=Boys, G=Girls VB=Volleyball BB=Basketball FV Rec.=Fountain Valley Recreation Center Gym on Brookhurst and Heil. Bolded=game days Bold, Underlined, Italics=HOME games Looking Ahead… •
June 5: K4 Awards in room #7 @ 9:00 AM June 8: All-­‐School Farewell Assembly 12:30 PM June 9: Senior Luncheon @ CPK 12:00 PM June 10: 1st & 2nd Grade Awards: 9:00 – 10:00 AM 3rd – 5th Grade Awards: 10:30-­‐11:30 AM June 12: Senior High Graduation Ceremony 7:00 PM July 1-­‐4: Fireworks stand @ Euclid & 5th St. School Lunch Menu 6/1 Macaroni & Cheese 6/2 Ham & Cheese Sandwich 6/3 Pizza & Fruit Lunch & Drink $3.75 6/4 Orange Chicken 6/5 Carl’s Jr. Burger