November 2014 Giving Thanks In All Things:

November 2014
Giving Thanks In All Things:
Sunday, November 23, 12:30 to 2:30 in Discipleship Hall.
Do you want an attitude of gratitude before Thanksgiving? Want to discover how to be thankful in the midst of everyday turmoil? Do you want to
find God in the daily grind? Do you desire a closer relationship with God?
Come for a pot luck luncheon and bring your favorite food! Eat, fellowship
and listen as Michelle Young presents a review of the theology found in
Ann Voskamp’s book “One Thousand Gifts”.
“One Thousand Gifts is changing my life, not because gratitude is the key to salvation, but
because gratefulness brings me into God's presence every time…When I'm grateful, the
world is not only beautiful, God is good and worthy of adoration too.” Micha Boyett, guest
Daylight Savings Time ends November 2
Turn your clocks back 1 hour!
Congregational Meeting Notice
November 9 at 9:45 a.m. in Discipleship Hall.
Grades K-5 will have movie Sunday in Classroom 1
Pastor’s Page
Table and Font: Who is Welcome?
An Invitation to join the conversation about
Baptism and Holy Communion
with the ELCA by May, 2015. I will be leading a
conversation on this during Adult Forum in December.
After Noah was born, he was baptized immediately, within 3 weeks, on the Sunday after Easter
so that my father, Rev. Bob Young, could take
the Sunday off from his congregation, and come
to Cincinnati to baptize the first grandchild. As
soon as Noah could handle solid food, we distributed him Holy Communion as he came forward
with his mother. He then went through, not one,
but TWO First Communion classes, one back in
Cincinnati with his friends there, and then again
here at Bethel after we arrived.
Please know that my bias is such that I believe
these determinations should be left to the individual family. While I embrace serving communion to younger, baptized children, I understand
and value that other families may choose a different, just as faithful, path. While I embrace
baptism for infants both in theology and practice,
I understand others may choose to wait for various reasons. I believe that congregations can
make allowances and support families in the
ways they choose to engage the sacraments.
After Micah was born, we waited several months
for the sacrament of baptism so that I could baptize him on Easter Sunday, 2008. Baptism was
originally only held at the Easter Vigil, and so we
wanted to honor this tradition. However, unlike
his brother, Micah did not receive Holy Communion until he went through First Communion class
here at Bethel.
So, I am looking forward to having this conversation with you during December. It will be fun,
enlightening, and I believe formative for our life
together at Bethel.
After Leah was born, we again waited for the
highest holy day of the church year, and Heidi
baptized her on Easter Sunday, 2011. Because
Leah is now regularly in worship, she is receiving
Holy Communion, like Noah, before she has taken instruction.
Holy Communion/
First Communion
Three children, three different ways of handling
the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. One baptism was determined by when family could be in town. The other two baptism dates
were determined by the theologically appropriate
Pastor Dave will be offering
Holy Communion/First Communion instruction in
November with a date of Sunday, December 21
set to celebrate First Communion with the class.
All children who have been or are in the process
of being baptized, are welcome to attend, per
conversation between parents and pastor.
Two children received Holy Communion as soon
as they were able. One child waited until instruction was given. You would imagine that a family
of pastors would have been more consistent on
this, however, therein lies the reality of sacramental practice within the church today.
The presiding bishop of the ELCA, Rev. Elizabeth
Eaton, has invited congregations to engage a
conversation entitled, “Table and Font: Who is
Welcome?” and share reflections and responses
Shalom Y’all,
Pastor Dave
Monday, November 17
6:30pm in the Sanctuary
This process includes a take-home book that the
parents will use with their children, a “family day”
where we will have each child make their own
chalice, and a special Sunday where the children will celebrate completing their instruction
and receive First Communion.
If you have questions, please contact Pastor
Dave (
Council Highlights
The October meeting of the Congregational Council of Bethel Lutheran Church was held on
Wednesday October 8, in the meeting room at
The Village at Orchard Ridge. The meeting followed a tour of the facilities and dinner in the dining hall. Pastor David Young, President Mike
Stanfield, Vice President Tom Beyer, Treasurer
Traci Shoberg, Secretary Bruce Lothrop, Karla
King, Donna Turrill, and Cory Carlson were present at the meeting.
Director of Music Task Force Update
Tom Beyer provided a written report of the
team’s activities.
The Ensemble voiced strong support for
George. A Motion was made to approve the
task force recommendation, that George Donovan be offered a full time position with a
salary increase, his current benefits, and with
four weeks vacation to include four Sundays.
The motion was duly seconded, and passed
by acclamation.
Treasurer’s report
Income in September was almost six thousand
dollars below actual expenses. Expenses were
approximately $1,000 less than anticipated in the
Ministry Spending Plan. Year to date income is
about $12,000 less than expenses. In order to
meet expenses for 2014, Bethel will need strong
giving in November and December.
Bethel Grounds
Bethel grounds require more regular upkeep.
Karla suggested that a team should be
formed, and that the team should be listed on
the Ministry response forms.
Closing prayer
Pastor Dave closed the meeting with a prayer
at about 9:05 pm.
Pastor’s report
In addition to his other duties, Pastor Dave has
completed annual reviews with all staff members.
Submitted by,
Bruce Lothrop, Secretary
Stewardship Sunday
All plans are in place for Stewardship Sunday.
There will be one service a 10:00 am. Pastor
Dave will preach. The service will be followed by
a lunch, during which reports will be provided on
the “Bethel Becoming” initiatives, including the
“Jubilee Fund”. Estimates of Giving for 2015 will
be requested to be turned in on Stewardship Sunday.
CCAP Update
Needed: groups that can come to CCAP to sort
and organize the clothing room. Call Margaret
at CCAP, 667-5450, if interested.
Needed: men's warm clothing & size 5 diapers.
CCAP is seeking donations for their Thanksgiving meal giveaway-see the donation list on the
Community Bulletin Board at church for specific
food needs and donate to CCAP by Friday, November 21.
Ministry Spending Plan preparation
The 2015 Ministry Spending plan is being developed. Council will meet on October 29 for final
review and approval of the plan. The final plan
will be presented to the congregation at the Congregational meeting on November 9.
Facility Manager Role, Routine Maintenance
No volunteers have stepped forward to fill the vacancy left by Ron Lauck in the role of Facilities
Manager. Council is still seeking candidates. If
none can be found, council will consider offering a
stipend. Currently Pastor Dave is filling this role.
Council agrees this is not the best use of his time
and energy.
For more information, please see Beth Garner
The deadline for articles for the
December issue of the Bethel Banner
is 3:00 p.m., Thursday, November 20.
Please send articles to
Women’s Ministries
Youth Ministries
Girls’ Night Out
National Youth Gathering
Wednesday, November 19, 6:30 p.m.
Café Del Sol
Sunday 11/2 @ 6pm in the Undergound- ELCA Youth Gathering "Rise Up" - Preparing for the
Magic Variety Show (it's Saturday
Nov 15) - All gathering participants must come!
Come join us for Girls’ Night Out and help
support W.A.T.T.S. Please RSVP to Susan
Asmussen at or
703-615-7289. Hope to see you all there!
Annual Christmas Banquet
Sunday, December 7, 5 p.m.
Ladies of Bethel mark your calendars! Come
join the fun as the women of Bethel gather for
a catered dinner and the crazy gift exchange
in Discipleship Hall. If you are new to our
church, we encourage you to come to this
event - it is a church favorite!
Women’s Bible Study
Saturday, February 7, 2015, 10:00 a.m.
Pot luck brunch and gathering to hear Ellen
Hinlickey present a bible study entitled "Good
Girls Rarely Make History"!
Save The Date:
Annual Women’s Retreat, April 10-12
Priestfield Retreat Center, Inwood, WV
Martin’s Cards
Underground Youth @
Bethel - 6pm Sunday 11/2
and 11/9. Friendship, fun,
and faith in all things.
Come as we learn to love
like Jesus together.
Magic Variety Show - Saturday
November 15 @ 5pm. Get tickets
after worship or in the church office! Dinner, silent auction fundraising, some magic, some variety
skits by our youth and a whole evening supporting
our journey to Detroit for "RISE UP".
Thanksgiving Servanthood Day - Saturday November 22nd @ 2pm. Meet up at Bethel. We will
make and take Thanksgiving dinner to people who
need it!
If you shop at Martin's you should considering
buying Martin's Cards here at Bethel. Five
percent of all sales comes back to our church
and is used for youth activities! This is a win,
win for our church. If you have any questions,
don't hesitate to talk to Kathy Brown. Monthly
orders accepted!
Save the Date!!!!!
VBS 2015
June 14-18
Winter Celebration High School Weekend
January 16-18, 2015 @ Eagle Eyrie! To Register Need info - See Batman (Brian Brooks)
or Robin (Donna Turrill).
Men’s Ministries
Music Ministry News
Breakfast at IHOP Saturday, November 1,
9:00 a.m.
Men’s Retreat
“A Mighty Fortress is our God”
November 21-23
Graves Mountain Lodge
We want to extend a special welcome to Carma
Jones, the newest addition to our music staff.
Thanks to your generous donations to the Jones’
Music Fund, Carma will assist in accompanying the
Worship Choir in worship.
Join the men of Bethel for a weekend discussing that great Lutheran hymn, “A Mighty
Fortress is our God” and how it is a wonderful
teaching for us in how to live and serve God.
The cost will be $95 for the weekend which
includes three meals on Saturday, and accommodations for both Friday and Saturday
nights. If you would like to come up and eat
on Friday night as well, you are welcome to
do so with an additional cost.
Program begins @ 8:00pm on Friday and will
conclude on Saturday evening. Those who
so choose will leave early on Sunday morning to return for worship.
There will be a sign up sheet in the Crossroads beginning in November, so please be
on the lookout for it.
Carma lives in Winchester and is a graduate of
Shenandoah Conservatory. Carma has a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education with a Perfomance
Certificate on flute and a Minor in piano. She teaches Elementary General Music and Chorus at Round
Hill Elementary in Loudoun County. She also enjoys singing, playing piano, handbells or flute at local churches when substitutes or extra musicians
are needed. She is so excited to join with George
and the choir here at Bethel to lift up praise to the
Lord. It is her greatest joy to use her talents to help
others in Christian ministry in any way she can.
Carma is the Assistant Musical Director of Run Rabbit Run Theatre, based in Hillsboro, VA. As part of
her work for Run Rabbit Run, she helped write two
musicals: “The Musical Little Women” and “Once
Upon a Christmas Carol.” Both of the musicals
were performed at Franklin Park in Purcellville, VA.
She also plays piano and sings for the 1940’s Swing
Quintet, Swinging By a Star. Swinging By a Star
was honored to perform at the Udvar-Hazy Museum
as part of the simulcast opening of the World War II
Memorial in Washington, DC. The group also performed for invited guests at the White House Holiday Open House through the National Park Service
in 2007. Both groups are on hiatus right now. Carma’s life verse is:”And whatsoever ye do, do it
heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men.” Col 3:23
Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Communion Gathering
Wednesday, November 26, 7:00 PM
Advent Holden Evening Prayer Service
Sunday, November 30, 5:00 PM
Bethel Music Ministries Present “Season’s Greetings: A Christmas Concert of Praise”
Sunday, December 13, 3:00 PM
Bethel Worship Ensemble “One Name” Debut CD Recording.
December 2014. CDs will be on sale in time for the holidays, $10 each.
WHY AND HOW DO WE SING THE PSALMS? Background - The book of Psalms looks like any other
book of the Bible, but it is quite a different book from the rest. The book of Psalms is a collection of songs
that were sung by the Jewish people throughout their long history. Christians inherited these psalms and
have continued to include them in worship as well as in personal devotion.
Since the book of Psalms looks like another book in the bible, it can be tempting to speak the Psalms instead of sing them. Rather, consider the Psalter more as hymnal. Then speaking a psalm is much like
speaking a hymn text. While we might speak a hymn or psalm on occasion, the practice leaves much to
be desired, especially when speaking a text that commands us to sing: “Sing to the Lord a new
song” (Psalm 96:1). Singing a psalm can be very simple and need not intimidate even a small worshipping assembly.
A chief reason that the Psalms continue to be a rich treasury for Jews and Christians is their diversity of
expression toward God and one another. In the Psalms we find ecstatic praise (Psalm 150), deep lament
(Psalm 88), expressions of thanksgiving (Psalm 107) and many more postures of trust, vengeance, and
joy. The remainder of the church’s song best patterns itself on the Psalms, engaging the full range of human experience in relation to God and one another
We sing the Psalms in our worship:
As response to the first reading - For each Sunday of the church year, a psalm is appointed to follow the
first reading in the Word portion of the liturgy. That psalm serves as the sung response to the first reading,
turning the themes of that reading into a prayer, and often creating relationships to the other readings for
the day. Another sung response follows the second reading on Sundays, often called the Verse or the
Gospel Acclamation. What is established in this Word part of the liturgy is the pattern of hearing followed
by a sung response. This is a natural pattern – listening, singing, listening, singing, and listening – a pattern we receive from Jewish Temple and synagogue worship, and a pattern we inherit in the Christian liturgy from its earliest times. The psalm on Sunday mornings is not a fourth reading for the day. It functions
as a biblical way to sing our thanks or petition to God in the spirit of the first reading.
As the basis of other hymns and songs - Theologian/Musician Paul Westermeyer refers to the Psalms as
“the womb of church music,” noting that “the church has continually gravitated to the Psalms for the
ground of its song” (Te Deum, p. 23). Much of the church’s hymns and songs are based on the Psalms in
one way or another. Many hymns are paraphrases of the Psalms. Evangelical Lutheran Worship contains
multiple paraphrases of the beloved Psalm 23: “My Shepherd, you supply my need (ELW
#782),“Shepherd Me, O God” (#780) and “The Lord’s My Shepherd (#778). “O God Our Help in Ages
Past” is Isaac Watt’s paraphrase of Psalm 90 (ELW #632) and “Joy to the World” is Watt’s paraphrase of
Psalm 98 (ELW #267). Scriptural reference indexes to hymns have more references to the Psalms than
any other book of the Bible. Hymns and songs of diverse styles and eras find resonance in both the
moods (thanksgiving, sorrow, joy, etc) and images of the Psalter.
How Do We Sing the Psalms? There are many ways to sing the Psalms. The Psalms in Evangelical
Lutheran Worship are pointed for singing to simple tones (pp. 290-291). Psalms included in various worship bulletins and aids are often pointed in this manner as well. Psalms can be chanted between two
groups within the assembly, such as the choir and congregation, or a cantor and the full assembly, alternating between the two groups by full verse.
Sometimes psalms might be sung with a refrain used at the beginning and end of the psalm and perhaps at various places throughout the body of the psalm itself. The refrain is often a key verse from the
psalm, lifting up the main idea of the song. Then a cantor or a choir, inviting the assembly to reflect upon the sung text, sings the body of the psalm.
As mentioned above, hymnals such as Evangelical Lutheran Worship contain hymn paraphrases that
could, on occasion, be sung in the place of the psalm. Many paraphrases contain only portions of the
psalm. For example, “A Mighty Fortress” is Luther’s paraphrase of Psalm 46 (ELW #503-505). The paraphrase presents the sense of God being our refuge and strength (Ps. 46:1) but does not necessarily
give the sense of “Be still, then, and know that I am God” (46:10).
Revised January 2013 Copyright © 2013 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Used with permission.
Fall Learning Opportunities
Adult Forum,
Gathering during Sunday school for any and all
adults, meets in Discipleship Hall. This forum,
which is focused on Bible study, topical conversation and special guest speakers, is led by
Pastor Dave. We usually begin around
10:00am. We will be using the “Animate” adult
bible studies as our main learning tool this year,
focusing first on the “Faith” series, followed by
the “Bible” series.
Confirmation 2014
October 26, 11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Congratulations Students!
Maddie Brooks
Darby Garner
Anna Griffin
Laurel Griffin
Hannah Lothrop
Savannah McKee
Daniel Milburn
Here is our November schedule:
Sunday, November 2 – Animate Faith Series
“A Book Like No Other”
Sunday, November 9
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, November 16—Animate Faith Series
“An Imperfect Family”
Sunday, November 23– Animate Faith Series
Sunday, November 30 – TBD
How Lutherans Interpret
the Bible Continues. . .
Monday evenings at 7:00pm
Discipleship Hall
2014-2015 Confirmation Class
Please keep the following young people (who
were commissioned on Reformation Sunday) in
your prayers as they begin their year-long Confirmation process.
Wednesdays at noon
Conference Room
Gus Brondos
Cameron Gregory
Clara Shanabrook
Meredith Sigler
Meagan Stephens
Connor Turrill
We will be concluding our study, “How Lutherans
Interpret the Bible” in November. Come and join
us for this very impactful study. All are welcome,
no need to RSVP.
Mondays – November 3, 10, 17, and 24
Wednesdays – November 5, 12, 19 (feel free to
bring lunch)
Global Missions
Christmas is coming soon!!
Maybe some of you are trying to decide what
to get that person on your list who seems to
have everything. How about honoring that
person with a gift for someone who has almost nothing? Once again, the Global Missions Team will be hosting “Bethel’s Global
Christmas.” On Sunday mornings, the team
will offer the opportunity to pay for specific
items needed by our mission partners in the
Philippines, India, and Tanzania, such as
school supplies, meals, or even livestock.
Sales will start on Sunday, November 23.
Please stop by our table to see how you reach
out to people in need around the world, and
make their Christmas and 2015 a little brighter.
See Dr. Jacobson’s Fall Newsletter from Tanzania on the Community Bulletin Board located in the Cross Roads.
Returning Thanks
Saturday, November 15, 9:00 a.m.
Members and Friends of Bethel will spend the
morning “Returning Thanks” to God by participating in local work projects for those who
need assistance within our community. What
better way to give thanks to our Lord, than to
help others prepare for Thanksgiving Day.
We will meet at the church parking lot at 9:00
a.m. and finish up no later than noon when we
will return to Discipleship Hall for lunch.
Please bring any yard tools and cleaning supplies that you may have on hand. Also, anyone with pickup trucks for hauling brush, trash
and wood, would also be helpful. We are always looking for different jobs to do. So if you
know of someone in need or could use an extra hand that is within our congregation or located within our community, please let us
Join us as we spend a morning together serving others and having the Lord smile upon us.
Signup sheets will be located in the Cross
Roads and if you would like to help with lunch,
please let us know. If you should have any
questions or concerns, please contact Pete
and Lori Milam at 540-869-5606 team leaders.
Financial Peace Classes
Planned for 2015
Over the past few years, five classes for Dave
Ramsey's Finance Peace University course have
been held at Bethel. During that period, over 90
Bethel members and friends have attended the
classes that focus on managing personal finances
the way “God and Grandma teach”. These nine
classes plus 2 on-line sessions of FPU have lessons on Dumping Debt, Discussing Money With
Your Spouse & Children, Cash Flow Planning, Insurance, Investing Options, Funding College &
Retirement, Negotiating Skills, Buying or Selling
Real Estate, Tithes/Gifts and much more. We are
planning to start a new class on Sunday, January
11, 2015 and continuing for a total of 9 weeks.
If you have even a slight bit of interest, please join
Helen and Rex Ritchie between services on November 2nd or 16th to learn more about Dave's lessons for managing your money....they can change
your life!
As Dave Ramsey says: ”Learn to Live Like No
One Else so That, Later, You Can Live and Give
Like No One Else”
Jubilee Campaign.....
A Good 1st Year
On November 3, 2013, we officially “kicked off” the
three-year Jubilee Campaign aimed at eliminating Bethel's mortgage debt by the end of 2016.
We've just completed year-one and, thanks to
generous members and friends of Bethel, we've
made a “big dent” in the principal which means
lower monthly payments providing more money for
church programs. At the November 9th Congregational Meeting, we will give an update on our firstyear's progress, it's impact on Bethel's budget and
programs along with what is needed to reach our
ultimate goal.......Debt Free by the end of 2016!
We hope all of you will come to the November 9
Congregational Meeting for our Jubilee update.
“Then you shall have the trumpet sounded
loud....for it is a Jubilee, it shall be holy to
you” (Leviticus 25)
Pastor Dave in a Box
Our Mini W.A.T.T.S.
In order to provide shelter over Christmas week, all
the participating churches/temples have been
asked to pitch in as we house our guests at the
Round Hill Ruritan. Bethel quickly responded by
offering to cover the first night and morning. This
will be Monday evening, December 22.
This WATTS fundraiser will be hosted November 14, 7:00 p.m.—7:00 a.m. in the Smith Library Plaza at Shenandoah University. Pastor
Dave will sleep in a box for 12 hours. Each
participant will start with a t-shirt, pants, socks,
shoes, and a water bottle. You can support
Pastor Dave by giving a monetary donation
based on the list below that allows him to
bring that item with him:
We’ve got the volunteers pretty much covered.
However we will need a few items. We will have a
W.A.T.T.S. tote in the Cross Roads (the hall outside the church office) during November. The following items would be most appreciated:
Coffee (1 big can)
1 small can of powder lemonade
3 boxes of crackers
1 container of cupcake liners
3 blocks of cheddar cheese
3 bags of pepperoni
2 boxes of brownie mix
10 bottles of hot sauce
Thank you so very much!!
Our week of W.A.T.T.S. is Feb. 16-23
Mark your calendars!
WATTS Fundraiser
Hot Chocolate
Hand Warmers
Thermal Underwear
Extra Shirt
Sleeping Bag
Lawn Chair
Tent or Hammock
Cell Phone
For example, if no one sponsors a $30 sleeping bag for Pastor Dave, he will not be allowed
to bring one to keep him warm. Please see
the Donation Poster located in the Cross
Roads. If you have questions, see Pastor
Raise money for Watts and be physically fit!
On Saturday, November 8 at 8 a.m., the Kernstown Battlefield half-marathon will begin, and the
proceeds go to benefit WATTS (Winchester Area
Temporary Thermal Shelter). If you aren't up for a
half marathon, you can run it as a four person relay, with each person running 3.28 miles. Registration is on the Frederick County Parks and Rec
website, and cost for a relay team is $80. A signup sheet is in the Crossroads, or email me @ if you want to be
part of raising money for a great cause and getting
in better shape!
Please make checks payable to Bethel Lutheran and place in the Sunday offering plate.
Saturday, November 15 - 5-7pm
Discipleship Hall at Bethel Lutheran
Put on by our High School youth
Fundraising for ELCA Youth Gathering in
Detroit July 2015
Silent auction for "theme baskets"
How YOU can help: Donate a theme basket (family movie night, fast food progressive dinner gift cards, spa treatment, etc.) to our night! Please let Bryan
Jaster ( know how you can help!
Advent Food Drive
November 23-December 21
It's that time of year again when I send out my annual plea for food items and financial assistance
for low income disabled and elderly clients of the Frederick County Dept. of Social Services. We
have been doing this successful community outreach for many years, and the response I get from
you, my Bethel family, is a glowing example of how we truly 'walk the walk' to make a difference even its for only 15 folks at a time.
As usual, we need canned vegetables, canned fruit with no sugar and diabetic foods, canned
meats, breakfast items, peanut butter, jelly, honey, coffee, juice, and pastas and spaghetti sauce.
Postage stamps are always welcome as well as personal care products, paper products, and
cleaning products. For those of you who prefer not to shop, the grocery gifts cards (Kathy Brown
will be glad to assist with Martins cards each Sunday) are a big boost to the limited budget of those
on fixed incomes. We also use the gift cards to buy a small ham and fresh produce and fruit for the
Christmas baskets.
Look for the brightly wrapped boxes in the narthex beginning Sunday, November 23. And in case
you've wondered who wraps those boxes so beautifully, it's Donna Shields - my little helper.
As always, "It's the reason for the season". Thank you, Karen Shipp
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Theology on Tap
“Table Talk with Martin Luther”
Tuesday, October 28, 7:00 p.m.
Piccadilly Public House
Sign Up for the following:
Returning Thanks, November 15
Pastor Dave in a WATTS Box
WATTS Half Marathon, November 8
Lost & Found Youth Retreat (Grades 7-8)
Winter Cel Youth Retreat (Grades 9-12)
Men’s Retreat, November 21-23
Join us on Tuesday, October 28 (Note the change
in date) for Theology on Tap. If you would like to
have dinner ahead of time, please meet at
6:00pm. Our program this month, in honor of
Reformation Sunday (October 26), will be looking
at Martin Luther’s theology and having discussion
about some of his more important teachings.
Please RSVP to Pastor Dave
The Senior Task Force
Stewardship Sunday
This year’s Stewardship Sunday was celebrated
on October 19th, with one Worship Service. At
Bethel, 2015 is “The Year of Relating” and the
theme of Stewardship, “Here I Am, Lord.” During the service, Ministry Response Forms, Estimate of Giving Cards and statements of individually written “Offerings of Gifts to God” were accepted. Seven individuals were also welcomed
into our church family as new members of Bethel. Following the service, there was a Ministry
Fair, where attendees were able to view the
many team and activity display boards, talk with
leaders and receive answers to their questions.
A delicious luncheon was served, together with
a slide show of the very active past year at Bethel. Thanks to everyone who participated and
made this important annual Sunday so very
meaningful and wonderful! You are all a blessing to Bethel.
Please contact Irene Cockerham, 662-1593, if
you need transportation to any event.
We continue to have a lively group come out for
fellowship together. Think about coming out if
you haven't already.
An update on our October meeting...we are
switching from an Italian theme, sorry John T!,
to a German Martin Luther Table Talk. When
Theology on Tap and +55 landed on the same
night, we thought it would be fun to combine
October 28 we will meet at Piccadilly Pub at
6pm if you are interested in dinner with a 7pm
discussion time. The discussion is always lively, with this month’s theme about the Reformation.
Our group meets the last Tuesday of the month.
Any suggestions for get togethers is welcome.
In the future we look forward to teaming up with
the youth, perhaps to provide trips to the gro-
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Kitchen “Korner”
All dishes, including serving pieces, need to be washed before being used. The silverware
MUST be run through the dishwasher/sterilizer before being used and must be washed and sterilized after each usage.
Clean all the utensils you use. Dry them and put them away ready for the next user.
ABSOLUTELY NO sharp knives are to put in any kitchen drawer or in with any other silverware or plastic ware. There are sharp knife holders in the cabinet next to the large refrigerator. Please put the sharp knives in these holders.
Have a plan for any leftovers. If you intend to leave them for another group, label them with the
name of group and date of the leftover. Be sure to notify the group of your intentions. If it is for
Our Family, please put a sticky note on their refrigerator telling what you have left and where
you put it. Unidentified leftovers will be thrown out.
If you purchase special plates and napkins for your event, please take them with you. We really
don't have room for a variety of plate sizes and napkins and it makes it more difficult for our purchaser to buy the items Bethel regularly uses.
Carefully follow the instructions for using the stove, especially the use of the exhaust fans. When
you finish make sure all burners, ovens and the grill are turned off. Wipe up any spills and if you
used the grill, follow the directions for seasoning it. Be sure to check the grease traps and the
pans under the burners and clean them.
Take home and wash any linens used before returning them as quickly as possible to the
church. The tablecloths should be put in the labeled containers in the pantry. If you are unsure
where to put them, leave a note with the tablecloths and we will put them in the appropriate containers.
Either put used towels and dishcloths in the marked container or take them home and wash
them. They can be returned to the cabinet above the sink when clean. If you put the cloths in
the container and they are wet, please drape them over the edge of the container so that they
will dry and not mildew.
Wash and dry all countertops and the tables in Discipleship Hall.
Wipe out the sink and neatly stack the dishwasher/sterilizer racks.
When leaving, close the door to the pantry and the door into Discipleship Hall. Make sure the
fire screen is down and all of the lights are off.
Please leave a note if you find anything broken, not working properly or missing.
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Health and Wellness News
There continues to be a band of committed people that wants to focus on health
and wellness @Bethel. In the future we
hope to have our fitness guru, Bob DeMott, encourage us to get moving on the
fitness trail, as well as tailoring exercise to
benefit the +55 group. Details to come.
The winners of the quilt raffle are:
Healing Hearts At Bethel
Boys quilt....Michelle Longfellow
Girls quilt.....Sheila Betit
This new ministry group seeks to welcome
anyone who has suffered a loss of any
kind and would like to have the opportunity to meet with others facing similar challenges. We will meet every Wednesday at
6:30 p.m. and every Thursday at 10:30
a.m. through December 18 (please use
the front “red” door entrance) Both meetings will take place in the PRAYER
Thanks to everyone who bought a
raffle ticket to help the QUILT
The Quilters of Bethel would like to send
their many thanks to Keith and Risse
Snelgrove for the generous donation of a
beautiful new sewing machine. This
makes it possible to sew ECLA quilts
within the church at monthly meetings.
Peace, Pat Blevins and Cindy Newell
‫شكرا لك‬
(“Thank you” in Arabic) from
the people living by necessity in the refugee camps of South Sudan. Your offerings to our Harvest Sunday event this
August raised $2458.90, which was
matched by an $800 grant from Thrivent
Financial. We begin our Year of Relationship at home and in the world by sending
a check to Lutheran World Relief for a
record total of $3258.90!
Lord, Please use these gifts to lessen
suffering in your world. Please inspire the
custodians of our gifts to use these resources with wisdom and compassion.
May the recipients of our gift know that
they are not forgotten and that they are
raised in prayer. Amen
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November Birthdays
Sara Veara
02 - Brenda Adair
Thelma Lundin
Clint Nichols
03 - Jack McAllister
Lucy Nichols
Leah Wernecke
04 - Pat Shields
05 - Arlene Gavitt
06 - Terri Hollingsworth
Alex Grassi
Jaxson Stephens
08 - Jimmy Strosnider
Christopher Grassi
09 - Garrett Clark
Tom Carpenter
10 - Darcy Cupp
Fadua Houser
13 - Sue Adams
14 - Andrew Faust
Stephanie Miller
Louise Rexrode
Rollin Carhart
15 - Cameron Gregory
Traci Shoberg
Cooper Cahill
Jack Cahill
16 - Kristin Snelgrove
17 - John Gavitt
Mike Cesnik
George Schottelkorb
18 - Colleen Salvatore
19 - Kathryn Carpenter
Norma Reed
20 - Gary Nichols
Kristin DeHaven
Allison Williams
23 - Louise Milam
Katie Nguyen
Jack Duvall
24 - Michael Grove
Khris Nguyen
25 - Serena Lee
27 - Daryn Lee
28 - Shawn Garner
Jerry Stull
29 - Melvin Poling
November Anniversaries
09 - Dave and Pam Nixon
Dave and Traci Shoberg
Chris and Jenny Stephens
20 - Travis and Kathy Brown
24 - Rodger and Terri Ramsey
Around the Congregation
Congregational sympathy is extended to the family of Glenn Combs,
who passed away on September 26.
We welcomed Steven and Shauni
Isenberg, baptized on October 19,
into the Lord’s family.
We welcomed the following new
members into the Bethel family on
October 19:
Geraldine (Gerry) Nienstedt
Cheyenne, Alesia, & Jacob Hartman
Steve and Shauni Isenberg
Vonda Wilt
New Directories will be distributed
at the annual congregational meeting
on November 9, 2014. Please report
any recent changes to your database
information (address, phone, and
email) to the church office no later
than November 3. Thank You!
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Facts & Figures
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Designated Ministries Offering
Thru September 30, 2014
...for your generosity, support, and
partnership in ministries
here at Bethel, to our community,
and to God’s world.
For the World
World Hunger Appeal
Global Missions
“You will be enriched in every way for
your great generosity, which will produce
thanksgiving to God through us.”
(2 Corinthians 9:11)
For the Community
Jones Music Fund
Good Samaritan
Average Worship
For the Bethel Community
Student Missions
Jubilee/Mortgage Principal
Special Offerings
Seminarian $2,350
Principal Balance on Mortgage
as of December 27, 2013
Principal Balance on Mortgage as of
September 21, 2014
Decrease in Mortgage Principal
Ministry Spending Plan (MSP) Update:
% of MSP
Needed to meet MSP
September 2014
YTD as of September 30, 2014
Total 2014 MSP
For more detailed information, please visit and click on the “Ministries” tab.
The most current financial update will be located under the “Publications” headline.
Bethel Lutheran Church
2077 North Frederick Pike, Winchester, VA 22603, 540-662-3245
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Closed on Friday)
The Rev. Dr. David N. Young ( Ext. 105
The Rev. Dr. Conrad Christianson
Bryan Jaster, ( Ext. 104
George W. Donovan, Jr. ( Ext. 102
Darline DeMott (
Carma Jones
Susan Frank
Terri Hollingsworth ( Ext. 100
Kim Williams ( Ext. 103
Pat Shields (
Patty White (
Gretchen Meade
Council Members for 2014
Mike Stanfield - President
Tom Beyer - Vice President
Bruce Lothrop - Secretary
Traci Shoberg - Treasurer
Cory Carlson
Karla King
Tom Milburn
Greg Brondos
Donna Turrill
2014 Bethel Board Chairs
Worship Board – Lee Braithwaite
Prayer and Care Board – Irene Cockerham
Learning Board – Donna Turrill
Servant Board – Marion Schottelkorb
Congregational Life – Jennifer LaFollette
Ministry Support – Shawn Garner