Union Baptist Church P.O . Box 194 / 1985 Mt. Zio n Roa d, Uni on, KY 41091 The Triumph Growing Together in Christ October, 2012 Special points of interest: Sunday Night Studies continue Couples’ Chili Cook-Off 10/6 Youth Pastor introduction events 10/6 & 10/7 “Dills” Lead Worship 10/14 NKBA Annual Mtg, 10/15 Youth Fall Festival @ Southside 10/20 Children of the World 10/21 Fall Festival “Trunk or Treat” 10/27 Inside this issue: Children of the World 1 From Our Pastor 2 Children’s News 2 Election Prayer Initiative 3 Youth News 3 Stewardship Report 3 GAP Toy Drive 4 New Members 4 Trunk or Treat 5 World Hunger 5 Calendar 6 Schedule/Birthdays/Anniv 6 Children of the World Choir Once again, we have the privilege of hosting the “Children of the World International Choir”. This special group of orphaned and disadvantaged children from different parts of the world travels across the United States for 10 months of the year, putting their voice and face to the desperate needs of children whose lives have been devastated by civil war, famine, poverty, unclean water, and preventable diseases. On Sunday evening, October 21, during our evening service at 6:00 pm, we will, again, be blessed as they lead us in worship; leading us in song both in their native tongue and in English and sharing their testimonies with us. Their cause this year is “Operation Baby Rescue” as they focus on rescuing babies from the remote mountainous regions of Guatemala and restoring them back to health, many to be replaced with their families. What do we need from our church family? First and foremost, we need you to be praying for these children as they minister across the United States and for their upcoming concert at UBC. Second, we will need help with cooking and serving dinner for the children and their chaperones on Sunday evening before the concert. If you have questions about any of these needs, please see Miss Pat or Bro. Arnie. G R O WI NG T O G E T HE R I N C HR I S T T HE T R I U MP H PAGE 2 from our pastor Dear Friends, As we move forward from our 125th anniversary celebration I can’t help but get excited about what God has in store for our future! Our guest preacher, Brother Mike Jones, challenged us to not rest on the successes of yesterday. I believe that one great way to honor God in thanking Him for our yesterdays is to continue believing in Him for what He wants to do through us in our todays and tomorrows. In Matthew 13:53-58 we read of the cool welcome Jesus received when he returned to his home- town. We are told that he chose to do no miracles there because of their lack of faith. This passage reveals how God has ordained to reserve His greatest work among those who have faith. As we press forward, I pray that God finds faith at Union Baptist Church. May we collectively realize that God’s not finished with the work he started here 125 years ago. As we thank God for the great days behind us, may we realize that the greatest days could still be ahead. See You Sunday, Pastor Kevin Awana Update Wow! What an awesome year we are having! As of this writing, we have completed our fourth week of our new Awana year. Praise God for the new families he continues to bring our way and for the ones who return year after year! Praise God too for the WONDERFUL, dedicated, leaders and listeners we have this year! We couldn’t get through the week without them. Please join us in praying that this will be the year God uses this ministry to do awesome things in the lives of the kids attending and the families they represent! Upcoming Awana Dates October 3—Silly Hat Night October 17—GAP Christmas Toy Night—Bring in your NEW-unopened toy and receive 500 points!!!!! October 24—Pastor’s Popcorn Night—A special evening with Pastor Kevin—we’ll be talking about fear! October 31—No Awana Children’s, Preschool Choir AND Stick Team We are back into full swing on Sunday Evenings from 6—7pm. The Children’s Choir (for those in 1st—4th grades) will meet on the third floor in The Heartland. We are working on Christmas music and will be performing this year with the adult and youth choirs. This choir will be led by Pat Durham and Emily Edwards. Preschool Choir (3 years old— Kindergarten) will meet downstairs in the 4 year old Preschool class. This choir will be led by Jessica Milburn and parent helpers. Stick Team will meet downstairs in Heritage Hall. Stick Team will be directed by Karen Hughes and Beth Webster this year. We have lots of exciting things to work on so be sure you’re here! It won’t be the same without you! Youth Pastor Search Update and Upcoming Events We are so excited for the events of Oct. 6th & 7th! Hopefully everyone is aware by now, the Youth Pastor Search Committee has found a candidate to present to the church! Let us start by saying thank you to everyone on this committee, the process was long, frustrating, and even scary but you stuck with it and waited patiently for God’s direction and we are so grateful to each and every one of you! Saturday, Oct. 6th, Allen Brooks will be here for a dessert social with the youth PARENTS from 7:00—8:30 pm Sunday, Oct. 7th, Allen will meet with youth (ONLY) during Sunday School. Sunday afternoon from 1:00—4:00 pm the youth (ONLY) are invited to the Wilhelmus’ home for lunch & some relaxed hang-out time with Allen! Sunday, @ 6:00 pm there will be a church-wide Q & A with Allen, followed by a business meeting to vote. G R O WI NG T O G E T HE R I N C HR I S T PAGE 3 T HE T R I U MP H Election Prayer Initiative Youth News The United States is clearly a nation in trouble. A battered economy, political divisiveness, the culture wars, racial uneasiness, and a sidelined church, provide the dry tinder for an inflammatory national election in November. Many stake their hopes or fears on the outcome. While believing in and encouraging the importance of exercising our right to vote, we also call the Christians in America to do that which is even more critical in these days . . . to pray! The seriousness of our day requires an intensity of prayer that is unprecedented. Accordingly, we have called for 40 days and nights of unrelenting intercession on behalf of our nation, preceding the Nov. 6th election (Sept. 28 - Nov. 6). Our focus in prayer is simple. We are praying for: 1. Revival in the Church- that another Great Awakening would sweep across America as the Lord’s people humble themselves in repentance and prayer. (2 Chron. 7:14) 2. A standard of righteousness to be raised over this nation.(Proverbs 14:34) 3. The elections--that God would intervene. This is not a partisan or political effort but a plea to bring God into a process that desperately needs His wisdom and direction. (Isaiah 48:17) This is a call, not from one ministry or organization, but from diverse leaders from across the spectrum of the U.S. Church. It is also not a call to a particular event. It is a pleading for all Christians to do something proactive and powerful in prayer leading up to our fall elections. Prayer guide booklets are still available in church office So much has been going on this past month we don’t quite know where to start! Let’s start at the beginning, “In the beginning…” sorry, just a little humor! We are so excited for the events of Oct. 6th & 7th! Hopefully everyone is aware by now, the Youth Pastor Search Committee has found a candidate to present to the church! Let us start by saying thank you to everyone on this committee, the process was long, sometimes frustrating, and sometimes scary but you stuck with it and waited patiently for God’s direction and we are so grateful to each and every one of you! Sat., Oct. 6th Allen Brooks will be here for a dessert social with the youth parents from 7—8:30 pm, then Sun., Oct. 7th Allen will meet with the youth during the Sunday School hour. Sunday afternoon from 1—4 pm the youth are invited to our house for lunch & some relaxed hang out time with Allen! At 6 pm we all meet back at church for a church wide Q & A with Allen, followed by the vote. We are super excited about what the future holds! In addition to this special weekend we have our regular stuff going on! Mini Clusters are in full swing for Jr. & S.r High every Sun. night! Open House is rockin’ every Wed. from 7—8 pm followed by Grounded from 8:15—9 pm! We are blown away every time with get together with your youth, God is working in lives and it is so cool to step back and watch!! We also have The Fall Festival at South Side on Sat., Oct. 20 th. We will meet at the church at 9 am and return around 2 pm. Parents, if you can volunteer to help with transportation please let us know, you are also welcome to help us out that day! The more the merrier! Finally, we have our largest youth event of the year, outside of camp, planned for Sat., Nov. 3 rd–FALL BASH. We need lots of volunteers. We need help clearing the Worship Center Friday night and about 30 volunteers to actually man the event on Sat. If you would like to volunteer please see one of us. This is an awesome event that allows our youth to bring their friends to church, some of which have never set foot in a church to see it really can be fun! Also, if you would like to donate food or drinks please see Ty Van Dusen or Beth Ann Bruening. If you would like to donate gift certificates for door prizes for our youth and volunteers please see us! This is one huge event and we ask that you please bath this in prayer. Finally, plans have been made for camp, 2013! We will go to Charleston Southern University in Charleston, SC. The cost is $300 per student with a $75.00 non-refundable deposit due Sun., Jan. 13th and the balance due Sun., May 19th! Why are we telling you this now, we want you to know that you can start making payments now! Spreading this type of expense out over multiple months makes it less of a burden on the family budget! So feel free to start reserving camp spots at any time! In Christian Love –Jason and Leish Wilhelmus Stewardship Report: Weekly Giving & Expenses As of 09/25/2012 YTD Average Weekly Giving YTD Average Weekly Expenses Weekly Surplus/(Deficit) General Offerings $ 11,154 $ 11,558 $ (404) Total Giving $ 14,089 $ 11,558 $ 2,531 G R O WI NG T O G E T HE R I N C HR I S T PAGE 4 T HE T R I U MP H GAP CHRISTMAS TOY DRIVE Here are the “New Addition” blessings to our UBC Family. Because of all the ways we minister to so many families during the holiday season, we decided to try to spread things out a bit this year. We will hold Introduce yourself and the annual GAP toy drive from October 7 through make them feel welcome! November 4, November 4th being the big “gifts” Sunday. Start watching for those great sales now! Let’s fill the van trice this year! Please remember, Members Joined: toys need to be new and in their original wrapping. If you have questions, please see Miss Pat. By Letter Final arrangements/details are being finalized for the Christmas trip. The dates set aside for us are December 9 through 13. We will be having an informational meeting within the next couple of weeks. Watch the bulletin for the date! - Al & Marcella Redden HAITI MINISTRY UPDATE Women’s Ministry The women’s ministry in Haiti has a name: Hope for My Sister! Thanks to Micah Forman, we have a logo! Hope for My Sister will operate in both Northern Kentucky (U.S.) and Port au Prince (Haiti) as a non-denominational, faith-based organization dedicated to helping women who have been victims of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. We are in the process of completing the legal paperwork in both countries to have the organization recognized by the government, and to receive 501(c)3 status with the State of Kentucky. We had a great meeting in September with Pastor Odvin from Haiti and the ladies at his church are eager to get this ministry started! Areas where we need ladies to get involved include: Marketing/Fundraising Biblical Counseling (receive training as a counselor, prepare to delivery training in Haiti) Skills Training (teaching women in Haiti a skill to earn wages to support themselves) Shelter Development in Haiti Haiti Mission Trip The next team mission trip to Haiti will be January 1 – 7, 2013. If you would like to be part of this trip, the deadline for signing up and paying $250 deposit is Sunday, October 14. This trip will primarily include work with orphanages and with the women’s ministry. Contact For more information on Hope for My Sister or the January 2013 trip to Haiti, please contact Patricia Goodman at 859-797-7680, or at sandpgoodman@gmail.com. G R O WI NG T O G E T HE R I N C HR I S T T HE T R I U MP H PAGE 5 “Trunk or Treat” - A Celebration of Fall October 27th we will have our very own Fall Festival “Trunk or Treat”. This is a time to celebrate Fall and the wonderful landscape God has placed before us outside. What we need from you is to come with a decorated Car Trunk, Truck Bed, Wagon, or any sort of creative decorated station (Decorations are not required but requested). We do ask that you provide a treat to give out to our costumed participators. Cars (or other) will need to be in place by 5:45pm and the Festival will be from 6:00—8:00 pm. Decoration guidelines, as well as further information will follow, in upcoming bulletins so, please watch for specifics. We look forward to sharing in the celebration of the wonders of Fall. Hunger is no respecter of geography or ethnicity. It can be felt in an apartment in Eastern Europe, a cardboard shack in Central America, a tent in the Sahara, or a farmhouse in rural America. Southern Baptist missionaries & volunteers are offering nourishment for the body & soul, & everyone can have a part in those ministries through gifts to the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund. While Christ-followers are doing something about hunger in the U.S. and around the world, we can do a lot more. In fact, we can be assured that God expects us to demonstrate an urgency to pray, to give, and to minister on behalf of those who are hungry; both physically and spiritually. Every October Southern Baptists throughout North America reach deep into their pockets to help those in North America (& throughout the world) who don’t have enough to eat. According to statistics, hunger is a reality for more than 49 million Americans—that’s one in six Americans and one in every four American children. One hundred percent of World Hunger Fund donations goes directly to feed the hungry. Twenty cents of each dollar is used to support hunger projects in the United States. Eighty cents of each dollar is sent to the International Mission Board. These funds are used for direct hunger ministry as well as water well drilling, agricultural education, water purification, etc. Pick up a ‘bread bank’ to collect your families’ donations. Banks will be due back on World Hunger Day, Oct 14th The Dill’s Coming to UBC In a generation filled with complacency and deception, it is crucial that people know there is Truth. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” But how will people hear this message? Jesus commanded us in the Great Commission to go and tell this message of Truth, and this is the mission of the Dills’ ministry. For many years now, the Dills have blessed countless numbers of people with their songs and testimonies of hope, grace and mercy. This mixed group’s contagious energy, smooth harmonies and dynamic personalities have made impressions on the young and the old, the saved and the lost. Sincere and focused, this family desires to tell as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, the message and truth of the Lord, Jesus Christ. The group consists of brothers, Shawn and Tim Dill, who have been involved in gospel music for over 20 years. The brothers began playing and singing with their mom and dad at the early age of seven. “I thank God that I was raised in a home where God was worshipped and his unconditional love for me was made known”, Tim states. Wives, LeeAnn and Bridget, who also have established foundations in gospel music, complete the group. The Dills will join UBC Sunday, October 14th, during the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Worship Services. G R O WI NG T O G E T HE R I N C HR I S T T HE T R I U MP H PAGE 6 October 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Couples’ Chili Cookoff 4:30 pm Baptist Women 2 pm Youth Pastor Events:See Bulletin 7 GAP Christmas Toy Drive Begins—11/4 8 Youth Pastor events, see bulletin Deacon’s Mtg 7 pm 14 15 NKBA Annual Meeting 3:30 pm & 6:45 pm “The Dills” Lead Worship 9 & 11 AM 9 10 11 12 13 Outreach Team Meeting 6:30 pm No School 18 19 Columbus Day 16 17 20 Youth Fall Festival @ Southside 9 am—2 pm No School 21 Mary Bell Noe’s Birthday! Happy 97th! 22 23 24 25 26 27 AWANA T & T Overnighter 6pm— 10 am Fall Festival “Trunk or Treat” 6—8 PM Children of the World Concert—PM 28 29 30 31 Preschool Pumpkin Day Weekly Schedule Sunday Schedule 9:00 am & 6:00 pm Truck Stop Services 9:00 am Early Morning Worship 10:00 am Small Group Bible Study 11:00 am Morning Worship 6:00 pm Children’s Choir & Music Makers 6:00 pm Stick Team 6:00 pm Mini Clusters (Youth) 6:00 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice Tuesdays 8:30 am Morning Prayer Time 6:30 pm P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens) Wednesday Schedule 7:00 pm Youth “Open House” Worship 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study 8:15 pm Grounded Youth Choir 8:15 pm Praise Band Practice Thursdays 8:30 am Morning Prayer Time Saturdays 9:00 am Morning Prayer Time Birthdays 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 23 25 27 29 30 Jan Robertson Michael Mallery Andrew Bockelman Wayde Durham Andrew Brzezinski Lexi Soucy Michelle McGrath Alex Hughes Vicki Stephens Jared Webster Addison Fossett Carl Groathouse Lauren Webster Jack Wilson Bob Britton Matthew Clary Jeremy Spaulding Brittany Reeves Linda Smith Tammy Stegemiller Justin Bishop Elmer Powers Cornelius Bailey Natalie Underwood Dustin Graham Mycah Trowbridge Anniversaries Cory Morris Karen Spaulding Zane Peffer Sheila Pahl Lou Johnson 3 Kevin Herbert 4 7 15 18 29 30 Gary Barnett Jake Cahill Mary Belle Noe “97” Jesse Probst Jeff & Linda Smith Jerry & Susan Vaughn George & Tina MacKay Jeremy & Carrie Wilson Sam & Patricia Goodman Barry & Candi Johnson Jeff & Nanette Blankenship Louis & Cathy Hart
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