Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church Sunday Morning Worship May 10, 2015 6th Sunday of Easter 10:00 am Our Mission To live out Christ’s love by nurturing spiritual growth and fellowship, and by reaching out in faith and love. *We invite those who are able, to stand. PRAYER BEFORE WORSHIP O Lord, we open our mouths to praise you and you open our spirits to receive you. We open our minds to learn of your ways and you open our wills to follow. We open our hands to serve you and you open our hearts to love you. We are open to your mystery, O God, make yourself known in us this day. (Note on projected image: An Adirondack image by Michele DeCamp) WELCOME & PRELUDE CALL TO WORSHIP One: Come, listen to stories of faith from long ago. All: We are ready to listen to God’s message to us from the beginning of time. One: Come, celebrate Christ who is with us in the here and now. All: We are ready to celebrate the gift of abundant life. One: Come, help create holy possibilities for the future. All: We are ready to create a community of seekers challenging ourselves to find our authentic voices as we share God’s message for a new day. One: Come, let us join mothers and fathers, generation upon generation, in worshipping God. All: We are ready to worship. *HYMN – All Creatures of Our God and King #15 *PRAYER OF CONFESSION Ashley André All: Risen Christ, we stand in the light of your resurrection, and the shadows cast are our own. We gather for worship and yet resist the change your presence brings in our lives. We focus on discouragement by tuning into the tragic news rather than sharing the good news. We let our doubts overwhelm our state of mind, rather than seeing it as part of faith and helping us grow. We waste today and count on tomorrow – avoiding the necessities of our spirits and bodies. Lord of love, lead us to a repentance that is authentic, lighten our spirits with your forgiveness and let us rise into your peace with all creation. Amen. *MOMENT FOR PERSONAL CONFESSION *ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS One: Friends in faith, there is forgiveness with God as beautiful as the color of a lovely dawn. Christ is alive! All: Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! *THE PEACE Greet those around you with “The peace of Christ be with you.” *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Refrain from Halle, Halle, Hallelujah #591 TIME WITH CHILDREN & YOUTH We invite all children & youth to come forward. *RESPONSE – Open Your Ears, O Faithful People SCRIPTURE READING One: A reading from 1 John 5:1-6 #453 p. 991 One: The Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. SERMON – Kinship is Getting the Right Message…Getting God’s Message. Rev. Lawrence Bartel *HYMN – We Shall Overcome #379 RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS Invitation Questions of the New Members Welcome and Reception Elder: Let us, the members of Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church, express our welcome and affirm our mutual ministry in Christ. All: We welcome you with joy in the common life of this church. We promise you our friendship and prayers as we share the hopes and labors of the church of Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit may we continue to grow together in God’s knowledge and love and be witnesses of our risen Savior. PRAYER REQUESTS (You are invited to share a joy or concern.) CALL TO PRAYER – O Lord, Hear My Prayer #471 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER (Lord’s Prayer found in hymnal on page 35) THE OFFERING OFFERTORY ANTHEM *DOXOLOGY – Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks #240 *PRAYER OF DEDICATION *HYMN – O Lord My God #625 *BLESSING All: We now go into our week, knowing that we are embraced by the love of God; a love that is sweeter and more tender than any we have ever known. POSTLUDE We welcome Our New Members: Lawson and Jerry Rutherford 569 Higby Rd. PR Big Moose, NY 13331 357-2829 Please add their information to your directory. Notes and Announcements Whatever your religious background and however you have come to be here, we welcome you to our fellowship in Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church. We hope you feel comfortable and will be strengthened in your walk with God. We invite you to join us for fellowship and sustenance in the Fellowship Hall following worship. We begin our worship this day by remembering our baptism. Also, please notice the empty plate (paten) and cup (chalice) on the center of the Communion Table. These symbols speak to us of our hunger for Christ who feeds us at this table. THE DEACON OF THE MONTH is Nancy Venetz. If you or someone you know has a special need, please call her at 369-3575. PRAYER REQUESTS – If you have a special request, call Sue Mahoney at 390-4025, and she will initiate our prayer chain. TAG SALE HELP & ITEMS NEEDED – There is a signup sheet in the Narthex for help needed before, during and after the Memorial Weekend Tag Sale. Help will be needed in all areas including setup, sales, food tent, and cleanup. We are also looking for items for the sale. Please set aside good, saleable items for us, such as furniture, tools, sporting goods, recreation equipment, toys, household, etc. Please drop your donations off in the Fellowship Hall between Sunday afternoon, May 17th and Saturday morning, May 23rd. If you have any questions, please contact Dee Kraft or the office. Thank you for your generosity! WE ARE STILL COLLECTING BOTTLES for the Nickels for Niccolls program to raise funds to install a Living Waters water purification system in Honduras. Rather than use non-recyclable water bottles, we would like to use bottles that can be reused – such as the kinds of bottles used for hiking or biking. If you have bottles of this sort you would like to donate to this effort, there is a box in the narthex to collect them. Or drop them off in the office. ASSISTANCE FOR NEPAL – Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is asking for donations to help fund aid to Nepal. You can write a check to Niccolls putting PDA – Nepal on the memo line. Return the check to the church office or place it in the offering. The Mission Committee will match donations received up to $300. Or you may make a gift through the PCUSA web site. Thanks for your generosity. STAY AFTER WORSHIP TODAY to look over the proposed plans for a new addition to the church to house the Mission Boutique. The plans are on display in the Fellowship Hall. Your comments and questions are most welcome! THE FLOWERS IN THE SANCTUARY are given in honor of all mothers and in memory of mothers who have passed away. Pastor – Rev. Lawrence Bartel Pastor Emeritus – Rev. James L. Ulrich Organists – Judith Barker, Susann Rundell Ushers – Chris & Dee Kraft, Leslie Bailey, Fern Bailey Calendar of Events Week of May 10 – May 17 Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 11:15 am Presentation of Mission Boutique plan 5:30 pm AA 6:15 pm Grief Support Group 10:00 am Staff Meeting 11:00 am Christian Education Committee Mtg. 12:30 pm Midweek Bible Study 10:00 am Mission Boutique Sorting 10:00 am PW Mosaic of Peace – Boonville 10am-2pm Senior Activities Program 6:00 pm Fellowship Wednesday 8:00 pm Choir 8:00 pm AA 7:00 pm Session Meeting 9:00 am AA 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 2:00 pm Youth Group to Hope House 7:00 pm Living the Questions Group 7-8:30 pm Mission Boutique Open 8:00 pm AA 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 8:00 pm AA 7:30 am Early Worship 10:00 am Worship Service 1:00 pm Blessing of the Animals – Moose River Farm Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church PO Box 605, 228 Crosby Blvd. Old Forge, NY 13420 Office Hours: Monday Friday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Phone: 369-3475; Fax: 369-6172; Manse: 369-2010 E-mail: Our web site: Sunday Service Broadcast WBRV-900 AM, 101.3 FM, WLLG-FM 99.3 Listen live from anywhere in the world at
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