May 2015.pages - Sardinia Church of Christ

7130 Bachman Road, Sardinia, Oh 45171 * (937)446-2594 * website: * email: * May 2015
Set aside Sunday evening,
May 31st, at 6:00 p.m. for a
real treat here at the
“Star Queen”, a musical based on the story of Queen Esther,
celebrates a victory over an evil tyrant through the cunning ingenuity
of this young Jewish queen of Persia. With music and lyrics by John
Thomas Oaks, Tommy and his father, John Thomas, bring this story to
life in a campy, colorful, high energy two-man production.
Kevin’s Comments
This is an exciting month for the Body of Christ here at Sardinia: Mother’s Day
with our annual Mother’s Day Breakfast, National Day of Prayer on May 7th, CMF
Dinner Theater on May 15th and 16th, May 15-16 Women’s Retreat at Butler
Springs, May 15-17th Teen Camp Out at Winton Woods, May 17th the Butler Springs
Camp Open House, Graduation Sunday May 24th, WOW (Walking on Wednesdays)
on all Wednesdays at 6 p.m., Tommy and John Thomas Oaks presenting the Musical
“Star Queen” at 6 p.m. on the 31st, etc. These are just some of the things that are
happening during the month of May which will make it both an exciting and busy time
at the church.
This month also brings with it the opportunity to reach out to others with the love
of Jesus Christ. With the many activities and events taking place, these can serve
as open door chances with many folks who are searching for meaning and purpose
in life. Be continuing to pray for God to open new doors and expand present
ministries through you with the rest of the Body of Christ at Sardinia so that more
individuals may come to a personal relationship with Him. What a great time to
consider and BEGIN a new ministry you could be involved in for Jesus Christ. May
this be a time in which we renew our spiritual fervor for the Lord as we seek to serve
Him. I know if Christ is lifted up through our efforts people will be drawn to Him.
I can’t help but think of the Apostle Paul’s words to the church at Philippi as I
write this article. “I thank my God every time I remember you. [4] In all my prayers
for all of you, I always pray with joy [5] because of your partnership in the gospel
from the first day until now.” Philippians 1: 3-5
Partnering together for the cause of Christ,
Student Ministry News
Questions? Please contact
Facebook page:
A few weeks ago in the teen service we talked about renewing our minds in regards to
authority. By “renewing our minds” I mean changing our attitude and view of things with the help of
Christ. Our attitude towards authority needs to change. Especially because our society
encourages rebelling against rules or laws with which we disagree. This is not specifically in
regards to government but is true with smaller things that exercise authority: schools, stores,
churches, police, parents, home owners associations.
Before getting into this we need to keep in mind that it doesn’t take much to disagree with a
rule or law. Sometimes people can disagree with something that is actually helpful or not harmful
for the sake of just wanting to have an option. Every law and rule can be picked apart by personal
opinion or preference leading to many arguments resulting in mental, physical, and emotional
exhaustion with the strong possibility of getting nowhere. Sadly this happens over things that do
not matter: things that have no life or death, heaven or hell consequences. Things that could
simply be followed.
For teens at school it could be turning in homework, how a paper should be written, dress
code, parking policy. At home it could be a curfew time, tv time or shows, and chores. All things
that don’t matter and could simply be followed with no lethal harm to anyone physically or
spiritually. For adults this might be following the laws of the road, gun laws, or store policies. But
I’m not writing this with certain things in mind that we should follow nor am I trying to say we should
stop trying to have the proper laws and rules. I just want to provoke you to think in order to renew
your mind about authority.
If you read the Gospel of Matthew you will see two instances that Jesus briefly talks about
paying taxes and he even pays the tax in one. Taxes that went to an authority that paled in
comparison to the absolute authority of Jesus and His Father, God. Taxes that could have been
used to pay for war and the slaughtering of many people. Taxes that could have gone to paying
people with misguided, prideful, pagan theology. Taxes that could have been used to help pay the
very soldiers that would crucify an innocent and perfect Savior. That’s something to think about.
No, I am not suggesting Jesus knowingly funded these things and therefore agreed with them. He
did know where this money could be going but He followed the law from a much lesser authority
and paid the tax.
I encourage you to take a look at Romans 13:3-7 and, as you read, you need to know that
Paul is talking about Christians obeying Roman authority. Now before I finish this, we need to
address this issue of laws and rules that might encourage bad things, harm, or immoral behavior.
First, let me encourage you to be careful what laws you think are bad and should be fought
against. It is easy to pick apart laws and rules. Keep in mind verses 3 and 4 of the passage given
above then take a look at 1 Peter 2:19-20. Here’s a truth that can easily be discovered and not
taught: unjust things are going to happen to those who don’t deserve it. It’s sad, and unfortunate,
and it happens. However, we can take comfort and encouragement. God sees what is truly going
on when the law says it’s ok, because it’s God’s Law that has the final say and it’s His reward in
the end.
“Nobody move! I dropped my brain.”
The Alpha Class
The Alpha Class meeting was held at Country Inn on
Monday, April 20th, at 6 p.m. with 21 in attendance. It was decided to donate
$100.00 to the Food Pantry for them to use as needed. With the Church
schedule so full for May it was decided to not hold a meeting for May. We will
combine Mother’s and Father’s Day with a meeting on June 15th by purchasing
chicken and having a carry in meal. On July 20th we will have a picnic at the
church shelter house. Bob Hopkins will take care of the meat. We sang Happy
Birthday to Evelyn Freeman and served her a piece of Orange Dreamsicle Cake.
There will be a 95th Birthday Party for Evelyn at the church on Sunday, May 3rd.
After a very enjoyable time together the meeting was adjourned.
The Friendly Circle News
The Friendly Circle met on Tuesday, April 7th at 7 p.m. at the Church with
8 ladies in attendance. We opened with our devotions and prayer followed by
our fellowship time together. Hazel Downing provided the refreshments for
the evening.
The Women’s Retreat at Butler Springs is May 15th and 16th. This year the
retreat will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary. We will be putting together a
program for Father’s Day on June 25th. Our May meeting will be May 5th at 7
p.m. with Hostess: Debbie Singleton;
Devotions: Bea Fryman; Special: Carla Carr;
and Social: Ruth Reedy.
We had our circle prayer and then Social.
Anna Jones had Bingo and six ladies won
prizes for the evening.
May Event
Ladies, registration/t-shirt order forms
are at the Welcome Center. May 1st is the
preferred dead line.
May Events
Join with others in prayer at the Georgetown Courthouse at 6:00 p.m. for
music and at 7:00 p.m. for the program in observance of the
Mother’s Day
is May 10th!
A Mother’s Day Breakfast is being served here at church on May
10th from 8 to 9:30 a.m. for the ENTIRE family! Come and enjoy
breakfast. Hanging baskets will be the center piece of each table and
each basket will be given to a mother in attendance. Following
MorningWorship each mother will be given a potted flower.
May Event
June Event
If you have questions or wish to help in some way,
contact Janie Wills at 937-446-2891 or at
We rejoice along with the angels in
heaven and welcome into our church
family through baptism:
Alanna Mays on March 29th
Your photo and graduation information is needed for the Morning
Worship service when all graduates will be recognized. Please have
your photo and information (in printed form or by email) to the church
office by May 17th. CONGRATULATIONS!
Butler Springs Christian Camp
requests donations of
60-64 oz. bottles of 100%
fruit juice for the upcoming
summer camp sessions.
Please bring in your
donation to the Welcome
Center by May 24th.
donation is lip
balm - solids
Thank you.
Pork & Beans/Baked
Beans, Macaroni and
Cheese, Tomato and
Chicken Noodle Soups,
Spaghetti Sauce, Peanut
Butter, and Jelly
Calendar for
May 2015
May 5th - The Friendly Circle Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
May 6th - WOW (Walking on Wednesdays) at 6:00 p.m. here at the church
May 7th - National Day of Prayer
May 10th - Happy Mother’s Day!
May 10th - Mother’s Day Breakfast from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.
May 12th - Spring Clinic at Restoration Acres
May 15th - 16th - BSCC Women’s Retreat
May 15th - 17th - SM Teen Campout at Winton Woods
May 15th - 16th - CMF Dinner Theater
May 17th - Scottie Mays presents the work of the CMF during Morning Worship
May 17th - Open House at Butler Spring Christian Camp from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
May 24th - Our Graduates are recognized during the Morning Worship
May 24th - All donations of 100% fruit juice delivered to the church
May 25th - Memorial Day. Church offices are closed.
May 31st - The Oaks, Tommy and John Thomas, here with “Star Queen”
9:00 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m Worship
Office Staff
Kevin Hamilton Minister
Laura Hamilton
Worship Co-ordinator
Ruth Ann Goodlin
Joe Henslee
Youth Minister
Jeremy Mignerey
Ed Fryman, Scott Mays
Bill Boling,Dave Mignerey
l Mission Statement l
We are committed to worshiping
making Jesus the Lord of our
lives, and sharing the truth of
God’s Word with our community
and the world.