Prayers of the People Today in the World-Wide Anglican Communion we pray for Kontagora, Nigeria. We also pray for our National Church, remembering especially Fred our Primate, Colin our Metropolitan and John our Bishop. In our diocesan family we remember the people of St. Michael and All Angels, Ottawa. In our deanery family we remember the people of Christ Church Bells Corners and their priests, Kathryn Otley and Jonathan Askwith. In our parish family we pray for Rob, Brandy, Jacqueline, Timothy, Andrew and Matthew Aubin, Rick and Dianne Aubin, Ian Balfour and Joan Jackson-Balfour, Kendra, Jim, Megan and Daniel Becking, Norma Beers, Cathy Belaire and Jane Bender. We pray for those seeking God’s healing grace and peace remembering especially: June, Dorothy, Elizabeth, Michael, Steve, Kayla, Helen, Margaret, Scott, Scottie, Susan, Edith, Wes, Laura, Pat, Richard, Marilyn, Lorne, Ralph, Edna, Valerie, Vi, Maureen and Mike. We especially remember Daphne Thomas and her family this week as we commend her mother-in-law Thelma Thomas, to God’s everlasting embrace. In our time of silent prayer we pray for peace on earth and goodwill towards all. The flowers on the altar today are given to the Glory of God from Joan and Larry Last in loving memory of their parents, Margaret and Phil Edwards and Vi and Jim Last and in loving memory of Joan’s brother David The readings for next week, December 28th, are: Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Psalm 148 Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 2:22-40 WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday: Last Wednesday: 8am 10am 2pm The Holy Eucharist The Holy Eucharist with Church School and Nursery Monthly Service for Seniors CHRIST CHURCH BELLS CORNERS ANGLICAN DIOCESE OF OTTAWA 3861 Old Richmond Road, Nepean, Ontario K2H 5C1 Phone 613-829-1826 Fax 613-829-9287 Office Hours: Tuesdays to Fridays 9 am to 2pm. Email Website The Fourth Sunday of Advent Sunday, December 21st, 2014 - 10am Nurturing Faith and Serving the World Greeters: Jean Read and Colin Franklin Duty Warden: Vickie Townson Sidesperson Team: Janice Bertrand Servers: Aly Keeshan, Daniel Becking, and Bronwyn Hubbard Intercessor: Joan Roscoe Communion Assistants: Deborah Coffin and Paul Bertrand Altar Guild Team: Sheila Dunlop Coffee Hosts: Victor and Marlene Wehrle A WORD OF WELCOME RECTOR ASSISTANT CURATE HONORARY ASSISTANT TEACHER-IN-RESIDENCE PARISH ADMINISTRATOR CHILDREN’S & WELCOMING MINISTRIES MUSIC DIRECTOR JUNIOR CHOIR DIRECTOR RECTOR’S WARDEN PEOPLE'S WARDEN DEPUTY WARDENS ENVELOPE SECRETARY The Rev. Kathryn Otley The Rev. Jonathan Askwith The Rev. Canon Ken Cowan Bishop Peter Coffin Susan Whitton Terry O’Connor Pat Haunts Jennifer Hubbard Donna Bright Rob Hubbard Vickie Townson Andrew Weston 613-592-6566 613–407-1534 613-726-5252 613-591-9268 613-829-1826 613-829-1826 613-828-5160 613-836-6859 613-726-9811 613-228-8326 613-421-1684 613-224-8815 613-266-4195 We welcome you to our worship here at Christ Church Bells Corners. We hope that you will enter fully into the service and be refreshed and strengthened in spirit by these moments in God’s House. (Please check the appropriate item(s) and leave information with a sidesperson.) I am: □ a Newcomer □ a Visitor □ a Parishioner I would like to: □ have my address changed □ be remembered in prayer □ have clergy call □ be placed on the parish list □ receive offering envelopes □ go on PAR □ to receive parish mail electronically □ other _______________________________________ Name(s): ___________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Child(ren): __________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Fourth Sunday in Advent Sunday, December 21st, 2014. 10am Please participate in our worship this morning by following your bulletin using the green service book for page numbers and the blue hymn book for hymn numbers. The Gathering of the Community Processional Hymn # 656 “She Comes Sailing on the Wind” The Grace p. 185 The Collect for Purity Lighting the Advent Candle Gracious God, as you came to those who have gone before us, you come to us now in Jesus. Help us to recognize you in those around us and to care for our neighbours as we do for ourselves. Amen. Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. Repeat three times Collect of the Day The Proclamation of the Word The Magnificat (see insert) Second Reading Romans 16:25-27 Response to reading Thanks be to God. Gradual Anthem “Gabriel to Mary Came” The Gospel Luke 1:26-38 The Lord be with you. And also with you. The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke. Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ. At the conclusion of the Gospel, the reader says: The Gospel of Christ. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. The Pageant Prayers of the People # 12 Confession and Absolution The Peace p. 192 p. 119 p. 191 The Celebration of the Eucharist Offertory Hymn #444 “Your Hand, O God, Has Guided” The Prayer Over the Gifts The Offertory Response Blessed be thou, Lord God of Israel, for ever and ever. All that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine. All things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee. Eucharistic Prayer #3 Kyrie Eleison Canticle 18 You are invited to stand or sit for the prayers. p. 198 Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power, God of might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the highest. The Lord’s Prayer p. 211 The Breaking of the Bread # 5 p. 212 Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, grant us your peace. Hymns during Communion #435 “Take My Life, and Let It Be” # 90 “How the World Longs for Your Birth” Prayer after Communion Glory to God (Doxology) The Blessing Recessional Hymn #362 Dismissal p. 215 Response Thanks p. 214 p. 214 “Tell Out, My Soul” be to God. Alleluia! Please join us for fellowship following the service.
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