Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Fourth Sunday of Advent Prayers of the People “Ding, Dong, Merrily On High” Offering Meditation Prelude Lord’s Prayer (In whatever form you are most familiar) Welcome and Announcements Offertory Greeting **Doxology **Call to Worship Affirmation of Faith and Invitation to the Table Janie Calvert (In Unison) As Disciples of Christ we welcome All to God’s table of Grace where we are empowered to serve without boundaries. L: P: L: P: L: P: Let us magnify our God. We rejoice in the Savior among us! God’s mercy is upon us, God’s strength is with us. God’s righteousness calls us to justice and peace. Let us magnify our God. We worship in spirit and love. We sing of God’s mercy and grace! **Hymn of Praise “It Came upon the Midnight Clear” (all vs ) Hymn of Communion 153 “When God Is a Child” (all vs) 132 “O Come All Ye Faithful” (vs 1,3) 148 Scripture Luke 1:26-30 Sermon “The Call of Mary” “Emmanuel, Emmanuel” 134 Benediction Go out into the world, shouting through your lives the self-giving love of Jesus Christ. Through the power of the Spirit and the love of God, may you serve others as though serving Christ. For Jesus Christ is Lord. Christ is Lord indeed! **Postlude Weekly Schedule Rev Casey Sigmon Invitation to Discipleship “Christians All, Your Lord Is Coming” (vs 1,2,4) ** (Those who are able, please stand) 144 Words of Institution **Closing Hymn See Insert **Hymn of Discipleship “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (vs 1,4) Receiving the Gift of Communion (Please hold bread and cup to partake together) Confession and Assurance Hymn of Praise 46 Prayers for the Bread and the Cup Candle Lighting Hymn of Praise “What Child Is This” 136 09:30-10:00am- No Choir Rehearsal 10:00-10:45am-Sunday School 10:55-12:00pm-Worship Service 12:10-01:30pm-CLC Worship Leader Jack Dunn Music Leader: Muzetta Miller We welcome our visitors today. You give us joy by worshipping with us. May your week be full of God’s blessings. Acolyte: Kaylor Kermicle Music Used by Permission. CCLI License #3050021 FUTURE EVENTS Central Christian Church PRAYER CONCERNS Dec 24-Christmas Eve Service-5:00pm 25-Christmas Day 28-Elders Meeting-12:10pm Willow Oak Classes Art Walk & Christmas Caroling -5:00pm at Willow Oak Birthdays Dec 25-Jeremy Pratt Choir Rehearsal Resumes January 4th! Regan Priutt CONTINUED PRAYER Margaret Kermicle Ami Fletcher Mike Bell Marcia Carlisle Dr. David L. Moore Anna Bell Sanders Hugh Akerman Jared Thigpen Coy Miller Michael Brenda Fulbright Laurie Rothwell Marty Parker Mary Porter Smith Dot Woodard Bob Woodard Sandi Reid Mike Montgomery Mary Danzy Tammy Berthelot (Disciples of Christ) Today’s Scripture: Luke 1:26-30 (New Testament, Page 55) 26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 27to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And he came to her and said, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.” 29 But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. 30 The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” www.cccspringfield.com 301 5th Ave. West Springfield, Tennessee Church: 384-5825 Reverend Casey Sigmon (615) 689-9293 casey.thornburgh@gmail.com December 21, 2014
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