HERE - Oak Hills Church

About Oak Hills Church
We invite you to experience
the love of Christ’s
community here as you
explore the purpose of your
life with Jesus. Our staff is
available to serve you –
please connect with them in
person, by phone or e-mail.
Office Hours M-F 9-5
(503) 645-2245
2800 NW 153rd Ave
Beaverton OR 97006
Carl Leep, Pastor
Howard Spaan, Pastor
Curtis Holm, Youth Pastor
Sharry Kragt, Ministry Coord.
Please send bulletin
announcements to
Sheila Deeth at:
by Thursday at 5:00 pm
Just go to
and click on the MEDIA page
to access the messages. If you
would like a copy burned on a
CD, please contact Curtis
Holm and he will take care of
your request.
Pastoral Elders
Seth Atsma
Gene Dykema
Rosemary Dykema
Dave Slotemaker
Bonnie Yonker
Care Ministry
Rosemary Dykema
Leslie Kragt
Administrative Elders
Joey Kragt
Morgan Law
Jerry Yonker
Bev Baarspul
Susan Buchholz
Jeff Diephuis
Todd Veenhuis
Prayer Chain
Small Groups
Don Johnson
Dave Slotemaker
Evelyn VanderVeen
Email Prayer requests: Nan Van Dyke -
Sharry Kragt 503-645-9663
Building Use
Sharry Kragt 503-645-2245
Steve and Jan Michmerhuizen, Lupeni, Romania
Chris & Heather Enns, Tanzania
Minnie Hill, Manila, Philippines
Amy Lineburg, International Princess Club Ministry
Evy Smith
Today: 11:00 am: Sunday School, Adult Education
6:00pm: 3rd – 8th Grade Youth
Tuesday: 9:15 coffee break & ESL
10:15 Women’s Bible Study
Wednesday: 2:30-4:15 Kids’ Club
Friday, April 3rd: 7:00pm - GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE
Sunday, April 5th: EASTER Service – Please bring flowers
EASTER BRUNCH after service
Sunday, April 19: 11 am - Women’s Fellowship gathering
June 22-26, 2015: Son Seekers Summer Camp - Mark your
calendars and pray about how God might use you to help.
July 6-10, 2015: Camp Calvin (mark your calendars)
Living out our commitment to Love Jesus, Obey Jesus & Serve Jesus for God’s glory!
Welcome to Oak Hills
Welcome to worship, a time to honor and
praise our God. By His Spirit, God will
inspire us with greater faith and encourage
us to eagerly live for Him. Please join us
for refreshments after the service and
meet someone new.
Worship guests, please sign a guest card
found in the racks in the pew in front of
you, and place it in the offering plate.
The Price of OBEDIENCE
Matthew 21: 1-9; Psalm 132
King David willingly paid a price to restore
worship in Jerusalem for God’s people. The
cost of obedience for Jesus to go to
Jerusalem and die for his people was
ultimate! Jesus restores us for worship in
his Spirit with his own righteousness and
guides in the way of obedient love.
Communion Celebration
John 20:1-18, Psalm 134
followed by an Easter Brunch
March 29th - Palm Sunday
Call to Worship – Matthew 21:1-9
“All Glory, Laud, and Honor” #146
Welcome & God’s Greeting & Greeting One Another
Praising God Together
“All Hail King Jesus” “Majesty”
“Meekness and Majesty” #157
Confessing Our Sins and Assured of Forgiveness
Lament of Suffering - Psalm 13
“How Long Will You Forget Me Lord?” #410:1-3
Words of Assurance: Heidelberg Q&A 1
“How Long Will You Forget Me Lord?” #410:4
Bringing God’s Tithes and Our Offerings
Offertory: “When Love Was Slain” Team
(Children’s Worship: age 2 – Grade 4)
Safe Church Ministry Greetings - Bonnie Nichols
Prayers of God’s People
Hearing God’s Word
Scripture: Psalm 132
Message: The Price of OBEDIENCE
Bringing Our Worship to God
“When We Walk With the Lord” #327
Candle Lighting for God’s Growing Family
“Take My Life And Let It Be” #863:1,2,3,6
Going Out to Serve
God’s Parting Blessing
Parting Praise:
“My Friends May You Grow In Grace” #938
Psalms - Journey With Jesus Series
Lent 2015
Contemporary traveling music practices include
listening to your favorite playlist that reflects your
tastes. Singing as we travel goes way back to ancient
days. Travelers sang playlists not of their personal
tastes, but ones chosen by community worship leaders
expressing life’s realities. Singing produced favorites.
More importantly, it shaped the heart and soul of
whole communities oriented to answering God who
spoke and acted in their world and ours. What might
we learn from Jesus who also sang these songs as he
travels the road to suffering and death in Jerusalem?
How might we be shaped by them and by him? Come
along on the journey and sing with us!
- CONTINUE TO REMEMBER Stan VanderVeen as he
adjusts to new challenges at home.
- PRAY that God would continue to give increased
strength and mobility to Howard Spaan along with
patience for them as he anticipates coming home.
- PRAISE GOD for healing that Nan Van Dyke
experienced last week; pray for ongoing protection
against infection.
- PLEASE PRAY God’s blessing on these OHC families
this week: Matt & Mary vanBuren, Ian & Nathaniel; and
Jason & Crystal Van Dyken.
- PLEASE PRAY for those from our church family
struggling with on-going health issues.
- PRAY FOR TROOPS and their families; pray for all
those who live in countries where war and terror are a
constant threat. PLEASE JOIN THE 641 CLUB by praying
at 6pm every day for one minute for the men and
women fighting for the cause of freedom and our
country. Also, please pray for the efforts of World
Renew. See Don or Earle for information.
Let us not become weary in doing good,
for at the proper time we will reap a
harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
General Fund $2,509.35
Building Use donation $1,000
Easter Baskets $40, De La Salle $455
YTD offering: $233,873.23
YTD budget: $263,029.81
NURSERY: Melissa Hoekert, Brian Kragt
COFFEE HOSTS: Don & Renee Johnson
USHERS: Kelly Jaske Diephuis,
Gretta Bouwman
GREETERS: Matt & Mary vanBuren
Room 1: Leslie Kragt
Comm. Room: Sharry Kragt,
Angelina Conklin
Fireside: M/M Slotemaker
LEADER: Brad Weber
PIANO: Candace Weber
Serving Next Sunday
NURSERY: Renee Gillenwater, TBD
COFFEE HOSTS: Dave & Nelleke Kline
USHERS: Dave Kline, Kimberly Vreugdenhil
GREETERS: Kim Culver, Susan Tibbs
Room 1: Eleanor Kwong
Comm. Room & Fireside Room: Will not
meet so kids can worship with their
families for Easter.
CANDLELIGHTING TODAY: If you are cultivating a relationship with someone for the purpose of
sharing the Lord with them, praying that God will gather them into His kingdom and preparing to
welcome them into the body of believers; please place an unlit candle on the table during the service
today in anticipation of what God will do. When a person you know comes to the Lord, celebrate with
us by lighting a small candle from the flame of the Christ candle.
ADULT EDUCATION: So how do you know you are right with God? Ever thought how baptism could
be part of your proof? Or are you just content to have your fire insurance paid up? Or have "more
important things" to spend your time on? If it’s important to you, join us today at 11am to find out
how this can bring comfort and consolation.
LIBRARY: Lent is a season for devoting ourselves to spiritual growth and recovery. The library has lots
of resources to help you in any direction you want to grow. Check out the new display in the window,
as Easter will be coming soon. PLUS: Did you miss January Series lectures you really wanted to see?
Or, maybe want to see again or watch with friends? We now have most of the lectures on DVDs. Find
them on the back shelf in the Church Library ready to be checked out.
JOIN US FOR EASTER BRUNCH following the Easter morning service, April 5. Table service and
beverages will be provided. Please sign up on the list by the coffee window to bring bread, egg or
other brunch dishes to share. Invite friends and neighbors to join us for this wonderful celebration of
God’s goodness.
FLOWERS FOR EASTER – Please bring fresh flowers to decorate the cross Easter Sunday. If you have
extras in your yard for guests please bring some in a container that we can have at the back of church
as people arrive.
OPEN HOUSE FOR THE HOLM’S Saturday, April 11, from 3-5 pm in the Fireside Room at church.
Everyone is invited to come, enjoy some refreshments and express your thanks, share stories and
wish the Holm’s blessings for their future.
WOMEN’S GATHERING: Our next Ladies Fellowship will be on Sunday April 19th following church in
the Fireside Room at 11 am. Please bring snacks/brunch items if you wish. We can share how our
Stars are impacting our lives, how we celebrated Resurrection Day, and all kinds of things. It is a time
to fellowship and share. Also if you have a craft you would like to share, please do so. Just let Kim
Culver or Sharry Kragt know if you need any special set up for it.
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws,
blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe
for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE: An international prayer campaign is taking place during Lent to pray for mothers,
fathers, babies, doctors and others affected by abortion. Learn more and receive daily devotionals
SIGN UP TO HELP WITH SON SEEKERS SUMMER CAMP – We have a full camp and growing waiting list
and we need your help! Please talk to Sharry Kragt or Floyd Helm, email
or, or talk to Leslie, Shauna, Floyd or Sharry. With more volunteers we can
serve more kids who would love to attend our camp. Please pray about it and volunteer ASAP!