About Oak Hills Church We invite you to experience the love of Christ’s community here as you explore the purpose of your life with Jesus. Our staff is available to serve you – please connect with them in person, by phone or email. Office Hours M-F 9-5 (503) 645-2245 www.oakhills-church.org 2800 NW 153rd Ave Beaverton OR 97006 Carl Leep, Pastor carll@oakhills-church.org Howard Spaan, Pastor Emeritus Sharry Kragt, Ministry Coord. sharryk@oakhillschurch.org Please send bulletin announcements to Sheila Deeth at: sheiladeeth@gmail.com by Thursday at 5:00 pm FIND SERMONS ONLINE Simply go to oakhills-church.org and click on the MEDIA page to access recorded sermons and notes. Pastoral Elders Seth Atsma Gene Dykema Rosemary Dykema Dave Slotemaker Bonnie Yonker Care Ministry Rosemary Dykema 503-598-9692 Leslie Kragt 503-841-1518 Administrative Elders Joey Kragt Morgan Law Jerry Yonker Deacons Bev Baarspul Susan Buchholz Jeff Diephuis Todd Veenhuis Prayer Chain Small Groups Don Johnson Dave Slotemaker 503-466-0150 503-531-2730 Evelyn VanderVeen mdslote@yahoo.com 503-649-7726 Living out our commitment to Love Jesus, Obey Jesus & Serve Jesus for God’s glory! Welcome to Oak Hills Church! OUR MISSIONARIES We’ve come to celebrate God’s greatness and goodness. As you worship Him and meet His people, it’s our prayer that you sense anew God’s presence and are strengthened in faith. Please join us in conversation with refreshments after the morning worship. Steve and Jan Michmerhuizen, Lupeni, Romania Chris & Heather Enns, Tanzania Minnie Hill, Manila, Philippines Amy Lineburg, International Princess Club Ministry Evy Smith Worship guests, please sign a guest card found in the racks in the pew in front of you, and place it in the offering plate. Email Prayer requests: Nan Van Dyke - nmv11775@msn.com Preschool/Pre-K Sharry Kragt 503-645-9663 sharryk@oakhills-church.org Building Use Sharry Kragt 503-645-2245 sharryk@oakhills-church.org TODAY - May 31 CALENDAR Today: 11:00am - Adult Ed & Sunday School 6-8 pm: 3rd -8th Grade Youth Groups Special Event 6 pm: HS & MS Summer Planning Meeting for parents (and any students who are available) in Comm. Room Tuesday: Coffee Break resumes in September Sunday, June 7: Annual Congregational Meeting after worship. June 22-26, 2015: Son Seekers Summer Camp – Please pray for the final weeks of preparation and safety & blessings for the week. July 6-10, 2015: Camp Calvin (mark your calendars) July 9-13, 2015: Cascade Family Bible Camp A Heaven to Gain; A Hell to Avoid Hebrews 4:2-11 Donny Cameron preaching NEXT WEEK: June 7 Face to Face Romans 12:9-13 Pastor Carl Leep will be back Congregational meeting will follow the service after a 5 min. break May 31st Call to Worship – "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High" #610 Welcome & God’s Greeting & Greeting One Another Praising God Together “To God Be the Glory” #604 "Salvation Belongs to Our God” #608 Confessing Our Sins & Assured of Forgiveness Prayer of Confession “Not What My Hands Have Done” #624 Assurance of Forgiveness Bringing God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offering Offertory “All the Way My Savior Leads Me” Beth (Children’s Worship: age 2 – Grade 4) Prayers of God’s People Hearing God’s Word Scripture: Hebrews 4:2-11 Message: A Heaven to Gain; a Hell to Avoid Bringing Our Worship to God “He Leadeth Me” #440 Going Out to Serve God’s Parting Blessing Parting Praise: “May the Lord, Mighty God ” #940 PRAYER DEACONS’ REPORT - Please pray for Gretta Bouwman who will have surgery Thursday to have electrodes implanted for treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. Pray for peace, protection and positive results. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 -Remember Rosemary Dykema who was re-admitted to Meridian Park hospital and had surgery Friday to drain an abscess in her abdomen. Please pray for complete healing LAST WEEK’S OFFERING General Fund $2,919, Love INC $100 Minnie Hill $280 TOTALS YTD offering: $272,055.22 YTD budget: $325,326.34 - PRAY for clarity and insight through the assessment process as we go over the results of the survey and plan for the next steps. - CONTINUE TO REMEMBER Howard Spaan and Stan VanderVeen through their recovery. - PLEASE ASK God’s blessing on these OHC families this week: Seth & Jennifer Atsma & Annika; and Jerry & Bev Baarspul - PLEASE PRAY for those from our church family struggling with on-going health issues. - PRAY FOR TROOPS and their families; pray for all those who live in countries where war and terror are a constant threat. PLEASE JOIN THE 641 CLUB by praying at 6pm every day for one minute for the men and women fighting for the cause of freedom and our country. Also, please pray for the efforts of World Renew. See Don or Earle for information. __________________________ ANNOUNCEMENTS ADULT ED: Please join us today as we continue to learn more about the significance of this most important sacrament - the Lord's Supper. Always to celebrate; never to abuse. WORSHIPING IN SERVICE NURSERY: Sally Hoekert, Greta Pierce COFFEE HOSTS: Doug & Greta Pierce USHERS: Rick Duistermars, Kelly Jaske Diephuis GREETERS: Lloyd & Sally Hoekert SCRIPTURE READER: Dave Kline CHILDREN’S WORSHIP LEADERS Room 1: Bonnie Yonker Comm. Room: Sharry Kragt Fireside Room: Allison Bates LEADER: Beth André Serving Next Sunday NURSERY: Theresa & Angelina Conklin COFFEE HOSTS: JoAnnita R, Susan Tibbs USHERS: Doug Pierce, Dalene Stukey GREETERS: Doug & Greta Pierce SCRIPTURE READER: Gord Vreugdenhil CHILDREN’S WORSHIP LEADERS Room 1: Leslie Kragt Comm. Room: Sharry Kragt Fireside Room: Allison Bates COUNCIL NEWS – The Annual Congregational Meeting will be next Sunday, June 7, immediately following the morning service. The meeting format will include the budget presentation and vote, ministry reports from staff and the selection of office bearers via casting lots. Those nominated for office are: Pastoral Elder – Beth André, Don Johnson, Al Lammers, Brad Weber, John Westra. Admin. Elder – Martha Bosch, Renee Gillenwater, Larry Wong. Deacon – Kim Culver, Mark Slotemaker. LIBRARY NEWS: In honor of Mothers' and Fathers' Days, the library is highlighting books on honoring God in the challenges of family life. Looking for advice? There's lots of it. Need to forgive or perhaps to celebrate. There's that too. Come and see. Please remember to check out materials properly. Several books and DVDs have gone missing, and without a signed card, we don't know whom to ask about them. (There are no late fees. Just bring them back, and all will be forgiven.) HOPE2OTHERS (H2O): How can we help the homeless or hungry on the street? H2O bags provide a simple gift to carry in your car and hand out to someone with a "homeless and hungry" sign. Nonperishable food and the good news of Jesus provide tangible hope. Suggested donation: $3/bag. Note on check or cash envelop memo: H2O bags. Our deacons will process through Benevolence. Visit the H2O table by Pastor Carl's Study. NEPAL EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE - World Renew(WR) is responding to the worst disaster to strike the country of Nepal in 80 years. World Renew is already working with Christian Reformed World Missions as well as two local partners to provide safe water, emergency food, cooking fuel, and tents to earthquake survivors. WR hopes to be involved in longer-term programs with other partners as funding allows. Join us! Please call 1-800-552-7972, visit www.worldrenew.net/donate or mail your gift marked, "World Renew Nepal Earthquake," to World Renew, 1700 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49508. God of love and justice, open our hearts and prompt us to action. CELEBRATIONS PLEASE JOIN US in celebrating Jared Carpenter's graduation from Sunset High School. Open House on Sunday June 7th from 1-4pm at the Veenhuis/Carpenter home: 10901 NW Lucerne Court, Portland 97229 PLEASE JOIN US celebrating Kimberly Vreugdenhil and her friend Rachel Mumaw graduation from Westside Christian High School. There will be an open house on June 6 from 11-2 at Mumaw's house: 5010 NW Kahneeta Drive, Portland 97229 CHILDREN’S WORSHIP/SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC – All families involved with Children’s Worship and/or Sunday School are invited to Brian and Sharry Kragt’s house at 14855 NW Satellite Dr. Banks OR 97106 following the Congregational Meeting, Sunday, June 7. We will have water & cups available but please bring a picnic lunch for your family and picnic blankets or chairs to sit on. Join us to celebrate a year of blessings together! SAVE THE DATE: All women are invited to a baby shower for Dana Shuff and baby boy. Join us Saturday, June 20, 10 AM at Oak Hills Church. Contact people: JoAnnita Reitsma, Sally Hoekert or Bonnie Yonker.
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